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Hare Krishna,
Today is Chida-Dahi festival

Panihati Recipe with Chida and Dahi

Here is the recipe for a delicious chida-and-dahi preparation in four different flavours for you to celebrate Panihati festival.

Soaking time: 1 hour

Serves: Each flavored portion serves 3-4


Chida [thick rice flakes]: Washed in water.
Soaked in milk for an hour 350 gms
Milk: Boiled 500 ml
Cardamom powder: 2 tsp
Sugar: 275 gms
Condensed milk (Amul Mithai Mate): 6 tbsps (for rice flakes soaked in milk)
Curds: Beaten 500 ml
Honey: 3 tbsps (for rice flakes soaked in milk)

For flavoring:

Jamun: Puree 2 tbsps
Jackfruit: Diced 2 tbsps
Mango: Diced 2 tbsps
Banana: Mashed 2 whole
Rasgulla: Pista stuffed 5-6


For milk soaked rice flakes

Soak rice flakes in very hot milk for an hour along with sugar and cardamom powder.
Once the rice flakes soaked in milk have come to room temperature add condensed milk, curds and honey to it. Mix well to combine. At this point we need to divide the chida mix into 4 equal portions for flavoring.
Now add each of the fruits (mango, jackfruit, banana and jamun puree) into each of the portions i.e., each fruit gets one portion of rice flake mix. Mix well to combine.
You can drop in some pista stuffed rasgullas in one of the portions and serve cold.
Killing of Shakatasura

During the festivities of Lord Krishna's first birthday celebrations, mother Yashoda being very busy, was unable to give full attention to Krishna. The child became hungry and began to demand his mother's attention and started crying, lifting and kicking His lotus feet just like an ordinary child. At that time He was placed by His mother under the shade of a hand-driven cart on which were piled various kinds of utensils and brass and metal dishes.

This cart was actually the ghastly demon Shatakasura. Baby Krishna with his soft lotus like foot just kicked the wheel of the cart and it collapsed, and everything scattered hither and thither. All the cowherd men were astonished, as to how the sturdy cart could have collapsed by itself. Although this demon appeared most harmless and in an ordinary form but behind this was the deception of a very great demon.

The most dangerous times in life, is when everything appears very nice, very normal, because then one is off guard. When anyone is caught off guard, when he is not expecting danger, he is most vulnerable to be harmed. Shakatasura represents a load carrying mentality arising out of old and new bad habits from this life and previous lives. He also represents lethargy, dullness and false pride.

Each of the demons that Krishna killed in the Vrindavana Lila is said to be representative of some material contamination or obstacle in the development of our Bhakti. When a devotee sincerely prays to the lord to destroy these problems, Krishna vanquishes all these demoniac tendencies. Krishna removes this contamination by kicking it aside.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Killing of the demon Trinavarta

One day shortly after His first birthday, Sri Krishna was sitting on the lap of His mother. Knowing past, present and future, He understood that a demon was about to approach and He wanted to perform the lila of liberating him as well as protecting the Brijbasis. So, he became very heavy for His mother. Yashoda maiya therefore placed the baby down in a safe place.

The demon Trinavarta came in the form of whirlwind. He created so much of dust everywhere that the Brijbasis could neither see nor breathe. He very easily carried Krishna into the air. The little baby child Krishna who was no bigger than two feet tall, when He was being lifted by Trinavarta became very light so that the demon could easily lift Him up but as soon as the whirlwind demon went high up in the sky, the baby assumed such a weight that he could not go any further. Trinavarta felt the baby to be as heavy as a big mountain and he tried to get out of his clutches but he was unable to do so. His eyes popped out from his sockets and fell down to the ground dead.

The demon Trinavarta represents the obstacle of disloyal controversy, which means mental speculation and useless argumentation and includes gossip and spreading of rumors. Krishna becomes obscured by the effects of this whirlwind of this disloyal controversy and we cannot find Him anywhere - not in our heart, not in the temple, nor amongst Vaishnavas because there is the dust of suspicion, envy, anger and doubt. We can combat this demon by chanting the Lord's holy name, hearing His glories; becoming the servant of the servants and thus at all times keeping our mind at the lotus feet of Lord Sri Krishna.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
One hundred eight feet tall statue of Vyas to be constructed
Press Trust of India | Kathmandu | Last Updated at June 23 2019 22:15 IST

A detailed plan for the construction of 108-feet tall statue of Maharshi Ved Vyas, who is credited for classifying holy Hindu scripture Veda into four categories, has been unveiled in the Vyas Municipality of Tanhu disrict in western Nepal.

The Tanhu district is believed to be the birth place of Vyas who is said to have authored Mahabharata in Vyas cave situated in the area.

The proposed statue will be constructed at Shiva Panchyan temple area of Tanhu district in a bid to give a boost to religious tourism and attract tourists from Nepal and India.

According to Deputy Mayor of Vyas Municipality Meera Joshi, a total of Rs 63 crore has been allocated for the project, which also includes construction of a home for senior citizens, a dharamshala, a research centre, a Yoga centre and a pond.

As per the plan, 35,000 kg of copper will be utilised to construct the statue of Vyas
Killing of Vatsasura

Once, when Krishna and Balarama were playing on the bank of the Yamuna, a demon of the name Vatsasura came there in the form of a calf. He wanted to kill the two brothers and so he mingled with the other calves. But, Krishna noticed this immediately and told Balarama. Then, both the brothers sneaked up upon the demon from behind. Krishna caught hold of the calf by the two hind legs and tail, whipped him around very forcibly and threw him up into a tree, thus killing him.

Vatsasura represents a childish mentality, mischievous and easily influenced by bad company. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur explains that such evils of a neophyte can be removed by constant engagement in Krishna’s service. It is the nature of children to be playful and fun-loving; this should not be artificially suppressed because it will do them more harm than good. Instead of restricting them, they should be engaged in Krishna conscious activities and should be handed over to proper qualified spiritual teachers.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Killing of Bakasura

Everyday the cowherd boys would go to the bank of River Yamuna to water the cows and rest. One day while they were sitting on the bank, suddenly a huge, duck-like animal appeared there. He was as big as a hill and his name was Bakasura. He was a friend of Kamsa and immediately he attacked Krishna with his sharp beaks, and swallowed Him. When Balarama and the cowherd boys saw that Krishna, who was their very life and soul, was swallowed by a demon, they became breathless as if they had died.

But as Bakasura was trying to swallow Krishna, he suddenly started to feel as if his whole throat was burning. This was due to Krishna's glowing effulgence. He thought Krishna to be merely a young cowherd boy. He could not recognize Him as the Supreme Lord, the creator of the universe. He threw Krishna out and tried to kill Him by pinching Him in his beaks. But Krishna immediately caught hold of the beaks of the great gigantic duck and bifurcated his mouth, just as a child easily splits a blade of grass. Thus Bakasura was killed.

Bakasura represents cunning duplicity, deceptive behavior and hypocrisy, the outward manifestations of a false lifestyle of cheating activities.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
The annual Brahmotsava Festival of Sri Sri Radha Gopinath will be celebrated on 21st July 2019.

5:00 am - Mangal Arati
7:45 am - Shringaar Darshan
7:50 am to 8:15 am - Guru-puja

8:30 to 8:45 am - morning session which includes 3 speakers addressing
Drama by goloka players kaun banega kuverapati
and video by Radha Gopinath Media Services

1:00 pm - Maha-arati

Offerings will be accepted in deity room 8:00 am onward
Bhoga for Lordships to be given to deity kitchen

Lunch prasadam will be served 12:30 pm onward

Evening session starts at 4:30 pm in courtyard
Procession with deities in palanquin

2:00 pm to 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm - Jhulan in the temple hall
Killing of Aghasura

There was a demon by the name Aghasura who was a friend of Kamsa and the younger brother of Putana and Bakasura. Aghasura was a very cruel demon and because Krishna had killed both his brother and sister, he was determined to take revenge. Kamsa also had encouraged him. So Aghasura made a plan to kill all the children of Vrindavana including Krishna and Balarama.

'When the children are killed, all the inhabitants of Vrindavana would automatically die.' - Thinking like this/ he took the form of a gigantic snake by mystic power and sat on the path where the cowherd boys would come. His mouth was wide open and it looked like a large cave. When the boys saw this gigantic form stretching above the clouds/ they were very astonished.
But they were all completely fearless, because they knew that their friend Krishna was always there to protect them. So they all entered the mouth of the serpent, along with their calves. Isn't it wonderful that although Kamsa, who had the strength of 10,000 male elephants was always afraid of death, these simple cowherd friends of Krishna were so fearless! That is the position of the pure devotee - because he has complete faith in Krishna's protection, he has no anxiety and is always joyful. When Krishna saw that His friends had entered the belly of the demon and were in danger, He became aggrieved. Although He was the supreme lord, He was concerned about his simple cowherd boyfriends. So to save all of them He also entered the mouth of the demon.

Immediately the demon shut his mouth and started to smash the boys and Krishna, but Krishna started to expand Himself within the demon's throat. Although Aghasura was so huge, he started to suffocate when Krishna expanded and being unable to breathe, his life air burst through his head. A dazzling light came out from his body and merged into Krishna's. Then by His merciful glance alone Krishna revived all the boys and calves.

Aghasura represents cruelty and violence to others, the tendency to cause trouble to others due to envy and unwilling to help others by giving them Krishna consciousness.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Mandir (ISKCON Chowpatty official)
Here you shall get various updates of ISKCON Chowpatty. Please feel free to post your queries regarding temple, books, various services, sponsorships at the temple.
"In the beginning there may be some failures. That is quite natural. Just as a child is trying to stand, he may fall down. But that does not mean he should give up the idea. Go on. A time will come when he will be perfect. A time will come when you will be perfect, Krishna conscious."
Srila Prabhupada
Los Angeles, January 1, 1969.
"When one becomes Krishna conscious, he loves everyone. If you chant loudly Hare Krishna, even the ants and insect who is hearing, he will be delivered, because it is spiritual vibration."
Srila Prabhupada
Mumbai, January 4, 1973.
Killing of Dhenukasura

When Krishna had crossed the age of five, He and his cowherd friends were made in-charge of the cows in the pasturing grounds. At this time one-day, the most intimate friends of Krishna and Balarama started to describe to Them about a nice palm tree forest called Talavana. This forest was full of very sweet and ripe fruits. The boys were very eager to enjoy those fruits but no one was able to enter the forest. This was because of the demon called Dhenukasura who was residing there with his friends in the form of ass. Sridhama and others petitioned to Krishna and Balarama to please kill these demons, because only They could do so.
Although the two brothers were playing like ordinary boys in the forests of Vrindavan, there were many occasions when They exhibited supernatural strength, even as children. And this was one such occasion. On the request of their beloved friends, Krishna and Balarama proceeded toward Talavana and Balarama began to yank the trees with His arms just like an elephant. Dhenukasura appeared before Balarama angrily and began to kick His chest. But Balarama caught hold of the legs of the ass with one hand and wheeling him around, threw him into the treetops. The demon lost his life. All the friends of Dhenukasura were also similarly killed by Krishna and Balarama.

Dhenukasura represents the foolish mentality of an ass. He causes complete and total ignorance of one's eternal identity, creates misconceptions about the eternal nature of Holy Name and of what is actually worshippable.

Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura explains that just as this demon was killed by Lord Balarama, the contaminations he represents have to be removed by the devotees' personal endeavour with the help of spiritual master. Lord Balarama is the original guru and the bonafide spiritual masters are empowered by Him. When the devotee endeavors with great enthusiasm to remove these contaminations, then by Lord Balarama’s mercy they are removed.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare