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Israel Bird Flu: A fifth of wild cranes in Israel thought to be infected with fatal bird flu - farmers blamed - egg shortages expected

Authorities expect to have to clear 25 to 30 tons of crane carcasses after H5N1 virus spread from northern moshav, where farmers failed to report poultry deaths on time

One in five of the wild cranes living in or migrating through Israel have been infected with the fatal H5N1 bird flu virus, with authorities expecting to have to remove 25 to 30 tons of carcasses, the Israel Nature and Parks Authority (INPA) said Thursday.

The virus is believed to have spread from Moshav Margaliot on the Lebanese border, where 244,000 laying hens were housed in 60 coops, supplying six million eggs monthly, out of the 200 million eggs Israelis consume each month.

According to the Agriculture Ministry, the farmers there failed to report in real-time the rising numbers of poultry deaths, leading to the virus spreading rapidly.

Many of the chickens were dead by the time ministry inspectors arrived, and the rest were culled. In one coop, only 70 chickens were found alive out of 2,000.

Agriculture Minister Oded Forer described crowded chicken coops as “a ticking time bomb” that needed to be moved from communities to isolated breeding complexes with strict biological safety levels.

#Israel #BirdFlu #WarOnMeat #AnimalAg
Israel sees egg shortage amid bird flu spreading in hen coops

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Rael has stated that the country will face a shortage of millions of eggs due to the outbreak of pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza.

According to the Xinhua news agency, there would be a 14 million egg shortage per month, out of the 200 million eggs consumed in Israel each month.

To address the issue, Israeli Agriculture Minister Oded Forer decided to open the Israeli market to duty-free imports of 70 million to 100 million eggs immediately.

Given the recent outbreak of bird flu in 60 chicken coops in northern and southern Israel, the Ministry of Agriculture has initiated an emergency veterinary procedure to prevent the virus from spreading further.

#Israel #BirdFlu
Massive New Bird Flu Outbreak Could Be 2022’s Deadly Pandemic

[IAF: keep your eye on this bird flu narrative — remember the predictive headlines we’ve seen in the past (“Apocalyptic Bird Flu May Wipe Out Half of Humanity”)? ... this could move quickly beyond merely a cover reason to cull millions of chickens]

Israel’s National Security Council has assumed control of a massive bird flu outbreak in the Galilee, which scientists warn could become a “mass disaster” for humans.

Over half a billion migrating birds pass through the area every year, heading for warm African winters or balmy European summers, making this a catastrophic location for a major bird flu outbreak—right at the nexus of global avian travel.

The virus can be deadly if it infects people. The World Health Organization says more than half of the confirmed 863 human cases it has tracked since 2003 proved fatal. Most strains or variants of avian flu, H5N1, are relatively difficult to transmit to people.

#BirdFlu #GermTheoryWeaponized
Marjory Wildcraft and I will be speaking tomorrow — we will be getting an update on a community garden she’s working on.

OPEN THREAD: What other questions do you have for her / us ?
Two dams collapsed in the northeastern Brazilian state of Bahia over the weekend after weeks of heavy rain.

On Saturday night, the Igua dam on the Verruga river near Vitoria da Conquista in southern Bahia collapsed. The second dam broke about 62 miles to the north on Sunday morning.

The floods have affected 40 cities throughout Bahia, Gov. Rui Costa said. He said at least 35,000 people had been displaced from their homes.

"This is a massive tragedy. I can't remember seeing anything like this in Bahia's recent history, given the amount of cities and houses involved. It's truly terrifying, there are so many houses and streets that are completely underwater," Costa said.

#Brazil #GrandSolarMinimum
Farmers, Truckers STOPPED as Food Supply Collapses

As the unv'd are locked out of farmers markets and grocery stores, so too are unv'd farmers precluded from selling their grains. Ministers who warn of impending food shortages are promptly removed from office. The mainstream food supply is now in full collapse, and we must be creating ALTERNATIVE food supplies.

via @iceagefarmer - #iafvideo
Chinese residents ‘starving’ as world’s strictest COVID lockdown bans them leaving home

Residents under strict lowdown rules in one of China’s largest cities say they are facing starvation after they were banned from going outside to get food. Before the severe measures were introduced, one member from each household was allowed out once every two days to buy food.

Xi’an residents took to social media to call for help, saying they were “starving” and asking neighbors to provide supplies for them.

“I’m about to be starved to death,” wrote one person on Weibo, China’s equivalent of Facebook. “There’s no food, my housing compound won’t let me out, and I’m about to run out of instant noodles… please help!”

“I don’t want to hear any more about how everything is fine,”
said another. “So what if supplies are so abundant – they’re useless if you don’t actually give them to people.”

[ IAF: Grow your own food. ]

Driverless truck crosses 80-mile driverless Class 8 pilot in Arizona

Startup achieves holy grail of autonomous trucking showing ‘commercial maturity’ — bringing in the post-human future. Burger flipping robots, driverless trucks … can already hear them making the case for UBI…


TuSimple claims it successfully completed an 80-mile nighttime run on Interstate 10 in Arizona with no driver in the cab — the first to reach the goal in the U.S. among many competitors working on robot-driven trucks.

The autonomous driving system navigated surface streets, traffic signals, on-ramps, off-ramps, emergency lane vehicles and highway lane changes in open traffic while naturally interacting with other motorists, TuSimple said in a press release.
30,000 pigs culled on farms as backlog remains 'dire'

30,000 pigs have now been culled on farms across the country as farmers take desperate measures as critical worker shortages in processing plants continue to bite.

#uk #WarOnMeat
Pet food manufacturers moving to insect protein.

This is an entry point to get people eating bugs:

Insect ingredients have been increasingly cropping up in the pet nutrition space, including in pet food and treat formulations. In August, the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) voted to tentatively approve the use of dried black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) in adult dog food, paving the way for more manufacturers to capitalize on this growing meat-free trend.

Packaged Facts stated this meat-free trend is best applied to pet treats, as complete-and-balanced nutritional requirements for pet food make meatless formulations more complex. Meatless pet treats can be brought to market more easily than meatless pet foods, the market research firm said, and could be an “entry point” for interested manufacturers.

UK Inches Closer To Eliminating Private Car Ownership

Racing along the path to #AbsoluteZero - Absolute Slavery

UK Government Transport Minister Trudy Harrison recently spoke at a mobility conference, addressing the future of personal mobility. In her comments, she said it was necessary to ditch the "20th-century thinking centred around private vehicle ownership and towards greater flexibility, with personal choice and low carbon shared transport." That’s right, she said the quiet part loud and showed the hand of a growing number of government officials.
Grocery stores introducing armed guards - Gestapo in the supermarket:

And bigger changes coming to food #retail (click the hashtag) :

KANSAS CITY (KCTV) -- Hy-Vee is introducing armed security guards to stores across its eight-state region, including in the Kansas City area, the grocery chain announced this week.

The Hy-Vee Retail Security team will be “specially trained to defuse situations and equipped to protect the safety of both Hy-Vee customers and employees,” the company said in a statement. “The officers have been through training designed by Hy-Vee retail security leaders alongside law enforcement partners.”

The company said it already has armed security in several stores, and plans to implement the new plan in its other stores “in the near future.”

Hy-Vee released a video along with the announcement, showing b-roll video of security wearing badges and guns while walking Hy-Vee’s aisles and interacting with customers.
Happy 2022.

May we all do absolutely everything in our spheres of influence to preclude the technocratic enslavement of yourself, your progency, and indeed, the human race.
UAE bans unvaccinated from leaving the country.

Unvaccinated UAE citizens will be banned from traveling abroad starting January 10, according to local media, citing the country’s crisis management agencies. Only the fully-vaxxed and boosted will be permitted to leave.

Most countries have barred the unvaccinated from entering their countries, rather than prohibiting them from leaving.
Farmers facing exploding input prices (and shortages).

#FoodPrices #Inflation
Prion diseases are arriving, as we spoke of last year:

Bizarre neurological illness plagues young Canadians

Dozens of young people with no preexisting conditions are developing symptoms of a new disease as activists and families suspect a cover-up on the part of the local government.

A whistleblower with Vitalité Health Network in New Brunswick told The Guardian on Sunday that symptoms include hallucinations, difficulty thinking, limited mobility, insomnia, and rapid weight loss. Local government has reportedly struggled to dismiss the growing number of cases as Alzheimer’s or other neurological diseases uncommon outside the elderly.

One of the more disturbing elements of the condition is how little is known regarding transmission. In at least nine cases, caretakers and others in close contact with sick individuals have developed similar symptoms to the ailing party, suggesting the illness not only spreads readily between unrelated individuals but that there may be environmental factors involved. Some have compared the illness to Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a fatal brain disease caused by misshapen proteins called prions, though screening reportedly produced no confirmed CJD cases.

The province has struggled to keep the cases under wraps – the case cluster only became public last year when a memo was leaked to the media, and the government has insisted the “cluster” itself is merely the result of “misdiagnoses” grouping unrelated illnesses together. Officials declared in October that eight fatal cases were due to “known and unrelated pathologies,” rather than a shared and unknown illness. An epidemiological report released in October supposedly ruled out any food, behavioral, or environmental exposure that could explain the problem.

However, another public health scientist who sought to remain anonymous suggested the government was covering something up. “The fact that we have a younger spectrum of patients here argues very strongly against what appears to be the preferred position of the government of New Brunswick – that the cases in this cluster are being mistakenly lumped together.”

Also salient, that last paragraph:If a group of people wanted to breed conspiracy theorists, then our government has done a wonderful job at promoting it,” Beatty told The Guardian. “Are they just trying to create a narrative for the public that they hope we’ll absorb and walk away from? I just don’t understand it.”

Forwarded from Ice Age Farmer
New study: RNA injections and risk of Prion diseases:

There is an old saying in medicine that “the cure may be worse than the disease.” The phrase can be applied to vaccines. In the current paper the concern is raised that the RNA based COVID vaccines have the potential to cause more disease than the epidemic of COVID-19. This paper focuses on a novel potential adverse event mechanism causing prion disease which could be even more common and debilitating than the viral infection the vaccine is designed to prevent.

GRAINS-Wheat and corn up over 20% in 2021, soybeans edge to third year of gains

U.S. corn, wheat and soybean futures were set to post yearly gains, with strong demand and supply constraints in some key production areas of the globe underpinning the markets throughout 2021.

Corn futures Sv1, which have jumped 23.4% this year, have paced the grain markets, supported by increased feed usage by livestock as well as a rebound in the ethanol sector as drivers returned to the roads due to easing COVID-19 restrictions. The corn market has risen for four years in a row.

Wheat futures were up 20.6% for the year and were on track for their fifth straight yearly gain and their biggest since 2010. Crop problems in Australia and worries about export curbs in Russia have supported the wheat market throughout 2021.

Soybean futures, which hit their highest level since 2012 in May, were up just 2.4% for the year, as a bumper harvest in the United States and good growing weather in Brazil have pressured prices during the fourth quarter.

#Corn #soybeans #Wheat #FoodPrices
Fertilizer Inflation Contributing to Higher Food Prices

Food prices are expected to rise going into 2022, and one major contributing factor is the rising price of fertilizer. The American Farm Bureau Federation stated that all nutrients had risen dramatically in cost over the last year: ammonia has increased over 210%; liquid nitrogen has increased over 159%; urea is up 155%; MAP has increased 125%; DAP is up over 100%, and potash has risen above 134%. This does not include the growing cost of transportation.

IAF: It is becoming economically infeasible to produce food…by design.

#FoodsPrices #fertilizer #Inflation
Interview with Marjory Wildcraft is dropping now! Join the stream:

Building Food Security through Community - Marjory Wildcraft

As supply chain disruptions and fertilizer shortages disrupt the "mainstream" food supply, Marjory Wildcraft joins the Ice Age Farmer broadcast to discuss how and why YOU must work within your community to stand up a local, de-centralized, regenerative, abundant "alternative" food system. This is not just about growing food (although it does that better than industrial farming!), but is also a key method to thwart the technocrats' planned "Great Food Transformation" intended to render us wholly dependent on their lab-grown meat and insect protein. We discuss how to craft a project plan, how to build support within the community, finding land and setting up the space, and how to leverage volunteers. You CAN do this!


bitchute: [ processing ]

#iafvideo #FoodPrices #FoodShortages #Community #Solutions