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📣 Innothon

Good afternoon guys, are you waiting for Innothon? But I can say honestly, we are looking forward to you, our participants! Less than two weeks left before the event.

Innothon is like a usual hackathon, but the main task is to generate ideas, not code.
Experienced mentors will help student teams to be able to bring their ideas to the stage of presentation to the expert jury🧐

With the support of Innopolis Startup Studio, the best projects will be able to apply for grant programs💸
Всем привет дорогие инноватори!

Мы уже с нетерпением ждем вас встретить завтра!

Завтра встречаемся в 9:50 на зеленых ступеньках, где будет кофи брейк.

Мы для вас подготовили 3 интересные трека, про которые узнаете больше завтра!)
Доброе утро!

Мы ждём всех участников мероприятия в 9:45 на кофе-брейк на зелёных ступеньки (3 этаж), где капитанам нужно пройти регистрацию до 9:55
Кофе-брейк уже начался, стол накрыт!
Кейс на разбор для Иннотона.docx
16.9 KB
Задание от ПочтаТех в рамках трека Digital Workspace
Дорогие участники,

Сейчас вы можете начать работу на 3 этаже читального зала, где для каждой команды приготовлены столы и флип-чарты!
Here are some useful links to help you out 😉

What specific problem does the provided project solve?

Project objective
How the project solves the selected problem?

Target audience
Which group of people is the solution of the problem aimed at?

You need to know which resources and how much of them are needed for your project. Therefore, resource planning is important.

Also to plan future of your project properly, it is important to imagine perspectives of your project.

What funds are needed to implement the project?
How does the team plan to raise these funds?
Does the team plan to make any profit from the implementation of the project?
To answer this questions you need to create a business plan.

Furhermore, it is time to make a SWOT analysis to understand your current state. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Do you now all them? Let's discover!

Last, but not Least, sales. How attract new customers to business? What methods should you use to find clients? Is it website, social networks? What questions to ask to your patron? Watch the video and find out! Besides, in order to understand your customers needs you can create a short survey - the proper ways are demonstrated here.
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Also here's a good template for your business plan.
Еда и напитки уже ждут на зелёных ступеньках!
Одна из команд собирает статистику. Если не сложно, пройдите, пожалуйста, опрос на 2 минуты.
Еще опрос от другой команды.