I'm fine
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я Руша, хочу стать лучше и тебе советую!!
cuz world needs me
делюсь успехами и провалами тут.

сообщество людей с целью 😼
все будет, но не сразу 💖

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I'm fine
хорошо, давайте коротко напишу итоги за лето 😃 коротко и ясно, ничего сверхъестественного не произошло и не должно было произойти эахахаха. самое неожиданное, я научилась готовить плов и ходить вечером одна 🏆🏆 главное событие этого лета, о котором знают…
я снова тут

дальше, я как break часто ехала в горы с семьёй (потом фотки кину)

заводила много новых друзей и крутых знакомых, вообще в полиглоте было весело 😋
🥰временами было очень сложно и много стресса но уже все нормально, не будем об этом 🥰
где то месяц я не общалась ни с кем в мессенджерах и соц сетях, было нормально, читала книжки, смотрела фильмы, особенно много интересных ютуб видео

+ зарегалась на айлтс, хотела вообще в августе сдать, но решила ещё месяц улучшить как то (особенно ридинг💀)

вообщем, было круто 🫡
о ещё я сходила в кино два раза: трансформеры и барби

трансформеры мне оооочень понравились 9/10 (я даже купила игрушечный трансформер бамбл би)

барби - тоже классный фильм получился, там разные про гендерное равенство и феминизм, про дружбу 8/10, барби была очень красивой

ещё я смотрела все части человека паука 👹 10/10
! everything is going to be okay !
I'm trying to be mentally prepared for this academic year 🫡🫡
I've found these tips and I hope it'll benefit us ✊🏿
should I do a list of apps (and probly sites) for effective studying? or you've got already? 🤓
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heyoo dearsss 🫢

I'll make a list of apps for sure and certain!!

but now, I reallyyy want to write some of my notes on How to make your life easier and happier!!😼😼

1>> seek for a positive side in everything.
something bad happened? look from another angle, seek for pluses, even 1 benefit 💯, I'm sure that in every terrible, unchangable occasion there is something good. the easiest example is you've got an experience and youre not gonna make the same mistakes again

2>> stop romanticizing sadness.
I see, many, many teenagers consider sadness as cool, and they actually have a desire to be sad. I'm done, this life is terrible, leave me alone, i'm dead inside,, BUT WHY? т_т why would you be sad if there're ssooo many things to be grateful for, the fact that you're healthy and living is already happiness. comooon, being happy feels much more better than being sad, just look around and turn off your deppressive mode. 😘😘 ( it's ok sometimes to have bad mood, nevertheless it cannot be the reason to deprive yourself from being happy!)

3>> don't chase anyone, don't follow the trends (crowd)
people are changing in a seconds, the world is updating everyday, there's something new everyday. so, is that mean that you should chase it? there are sooo many bloggers who show something new they bought on their profiles and followers are being like: woooww 🤩🤩 I want it, I wanna be like her. why? just because she has it? no, you don't actually need to chase her! or new trend, just remember that it's not compulsory, don't let yourself to be biased

4>> be minimalistic
it's somehow related to prior advice but I want it to be separated. what does being minimalistic mean?? being simple. that's it. making everything complicated won't make everything perfect. keep simple, uncluttered lifestyle.
for example, you don't have to owe 2373883 clothes to have a good outfit and to be attractive, all you need is some basic clothes and your own sense of style) most importantly, your wonderful spirit, that you already have:3

5>> think that you're an example for someone
if someone does something bad towards you, never ever repeat that person. don't think, like I'll do 2x worse to him. conversely, do good, make that person feel shame for what he has done. show him, that being nice person is possible!! and you, yourself will feel very great after that

6>> forgive yourself and others for unconsciously made mistakes
every day, before sleep, think: I'm forgiving all the people who said something bad to me, did something bad or wrong to me today. also, analyze your own mistakes and forgive yourself for it, bicoz hopefully you made it unconsciously! just, keeping all negativity in yourself will make you feel bad, realise it

7>> you should not pretend as someone else to be unique
just the way you are already makes you – you, unique. nobody else is you and never can be !! (esp for personal statements т-т)

8>> brush your teeth twice every day.
you need your teeth for the rest of your life and going to the dentist is not so pleasant 😺 ( I know it's the most powerful one)

and remember, as long as you're a follower of this channel, you're the best and nice person!! I'm always with you 😃😗
(don't think that I follow all of them, no, I'm just trying and trying)

let's try together 🫢
I need more reactions!! 😓😓
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