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🔥 Beta 1 of Yalu jailbreak for iOS 10.0-10.1.1 is released.
by ian beer (sb/root/kern) & qwertyoruiop (hypv/memprot)

This is only for developers. The beta is super-unstable and may force you to restore to the latest firmware if anything goes wrong. Substrate won't work. So there's no point in hurrying if tweaking is your main objective.
Cydia impactor requires some modifications for this to be sideloaded and will soon be updated by Saurik.
In short, there's no point in trying this, if you're not a developer

14 MB
Yalu Beta-1 Jailbreak for iOS 10.0-10.1.1 .ipa
✳️Install Emoji iOS 10.2 di iDevice iOS 6/7/8/9.x Jailbreak
Apple menambahkan banyak dan redesain Emoji di iOS 10.2. lihat di sini
PoomSmart sukses membuat Emoji 10.2 bisa diinstall di iDevice Jailbreak berbeda versi.

1⃣ Download Emoji 10.2 Font (AppleColorEmoji@2x.ttf) di GitHub atau klik di sini.

2⃣ Buka Cydia dan tambahkan link repo:

3⃣ Di repo PoomSmart, install tweak² berikut ini:
Emoji10 (pilih sesuai versi iOS Anda),
otomatis akan menginstall tweak² dependensinya: EmojiAttributes, EmojiLocalization, EmojiResources.

4⃣ Akses direktori iDevice menggunakan Filza/iFile dari Cydia atau software iFunbox/iTools di komputer.

—lihat skrinsut di bawah—
• Buka folder /Library/Themes
• Bikin folder baru EmojiFontManager
• Bikin subfolder namafolder.font, contoh: Emoji 10.2b1.font
jadinya: /Library/Themes/EmojiFontManager/Emoji 10.2b1.font
• Copy file AppleColorEmoji@2x.ttf hasil download no.1 ke folder tersebut.

5⃣ Buka menu Settings > EmojiFontManager,
pilih Emoji 10.2b1 lalu klik Respring.

6⃣ Selesai.

#emoji #tutorial #jailbreak

📡 @idiphone 22-Dec-2016
95.5 MB
(Emoji iOS 10.2b1 Font)
✳️How to Install Emoji iOS 10.2 on iDevice iOS 6/7/8/9.x Jailbreak
Apple adds hundreds of new and redesigned emoji in iOS 10.2. see here
PoomSmart managed to make Emoji 10.2 can be installed on iDevice Jailbreak different versions.

1⃣ Download Emoji iOS 10.2 Font (AppleColorEmoji@2x.ttf) on GitHub or click here.

2⃣ Open Cydia and add repo:

3⃣ Install tweaks on PoomSmart repo:
Emoji10 (select the correct of your iOS version),
it will automatically install dependence tweaks: EmojiAttributes, EmojiLocalization, EmojiResources.

4⃣ Browse iDevice directory using Filza/iFile from Cydia or using software iFunbox/iTools on computer.

—see screenshot below—
• Open folder: /Library/Themes
• Create new folder: EmojiFontManager
• Create subfolder: foldername.font, ie: Emoji 10.2b1.font
it would be: /Library/Themes/EmojiFontManager/Emoji 10.2b1.font
• Copy downloaded AppleColorEmoji@2x.ttf file on to Emoji 10.2b1.font folder.

5⃣ Open Settings > EmojiFontManager,
select Emoji 10.2b1 then click Respring.

6⃣ Done.

#emoji #tutorial #jailbreak

📡 @idiphone 22-Dec-2016
Cydia Impactor 0.9.35
December 21, 2016

— support application groups (for iOS 10 jailbreak)

Note: Do not "Run as Administrator" Impactor; doing this makes drag/drop of files not work on Windows 10.
8.5 MB
Cydia Impactor 0.9.35 for macOS
13.2 MB
Cydia Impactor 0.9.35 for Windows
8.1 MB
Cydia Impactor 0.9.35 for Linux 32-bit
8.4 MB
Cydia Impactor 0.9.35 for Linux 64-bit
✳️Yalu Jailbreak for iOS 10.0-10.1.1

Supported devices and firmware:
iPhone 7/7 Plus running iOS 10.1-10.1.1,
iPhone 6s/6s Plus running iOS 10.0.1-10.1.1
iPad Pro running iOS 10.0.1-10.1.1

⚠️️ Additionally, Cydia Substrate is not working yet. Your tweaks will not work. So again, you may want to hold off until yalu exits the beta stage.

Redmond Pie Tutorial

iClarified - Windows Tutorial

iClarified - Mac Tutorial

Fix /var Folder Permission Issue

📡 @idiphone 23-Dec-2016
🛠 Fixes for iOS 10 Jailbreak ⁠⁠
Package: com.tonykraft.ios10jbfix
Description: Fixes a number of bugs in the iOS 10 jailbreak beta
Author: Tony Kraft

ℹ️In the Yalu jailbreak beta for iOS 10 by Luca Todesco, users sometimes experience bugs with Facetime, iMessage, and Data. This script is meant to fix these. It can be safely removed once it is installed.

#tweak #cydia #jailbreak
📡 @idiphone 24•Dec•2016
🛠 iNoSleep for iOS 8/9/10 ⁠⁠
Allows Wifi to stay connected when the device is locked.
Author: Tony Kraft

ℹ️iNoSleep forces the device to stay connected to the current WiFi network, even when the device is asleep. Options configurable in settings.

#tweak #cydia #jailbreak
📡 @idiphone 24•Dec•2016
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🛠 Stashing for iOS 9.2 - 10.1.1 ⁠⁠
Author: CoolStar

ℹ️Stash 3rd party components to make more space for them!

#tweak #cydia #jailbreak
📡 @idiphone 27•Dec•2016