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Forwarded from Geopolitics & Empire
Aluminum producer Speira GmbH is considering cutting production at its German smelter to 50% of total capacity in response to surging energy costs that are squeezing power-intensive industries across Europe. The curtailment would add to the extreme toll that the energy crisis is having on Europe’s metals industry, which is one of the biggest industrial consumers of power and gas.
UK: Asda drops expiration dates on food.

@iceagefarmer note: I’d mentioned just two weeks ago that removing expiration dates from food was part of the EU “Farm to Fork” and Rockefeller “Reset the Table” discussions — and now we see it rolling out!

But, this is just a small change compared to the major changes coming for food #retail.

- ICYMI : End of the Grocery Store: welcome to the AI Commissary for the Prison Planet)
Fire at Biggest US Midwest Refinery Threatens Fuel Supplies

An outage at the largest US Midwest refinery is raising wholesale fuel prices regionally just as the agricultural sector gears up for its busiest time of year.

BP shut two crude units at its 435,000 barrel-a-day Whiting, Indiana, refinery after a fire Wednesday, Wood Mackenzie’s Genscape said. The fire occurred in the power house and caused a loss of cooling water, which could lead to damaged equipment, according to a person familiar with operations.

*** A prolonged shutdown of the plant, which supplies gasoline, diesel and jet fuel to most of the region’s major distribution centers, could tighten fuel markets just as farmers in the nation’s breadbasket prepare for harvesting season. ***

@iceagefarmer note: just another coincidence I’m sure. Nothing to see here…

#WarOnFarms #fire
Forwarded from Lisa Marie
I'm noticing there is VERY little to nothing about this catastrophe. But I did find this last night and the fact that they've given governors emergency power declaration over this is so quickly very telling IMO...
The USDA has stopped providing export data.

They declined to indicate why.

They neglected to provide a timeline for when this may be available again.

Regardless of the presumably forthcoming excuse, this is effectively an act of warfare as markets (domestic AND foreign) are now blind to what is going/coming from the US.

UPDATE: they now indicate there is an issue migrating to a new reporting system that should be resolved by mid september. Interesting date given futures contracts…

Yuval Harari echoes the WEF claims that meat is “unsustainable” and we must end farming and ranching:

Yuval Noah Harari, historian, futurist, and World Economic Forum (WEF) adviser, described “cultured meat” synthesized in laboratories as more “ecological” and “ethical” than meat from animal husbandry and slaughter.

#WarOnMeat #PostAnimalEconomy
Biden/Trump have now mutually declared each other enemies of the state, within just the last days.

The stage is now set, and an extraordinarily dangerous show is about to begin. The USA likes to do things bigger and better, and this will be no exception. Once this kicks off there will be no stopping it, and I expect escalation of crises and conflicts worldwide.

Keep your wits about you and continue moving away from the system, towards self-sufficiency in food, energy, medicine, local markets/currencies. Radical and rapid decentralization is the only way forward.

Comms will go down at some point. I am grateful and honored to have shared this space with you.

Godspeed and God bless.

Christian / @iceagefarmer
Sugar and Salt Shortage Worsens Philippines Food Supply Woes

A top soft-drinks maker with no sugar, a burger joint out of onions and kitchens short of salt underscore the dependence of the Philippines on food imports and illustrate some of the cost pressures fueling inflation.

The country not only buys sugar, salt and garlic from abroad, but also imports a raft of other food commodities such as rice, wheat, corn and soybean meal, and that’s after global farm prices surged to a record this year on the back of lower world supply caused by drought, heat and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.  

Philippines government plans to CONFISCATE sugar and onions.

@iceagefarmer comment: I’ve mentioned so frequently that as net exporters move to protect their domestic stocks/prices, net importers are left empty handed — like Philippines here, resorting to confiscation of foodstuffs from private hands.

Sadly, we’ll see more of this in the days ahead.
🚨 Canada: wheat stocks down 38% year over year.

#canada #FoodPrices #wheat
Forwarded from Geopolitics & Empire
The Dutch agriculture minister has unexpectedly resigned, telling reporters he wasn’t the right person for the job following a tumultuous summer of protests by farmers over pollution regulations.
Among the industrial production shutting down across Europe: everything needed to grow food.

See this map for a sense of how widespread - and drastic - the shutdowns of fertilizer production.

What has been put in motion cannot now he stopped - Famine ahead. Prepare.

#eu #fertilizer
It is a global situation—not just Europe:

UN Food Official Warns Fertilizer Affordability Crisis Could Slash Global Grain Production By 40%

Global fertilizer shortages threaten to starve a planet
as prices are too high for some farmers ahead of the next planting season. 

That's the view of Maximo Torero, chief economist from the Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN), who told Bloomberg TV that elevated fertilizer prices could decrease global grain production by upwards of 40% in the next planting season. 

#fertilizer #FoodShortages
World’s largest rice exporter restricts shipments

India has banned sending broken rice abroad and imposed a 20% duty on other varieties.

The South Asian nation cited food security concerns in making the move, which was announced on Thursday, as below-average monsoon rainfall had curtailed planting. India exports rice to more than 150 countries.

IceAgeFarmer note: this is the “food nationalism”
that was described by Podesta’s Food Chain Reaction Game leading to massive geopolitical instability and hunger

#india #rice
Ohio: another 3 million chickens euthanized due to claimed #BirdFlu - one of the largest egg laying operations in US

An outbreak of bird flu that has led to the deaths of 43 million chickens and turkeys this year across the U.S. has been found at a giant egg-laying operation in Ohio, state and federal agriculture officials said Wednesday.

The case confirmed over the weekend in Ohio’s Defiance County has affected roughly 3 million chickens, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The egg-laying farm has started euthanizing all of its flock, said Dennis Summers, the state’s veterinarian.
Another mass kill of livestock: 57,000 cows perish in India - milk shortages and "hundreds of carcasses of dead cows have been found lying in the open, causing a nauseating stench, with crows and vultures feeding on them."

Media asking "Why" — some farmers suggesting the cows were recently vaxxed against Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD).

"Pictures taken with the help of drone cameras reveal a large number of carcasses spread over several square kilometre area. In some places, it is even difficult to keep a count of those dead."

#WarOnDairy #WarOnMeat #India #PostAnimalEconomy