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Words related to University'

✈️1. Degree:Daraja,(diplom)
"She earned a Bachelor's degree in Psychology."

✈️2. Major:Asosiy(soha, yo‘nalish)
"He decided to major in Computer Science."

✈️3. Minor: Qo‘shimcha fan, ikkinchi darajali fan
"She chose French as her minor subject."

✈️4. Course: kurs, dars, to‘garak
"I'm taking a biology course this semester."

✈️5. Lecture: Leksiya, ma'ruza
"The professor delivered an engaging lecture on literature."

✈️6. Campus:Universitet/kollej/maktabbinolari joylashgan hudud
"The university campus is spread over 100 acres."

✈️7. Library: Kutubxona
"The university library has a vast collection of books and journals."

✈️8. Research: Tadqiqot, izlanish, o‘rganish
"He's conducting research in the field of renewable energy."

✈️9. Thesis: Tezis, fikr-qarash, diplom ishi, dissertatsiya
"She's working on her thesis for her Master's degree."

✈️10. Examination: Imtixon, tekshirish, ko‘rib chiqish
"The final examinations are scheduled for next month."

✈️11. Graduation: Oliy o‘quv yurtini tamomlash, bitirish
"The graduation ceremony will be held in the auditorium."

✈️12. Fees:Kontrakt puli, xizmat haqqi
"Tuition fees for international students are higher."

✈️13. Scholarship: Grand, ta'lim imtiyozi, stipendiya
"He received a scholarship for his outstanding academic performance."

✈️14. Enrollment: Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish, yozilish
"Enrollment for the next semester begins next week."
☪️ Fajr prayer - Bomdod namozi

☪️ Dhuhr prayer - Peshin namozi

☪️ Asr prayer - Asr namozi

☪️ Maghrib prayer - Shom namozi

☪️ Isha prayer - Xufton namozi
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💭 Love is blind
(Sevgining ko’zi ko’r bo’ladi)

💭 What’s done is done
(Bo’lar ish bo’ldi)

💭 No pain, no gain
(Og’riqsiz davo bo’lmaydi)

💭 Mind your own business
(Boshqalar ishiga burun suqmang)

💭 Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas
(Qozonga yaqin yursang qorasi yuqadi)
My teacher is very ___. He speaks so slowly that we just want to sleep.
Anonymous Quiz
Had they ___ to her before?
Anonymous Quiz
He ... a student.
Anonymous Quiz
📖 I don't understand
😁 I don't get it

📖 I’m listening
😃 I’m all ears

📖 I’m very hungry
😋 I’m starving

📖 I’ll pay the check
😃 It’s on me

📖 I don’t know
😃 I’ve got no idea
😭 Death - oʻlim

😔Pass away - vafot etmoq

😔Die - o'lmoq

😒Coffin - tobut

😞Funeral - dafn marosimi

😔Burial - koʻmish marosimi

😭Cry out - baqirib yigʻlamoq
"Uyqim kelyapti" iborasining alternativ variantlari

"I'm out like a light."
"I'm ready to catch some Z's."
"I'm feeling like I could sleep for a week."
"I'm hitting the sack."
"I'm off to dreamland."
"I'm about to crash."
"I'm going to hit the pillow."
"I'm ready to turn in."
"I'm going to call it a night."
"I'm feeling like I could sleep like a log."
🔸 🚑 Ambulance - Tez yordam
🔸🚲 Bicycle - Veloseped
🔸🚌 Bus - Avtobus
🔸 🚗 Car - Mashina
🔸🚛 Lorry - Katta yuk mashinasi
🔸 🚒 Fire engine - O't o'chirish mashinasi
🔸 🚙 Jeep - Jip
🔸 🏍 Motorcycle - Mototsikl
🔸 🚓 Police car - Politsiya mashinasi
🔸 🚤 Scooter - Skuter
British English & American English

Film - movie (film, kino)

Flat - apartment (kvartira)

Lift - elevator (lift)

Petrol - gas (yoqilgʻi)

Tap - faucet (jo'mrak)

Toilet - restroom (hojatxona)
🔶Cross out – ustidan chizmoq (xatoni)

🔸 Look up – so’z qidirmoq

🔶Point out – eslatib o’tmoq

🔸 Read out – baland ovozda o’qimoq

🔶 Rip up – bo’lakka bo’lmoq

🔸 Rub out – o’chirmoq (o’chirgich bn)

🔶 Turn over – keyingi sahifaga o’tmoq

🔸Write down – yozib olmoq
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🔺Very good - Juda yaxshi
🔺I see - Ravshan.Tushunarli
🔺I think so - Shunday deb o’ylayman
🔺Most likely - Ehtimol, shunday
🔺I’m afraid so - Shunday bo’lsa kerak
PIN — Personal Identification Number

SMS — Short Message Service

WiFi — Wireless Fidelity

PDF — Portable Document Format

SMM — Social Media Marketing

IT — Information Technologies