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Bird Flu outbreak forces Quebec duck farm to kill 150,000 birds, permanently lay off 300 employees.

A Quebec duck-farming operation in the Eastern Townships says three of its facilities have been devastated by avian flu, forcing it to slaughter 150,000 birds and lay off nearly 300 employees.

It will likely take six to 12 months and possibly several million dollars to fully restore the company's operations, Angela Anderson of Brome Lake Ducks said in an interview Wednesday.

Experts warn “Stop filling your bird feeders” to “help stop bird flu.”

This is as ridiculous as a mask — just programing to get fearful people to do things that promulgate the fear. “Wild animals are dirty and dangerous and the government told us NOT to feed them!”
China reports 2 new human cases of H5N6 bird flu

Two people who are hospitalized in critical condition in mainland China have tested positive for H5N6 bird flu, raising the number of cases so far this year to 19, officials say. The spike in human cases has led to calls for increased surveillance.

The first case, a 28-year-old man from Puyang in Henan Province, developed symptoms on March 18 after exposure to live poultry, according to the Hong Kong Health Department. He was hospitalized the next day and remains in critical condition.

The other case, a 53-year-old woman from Zhenjiang City in Jiangsu Province, fell ill on March 24 after visiting a live poultry market. She was hospitalized two days later and is still in critical condition.

The Chinese government disclosed last month that a 12-year-old girl and a 79-year-old man died of H5N6 bird flu in December. Both lived in Liuzhou, a city in the Guangxi region, and visited a live poultry market before falling ill.

“… animals are dirty and dangerous …”

FULL REPORT on gain of function research on bird flu here :

Italy puts 25C limit on air conditioning as Ukraine crisis forces energy rationing

"Every drop of sweat saves a drop of Ukrainian blood" ?? (wtf?)

‘Operation thermostat’ initiative aimed at helping country avert shortages.

What better excuse than World War 3 to usher in the restrictions necessary to realize their decarbonization agenda.

#AbsoluteZero #Italy #EnergyCrisis

I’m so glad this is catching people’s attention. One thing to note: it’s been going on for YEARS.

Here is a map I’d created in 2020 when the suspicious fires at food processing plants started ticking up, and then it became impossible to keep up!

You can click each pin to find a farm, or food distribution center, or warehouse, or grain elevator, or the port of Beirut going up in flames — and each whittles away the resilience of our food supply chain.

The 20 fires in the last 2 months here (which are not even on this map yet), while noteworthy, are just the latest acceleration!

BREAKING: plane crashes into General Mills facility in Covington, GA, erupting in flames.

This just happened last week in Idaho to a potato processing plant! Wtf?! (Attacks on food supply, jet fuel melting steel beams?)

See previous post for a MAP of attacks on food supply: @iceagefarmer

BREAKING: FBI warns farmers that hackers are launching cyberattacks on food supply (even as people catch on to explosions at food processors)

Video report forthcoming. - @iceagefarmer

“The FBI is warning farmers of potential hackers targeting the ag industry.

The agency said cyber-criminals might be more likely to go after farmers during the planting and harvesting seasons.

Six grain companies were targeted last fall, and two others have already been attacked this year, authorities said.

A major disruption of grain production would impact the entire food chain, something criminals take advantage of when trying to extort growers.

#FoodWars #Cyberpandemic
Sweden: government proposes “modern public reward system”

“This is a great way to express appreciation and gratitude to people who in one way or another have carried out an extraordinary effort that is of great importance to society, says Minister of Justice and Migration Morgan Johansson.

#cbdc #SocialCreditScore #Sweden
Italy launches a system similar to the Chinese regime that gives points to those who have ‘virtuous behaviors’

The first European social credit system is being developed in Italy, which is controversial because of its similarities to China’s infamous social credit system. This application, already operating in Rome, gives reward points to citizens who have ‘good behavior.’

The so-called “Smart Citizen Wallet” system will reward people with points for things like recycling, using public transportation, managing energy well, and anything else that the state deems worthy of rewards.

Those who use the application and have what they call “virtuous behaviors” will be rewarded with gifts, such as discounts on purchases and services, cultural activities free of charge, etc., which are then redeemed for the points obtained.

According to the local newspaper of Bologna, Corriere di Bologna, the application is voluntary. It will be launched this autumn in the northern Italian city while it is in its experimental stage in Rome.

#SocialCreditScore #cbdc #Italy
Rabobank now links your spending to carbon emissions

Since Friday, Rabobank customers can see how much CO2 they emit based on their spending in the bank’s app.

[IAF: If spending == carbon, a zero carbon policy implies zero economic activity.

This is the “true cost accounting” that the Rockefeller Foundation describes, whereby the technocrats can skew real ‘value’ in any direction they want to achieve the goals of their agenda.]

Note also - they are making the case for even MORE data on what you EAT:

Food accounts for a third of man’s climate impact, but the figures available on this subject are very general. “And you can do a lot in eating habits,” says Schöne. Buying Dutch apples instead of Brazilian bananas immediately reduces your footprint significantly. “But that person needs to know how much CO2 emissions are associated with the product they’re buying.”

This is why the climate expert is calling on the firm to better map the products that cause the most emissions, so that consumers can make better choices and the data collected by Rabobank is more reliable.

Northern Ireland faces loss of 1 million sheep and cattle to meet climate targets

How does this make sense as food shortages are announced? Only if it is deliberately making things worse. We are under attack:

“Northern Ireland will need to lose more than 1 million sheep and cattle to meet its new legally binding climate emissions targets, according to an industry-commissioned analysis.

The large-scale reduction in farm animals comes after the passing of the ​​jurisdiction’s first ever climate act, requiring the farming sector to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 and reduce methane emissions by almost 50% over the same period.

Zero Carbon = Zero Animals. Hence the WEF’s “Post Animal Econoy”

[IAF: Biden’s USDA is also charged with zero emissions agriculture mandate]

#AbsoluteZero #PostAnimalEconomy
But it’s not just animals — even grains are being called “extreme emitters” of greenhouse gasses. FAO tells Canada to grow less grains! Ridiculous:

Canada: Feds target cereals as major emitter

Ag Canada says cutting such emissions is critical because the federal government wants to reduce fertilizer related emissions 30 percent by 2030.

“Canada’s emission intensity for cereals in 2017 is higher than those reported for the United States, the European Union and (other regions).” The discussion paper includes a table, using data from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), to emphasize that Canadian cereal crops produce the highest amount of nitrous oxide emissions in the developed world.

#wheat #AbsoluteZero #Canada
Diesel shortage in Punjab impacting wheat harvest/sowing:

Diesel shortage may hit wheat harvesting and sowing of Kharif crops as farmers are queuing up at filling stations to get oil supplies in various areas of Punjab.

Reports particularly from south Punjab districts suggest that diesel is either not available or its supplies are short at filling stations. Farmers who have harvested wheat and are waiting for its threshing are worried that if diesel supplies are not stabilised, their crop may be damaged because of high winds and possible rains in the month of May.

Farmers from various regions blame panic buying for the shortage on the rumours that the oil prices may be increased from May 1. “Some of our colleagues are trying to hoard the oil in anticipation of an increase in its prices, putting stress on the supplies,” says Fayyaz from Chishtian.

#wheat #india
War on Food Goes Hot: FBI warns cyberattacks on farms -- One farm stands up

The food wars have gone hot -- and even the mainstream is noticing. Even as the fires and explosions destroying our food supply are broadly reported, the FBI warns of cyberattacks on farming infrastructure. As this awareness grows, one farm has stood up to NY state, refusing to comply with Bird Flu orders. Christian breaks it down in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.

#iafvideo #fire #Cyberpandemic


The $44 billion question is this: how does Musk intend to ‘authenticate’ humans on Twitter?

And at that price: hey what else can I do with my new Musk digital internet ID ? Is it biometric?

He said “free speech” and 420 so it’s probably cool…right?
I’m hearing from many Iowa corn farmers - heart of our corn belt - and the prognosis is not good.

Recall the analyses I’d shared about USA needing a bumper crop for the world to avoid global shortage. A bumper crop is NOT happening for a number of reasons...

#us #corn #GlobalCooling #GrandSolarMinimum #WeatherWarfare
Facebook is labeling @IceAgeFarmer as Russian disinfo.

All I want is for people to grow food. But to technocrats who seek TOTAL control, self sufficiency is extremism.

In times of engineered food shortages, gardening becomes an act of rebellion…

43,000 chickens died as their barn burned down in Dutch town of Heusden

The fire in the barn started around 11:55 a.m. According to the fire service, four stables in the complex must be considered lost. The mayor of the municipality of Asten also came to the burning chicken shed in the afternoon.

BREAKING: Massive fire engulfs large sausage factory in UK, somehow already 95% burned by time crew arrived.

IAF comment: these fires are now at ridiculous levels. Our food supply is spontaneously combusting at ludicrous speed.

By that I mean this: it is now reaching a level of “Revelation of the Method,” where even Tucker is speaking about the destruction of our food supply, yet multiple large facilities continue to erupt in flames every day.

It is unbelievable, like the poorly constructed narratives of many false flags, such as paper passports being magically found after 9/11…

The fires become an outright mockery of those of us who are paying attention. We are burning your food supply, and even telling you we're doing it, and you can't stop us!

—— Ignore the mockery -- keep planting that garden. ——

“A large fire at a sausage factory is being tackled by 10 crews from both Essex and Hertfordshire. Thick plumes of smoke can be seen across the town and the fire service has warned people to stay indoors and keep windows shut.

The fire service said when crews arrived the building was 95% alight and 100% smoke-logged.

#fire #UK
Arm yourself with these questions.

Do not comply with orders to destroy your family’s food supply.

Join: @iceagefarmer
