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#task1 #map #FreshOutOfOven Join and share πŸ”½ @IELTSmates_Uz
#sample #model
The map illustrates the development of the town of Bellingham between 1980 and 2019. Overall, there was a substantial increase in the size of Bellingham. Included in this were the development of the town's residential areas and the establishment of a range of public services and infrastructure.

The first major phase of development began in 1990 with the establishment of a train line. Over the next decade, the town of Bellingham grew alongside the major road and around this train station. A school was built in this area in 1993 and a hospital close by in 2001.

Between 2010 and 2019, the second and largest phase of development occurred. This began with the building of a freeway in 2010. After this, Bellingham grew dramatically due to government assisted housing development alongside the freeway, railway line and major roads. Another addition to the town in this period was the construction of a sports stadium in 2012 nearby where the railway line intersects with the freeway.

©️IELTS Online(by Macquarie University)

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Nodirjon's IELTSmates
#sample #NotModel Giving financial support to impoverished countries is not a solution to their poverty. Therefore, other types of help are proposed to be given to poor countries instead of giving money directly. I completely agree with this view. There…
#Model #ImprovedVersion

Providing financial assistance to impoverished nations is not a panacea for addressing their endemic poverty. Consequently, alternative forms of support are recommended over direct monetary aid. I wholeheartedly concur with this perspective.

One primary reason why direct financial aid may prove counterproductive is the potential exacerbation of economic stress on recipient countries. Poor economic management or misuse of funds can compel these nations to repay the assistance, leading to dire consequences such as the surrender of valuable land or natural resources. This unintended outcome can impose a more significant burden in the long run. Moreover, the menace of corruption among officials in financially struggling countries poses a critical risk. Funds may be diverted for personal gain, benefiting only a select few rather than fostering the overall economic growth of the nation.

Nevertheless, there exist alternative avenues for supporting impoverished countries that transcend the pitfalls of direct financial aid. Rich nations can redirect their resources toward the education of the younger generation in these economically challenged regions. Scholarships, bursaries, and grants with specified conditions, such as committing to work in the country of study for a fixed period before returning home, can be instrumental. Additionally, developed countries can dispatch their experts to share knowledge in various fields. Higher salaries may be offered initially, with the costs recouped from the recipient country over time. This exchange allows experienced professionals from developed nations in fields such as education, healthcare, construction, and finance to mentor their counterparts in less affluent regions, catalyzing improvements in these sectors and fostering the overall well-being of struggling economies.

In conclusion, the drawbacks of providing direct financial support to impoverished nations, such as the potential loss of valuable resources and mismanagement of funds, underscore the need for alternative approaches. Investing in the education and human resources of these nations emerges as a more viable solution. Therefore, I contend that redirecting assistance towards the development of these countries' human capital holds greater promise for sustainable growth.


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#task1 #practice Join and share πŸ”½ @IELTSmates_Uz
The bar chart shows the value of imports and exports in the US categorized by mode of transport in 2012, 2018, and predicted figures for 2045. Overall, imports generally exceeded the value of exports, and there is continued growth in almost all areas, although air is predicted to remain dominant, while rail carries the lowest value of goods.

In terms of imported goods, air transport had the highest values and increases, carrying goods valued at $472 billion in 2012 and rising to $562 billion in 2018. Road transport was the second highest, with figures climbing from $311 to $375 billion. In comparison, the figures for rail and water were significantly lower, with rail rising only slightly from $109 to $115 billion and water actually declining from $288 to $210 billion. Nevertheless, by 2045, all values are predicted to have increased and air will continue to dominate, reaching a striking $3465 billion, significantly higher than any other country.

With exports, similar trends and positions can be seen albeit at a lower level, and the figures for 2012 and 2018 were generally much closer, with air rising from $461 to $482 billion, and rail from $63 to $64 billion. However, notably, water more than doubled in value( from $73 to $154 billion) and, while exports are expected to increase across all modes of transport in 2045, road alone will exceed the equivalent value of imports at $1244 and $1219 billion respectively.

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Nodirjon's IELTSmates
#practice The diagram below shows how drink cartons are recycled. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Join and share πŸ”½ @IELTSmates_Uz
#useful #model #band9
The diagram shows the process used to recycle drink cartons. Overall, this is a six-step, largely mechanical process that extracts three main raw materials from cartons allowing a variety of new products to be made.

Cartons such as those used for milk and juice are composed of several useful raw materials, including aluminium, hard and soft plastics, and cardboard, which makes up the majority of the product. Recycling these cartons begins when consumers put used cartons in a recycling bin ready for collection. Next, the recyclables are collected and taken to a sorting depot, where they are sorted and separated either manually or mechanically. The drinks cartons are then compressed, forming bales, which can now be transported to the paper mill.

At the paper mill, the cartons are turned back into pulp by adding water and spinning at high speed. The pulp is then dried, after which it can be separated into three main materials: paper fibres, aluminium, and plastic. The materials can now be used to produce various new products, including garden furniture, house and car parts, and carboard or paper products.

©️The Key To IELTS Writing Task 1Academic

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Nodirjon's IELTSmates
#writing #task2 #doublequestion I will send a Band 8.0+ essay later today, nasib. Until then, you can also give it a try and send your version to the Discussion Group of the channel by incorporating insights from the podcast and articles above. Join and…
#writing #task2 #essay #model
Nuclear energy has always been a much-debated technology. This essay will discuss the dangers posed by its use and decide whether it is beneficial or harmful for humanity.

There are several issues associated with nuclear energy. These problems are evidenced in its history of disasters and destruction. Once the power of the atom had been discovered, it was almost immediately weaponized and used to destroy two cities filled with civilians. Even when nuclear technology was used for peaceful means, tragedy has still been connected with its use. The Chernobyl and Fukushima disasters along with many other smaller ones show that this technology is never truly safe even in supposedly technologically advanced countries.

However, nuclear technology is the best choice in many situations. The only current realistic affordable alternative to nuclear energy is the burning of fossil fuels. Studies show that fossil fuel emissions have claimed many more lives than nuclear disasters because air pollution slowly poisons people’s throats, lungs and respiratory systems. In addition, even though some may argue that solar, wind, wave or hydroelectricity are better alternatives, some cold landlocked nations such as Switzerland do not have consistent access to sunlight, wind or flowing rivers year-round. For these countries it would appear that nuclear energy, despite its dangers, is the best option.

In conclusion, although nuclear technology is undoubtedly dangerous due to radioactivity and its proven history, I believe in some contexts it is actually the best alternative to other more harmful or unreliable energy sources.

247 words (Yes, it is OK)
Band 8.0+

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