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Russia gives notice to EU: thanks for that turbine, but we're still not turning the gas back on!

This is the #EnergyCrisis & #FoodCrisis scenario German ministers have described as "doomsday."

#eu #Germany
Europe is in free fall. In the last 12 hours:

- Russia hints NordStream 2 is NOT coming back online.
- German banks adjust models to say "We might survive if houses heat using firewood and we STOP all industry and economic activity (really strong plan guys!)
- Hungary announces ban on export of firewood:

#Eu #EnergyCrisis
Macron announces "Turn off your lights" as it becomes clear Russia will not continue providing gas:

"French President Emmanuel Macron warned his country’s people Thursday to prepare for a total cutoff of Russian natural gas by supporting alternatives, having public lights switched off at night and engaging in a period of nationwide energy “sobriety.”

The Russian invasion of Ukraine and ensuing sanctions have aggravated other factors driving up prices for energy and others goods. With no end in sight for the Ukraine war, Macron said, the French should brace themselves for costs to remain high.

“This war will continue,” he said in a televised interview marking France’s national holiday, Bastille Day. “The summer, early autumn will be very hard.”"

#France #EU #EnergyCrisis
tl;dr: European Commission predicts yield of wheat/barley/corn will be down 2.5% YoY due to drought, "experts" rush to blame climate change:

Europe is staring into one of its driest summers in living memory.

The drought has already crimped production of hydroelectric power and food, adding to market pressure from the war in Ukraine. Many city authorities have asked residents to cut back their use of drinking water.

With global food flows already squeezed, the drought has Europe’s farmers spooked. [IAF: perhaps not the word I would use for it.] Hungary's agriculture ministry said Wednesday that as of the beginning of the month it had received 8,413 drought damage notifications covering 322,000 hectares in 2022, three times the area of any previous first half of the year.

#EU #wheat #drought;amp
Finland: grocery stores may close to conserve power

Grocery stores in Finland could have to take turns closing for hours at a time to reduce their energy usage this winter, the country’s grid operator told news outlet YLE on Sunday. With fuel shortages expected, Finnish households will also be told to lower their consumption.

According to the grid operator, Finland’s roughly 2,800 food stores will need to come to arrangements with each other over who will close and who will stay open if power is rationed in a particular area. This kind of agreement is especially important in rural areas to ensure that all the outlets in one town or village don’t end up shutting at the same time, YLE noted.

#finland #eu #EnergyCrisis
(see note below:)

German food banks suffer as former donors forced to become recipients

“People who used to be on the other side donating and helping us are now coming and asking for help," says Petra Lehmann, who heads the Heimatstern association. "We have lots of families now where it's impossible from one income to feed the family because it's so expensive."
This is also changing people's behaviors. "We buy more jars of cheap food," says Sertap. "It may be chicken. It could be fish, beans because they are more suitable for us."

Pensioner Katrin Obermeier has started rationing her food: "I'm using foods longer, especially past the expiration date because it is still well preserved."

[IceAgeFarmer note: this is true BUT remember that removal of date markings by end of 2022 was planned in the 2018 EU Farm to Fork agenda!! We are following the globalist food crisis scripts to a T!!]

#eu #Germany #FoodPrices
Netherlands to SHUT DOWN 11,200 farms (20% of their farms) to meet climate goals

Hostile takeover of food supply accelerates - complete enslavement of humanity - must be stopped

France: milk shortages feared

The president of the largest farmers' union in France has warned that a shortage of feedstock caused by severe drought may lead to a milk shortage.

"I think that in the coming months, we will have a shortage of milk in France. To make milk, you need fodder, mainly alfalfa and corn, which have grown little this year.”

#WarOnDairy #France #eu
The losses are catastrophic in every direction. Italy: extreme drought

Massimo Saronni walks across his rice field, each step a loud crunch. This field should be flooded with water, flourishing with four-foot emerald green blades and golden rice panicles. Instead, the plants have taken on a yellow-brown tinge and the soil has hardened from lack of rain. Small patches of survivors dot the field, but they only reach his ankle.

“These crops are seriously damaged. They haven’t had water, so they’re not going to make it,” says Saronni, who has worked as a rice farmer for over 30 years. He cultivates different rice varieties, including carnaroli, a high-starch rice prized in Italian cuisine for the creamy risotto it makes.

Northern Italy is suffering from spiking temperatures and its worst drought in more than 70 years.

Italy is the biggest producer of rice in the European Union—accounting for over half of its total production—and importers of Italian rice will surely feel the pinch.

#eu #rice #italy #FoodPrices