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I have no access to my previous channel int_words (interesting). It got banned.
Ibn Al-Qayyim said: "From the signs of misery is that you forget your own faults and concentrate on the faults of the people."

{مفتاح دار السعادة ١/٢٩٧}
Forwarded from NIYSO [ENG]
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful,

Niyso has been at the forefront of bringing to light the actions of the occupying forces in Chechnya. A decision has been made to extend our efforts to the English-speaking world. Until now, the majority of the exposed crimes have been extensively documented in the Chechen and Russian languages. The time has come to shed light on these issues to a global audience. This channel and our Twitter account have been created with the sole purpose of ensuring that those who do not speak Chechen or Russian can become informed about the situation in occupied Chechnya. Your awareness will, God willing, contribute to raising awareness among others, and ultimately hasten the liberation of our homeland.

We strongly encourage everyone to review our de-occupation program. Through it, you will gain insight into Niyso's mission and discover ways to support the Chechen liberation cause, as well as increase your knowledge within political tactics and strategies.

For those with the means, we kindly and desperately request that you share and promote our efforts against the occupying forces. That is, by telegram, instagram, twitter and by word of mouth or, other ways that you are able to come up with. We are in dire need of publicity for the sake of exposing hidden realities that the majority of Muslims are unaware of. Sadly, many Chechens are in a tough position where they are at a greater risk of persecution than a non Chechen, for simply speaking against the occupation. For that reason, we are looking in the direction of our brothers and sisters in Islam for the assistance in media and publicity.

May Allah bestow His blessings upon you and safeguard you all.
In fragrant realms where blossoms bloom,
A symphony of scents fills the room.
Perfume, a potion in a glass,
Unveils memories of the past.

With every spritz, a tale unfolds,
A fragrant journey, secrets it holds.
From fields of flowers to distant shores,
Perfume's essence forever soars.

A drop of jasmine, a hint of rose,
Invisible threads that the senses compose.
Olfactory notes, like poetry's rhyme,
Whisper softly, stand the test of time.

In flacons and vials, artistry confined,
Each scent a masterpiece of a creative mind.
From musky depths to citrusy high,
Perfume's allure can make hearts sigh.

An aromatic dance on the skin it weaves,
A signature scent that memory retrieves.
Perfume, a silent, lingering muse,
Invisible magic, a gift we choose.

So, let the fragrance embrace your soul,
Invisible stories it shall unroll.
Perfume, a whisper of dreams untold,
A scented poetry, forever bold.
A nation's prosperity often hinges on the harmonious balance between the pen and the sword. The pen represents intellectual and diplomatic endeavors, such as education, innovation, and effective governance. It is through these peaceful means that a society can build a strong foundation for progress, unity, and prosperity.

However, the sword, symbolizing the defense and security apparatus of a nation, is equally essential. It ensures the protection of a nation's sovereignty, its citizens, and its values from external threats or aggression. Without a secure environment, all intellectual and economic efforts could be in jeopardy.

In essence, a nation needs both the pen and the sword to prosper. While the pen constructs the path to development, the sword safeguards the nation's journey, creating a stable and secure environment in which prosperity can flourish. Balancing these two elements is the key to a resilient and successful nation.
“If you write to me in any language other than Arabic, I will not respond to you”

- Our teacher
Condemning a group of people who are passionately fighting for a cause you believe in can inadvertently lead to their demoralization and, ironically, contribute to the victory of the very enemy you both oppose. When we publicly criticize or denounce fellow advocates, we risk fracturing the unity that is essential for a successful movement.

Such internal divisions divert precious energy and resources away from the core objective, weakening the collective resolve. It's crucial to remember that constructive dialogue and cooperation can be far more effective in achieving common goals. In the face of adversity, it is unity that strengthens our cause and ultimately leads to victory, making it imperative to find common ground and resolve differences within the movement.
“It is only due to his efforts that the people of the frontier region gave the pledge of allegiance on the hands of Sayyid Ahmad concerning Jihad.
Most of the deliberations, which
were conducted with the religious scholars and the elderly in the frontier region, were initiated by Shah Ismail Shaheed.”
As for the one whom Allah enables to be patient when calamities occur, he controls himself and stops himself developing any resentment that could be reflected in his words or deeds. He seeks reward for it from Allah, and he knows that the reward he will attain for his patience is greater than the calamity that has befallen him. In his case, the calamity turns into a blessing, because it becomes a means of attaining something better and more beneficial for him than what he lost. So he obeys the command of Allah and earns reward. Hence Allah says:

but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere﴿
that is, give them the glad tidings that they will be rewarded without measure.

- Tafsir As Sa’di 1/185
Imam Ibn al-Qayim (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

“Excessive food and drink, excessive sleep, useless meetings with people, empty conversations - all this creates disorder in a person’s soul, scatters his thoughts in different directions, blocks his path leading to Allah Almighty, weakens him, hinders him and, finally, stops him."

- Zad al-maad volume 2, p 82-83.
If you look good, you feel good.
If you feel good, you do good.
يٰٓـاَيُّهَا الَّذِيۡنَ اٰمَنُوۡا كُتِبَ عَلَيۡکُمُ الصِّيَامُ کَمَا كُتِبَ عَلَى
الَّذِيۡنَ مِنۡ قَبۡلِکُمۡ لَعَلَّكُمۡ تَتَّقُوۡنَۙ

﴾O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those who came before you, that you may become pious.﴿

Then Allah tells us of the wisdom behind the prescription of fasting, as He says ﴾that you may become pious﴿. Fasting is one of the greatest means of developing piety, because it involves obeying the command of Allah and avoiding that which He has forbidden.
Part of the piety that fasting involves is that the fasting person refrains from that which Allah has forbidden to him of food, drink, intercourse and so on, to which he is naturally inclined, seeking thereby to draw closer to Allah, hoping for His reward by giving up these things. This is part of piety. Piety also includes the following:

• The fasting person trains himself to remember that Allah is always watching, so he gives up things that he desires even though they may be available to him, because he knows that Allah is watching him.

• Fasting narrows the pathways of the Shaytan, who flows through the son of Adam like blood. Fasting weakens the Shaytan’s influence and reduces sins.

• The fasting person usually does many acts of worship and obedience, which are characteristics of piety.

• By fasting, the rich man feels the pain of hunger, which makes him inclined to help the poor and destitute. This is also a characteristic of piety.

- Tafsir as-Sa’di
From Anwars lecture
The period of the resurgence of science has also come to an end.
This period, which began with the Renaissance in the sixteenth century after Christ and reached its zenith in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, does not possess a reviving spirit.

All nationalistic and chauvinistic ideologies which have appeared in modern times, and all the movements and theories derived from them, have also lost their vitality. In short, all man-made individual or collective theories have proved to be failures.

At this crucial and bewildering juncture, the turn of Islam and the Muslim community has arrived - the turn of Islam, which does not prohibit material inventions. Indeed, it counts it as an obligation on man from the very beginning of time, when God deputed him as His representative on earth, and regards it under certain conditions as worship of God and one of the purposes of man's creation.
Forwarded from NIYSO [ENG]
Even though over a decade has passed since Sardali’s speech, the sentiments expressed remain relevant in our political discussions. The common refrain of "If we had then..." persists among amateur analysts, suggesting a simplistic view that the root of our state's challenges lies in not adhering enough to international norms. This perspective, anchored in blind belief and naive notions, hinders us from forming a united front based on the right principles and implementing a strategic Sharia policy.

Many analyses tend to oversimplify the political landscape, blaming "radicals/islamists/wahhabis" for all issues. The belief persists that without their so-called "anti-state" activities, we would have gained international recognition, grants, reparations, and lived like Scandinavian countries. However, the speaker highlights that even a cursory look at that period reveals Western countries had no interest in supporting the new Chechen state. Our efforts to comply with international norms held no significance for them, as their geopolitical goals prioritized backing Yeltsin and later Putin, crucial in the occupation of our state during Russia's post-Soviet crisis.

Continuously emphasizing legitimacy doesn't bring us closer to our goals; instead, it restricts our strategic moves on this chessboard. While we naively play by their rules, crafted to ensure outsiders never reach the "finish line," they operate with Machiavellian methods.
It is important for a Muslim to cultivate intelligence and seek knowledge across various fields. Frequently, I have encountered Muslims who struggle to comprehend concepts that go beyond the beliefs instilled in them since childhood. This limitation becomes particularly evident in discussions about politics, strategy, and exceptionalism.

In my interactions, I have noticed that even kuffar can sometimes acknowledge and agree with a well-constructed argument from an islamic perspective. But, I have also encountered Muslims who, despite being presented with the same arguments, deny them due to a lack of understanding of the underlying principles.

A fundamental understanding of specialized fields such as the art of war or the essentials of politics is crucial for informed discourse. Without this foundational knowledge, one’s ability to grasp and contribute meaningfully to these subjects is severely limited. This deficiency is frequently seen in the ridiculous and oversimplified takes expressed by many individuals online.

To build a sentence you first need to know the alphabet. You don’t even know the alphabet. However, you are trying to give your opinion on poets…
Why do people give the best of gifts to those who have the most and the weakest of gifts to those who have the least?
So often we hear people saying, “He never gives me an expensive gift. That is why I have chosen this cheap gift for him” or someone might say, “I am going to buy an expensive gift for her because she is rich. She will return it with a better one.”

Is this what exchanging gifts is all about? While saying such things we forget the real meaning of a gift. Giving a gift or present should be done without expecting any compensation.
It is a voluntary act that does not require anything in return. Therefore it is totally different from trade. In Islam, giving gifts is a virtuous deed and an expression of love, friendship, and gratitude.

- copied
Assalamu alaykum,
Everyone should join the channel @niyso_eng and pay attention to the posts there, perhaps repost. Same username on Twitter as well.

There are not many groups out there with the correct aqeedah. So give your support to those who try to implement it as the governing creed of Chechnya, in sha Allah.