Yoz IELTS ZONEda o'tadi soz...
O'tgan safar birgalikda futbol o'ynadik.
Bu safar qaysi sport turlari bo'yicha yig'ilamiz???
O'tgan safar birgalikda futbol o'ynadik.
Bu safar qaysi sport turlari bo'yicha yig'ilamiz???
🍀Definition: C1 the state of understanding and realizing something
🫧Ma'nosi: Ong, Hush
🪖She lost consciousness for a few seconds after hitting her head.
🪖As he woke up, his consciousness slowly returned, and he remembered where he was.
👉 @ieltszonefergana
🍀Definition: C1 the state of understanding and realizing something
🫧Ma'nosi: Ong, Hush
🪖She lost consciousness for a few seconds after hitting her head.
🪖As he woke up, his consciousness slowly returned, and he remembered where he was.
👉 @ieltszonefergana
Did you know that tea is extremely popular in Great Britain?
People around the world regularly make jokes about English people's drinking habits😅.
So yeah, they have something to make fun of besides their awesome accent😁.
What do you think are the reasons?
👉 @ieltszonefergana
People around the world regularly make jokes about English people's drinking habits😅.
So yeah, they have something to make fun of besides their awesome accent😁.
What do you think are the reasons?
👉 @ieltszonefergana
You can see now why Tea is popular in Great Britain!
Do you think Uzbek people love tea as well?
👉 @ieltszonefergana
Do you think Uzbek people love tea as well?
👉 @ieltszonefergana
Media is too big
Tasmasimon chuvalchangli dieta va IELTS ga tayyorlanayotganlar...🤯
IELTS ga IELTS ZONE da quvnoq ruhda tayyorlaning ! 😊
👉 @Ieltszonefergana
IELTS ga IELTS ZONE da quvnoq ruhda tayyorlaning ! 😊
👉 @Ieltszonefergana
Why the US Can't Send Humans to Mars.pdf
173.9 KB
🔹People Who Like To Be Alone Have These 7 Special Personality Traits, According to Psychology
⏱ 5 min read
⌨ 1,046 words
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🔹Why the US Can't Send Humans to Mars
⏱ 5 min read
⌨ 1,081 words
🔹People Who Like To Be Alone Have These 7 Special Personality Traits, According to Psychology
⏱ 5 min read
⌨ 1,046 words
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🔹Why the US Can't Send Humans to Mars
⏱ 5 min read
⌨ 1,081 words
☁️Typical cloud weighs around 1 million tonnes.
🌥 O'rtacha bulutning og'riligi 1 million tonna.
😶🌫️ Now you don't believe if a girl says ' I'm as light as a cloud '.
👉 @Ieltszonefergana
☁️Typical cloud weighs around 1 million tonnes.
🌥 O'rtacha bulutning og'riligi 1 million tonna.
😶🌫️ Now you don't believe if a girl says ' I'm as light as a cloud '.
👉 @Ieltszonefergana
Is It Time to Redefine the Singularity?.pdf
168 KB
🔹Is It Time to Redefine the Singularity?
⏱ 4 min read
⌨ 783 words
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🔹Is It Time to Redefine the Singularity?
⏱ 4 min read
⌨ 783 words
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IELTS ZONE | Fergana
📣Bir oylik INTENSIVE MULTI-LEVEL kursi 10-may kuni boʻlib oʻtadigan Multi-level imtihoniga tayyor boʻlishingiz uchun IELTS ZONE dan ajoyib taklif⚡️ Darslar IELTS 8.5(Cefr C2) darajali ustoz bilan olib boriladi. 📅 Dushanba/Chorshanba/Juma 🕔 16:00 Darslarga…
Bizda natija🎉🎉🎉
Muazzam opa O’ktamjon ustozimizning guruhlarida tahsil olib, o’zlari istagan CEFR C1 darajasiga ega bo’ldilar.
Ularni jamoamiz nomidan samimiy qutlaymiz.
Muazzam opa yoshlari katta bo’lishiga qaramay, o’zlarining shijoat-g’ayratlari, darslardagi yangi o’rgatilgan bilimlarga bo’lgan qiziqishlari va IELTS ZONE jamosiga bo’lgan hurmat va ixloslari bilan bizni lol qoldirganlar.
Keyingi ishlarida ham zafarlar tilaymiz.
Muazzam opa, you did it! 🔥
Biz bilan yanada kuchliroqsiz.
Muazzam opa O’ktamjon ustozimizning guruhlarida tahsil olib, o’zlari istagan CEFR C1 darajasiga ega bo’ldilar.
Ularni jamoamiz nomidan samimiy qutlaymiz.
Muazzam opa yoshlari katta bo’lishiga qaramay, o’zlarining shijoat-g’ayratlari, darslardagi yangi o’rgatilgan bilimlarga bo’lgan qiziqishlari va IELTS ZONE jamosiga bo’lgan hurmat va ixloslari bilan bizni lol qoldirganlar.
Keyingi ishlarida ham zafarlar tilaymiz.
Muazzam opa, you did it! 🔥
Biz bilan yanada kuchliroqsiz.
Yangi mavsum uchun Multi-Level guruh ochishimizni so’rayotganlar bor.
Siz ham Oktabr-Noyabr oylarida o’tkaziladigan Multi-Level testida qatnashish uchun bizning guruhlarda tayyorgarlik olib bormoqchi bo’lsangiz, izohlarda ‘+’ qoldiring.
Siz bilan bog’lanamiz.
Siz ham Oktabr-Noyabr oylarida o’tkaziladigan Multi-Level testida qatnashish uchun bizning guruhlarda tayyorgarlik olib bormoqchi bo’lsangiz, izohlarda ‘+’ qoldiring.
Siz bilan bog’lanamiz.
Space Travel: Our Next Adventure.pdf
167 KB
🔹Space Travel: Our Next Adventure
⏱ 3 min read
⌨ 526 words
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🔹Space Travel: Our Next Adventure
⏱ 3 min read
⌨ 526 words
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🖖 There is a condition called 'Dyslexia'. If you try to read books you see as if words and letter in them are dancing. They don't stay in the same spot, making reading process extremey challenging!
🖖 Disleksiya nomli kasallikda o'qishga harakat qilinsa so'zlar va harflar raqsga tushadi. Ular bir yerda turmaydi va o'qish jarayonini juda qiyinlashtiradi.
🤷♂️Sizda ham reading ball past chiqmoqdami?😅😉
🕯Aytgancha, rasmdagi so'zni tog'ri o'qidingiz degan umiddaman😅.
🖖 There is a condition called 'Dyslexia'. If you try to read books you see as if words and letter in them are dancing. They don't stay in the same spot, making reading process extremey challenging!
🖖 Disleksiya nomli kasallikda o'qishga harakat qilinsa so'zlar va harflar raqsga tushadi. Ular bir yerda turmaydi va o'qish jarayonini juda qiyinlashtiradi.
🤷♂️Sizda ham reading ball past chiqmoqdami?😅😉
🕯Aytgancha, rasmdagi so'zni tog'ri o'qidingiz degan umiddaman😅.
Did you know that Tom Cruise was also dyslexic when he was a child👌.
He persisted and worked on himself. Eventually, he showed that impossible is possible😁 not only by playing
'Mission: Impossible'.
You, on the other hand, are complaining about your reading not being good!
Come on dude.
He persisted and worked on himself. Eventually, he showed that impossible is possible😁 not only by playing
'Mission: Impossible'.
You, on the other hand, are complaining about your reading not being good!
Come on dude.