Ice Age Farmer
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Obligatory WARNING that crypto scammers are targeting this channel (and many) - I even had one scammer DM me, impersonating me, with my picture etc, telling me to buy some coin until he realized what was going on.

Please be mindful with respect to ANY direct messages from people you don’t know, and triple check identities for impersonators. (I don’t reach out to people with nonsense like this…)
Dutch farmers protest government's decision to cut chicken flocks by 30% for "nitrogen savings"

The War on Meat continues...

The Netherlands, the world's second-largest agricultural exporter, is one of the top greenhouse gas emitters in Europe -- especially of nitrogen -- with much of this blamed on cattle-produced manure and fertiliser.

Farmers say they are targeted while big business and industry slide, with many vowing to resist any plans to scale down or close farms.

"It's not normal, what's being done to the farmers
," 74-year old protester Jan Poorter told AFP. ""You can't just close farms that are hundreds of years old. You just can't!"

#WarOnFarms #WarOnMeat
"The future of farmers is being destroyed"

Some of the signs from the Dutch protest (see previous post) are pretty spot on. Where is the public support? People too distracted by media's putin-rhetoric

"You can't just close farms that are hundreds of years old. You just can't!"

#WarOnFarms #eu
AUS: Fruit and vegetable costs to skyrocket in coming weeks

Aussies are being warned the price of all fruit and vegetables will spike in coming weeks as farmers face labor shortages and growing production costs.

Tyson Cattle, from the national industry representative AusVeg, told Today the issues were critical and "impacting grower confidence to plant more crops".

"They're unable to access the pickers and packers needed to actually get crops off the ground and onto supermarket shelves," Tyson told Today.

“Unprecedented” Summer Snow Hits Afghanistan; Similarly In India And Pakistan, Rare Mid-June Freeze Delivers Heavy Snowfall; + Unusual Cold Sweeps Namibia

Unprecedented and heavy snowfall has struck central Afghanistan which, at this time of the year, poses a threat to young livestock and tender crops.

Residents in various towns and villages of Bamyan province have reported snow down to an unusually low elevation, even as the calendar reads summer — unprecedented in at least the last 20 years.

#GlobalCooling #GrandSolarMinimum
BOOM ! Suddenly it's YOUR backyard chickens that are causing pandemics, not industrial agriculture. This was the plan all along to take total control over food production!

> "If we can’t dramatically cut meat consumption then intensive ‘factory farming’ may be comparatively less risky" because “non-intensive” or “low-yield” farms [IAF: ie. anyone producing their own food other than large industrial technocrat owned operations] pose a serious risk to human health as they need far more land to produce the same amount of food [this is also a lie!].

"This, it is argued, increases the chances of “spillover” of dangerous viruses between animals and humans because it drives habitat loss, which displaces disease-carrying wild animals such as bats and rodents and brings them into closer contact with farmed animals and humans."

... and this builds on that weird Fauci paper blaming all pandemics on humans interacting with naturethe goal is to divorce man from God's creation. #transhumanism

IAF REPORT (2020) on the UN/WEF "biodiversity" & zoonotic pandemic play to herd people into the smart cities:

new Guardian propaganda:

#WarOnFood #PostAnimalEconomy #WarOnFarms
Possible foot and mouth disease case investigated at pig farm in Norfolk (UK)

A possible outbreak of foot and mouth disease is being investigated at a Norfolk pig farm - sparking major worries for the region's livestock industry.

Defra has enforced a 10km Temporary Control Zone for foot and mouth disease at a farm between Feltwell and Brandon.

The precautionary measure was put in place at 10pm on Thursday "following suspicion of vesicular disease in pigs".

Intense news days like today where emotions are flying …

… are even more fun to spend in the garden! :-) Have to say! Stay focused on what’s important and local, where you can make an impactful difference — things are deteriorating rapidly out there.

#TeamGrow #SteadPill
BEE LOCKDOWN: Australian authorities destroy bees, ‘lock down’ transport to stop varroa mite infestation.

Everyone knows bees are critical and KILLING THEM is a terrible way to “solve” a parasite problem.

(I have had good luck planting mints near my hives — just as menthol is used as a treatment! — I bet the folks in @iaf_bees have more ideas too…)

#Australia #bees
Ukraine: gain exports plummet 44% year over year:

Ukraine exported 1.11 million tonnes of grain in the first 22 days of June, down 44% from the same period in 2021, Reuters reported, citing agriculture ministry data released June 27.

The volumes included 978,000 tonnes of corn, 104,000 tonnes of wheat and 24,000 tonnes of barley, the data showed. Ukraine exported up to 6 million tonnes of grain a month before Russia launched an invasion on Feb. 24.

Ukraine is among the world’s largest exporters of wheat and corn. Exporters are struggling to get what’s left in storage out of the country, because Ukrainian ports on the Black Sea, like the key city of Odessa, are under blockade by Russia.

#wheat #Ukraine
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Holland closes dozens of farms and cattle ranches to reduce nitrogen by 30%. Angry farmers take to the streets !

Not just farmers should be out there — everyone who eats !


Ice Age Farmer
Holland closes dozens of farms and cattle ranches to reduce nitrogen by 30%. Angry farmers take to the streets ! Not just farmers should be out there — everyone who eats ! #FoodFreedom via
No Russian Gas -> No Eggs! Farmers warn an energy crisis is ALSO a FOOD CRISIS.

Without natural gas supplies, there are immediate animal welfare problems on the farms. From the hatchery to the barn to the slaughterhouse, all companies in the poultry industry are dependent on the energy source. [IAF: and thus, these are being shut down by design.]

Short-term energy restrictions would have "an immediate impact on the food security of the residents".

The poultry industry is energy-intensive. "For the Lower Saxony poultry industry alone, including the production of poultry feed [!!!] we have calculated an annual gas requirement of around 1,735,311 megawatt hours."

#EnergyCrisis #Germany #EU #WarOnMeat
“Animals are dirty and dangerous.”

Also Fido’s carbon score is really becoming a problem…
People with COVID-19 can infect and sicken cats and dogs by cuddling them, says study

The study said that while it was already known that animals including cats, dogs, ferrets and hamsters seem to be susceptible to COVID-19, transmission may be happening more often than previously thought.

"These data indicate relatively common transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from humans to animals and that certain human-animal contacts — example, kissing the pet, pet sleeping on the bed — appear to increase the risk," said the study.

Transmission from humans to animals can be minimized by owners keeping their distance, wearing a mask and taking other precautions, just as they would to prevent infecting a person, he said.

Greenland's Surface Mass Balance (SMB) explodes far beyond multi-decadal range — media silent!

In other words, adding ice when seasonally it should be melting. This is one of the latest onsets of melt on record.


#GlobalCooling #GrandSolarMinimum
Working hard to ensure the food shortages achieve the cabal's depopulation goals!

Joe Biden to block Boris Johnson’s answer to global food crisis

US president opposes PM's plan to ease cost of living by curbing green fuels
Europe burning all their gas NOW instead of stocking it away for winter ahead…

#EnergyCrisis #eu
Libya declares force majeure on oil exports after weeks of protests and port blockades.

This is major news on its own, but also needs to be considered from Europe's perspective:

- 6% of EU oil & gas imports are from Libya and were just taken off the table.
- 34% of EU oil and 55% of gas comes from Russia, which is being throttled
- Freeport terminal in TX was blown up and cannot send LNG
- UK just announced they'd stop gas exports to EU if there were shortages
- EU and UK are both frantically burning gas just to generate electricity now, instead of storing for the winter ahead!

- Greenhouses, food plants and facilities are ALREADY SHUT DOWN due to the cost of energy — and somehow things keep blowing up! This is an absolute CONTROLLED DEMOLITION.

Europe is being strangled !

If you aren't already growing food, join @iaf_garden and the other Ice Age Farmer groups!

#eu #EnergyCrisis #FoodShortage
Singapore launches beer made from recycled sewage. Yes - they are delivering on the promise to “upcycle” excrement into consumer products for you!

That is what the WEF ‘circular economy’ is all about. Delicious!

(Better idea: check out ! )

CO2 shortage threatens New Zealand chicken supplies

Plans are in progress to reduce production of some chicken products, according to the country’s leading poultry meat producer.

Tegel is warning that it may not be able to produce some chicken products because of a shortage of carbon dioxide gas in New Zealand that is also threatening brewers and fizzy drinks makers.

The Food and Grocery Council said the availability of cheese, preserved meats, sparkling wine and ready-to-eat meals could also suffer, with price rises possible.

The Brewers Association and the Beverage Council separately voiced concerns about the gas shortage on Saturday.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is used widely in the food industry – including in packaging to preserve the shelf life of chicken – and to add fizz to drinks, as well as in other industries such as healthcare.

Businesses used to get much of their CO2 supply from the Marsden Point oil refinery, which produced CO2 as a by-product of its refining operation until that was replaced in favor of importing energy.

#NewZealand #WarOnMeat
Police have now fired upon farmers in tractors in the #Netherlands:

An official investigation is underway after Dutch police fired live shots at anti-green agenda protesters in the Netherlands.

... Farmers are protesting new policies which "will lead to at least 30% of Dutch farms being put out of business as they’re forced to cut the number of livestock by the same figure."

Anger has intensified after the government revealed the same nitrogen cuts, being proposed in the name of fighting climate change, won’t be applied to the airline industry.

Cheese is the new gold. As food prices explode, expect more significant security at grocers, and big changes in #retail (click hashtag). Digital tags will be "secure" and help you track your purchases...

"Supermarkets put security tags on cheese blocks as stores tackle shoplifting amid soaring food costs
Supermarkets appear to be toughening its security measures on foodstuffs as shoppers feel the financial pinch of soaring inflation

Supermarkets have been spotted adding security tags to basic food items like cheese, as the cost of living crisis sees pricing spiralling.

Britons took to social media to share pictures of tags more commonly used on bottles of alcohol attached to £3.99 blocks of Aldi cheddar.