668 subscribers
936 photos
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🏢 Пан-европейский стартап-хаб с центрами в Вильнюсе, Варшаве и Мадриде. Доведем ваш стартап до нового раунда!

Только лучшие материалы и мероприятия для предпринимателей. Не забудь подписаться на нас.
Download Telegram
📣 Are you an entrepreneur exploring the dynamic landscapes of FinTech and PayTech?

Then mark your calendars for May 25th, 9:00 AM 🗓 and join Imaguru Business Breakfast with Alex Malyshev 🥐

This event is a fitting choice for startup founders at all stages, yet it's particularly beneficial for those just embarking on their entrepreneurial journey. If your ambitions lie in finance, banking, or payment solutions, then this event is designed with your specific needs in mind! 💼💡

Alex, the mastermind behind and an experienced business veteran with extensive PR and marketing knowledge, will be sharing his invaluable insights. 🧠 It's an unparalleled opportunity to learn from a leading PayTech software vendor who can guide your entrepreneurial path. 🚀

Don't let this golden opportunity slip by! Register now by clicking the link.

Remember, seating is limited, so act fast! 💨
Уже завтра!
Forwarded from IMAGURU Startup HUB
🎤 «Рыхтуйся. Хвалюйся. Эфектыўны публічны выступ» — аўтарскі трэнінг ад Андрэя Саўчанкі

Запрашаем на трэнінг маладых беларусаў і беларусак, якія жадаюць выступаць і прэзентаваць свае ідэі публічна. Спікер — Андрэй Саўчанка, — таленавіты актор і рэжысёр, дыктар і вядучы, трэнер па публічных выступах , вядомы беларускай публіцы па яго разнастайных працах у тэатры і кіно, а гэтаксама па куратарству тэатра «На балконе», аўтар курса "Сейбіт Прамовы. Эфектыўны публічны выступ".

Ты даведаешся:
• як трэніраваць дыхальныя мышцы і галасавыя звязкі
• як зняць псіхалагічныя заціскі і размаўляць без паўзаў, замінак і слоў–паразітаў
• як кіраваць увагай аўдыторыі
• як адчуваць сабе камфортна падчас выступу
• як зрабіць выступ «смачным» для публікі

Трэнінг праходзіць у межах праекта Imagine Y, які рэалізуецца пры фінансавай падтрымцы Еўрапейскага Саюза. Удзел вольны, але ж неабходна рэгістрацыя.

📆 17 траўня, з 18:00 да 20:00
🔴 Imaguru Startup Hub, Twarda 14/16 (Варшава) ці Анлайн
“Pitch to go to South Summit in Madrid” is now officially started!

Watch us live!
Waiting for you today!
Forwarded from IMAGURU Startup HUB
Our upcoming event "Industry Hack - VR/AR" is just around the corner, taking place on May 18th at 18:00. 🔜

By attending this event you can connect with members of the Baltic VR/AR ecosystem who can provide you with a deeper understanding of the topic and help you evaluate the applicability of similar technologies in your business.

Meet the speakers:

🎤 Madara Kalnina-Kalnmale, Chapter President for VRARA the Baltics, will share her experiences in the AR/VR industry and provide valuable insights on raising capital for start-ups.

👨‍💼 Cihat Kahraman, CEO and Co-Founder of VSight, will also be joining us to discuss how AR technology is transforming the manufacturing industry.

🎮 Agnė Savickaitė, Co-Founder at Zen Fighters and Graphic Designer at Zen Republic, will be showcasing her video game studio's latest VR game, Zen Fighters.

🎨 Cloyd IXR, who will be sharing their expertise on the intersection of technology and creativity.

Register now via the link. 📝
Не грантами едиными: как запустить социальный бизнес

У тебя есть крутая идея? Хочешь запустить свой социальный проект, но не знаешь с чего начать? А может быть ты уже сделал_а первые шаги в социальном бизнесе и хочешь, чтобы проект стал устойчивым? Тогда приходи на тренинг для молодых беларусов и беларусок по социальному предпринимательству. На тренинге будут:

Лаймонас Рагаускас – литовский предприниматель, тренер с опытом больше 20 лет, основательно проекта “Badgecraft”: он поделится своим опытом запуска социального бизнеса и расскажет про то, какие финансовые модели помогли его проекту стать устойчивым.

Анастасия Хоменкова – соосновательница Imaguru Startup Hub: она поможет тебе структурировать основу проекта с помощью Lean Canvas, а также придумать новые креативные решения для социального бизнеса.

Тренинг пройдет в рамках проекта Imagine Y при финансовой поддержке ЕС.


📆 30 мая, с 18:00 до 20:00
🔴 Imaguru Startup Hub, Vytenio g. 18 (Вильнюс) или Онлайн
Менторская программа для беларусских женщин-предпринимательниц от Imaguru Startup Hub

Начинать и развивать свой бизнес - задача не из легких. Поэтому так важна поддержка профессионалов/ок для начинающей предпринимательницы. Imaguru Startup Hub приглашает менторок и менти принять участие в менторской программе для женщин-предпринимательниц, которая пройдет онлайн в июне 2023 года.

Цель программы — помочь начинающим предпринимательницам вывести свой бизнес на новый уровень.

➡️ Основной язык программы: русский/беларусский
📆 Дедлайн подачи заявок: 31 мая 2023 года
🔴 Регистрация.

До встречи!
Мы приглашаем менторок, которые развивают свой бизнес или являются профессионалками в сфере: менеджмента, маркетинга, юриспруденции, IT, финансов и др. Если вы хотите передать свой опыт другим начинающим предпринимательницам, если вам важно, чтобы вокруг вас и с вашей помощью создавалось больше компаний с оcновательницами женщинами, то присоединяйтесь к нашей программе. Чтобы принять участие в программе, заполните форму ниже.

Мы приглашаем менти-предпринимательниц, которые находятся в начале своего бизнес-пути и понимают, что экспертная помощь менторок поможет им стартовать быстрее и эффективнее, а главное — смелее. Если у вас уже есть бизнес или вы в шаге от его старта — заполняйте заявку и принимайте участие в программе.
🚀 4 reasons why you should attend our Fundraising community meetup on May 31th 🚀

You'll have the opportunity to:
🔍 gain invaluable insights from successful peers who have walked the path you're on;
📚 learn proven fundraising strategies through real-world case studies that showcase what works or not;
🤝 network with potential investors and like-minded entrepreneurs, forging connections that can propel your startup forward;
🎤 hear real-life examples and actionable advice you can apply to your startup journey. 🛠💪

📅 When: May 31st, 18:00 (GMT +3)
📍 Where: Imaguru Startup HUB Vilnius

The mystery of our speakers? Well, that will be unveiled soon! We promise it's worth the wait! 😉🔜 We're bringing together successful entrepreneurs who've mastered the art of fundraising and are ready to share their success stories!

P.S. One of them has already raised 2,1M in 4 rounds and is currently raising for the 5th time.

Interested? We bet you are! Register by the link! 🎟
🚀 Join the pan-European startup community: Imaguru brings all social media pages together!

As a pan-European startup community, Imaguru firmly believes in breaking down barriers and connecting entrepreneurs from all over the continent. 🌍 We understand that many of you have been following our Vilnius, Warsaw, and Madrid pages, and we are grateful for your support. But to truly embody our pan-European values, we believe it's time to unite all our followers on one Imaguru Startup HUB page 🤝

Don't miss out! 🔔 We'll be deactivating local social media pages soon, so make sure to subscribe to our new page right away to stay in the loop 📲
Let's continue to grow and succeed together!

Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter
How to consistently raise funds, round after round? 💼

Karolina Wilk-Tryjanowska is offering an insightful session at our Imaguru Business Breakfast, on May 30, to guide you through this complex process. ☕️

Here are the reasons to attend:

🚀 Karolina is a trailblazer in the VC industry, mentoring and investing in early-stage startups, with special attention to women in technology initiatives.
💡 She'll share her expertise on identifying the right investors and forging strong relationships between founders and investors.
🌐 By connecting with Karolina, you access a network rich in connections. She can guide you to potential investors and startups with a history of successful fundraising.

Our Business Breakfast aims to bring together founders, investors, and mentors for meaningful discussions over a hearty breakfast and aromatic coffee. This is a golden opportunity to learn, share, and network! 🤝☕️

Register by the link:
Dear friends, we must relay that, due to unforeseen circumstances, today's Fundraising event has been rescheduled. We will promptly inform you about the new date!


Друзья, спешим сообщить, что по независящим от нас причинам, сегодняшний ивент по Фандрейзингу перенесен. Новую дату сообщим уже совсем скоро!
🚀 4 reasons why you should attend our Fundraising community meetup on June 7 🚀

You'll have the opportunity to:
🔍 gain invaluable insights from successful peers who have walked the path you're on;
📚 learn proven fundraising strategies through real-world case studies that showcase what works or not;
🤝 network with potential investors and like-minded entrepreneurs, forging connections that can propel your startup forward;
🎤 hear real-life examples and actionable advice you can apply to your startup journey. 🛠💪

📅 When: June 7, 18:00 (GMT +3)
📍 Where: Imaguru Startup HUB Vilnius

💪 Check out the line-up of our speakers in comments below.

Interested? We bet you are! Register by the link below and be ready to secure your spot at "Fundraising Case Studies & Success Stories" community meetup! 🎟


#startups #fundraising #successstories #ImaguruVilnius
📣 Discover promising startups from Eastern Europe at our DEMO Day as part of South Summit! 🌟

🗓 Date: June 6
Time: 6:30 PM
📍 Location: Imaguru Startup Hub Madrid

Join us for the DEMO Day of Eastern European Startups on June 6th at 6:30 PM at Imaguru Startup Hub just before immersing yourself into the crazy energy of the South Summit!

Check out startups that will be represented in the comments below.

Expect great talks, treats, and drinks on us! 🥂🍿

Reserve your spot now by registering via the link:

Don't miss your chance to be a part of the innovation revolution! 🔥💡
Приходите в Imaguru Startup Hub Vilnius на ивент наших партнеров!
🇵🇱🇱🇹 Польша и Литва — это две ключевые страны, в которые релоцировались или расширились тысячи компаний с белорусским капиталом. Также, это два принципиально разных рынка и юрисдикции, имеющие ряд существенных отличий.

Ограничения со стороны банков, невозможность получить визу и ВНЖ, отказы контрагентов от сотрудничества — это лишь малая часть того, с чем сталкиваются белорусские бизнесмены и предприниматели за рубежом.

Belarus Business Center и ALG Legal приглашают на офлайн встречу, где во время честного диалога предлагают выяснить, как справляться с ограничениями, и где лучше вести бизнес белорусам.

🕔 Встреча состоится 8го июня в 17:00 по Вильнюсу (регистрация будет открыта за 10 минут).
▫️ 1,5 часа панельная дискуссия + Q&A
▫️ 1 час нетворкинга и общения со спикерами

📍Imaguru Startup HUB Vilnius.

➡️ Вход по регистрации.

🗓 Добавить в Google Calendar.

📣 Are you an enthusiastic supporter of innovation and entrepreneurship? 🌟

Imaguru, the Pan-European Startup Hub, invites you to join our exhilarating Demo Day at Viva Tech! 🎉

We're about to show you 10 impressive startups from Eastern Europe. They're doing really well and who knows, one of them might be the next big thing in the startup world! Keep watching to see! 🚀

Startups that will be represented are in comments below.

🗓 Date: June 16
Time: 6:00 pm
📍 Location: 16 Rue de la Ville-l'Évêque, Paris

Expect great talks, treats, and drinks on us! 🥂🍿

Reserve your spot now by registering via the link:
Forwarded from IMAGURU Startup HUB
📣 Are you an enthusiastic supporter of innovation and entrepreneurship? 🌟

Imaguru, the Pan-European Startup Hub, invites you to join our exhilarating Demo Day at Viva Tech! 🎉

We're about to show you 10 impressive startups from Eastern Europe. They're doing really well and who knows, one of them might be the next big thing in the startup world! Keep watching to see! 🚀

Startups that will be represented are in comments below.

🗓 Date: June 16
Time: 6:00 pm
📍 Location: 16 Rue de la Ville-l'Évêque, Paris

Expect great talks, treats, and drinks on us! 🥂🍿

Reserve your spot now by registering via the link:
🌟 If you want to boost your startup's visibility then you should... ​

​...participate in Pitch Imaguru on June 26! 🎉 This event allows you to present your vision to a panel of seasoned investors and business owners. 💡

​Joining Pitch Imaguru provides:​
🚀 Recognition: Make your mark among peers, industry innovators, and prospective investors.​
💼 Connections: Network with international entrepreneurs and industry experts.​
💡 Insight: Obtain priceless suggestions to polish your strategy and pitching skills.​
📈 Matching: Draw in potential investors attending the event.​

​If you're passionate about participating in this competition, ensure your place through the link below. Your adventure begins here!​

​If you're intrigued by the chance to observe these pitches and connect with promising startups, we invite you to join the competition as an observer. Registration is available using the same link provided.​

​Register here: