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Epidemische Lüge von nationaler Trugweite!
IMPFormier Dich über Pharmageddon!
Impfen nützt nichts, schützt nicht & schadet!

Ahimsa, friedlicher Widerstand im Gandhi Style!
- Daniel T.
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In dessen Blase sind die Begriffe "Homoöpathie" und "Telegram" die Superbegriffe für geisteskrank.
Forwarded from Die Stahlfeder
Dr. Markus Krall schafft es, die komplette Wahrheit über die Klimalüge in einen einzigen Tweet zu packen.
"On 11-5-2012, my daughter Cerenity was 6 months old. Cerenity was a perfectly healthy baby with no health or development issues at all. She was crawling and sitting on her own by this time. She was due for her 6 month shots and on this day, we took her to one of the Harris County Free Clinics, the Antoine Health Center in Houston, Texas, where she was given the six month vaccines.

She received the DTaP-Hib-IPV (5-in-1 combo vaccine), the hepatitis B vaccine, the pneumococcal Prevnar 13 vaccine and the oral Rotavirus vaccine, for a total of 8 vaccine doses. After Cerenity got her shots she started to be more fussy and sleeping more."

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Follow: @Covid19vaccinevictims
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Jessica Rojas 🇺🇸💪

Written by Mom and Doctors want to give this poor child MORE shots. Are they insane? 🙏- not my child.

"On 11-5-2012, my daughter Cerenity was 6 months old. Cerenity was a perfectly healthy baby with no health or development issues at all. She was crawling and sitting on her own by this time. She was due for her 6 month shots and on this day, we took her to one of the Harris County Free Clinics, the Antoine Health Center in Houston, Texas, where she was given the six month vaccines.

She received the DTaP-Hib-IPV (5-in-1 combo vaccine), the hepatitis B vaccine, the pneumococcal Prevnar 13 vaccine and the oral Rotavirus vaccine, for a total of 8 vaccine doses. After Cerenity got her shots she started to be more fussy and sleeping more.
Teil 2 von 2

A month later, I went to work and she stayed with her father. Later in the day I got a message and missed calls from my sister, who also lived with us. She told me Cerenity was unresponsive in her arms, her head went back and forth for a moment and that she was not responding to anything. Her dad got her to react to him but she was stuck, like if she had a stroke or something.

Her dad picked me up from work; we went to the ER across the street from my job at Memorial Hermann Greater Heights Hospital. There, she had a fever, they did a CT scan and MRI, the doctor came in and told me and my husband out of 10 years of him being a doctor, he didn’t know what was wrong with my baby.

I was told they had no answers for us and that we needed to take her to the pediatrician in the morning & make an appointment for a checkup. I was so scared to even put her down. We were sent home with her paralyzed, which we weren’t aware of just yet.

The next morning we changed her diaper & noticed she could not sit down on her own any more, she couldn’t move, she was paralyzed. I had already called the pediatrician to make an appointment, but at this time, instead of taking her there, I called the ambulance and she was rushed to Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital downtown, where she was placed in the ICU.

On 12-6-2012, my perfectly healthy baby was now laying in the ICU on a breathing machine. I couldn’t deal. It was awful. They had her in the ICU for 8 days and treated her with steroids. She was released on 12-14-2012. This is a picture of my daughter in the ICU. She had bleeding in her brain, ended up paralyzed& was diagnosed with transverse myelitis spinal cord disease. She was then sent home with little to no help that she would ever walk or crawl.”

About a year passes. Cerenity continued to live with complications with her walking, not being able to feel her feet, she was falling often, had a lot of headaches and constant back pain.
She got ill and started to have episodes where she would stay stuck for 30 to 45 minutes. We couldn’t bend her and she couldn’t communicate with us.

Once at Laredo Hospital, we were told they couldn’t help her, so they transported her to San Antonio, where in 2015, we discovered she has Chiari malformation.

The doctors in San Antonio sent her home. We drove back to Houston, Texas, and had her admitted into Texas Children’s Hospital for another opinion and we were told she definitely has Chiari malformation and her neurologist also told us she has hypertonic dystonia.

We had to come back to Houston not knowing where we would live, but we needed her to see a good doctor because she would have episodes where she would get stuck for 30-45 minutes and it was hard to see her go through that and not be able to help her.

She was seen in many hospitals including one in Laredo, San Antonio, & Houston, Texas. The last doctors she had seen last year were at Texas Children’s Hospital in 2015, her current pediatrician is at Texas Children’s on Wirt Road in Houston.

We have stayed here since, to make sure our daughter gets the proper care but the Texas Children’s Pediatric Hospital & Cerenity’s doctor aren’t really much help when it comes to her not getting more shots.”

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Die WHO sagt jetzt, dass COVID-Impfstoffe für gesunde Kinder und Jugendliche nicht empfohlen werden. "Wenn es um ein Alter von 6 Monaten und bis zu 17 Jahren geht, wird es für die meisten jungen Teenager nicht empfohlen."
Forwarded from Free People Germany e.V. (Menschenrechtsverteidiger)
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🕊 FREIHEIT für Dr. Heinrich Habig (Quelle)
77.617 Menschen fordern sofortigen Rücktritt der Bundesregierung wegen Amtsmissbrauch und Beteiligung an dem größten Verbrechen an der gesamten deutschen Bevölkerung.

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Menschenrechtler HRD+MRV folgen
"Bin seit 12 Jahren Notaufnahme-Schwester. Jedem Plötzlichen Kindstod ging innerhalb von 72 Stunden vor ihrem Tod ein Arztbesuch voraus. Bei ausnahmslos jedem Fall."

- "Elisabeth" (Notaufnahme-Schwester)

Komm.: Vermutlich der Klimawandel?

Forwarded from (Markus Haintz)
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"Hört auf die Experten!" hieß es bei Corona. "Jetzt ist es genau das Gegenteil: Beim Ukraine-Krieg sind Ex-Generäle die Wirrköpfe, dafür sitzt in jeder zweiten Talkshow Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann." Matthias Tretter #NuhrimErsten; Gr@ntler auf Twitter

Kommentar: Die Comedy erzählt (wieder) die Wahrheiten, die anzusprechen sich Politik und Medien nicht trauen.


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Zufällige Bürger beraten bald den Buntentag und beheben dort auf einen Schlag den Fachkräftemangel.

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Forwarded from Der Milchwirt spricht (Hans Tolzin)
Impfaufklärer Hans Tolzin zu Gast bei "ruderboot"
Katrin Huß und Julia Szarvasy begrüßen in der Frühjahrsausgabe Markus Fiedler, Hans Tolzin und Elmar Gehrke im Ruderboot. Dabei stand nicht nur die Frage im Raum, wer von den Herren den längsten Eintrag bei dem Denunziationsportal Psiram nachzuweisen hat. Markus Fiedler berichtet ausführlich über die ideologischen Machenschaften von Wikipedia. "Impf report" Herausgeber Hans Tolzin hat derzeit mit der Cancel Culture so seine Probleme, denn auch ihm werden für geplanbte Veranstaltungen die Mietverträge gekündigt. Über diese und andere bedenkliche Entwicklungen schreibt Elmar Gehrke eine Kolumne auf seinem Blog und spricht im Ruderboot mit unseren beiden Moderatorinnen Julia und Katrin.