Ice Age Farmer
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To the folks asking about buying direct from Nolechek’s per above letter — I reached out for a conversation, and it sounds like they are innundated and overwhelmed by support. So that’s good news.

The broader point is that this is happening everywhere. We can’t swarm one operation, we must re-orient around local producers — doing so obviates the need for USDA inspections, AND builds a decentralized food system, not one of central corporate control!


#TeamGrow #ResistanceIsFertile
Head to the farmers market. Grab the business cards of the ranchers and fishmonger, farmers. (Did you know you can even talk to them?) If you like them & their product, ask if there are better ways to buy. (Or volunteer in exchange for food? You get the idea. Take it from here.)

Or check out sites like

Find them. Connect. Help them.

My friends,

As the engineered food crisis has gained traction in mainstream awareness, I started writing a pamphlet/book with the purpose of helping to shepherd people out of the grocery store and into growing food as part of an emergent, decentralized food system.

The book is a run through the most important things I've learned through years of conversations about food sovereignty, in a context of immediately standing up systems to endure (and fight) the technocratic takeover of food. "Assume crash position!"

I wanted to share this news early, rather than be too quiet the new project. If you are interested in the book or have any thoughts on what belongs in a "victory garden lightning course," I'd love to hear from you! Drop a comment or email.


Grow Community — great yields.


via @iceagefarmer
Intense news days like today where emotions are flying …

… are even more fun to spend in the garden! :-) Have to say! Stay focused on what’s important and local, where you can make an impactful difference — things are deteriorating rapidly out there.

#TeamGrow #SteadPill
The Solution To The Current Food Crisis Is Small And Local, Including Growing Food Locally.

Community currency expert Thomas Greco, author of “The End of Money,” maintains that a produce-backed currency could be issued without even creating a cryptocurrency. A group of local farmers could be organized to jointly issue farm currency as a paper or digital community currency, which could be spent into circulation to buy what the farmers needed to produce their crops. The currency would circulate in the local community and would be accepted back by the farmers in payment for the products they sell.

“So the currency has a beginning and an end, it’s created and it’s extinguished,” says Greco. “It’s created by the act of spending and it’s extinguished in the act of redemption, not in some other currency, but in goods and services that have been promised.”

IAF: Glad to see the discussion around local food systems AND new currencies outside CBs/CBDC — personally not a fan of using cryptos, so enjoyed these ideas and hope we can have those discussions]

#TeamGrow #Currency
Shorten Your Food Chain

How short is your food chain? As systems fail, each link in the chain becomes more vulnerable to disruption. The closer you are to food production, the more resilient — or even anti-fragile! — your dinner.

tl;dr: GROW FOOD

#TeamGrow #Antifragile
Have you built up a library of landraces and amazing heirloom genetics? Want to trade with other folks?

==> @iaf_seeds nearly 1,000 people in there for that purpose exactly. JOIN US!
