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Nationwide shortages of antibiotic Amoxicillin

… and this just the beginning as 98% of APIs (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient) come from China… who is gearing up for war. We shut down their semiconductors, they strip our antibiotics.

No one wins.

Good time to check on your herb garden - many plants have antibiotic aspects! @iaf_herbs

Amoxicillin, a commonly used drug for treating bacterial infection, is in short supply. Three of the top four makers of the antibiotics report having supply constraints in the U.S. The liquid form of the drug is taking the biggest hit.

The UN’s “Principles for Responsible Banking” dictate that financial institutions cease lending to “carbon emitting” industries/companies.

About $70 trillion worth of assets under US, UK, German and Swiss banks are founding members, eager to strangulate the societies they serve under the guise of environmentalism.

On the other hand, notably absent from its signitories are most BRICS banks - in China (0 signatories), India (0), Brazil (2), and Russia (only 1).

This is nothing less than an ongoing attack on our financial system. It is the economic equivalent of social engineering.

We need to fully understand and appreciate these attacks on our food and financial systems. They necessitate a rapid move to de-centralization: community based food systems facilitated by local currencies.

Spread the word, and keep building !

- iceagefarmer

#AbsoluteZero #Decentralize
US diesel shortage: we’ve been hearing this for months but now suppliers are actually putting out alerts:

US diesel shortages are spreading along the East Coast amid a ban on imports from Russia, raising fears of further surges in prices for the fuel as consumers brace for the winter heating season.

Mansfield Energy, one of the nation’s major fuel distributors, instituted emergency measures on Tuesday and warned its customers that carriers were being forced to visit multiple terminals in some cases to find supplies, delaying deliveries.

“In many areas, actual fuel prices are currently 30-80 cents higher than the posted market average because supply is tight,” said Mansfield.

With shortages spreading from the Northeast to the Southeast, the company advised customers to give 72-hour notice for their orders to avoid having to pay above-market prices:


Open Thread: what are you seeing in your area?
- iceagefarmer

#EnergyCrisis #usa
With only ~20 days of US supply remaining, Diesel, along with heating oil, aviation fuel and kerosene, headed towards record prices.

“The economy runs on diesel,” said Cinquegrana. “Think of everything you buy in the store, it was brought there by trains and trucks. Construction works, etc. High diesel prices could slow down economic activity. Prices are down from all-time highs in mid-June, but not enough to allay concerns.”

There’s not a lot that can be done to prepare for very tight diesel supplies, so this is going to be a serious problem. I think the White House is monitoring it, but I don’t see a lot of levers they could pull that could really affect prices because it’s a global issue.”

But you can — and should — get prepared personally.

#usa #EnergyCrisis
Tanzania starts rationing water due to drought

[You don't need water EVERY day…]

Tanzanian authorities on Thursday began rationing water in the commercial capital Dar es Salaam following a drought-induced drop in water levels from its main source, the Ruvu river.

The 5.5 million inhabitants of the Indian Ocean city will go without piped water for 24 hours on alternating days, the Dar es Salaam Water and Sanitation Authority (DAWASA) said.

"The timetable will be updated every week according to how the change of weather increases or decreases the water levels," it said.

They REALLY ARE building this SmartCity in the desert - a linear structure 170km long, 500m tall, with mirrored facade, to hold 9 million people.

Hopefully you also REALLY ARE building your own homestead (“It’s 2030, I own a farm and am happy!”) and community.

Because their plans, for a "walled garden" 500mtall, 200m wide, and in between, “densely packed urban fabric alongside trees and plantlife and a high-speed rail network embedded underground.” -- totally suck!

#SmartCities #Agenda2030
Basically begging Russia to do something. Echoes of Lusitania.

I would not want to be on those ships.
With #wheat prices already spiking, many traders now holding breath to see what happens to these ‘suicide wheat shipments.’

This is next level #FoodWars
Russia Defense Ministry broadcasts that the grain shipments in Black Sea are unacceptable.

We hold our breath as we have with each red line crossed, but I take special note of this one as it informs the “food crisis” narrative.

We will hear more about “Putin’s food crisis” and so on…

#ukraine #wheat #FoodShortage
Forwarded from Dirk
Basically, those ships are sitting ducks for everybody to shoot at at will, in line with the food crisis agenda and blaming the other party involved
Fear of global food shortage looms as Russia steps back from Ukraine grain deal

U.S. President Joe Biden warned that global hunger could increase because of Russia’s suspension of a U.N.-brokered deal to allow safe passage for ships carrying Ukrainian grain.

“It’s really outrageous,” said Biden speaking in Wilmington, Delaware, on Saturday. “There’s no merit to what they’re doing. The UN negotiated that deal and that should be the end of it.”
Biden spoke hours after Russia announced it would immediately halt participation in the agreement, alleging ghat Ukraine staged a drone attack Saturday against Russia’s Black Sea Fleet ships off the coast of occupied Crimea. Ukraine has denied the attack.

#ukraine #wheat #russia
AI can “speak to” animals, experts claim, prompting worries of “manipulating” their behavior:

• A team of German researchers trained AI to mimic a honeybee's waggle dance 

• The AI powered a robot inside a hive, which controlled the bees' movements
• The technology can also pick up the low-frequency sound of elephants and decipher clicking made by whales

• However, experts fear humans could use the technology to manipulate animals 

WHEAT: even without black sea deal falling apart, current crop is in RECORD WORST condition — and global stocks are already at RECORD LOW.

Then mix in Russia withdrawing from agreement for grain corridor.

Neither does the market have this priced in, nor do many people realize the implications for #FoodPrices and geopolitics…

Engineered food shortages to usher in technocratic control over food and all resources


UK: all birds must again be kept indoors as “We are now facing this year the largest ever outbreak of bird flu” and are seeing rapid escalation in the number of cases on commercial farms and in BACK YARDS

"The risk of kept birds being exposed to disease has reached a point where it is now necessary for all birds to be housed until further notice.”

Animals are “dirty and dangerous” narrative sets the tone for end of ranching and forcing people onto fake lab-grown meat:

Indonesia is stockpiling food RAPIDLY to weather this food crisis.

Is your nation? And if not: Are you? How is the LOCAL food system in your community?
“Under a new presidential regulation, which took effect Oct. 24, Bapanas with the help of state-owned enterprises plans to secure stocks of 11 staple foods, such as rice, corn, soybeans, shallots, chili, sugar for household, cooking oil, as well as some meat and fish.”

Indonesia is striving to reach 1.2 million tonnes of rice reserves by the end of the year, enough to meet 3.9% of domestic demand, as it battles inflation.

US: Lawmaker warns of impact from diesel shortage, rail strike after election

Rep. Bryan Steil says that the economy could take a dual hit after the election if diesel shortages persist and rail unions strike as promised.

“weeks after President Biden told us that he had this all under control, and the trains would be running on time, We're now learning it's anything but that. It's another game where the Biden administration has kicked the can down the road and kicked it past this election."

Steil said the impact of the railroad strike could be exacerbated by ongoing shortages of diesel fuel, which power everything from tractor trailers to harvesting tractors.

"The shortages that we're seeing around the country is concerning," Steil continued. "But it's all the more concerning that we have policies coming from Biden and from Pelosi that are putting us in this position in the first place."

#diesel #EnergyCrisis #us
Look at that - US exports record amount of wheat in September (as other countries are stockpiling).

There IS no strategic grain reserve in the US - it was liquidated over a decade ago. Just like they’re draining the SPR now.

3+ mmt, to destinations China, Mexico, Philippines.

USA set up for incomprehensibly massive failure …

- iceagefarmer
