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If someone has frustrated you, he has given you an opportunity to become similar to God. Instead of becoming bitter about it, think of it as a blessing and treat it just as you expect God to treat you, if you ever make Him angry by committing sins.

The more one feeds one's superintellectual and God-seeking aspect, the more one can enjoy life, be appreciative and patient, and see the world beautifully.

Man is always confronted by his enemies (both iternal and external) when trying to preserve the power of his faith and humanity.

According to Islamic anthropology, man has a self that seeks the infinite; yet, since this world is material and limited, it's not possible for him to find what he is looking for here; unless, he finds the one true example of the infinite _which is God_ in this world. in that case, he will always be happy and serene.

The ongoing struggle between carnal self and fitrah/God-given nature, is an amazing one which always adds happiness and refreshment to life;

The hardships that a child endures because of his parents, act as an atonement for his sins. therefore, a child should never think "I wish such and such people were my parents'. He should always be respectful and appreciative toward his parents and consider the good thing that they've done for him.

Congratulations on the Birth Anniversary of Imam al-Hassan (as)


I am he for whom everything in this world is created. therefore my value exceeds anything that exists here, otherwise, they wouldn't have been created for me.

Place importance on worldly blessings and ranks, but do not have any attachment to Them. Instead, create in your heart an attachment to and reverence for God and your heavenly family. Because these are the only things that can bring you true and lasting happiness.

During a Ramadan, a couple of youth saw an old man eating something away from the eyes of the crowd.

They told him, "Hey old man, aren't you fasting?"
"Yes I am, I just eat and drink" - the old man replied
The youth laughed and said; "O really?!"

The old man answered:

"Yes, I don't lie, don't gaze at people, don't ridicule people, don't curse people, don't harass people, don't feel envy toward people, ...
but, since I have a disease that requires me to eat, my stomach alone is not fasting."

Then, addressing those youth, he asked
"So, are you guys fasting too?!"

Embarrassed, one of the youth looked at the ground and said:
"No, we just don't eat and drink!"

True fasting is when in addition to not eating and drinking, the person keeps himself from sinning during the time, and that is the main ingredient of having a true and accepted fasting

Islam & Life
#FreePalestine #QudsDay 💠 @islamandlife
Palestine will definitely be liberated and returned to its people: Imam Khamenei

The issue of Gaza is not the issue of a small piece of land. The issue of Palestine is not only a geographical issue. It is the issue of humanity and human principles. Today, the issue of Palestine is a dividing line between commitment and hostility to human principles. This issue has such significance.

💠 @islamandlife

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Let us all show our solidarity with #PALESTINE by using this image 👆 as our profile picture in #Quds_Day


💠 @IslamandLife
Are we really fasting?!

The prophet of islam, Muhammad(s), saw a woman who was cursing her handmaiden.

He brought some food and told her to eat the food.

The woman said: "I am fasting!"

The prophet said: " How can you be fasting, while you have cursed your handmaiden?! Indeed how few are the true fasters, and how many are those whose portion is nothing but mere hunger"

Fasting is more that just abstaining from eatting and drinking for a set amount of time.


God has put a limit on everything which would be dangerous for the person if he tries to cross it (for example, sugar and oil intake, doing exercise ... ). the only exception to this is His remembrance and love, which the more the person indulges in, the better.

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Not comparing yourself to others is one of the requirements of having true serenity

Every good deed is a charity

The Prophet Muhammad (s) said: It is mandatory for every Muslim to give charity every day.

He was asked: "What if the person has no money to give away for charity?"

The Prophet answered:

Removing harmful obstacles from the roads is a charity.

Showing someone the way is charity.

Visiting the patients is a charity.

Bidding what is right is a charity.

Forbidding what is wrong is a charity.

Answering someone's greeting is a charity.


wise people think about everlasting treasures, not worldly and fleeting possessions.
