Ice Age Farmer
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Ice Age Farmer pinned «👉 Find the correct group to discuss your topic or post your question! 👇 Ice Age Farmer solutions-focused groups where you can focus on Homesteading: @IAF_Garden 🍅 Gardening, Main Group. 👉Join this one👈 regardless of which of these others you join! @IAF_Seeds…»
Jersey’s largest veg producer stops growing food — citing spiralling operational costs as the reason. They produced 80% of Jersey’s fresh vegetables. Now the island depends on UK produce and may see shortages of fresh vegetables, particularly in the winter months. “‘Obviously, it reduces food security because we lost our biggest vegetable producer,’ “

They have made it economically unviable to farm — part of the #WarOnFarms.
Forwarded from The Vigilant Fox 🦊
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Dutch Farmer Wakes Up to Reality After Being Pushed to the Edge By the Government

"I never wanted to believe it [a secret agenda]. Neither in conspiracy theories, but all these conspiracy theories turn out to become true..."

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Problem. Reaction. Solution.

Food Fears Are Quickening GMO Crop Approvals, Bioceres Says

Regulators around the world are becoming more comfortable with GMO "drought-resistant" crops as the pandemic and the war in Ukraine stoke food-security fears, outweighing qualms about eating genetically-modified grains.
Media is too big
Scientists create "Larva fat" to replace butter. Because climate change, so eat the bugs, and kill the cows.

"Consumers still seem to notice at about 50% bug paste and 50% butter"

“Your emission rights will be stored in a carbon wallet. So if I wanted to fly, I would buy some carbon emission rights from someone who can’t afford to fly. For example this way this poor person can earn some extra money.”

Welcome to the WEF zero carbon neofeudal future where the poor can sell their ability to live for “extra cash.”

Swedish fintech company Doconomy has launched a new credit card that monitors the carbon footprint of its customers - and cuts off their spending when they hit their carbon max.

It uses the Aland Index as the basis on which it calculates the carbon footprint of each product purchased.

[Ice Age Farmer note: this Aland index can be tweaked at any time by the technocrats for social engineering. Want people eating bugs? Meat has impossible Carbon score. Limited travel? Etc. Rockefeller Foundation calls this “true cost accounting”, and it affords total control through this artificially imposed scoring]
My friends, this is the most important battle in human history. If we can't grow our own food, we depend forever on the system. — MEGA POST

“Animals are dirty and dangerous. Rainwater is poisonous - you can't eat stuff that was grown outside!” Traditional farming and ranching is antequated and illegal!”

Sounds ridiculous -- beyond belief! But so does people wearing cloth masks OUTSIDE for two years. These same people could be made to fear food overnight.

And this move is happening now:

* "Rainwater ALL over Earth has PFAS -- new study claims “forever chemicals” are now in gardens and animals raised outdoors -- remember they are already shutting down farms for PFAS contamination (see my report here) — now extending the contamination to the entire biosphere!

... literally, from the researcher: "we’re in a place now where you can’t live anywhere on the planet, and be sure that the environment is safe.This is the design. The divorce of man from nature. Separation of us from God's creation. And it will be used to make traditional food “dangerous and poisonous." Now we see why the investment into indoor farming, and marketing lab-grown meat as "clean meat." THEY ARE POISONING THE REST!

* “Backyard chickens are dangerous because of lead in eggs — should be regulated -- it's explicitly the BACKYARD birds

- "Hobby farms are a risk for foot and mouth disease" -- dirty and dangerous! It's explicitly the small HOBBY farms

- "Free Range" farming RAISES risk of pandemics -- surprise! intensive corporate ‘factory farming’ may actually be SAFER than you being able to raise your own animals!

Not to mention we have these biolabs researching every kind of pathogen from Bird Flu to African Swine Fever to take our food supply out.

In short, they are destroying traditional food and ranching, just as they are the energy infrastructures and monetary systems.

Prof. Richard Werner just remarked (here) that as central banks currencies fail, they must move to a new digital (#CBDC) model so people don’t take back their power with local currencies. This same play is happening with food: as toxic big Ag fails, they poison the food supply and use weather warfare — it is techno-salting the fields!

I may make separate posts with some of these links for easy sharability but it is all of these dots that form a picture that’s impossible to ignore. This is the biggest takeover in human history. Grow food, use cash/barter/local currency— do everything you can to de-centralize. Our future depends on it.

- @iceagefarmer [ Solutions -> @iaf_resources ]

#DirtyDangerous #PostAnimalEconomy #WarOnMeat #WarOnDairy #PFAS
We’re in a place now where you can’t live anywhere on the planet, and be sure that the environment is safe.

So says the researcher who found toxic levels of PFAS (the forever chemical) in rain water samples. The study intimates we are already at total contaminationfarms, gardens, animals raised outdoors — all are so toxic they do not meet regulatory requirements.

Remember, they are already shutting down farms in Maine and around the US for PFAS contamination (full report here).

And thus, the globalists will own ALL food production — the indoor farming, bug burgers, lab-grown eat that they’ve been investing $100bb’s — will be the only option. As they told us, “competition is sin.” And they are taking out traditional farming and ranching.

See previous post in @iceagefarmer for more context.

#PFAS #WarOnFarms
Backyard hens’ eggs contain 40 times more lead on average than shop eggs, research finds

Note that it is explicitly your backyard birds that are suddenly at issue.

Newly published research found backyard hens’ eggs contain, on average, more than 40 times the lead levels of commercially produced eggs. For your safety, we may have to make your birds illegal, (just like we’ve been salivating over)!

“These findings will come as a shock to many people who have turned to backyard food production. It has been on the rise over the past decade, spurred on recently by soaring grocery prices. BUT, after years of living on these soils, contaminants have built up in soils. These legacy contaminants can enter our food chain via vegetables, honey bees and chickens.

[@IceAgeFarmer note: it’s just too dangerous to let you feed your family. if you want eggs, save up your carbon credits like everyone else. More context in mega post above]

#WarOnMeat #WarOnPets
Your pigs are dirty and dangerous, experts announced, and could be responsible for food and mouth disease destroying the entire meat industry. But huge corporate farms that the technocrats control are totally cool.

Why? “Smaller producers are thought [?!] to be more likely [?!] to engage in practices such as swill feeding, that have a high chance of accidentally introducing the virus. They may be less aware of what they’re responsibilities are in terms of preventing an outbreak and also what they would need to do in an event of one.” <— This is the most flagrant, unfounded assumption!

Experts: you are too dumb to do it right, and therefore, we just need to make it illegal.

[ @iceagefarmer Note - More context in mega post above]

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Here is the clip from Prof. Richard Werner warning that as central bank currencies fail, they must move to a new digital (#CBDC) model so people don’t take back their power with local currencies. This same play is happening with food: as toxic big Ag fails, they poison the food supply, claim rainwater is toxic, and use weather warfare — it is techno-salting the fields! (Not to mention the #GrandSolarMinimum).

Full @iceagefarmer context in mega post above. Solutions in @iaf_groups


Amazing new study finds McDonald’s pancakes are healthier than fresh egg omelette.

“With healthy fats and proteins from eggs and meat, you'd be forgiven for thinking an omelette is a great breakfast choice. According to this chart, it scores a measly 26 points — while pancakes from a fast food restaurant get a whopping 50 points.

They want you eating trash and will rig the scoring system to make it happen…
Hacker jailbreaks John Deere tractor, plays game of Doom

@iceagefarmer comment: The push for “Precision agriculture” and AgTech have sought to afford perfect data to the eye in the sky, at the expense of turning our most important machines — the ones responsible for growing food into cyberattack-vulnerable computers in the field.

<60% of U.S. Corn Crop in Good Condition - worst crop in decade

And remember a lot of what IS growing was pre-sold to China last year!

This current rating ties with 2019 for the week's worst corn condition rating since 2012.

Hope you are planting a fall crop in your garden … @iaf_garden

#corn #usa
CHINA: Fresh-caught fish from ocean are now swabbed & tested for a purported human respiratory disease.

"Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities..."

Afghanistan offers raisins for Russian oil

! Barter or even food as currency (barley was one of the first currencies in recorded history) can work in your local community as well! No need for #CBDC's ...
Iceland: eat on layaway! “Shop now pay later” schemes hit as people CAN’T AFFORD FOOD.

This looks like a bridge to UBI - once retailers can’t collect on the debt they are now extending to hungry shoppers, they will need bailouts. Are grocery stores banks now, extending lines of credit?

I owe my soul to the company store…”

#FoodPrices #Iceland
The data for crops is coming in and it is so staggering — yields so reduced — losses can no longer be hidden. Next few posts will show yields suffering, particularly US, EU, and China. Also, note that they are shifting the narrative to blame climate change, as the FOOD SHORTAGES will be how they justify the zero-carbon CLIMATE totalitarianism.

These are the days for which we have been preparing.

Europe’s Drought May Be Continent’s Worst in at Least 500 Years

Some 64% of the EU is under a drought warning or alert, according to a new report from the European Drought Observatory. The bloc’s experts said they expect the warm and dry conditions, which are fueling wildfires and reducing crop outputs, to continue in parts of the region until November.

“The combination of a severe drought and heat waves has created an unprecedented stress on water levels in the entire EU,” Mariya Gabriel, the bloc’s commissioner for research, said Tuesday in a statement. “Climate change is undoubtedly more noticeably every year.”

Several EU crops are being hit particularly hard, with the yield forecasts for grain 16% below the 5-year average, and 15% below it for maize, according to the latest data.

The effects of climate change are becoming more evident every year.
"I'm Shocked": US Crop Tour Reveals Drought-Stricken Cornfields

With Europen crops damaged by summerlong heatwaves and Argentina hit by drought, an underwhelming size of North America's crops could result in shortfalls globally next year.

Corn futures in Chicago rose to a six-week high on Tuesday as crop tours show much of the Western crop belt is plagued with drought conditions, especially in parts of Nebraska and South Dakota where plants aren't producing ears of grain

#us #corn #FoodPrices