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Mass crop failures expected in England

Half of the potato crop is expected to fai
l as it cannot be irrigated, and even crops that are usually drought-tolerant, such as maize, have been failing.

The group was told “irrigation options are diminishing with reservoirs being emptied fast”, and losses of 10-50% are expected for crops including carrots, onions, sugar beet, apples and hops. Milk production is also down nationally because of a lack of food for cows, and wildfires are putting large areas of farmland at risk.

#uk #FoodPrices
CHINA: Yangtze river running dry, revealing Buddhist statues (much like the hunger stones revealed by low rivers in Europe). These stones tell us that we are experiencing precipitative extremes that are part of larger CYCLES.

Needless to say, crops are failing at scale — 2.2 million hectares of scorched crops is nearly impossible to conceive.

This is the same China, by the way, that just last year bragged about it's ability to use Weather Modification to make it rain, and planned to expand the technology to cause rain over an area the size of India.

But now 2.2 million hectares of crops are dead due to drought.

This is a deliberate destruction of food supply to usher in complete control.
The losses are catastrophic in every direction. Italy: extreme drought

Massimo Saronni walks across his rice field, each step a loud crunch. This field should be flooded with water, flourishing with four-foot emerald green blades and golden rice panicles. Instead, the plants have taken on a yellow-brown tinge and the soil has hardened from lack of rain. Small patches of survivors dot the field, but they only reach his ankle.

“These crops are seriously damaged. They haven’t had water, so they’re not going to make it,” says Saronni, who has worked as a rice farmer for over 30 years. He cultivates different rice varieties, including carnaroli, a high-starch rice prized in Italian cuisine for the creamy risotto it makes.

Northern Italy is suffering from spiking temperatures and its worst drought in more than 70 years.

Italy is the biggest producer of rice in the European Union—accounting for over half of its total production—and importers of Italian rice will surely feel the pinch.

#eu #rice #italy #FoodPrices
More pushback, not just from farmers but now from Saskatchewan officials:

Saskatchewan warns Trudeau’s federal Nitrogen agents could be arrested

Saskatchewan Minister Jeremy Cockrill has sent a warning to the Trudeau government that officers sent by Ottawa will be arrested if they continue to trespass on farmland to test nitrogen levels.

According to Cockrill, Trudeau’s government has been unlawfully sending federal employees onto Saskatchewan farmlands to test for nitrogen levels without the consent of landowners.

In the letter, the Minister raised multiple complaints from Saskatchewan farmers that raised “serious concerns about Government of Canada employees, in clearly marked Government of Canada vehicles, trespassing on private lands.” The farmers reporting these trespasses made clear that these government agents did not request permission to access the land and were not in any other manner given consent to access it.

What is more concerning to some than the actual trespass are the motivations of the federal agents. According to the land owners who confronted the federal agents trespassing on their land, they were told that the purpose of them being there was to test the water in the farmers’ dugouts to measure nitrate levels.

#ClimatePolice #Canada
Shorten Your Food Chain

How short is your food chain? As systems fail, each link in the chain becomes more vulnerable to disruption. The closer you are to food production, the more resilient — or even anti-fragile! — your dinner.

tl;dr: GROW FOOD

#TeamGrow #Antifragile
Majority of fertilizer plants remain offline in Europe — and no sign of relief for gas prices.

#EnergyCrisis #EU #Fertilizer
EU: current fertilizer/chem plant status. (See previous post)
India has banned wheat exports to protect domestic prices.

Here's why this is a really big deal as we enter full on #FoodWars. Top wheat producers are being hit across the board:

#1 China. (also #1 consumer!)
#2 India. (and now exports are banned.)
#3 Russia (#1 exporter — but Black Sea shipping is affected, and sanctions stop some buyers)
#4 USA (terrible season, drought)
#5 France (drought has severely impacted yields)
#6 Canada (spotty harvest so far)
#7 Germany (drought has severely impacted yields - some est. 50%)
#10 Ukraine

It is these nations that the rest of the world upon for their bread. And bear in mind some major wheat exporters like Kazakhstan have banned wheat/flour exports. Supplies are getting tight and countries are acting defensively. No relief in sight as harvests are looking bad across Northern hemisphere and things are off to poor start in S. America.

Stock up and keep growing food!

#wheat #FoodPrices
POLAND: People are sleeping in their car just to stay in line for coal to heat their homes.

We can joke, "Thanks a lot Greta" but this is a serious situation and the complete collapse of Europe. I can't believe that people aren't more upset with EU leadership at the self-imposed, utter destruction of energy supply, food supply, economy, livelihoods. Perhaps once more people FEEL the pain this winter, we enter Klaus Schwab's "angrier world..."

#EnergyCrisis #EU #Poland
Germany: 50% crop loss due to drought in some regions

Up to half of the crops in parts of the German state of Baden-Württemberg are likely to be lost due to drought, farmers in the region have claimed, with problems to do with the prices of fuel, fertiliser, and pesticides connected to the green agenda and war in Ukraine also reportedly causing problems for those in the region

The serious lack of rainfall has led farmers to fear that the likes of maize, sugar beet, potato, and soybean crops could see losses of up to 50%.

#Germany #EU #drought
Even more concerning than 50% crop loss, is that farmers are already blowing through their winter animal feed. Clearly this means that by mid-winter, there will be no animal feed. Which means come late winter, unless things change somehow, there will be no livestock.

"To make matters worse, livestock farmers in the region are also now struggling, with many being forced to give animals feed meant to be kept for the winter as the amount of edible grass on the ground quite literally has dried up.

"Fodder that might otherwise be imported from Russia or Ukraine is proving hard to come by as a result of the former’s invasion the latter and the West’s resulting sanctions war with Moscow..."

#WarOnMeat #PostAnimalEconomy (see previous post)
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Forwarded from Geopolitics & Empire
Aluminum producer Speira GmbH is considering cutting production at its German smelter to 50% of total capacity in response to surging energy costs that are squeezing power-intensive industries across Europe. The curtailment would add to the extreme toll that the energy crisis is having on Europe’s metals industry, which is one of the biggest industrial consumers of power and gas.
UK: Asda drops expiration dates on food.

@iceagefarmer note: I’d mentioned just two weeks ago that removing expiration dates from food was part of the EU “Farm to Fork” and Rockefeller “Reset the Table” discussions — and now we see it rolling out!

But, this is just a small change compared to the major changes coming for food #retail.

- ICYMI : End of the Grocery Store: welcome to the AI Commissary for the Prison Planet)