12 hour weather forecast in Yerevan
🌄 06:51 AM 🌇 06:57 PM
🌤 12:00 PM, 22.1C (Feels: 24.6C)
Intermittent clouds | Humidity: 30% | UV Index: Moderate | Precipitation: 4%
🌤 01:00 PM, 22.5C (Feels: 24.0C)
Intermittent clouds | Humidity: 33% | UV Index: Moderate | Precipitation: 14%
🌤 02:00 PM, 22.1C (Feels: 22.8C)
Intermittent clouds | Humidity: 33% | UV Index: Low | Precipitation: 14%
🌤 03:00 PM, 21.7C (Feels: 21.4C)
Intermittent clouds | Humidity: 34% | UV Index: Low | Precipitation: 18%
🌤 04:00 PM, 20.9C (Feels: 20.0C)
Intermittent clouds | Humidity: 38% | UV Index: Low | Precipitation: 43%
🌤 05:00 PM, 20.3C (Feels: 19.2C)
Intermittent clouds | Humidity: 44% | UV Index: Low | Precipitation: 47%
🌦 06:00 PM, 17.5C (Feels: 15.2C)
Mostly cloudy w/ t-storms | Humidity: 68% | UV Index: Low | Precipitation: 51%
🌑 07:00 PM, 16.7C (Feels: 16.6C)
Intermittent clouds | Humidity: 72% | UV Index: Low | Precipitation: 47%
🌑 08:00 PM, 14.6C (Feels: 13.9C)
Intermittent clouds | Humidity: 78% | UV Index: Low | Precipitation: 47%
⛈ 09:00 PM, 14.7C (Feels: 10.7C)
Thunderstorms | Humidity: 71% | UV Index: Low | Precipitation: 51%
🌑 ☁ 10:00 PM, 13.8C (Feels: 12.7C)
Mostly cloudy | Humidity: 69% | UV Index: Low | Precipitation: 40%
🌑 ☁ 11:00 PM, 12.9C (Feels: 12.0C)
Mostly cloudy | Humidity: 73% | UV Index: Low | Precipitation: 34%
🌄 06:51 AM 🌇 06:57 PM
🌤 12:00 PM, 22.1C (Feels: 24.6C)
Intermittent clouds | Humidity: 30% | UV Index: Moderate | Precipitation: 4%
🌤 01:00 PM, 22.5C (Feels: 24.0C)
Intermittent clouds | Humidity: 33% | UV Index: Moderate | Precipitation: 14%
🌤 02:00 PM, 22.1C (Feels: 22.8C)
Intermittent clouds | Humidity: 33% | UV Index: Low | Precipitation: 14%
🌤 03:00 PM, 21.7C (Feels: 21.4C)
Intermittent clouds | Humidity: 34% | UV Index: Low | Precipitation: 18%
🌤 04:00 PM, 20.9C (Feels: 20.0C)
Intermittent clouds | Humidity: 38% | UV Index: Low | Precipitation: 43%
🌤 05:00 PM, 20.3C (Feels: 19.2C)
Intermittent clouds | Humidity: 44% | UV Index: Low | Precipitation: 47%
🌦 06:00 PM, 17.5C (Feels: 15.2C)
Mostly cloudy w/ t-storms | Humidity: 68% | UV Index: Low | Precipitation: 51%
🌑 07:00 PM, 16.7C (Feels: 16.6C)
Intermittent clouds | Humidity: 72% | UV Index: Low | Precipitation: 47%
🌑 08:00 PM, 14.6C (Feels: 13.9C)
Intermittent clouds | Humidity: 78% | UV Index: Low | Precipitation: 47%
⛈ 09:00 PM, 14.7C (Feels: 10.7C)
Thunderstorms | Humidity: 71% | UV Index: Low | Precipitation: 51%
🌑 ☁ 10:00 PM, 13.8C (Feels: 12.7C)
Mostly cloudy | Humidity: 69% | UV Index: Low | Precipitation: 40%
🌑 ☁ 11:00 PM, 12.9C (Feels: 12.0C)
Mostly cloudy | Humidity: 73% | UV Index: Low | Precipitation: 34%
Mehrabyan & Sons LLC
🗺 Yerevan, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-24
🗂 #Unsorted #Full_Time
📢 ՙՙՄեհրաբյան և որդիներՙՙ ընկերությունը փնտրում է մեխանիկի, ով կիրականացնի արտադրական հաստոցների, հոսքագծերի, սարքավորումների տեխնիկական սպասարկման աշխատանքները:
👉 https://ijob.am/job/49209/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060732
Mehrabyan & Sons LLC
🗺 Yerevan, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-24
🗂 #Unsorted #Full_Time
📢 ՙՙՄեհրաբյան և որդիներՙՙ ընկերությունը փնտրում է մեխանիկի, ով կիրականացնի արտադրական հաստոցների, հոսքագծերի, սարքավորումների տեխնիկական սպասարկման աշխատանքները:
👉 https://ijob.am/job/49209/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060732
Մեխանիկ Job at Mehrabyan & Sons LLC | iJob.am
Մեխանիկ job/vacancy is available at Mehrabyan & Sons LLC company in Armenia. I am an intelligent job portal, my job search engine finds and posts job/vacancy on the web & social network.
Գործադիր տնօրեն
Հայաստանի Գինիներ/ Wines of Armenia NGO
🗺 Երևան, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-24
🗂 #Unsorted #Full_Time
📢 «Հայաստանի գինիներ» գինու ոլորտի խթանման հասարակական կազմակերպությունը հայտարարում է մրցույթ Գործադիր տնօրենի պաշտոնի համար։ Գործադիր տնօրենը իրականացնում է Կազմակերպության ընթացիկ գործունեության կառավարումը, ապահովում է Կազմակերպության Կանոնադրությամբ նախատեսված կառավարման մյուս մարմինների Ժողովի և Խորհրդի գործունեությունը։ Գործադիր տնօրենը հաշվետու է Կազմակերպության Ժողովին և Խորհրդին։
👉 https://ijob.am/job/announcement-jobopp-51236/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060733
Հայաստանի Գինիներ/ Wines of Armenia NGO
🗺 Երևան, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-24
🗂 #Unsorted #Full_Time
📢 «Հայաստանի գինիներ» գինու ոլորտի խթանման հասարակական կազմակերպությունը հայտարարում է մրցույթ Գործադիր տնօրենի պաշտոնի համար։ Գործադիր տնօրենը իրականացնում է Կազմակերպության ընթացիկ գործունեության կառավարումը, ապահովում է Կազմակերպության Կանոնադրությամբ նախատեսված կառավարման մյուս մարմինների Ժողովի և Խորհրդի գործունեությունը։ Գործադիր տնօրենը հաշվետու է Կազմակերպության Ժողովին և Խորհրդին։
👉 https://ijob.am/job/announcement-jobopp-51236/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060733
Գործադիր տնօրեն Job at Հայաստանի Գինիներ/ Wines of Armenia NGO | iJob.am
Գործադիր տնօրեն job/vacancy is available at Հայաստանի Գինիներ/ Wines of Armenia NGO company in Armenia. I am an intelligent job portal, my job search engine finds and posts job/vacancy on the web & social network.
Volios Institute of Civil Engineering
🗺 33 Movses Khorenatsi street, Yerevan, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-24
🗂 #Construction_Engineering #Full_Time
📢 «Վոլիոս նախագծային ինստիտուտ» ՓԲԸ-ին հարկավոր են շինարարարական բաժնում ճարտարագետ-շինարարներ։
👉 https://ijob.am/job/volios-institute-of-civil-engineering-ք․-երեվան-խորենացի-33-2-ճարտարագե/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060734
Volios Institute of Civil Engineering
🗺 33 Movses Khorenatsi street, Yerevan, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-24
🗂 #Construction_Engineering #Full_Time
📢 «Վոլիոս նախագծային ինստիտուտ» ՓԲԸ-ին հարկավոր են շինարարարական բաժնում ճարտարագետ-շինարարներ։
👉 https://ijob.am/job/volios-institute-of-civil-engineering-ք․-երեվան-խորենացի-33-2-ճարտարագե/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060734
💰 Exchange rates by cba.am
⏰ 2021-09-23
🏷 #Exchange_Rates
⬇ 1 USD = 483.75 (-0.48)
⬇ 1 EUR = 567.05 (-0.9)
⬆ 1 RUB = 6.66 (0.01)
⬇ 1 GEL = 155.54 (-0.16)
⏰ 2021-09-23
🏷 #Exchange_Rates
⬇ 1 USD = 483.75 (-0.48)
⬇ 1 EUR = 567.05 (-0.9)
⬆ 1 RUB = 6.66 (0.01)
⬇ 1 GEL = 155.54 (-0.16)
Պահեստի աշխատակից
Sportmaster Armenia
🗺 Yerevan, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-24
🗂 #General_Labor #Full_Time
📢 Սպորտմաստերը ընկերություն է, որն ավելի քան 29 տարի հնարավորություն է տալիս հասնել սպորտային նպատակների:
Միացի՛ր մարզական և ակտիվ թիմին, ովքեր ապրում են սպորտով և ցանկանում են առողջ ապրելակերպը բերել հանրություն:
Քեզ համար մենք ունենք.
•Սպորտի նկատմամբ ոչ անտարբեր թիմ
•Ամսական 2 անգամ կայուն եկամուտ (աշխատավարձ + բոնուս)
•Հարմարավետ հերթափոխային գրաֆիկ
•Եզակի ինտեգրման ծրագրեր և առցանց ուսուցում
•Հիանալի մրցանակներ ստանալու հնարավորություն
•Մասնագիտական զարգացում և կարիերայի աճ
•Անվճար մուտք դեպի մարզման ծրագրեր և առցանց գրադարան
•Պաշտոնական գրանցում առաջին իսկ օրվանից
ՍՊՈՐՏՄԱՍՏԵՐ ընկերությունը հրավիրում է Ձեզ դառնալ մեր թիմի մի մասը:
👉 https://ijob.am/job/51765/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060736
Sportmaster Armenia
🗺 Yerevan, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-24
🗂 #General_Labor #Full_Time
📢 Սպորտմաստերը ընկերություն է, որն ավելի քան 29 տարի հնարավորություն է տալիս հասնել սպորտային նպատակների:
Միացի՛ր մարզական և ակտիվ թիմին, ովքեր ապրում են սպորտով և ցանկանում են առողջ ապրելակերպը բերել հանրություն:
Քեզ համար մենք ունենք.
•Սպորտի նկատմամբ ոչ անտարբեր թիմ
•Ամսական 2 անգամ կայուն եկամուտ (աշխատավարձ + բոնուս)
•Հարմարավետ հերթափոխային գրաֆիկ
•Եզակի ինտեգրման ծրագրեր և առցանց ուսուցում
•Հիանալի մրցանակներ ստանալու հնարավորություն
•Մասնագիտական զարգացում և կարիերայի աճ
•Անվճար մուտք դեպի մարզման ծրագրեր և առցանց գրադարան
•Պաշտոնական գրանցում առաջին իսկ օրվանից
ՍՊՈՐՏՄԱՍՏԵՐ ընկերությունը հրավիրում է Ձեզ դառնալ մեր թիմի մի մասը:
👉 https://ijob.am/job/51765/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060736
Պահեստի աշխատակից Job at Sportmaster Armenia | iJob.am
Պահեստի աշխատակից job/vacancy is available at Sportmaster Armenia company in Armenia. I am an intelligent job portal, my job search engine finds and posts job/vacancy on the web & social network.
Sales Consultant
Sportmaster Armenia
🗺 Yerevan, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-24
🗂 #Sales #Full_Time
📢 Due to the opening of the store in Yerevan “Sportmaster” opens a job position of a Sales assistant
Sportmaster – is a company which has been providing opportunity for people to reach their goals in sport for more than 26 years.
Join the team of active and athletic professionals, who live the sport and promote active way of life to people!
What we offer you:
•Discounts on company products
•Training and development
•Stable income, paid twice a month (salary + commission)
•Official employment
•Comfortable shifts
•Opportunity to join the community of sport lovers
👉 https://ijob.am/job/sales-consultant-51766/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060737
Sportmaster Armenia
🗺 Yerevan, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-24
🗂 #Sales #Full_Time
📢 Due to the opening of the store in Yerevan “Sportmaster” opens a job position of a Sales assistant
Sportmaster – is a company which has been providing opportunity for people to reach their goals in sport for more than 26 years.
Join the team of active and athletic professionals, who live the sport and promote active way of life to people!
What we offer you:
•Discounts on company products
•Training and development
•Stable income, paid twice a month (salary + commission)
•Official employment
•Comfortable shifts
•Opportunity to join the community of sport lovers
👉 https://ijob.am/job/sales-consultant-51766/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060737
Sales Consultant Job at Sportmaster Armenia | iJob.am
Sales Consultant job/vacancy is available at Sportmaster Armenia company in Armenia. I am an intelligent job portal, my job search engine finds and posts job/vacancy on the web & social network.
React Native Developer
Bookedby/ Salon Ultimate
🗺 Yerevan, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-23
🗂 #Information_Technology #Full_Time
📢 Bookedby is looking for a React Native developer who wants to participate in the creation of software solutions for checkout equipment, booking systems and analytical systems. Our goal is to continue to delight users of our systems and improve UX, usability and stability. You will be working on a platform that is used by 40 million users. You will work remotely along with other team members, monitoring the quality of the products being released, which is a very important role in the team. Teleworking allows you to be flexible and spend more time with your family. Working on Scrum, you will have to regularly communicate with developers and testers, participate in planning and evaluation, retrospectives and demos, be proactive and involved in the development process.
In order to succeed in this role, you will have to quickly get up to speed, learn all the extensive functionality of existing software systems and solutions, as well as get used to the rapid pace of development of new functionality and products. You will have to deal with a lot of problems on your own or with the support of colleagues. We expect you to perceive this as a challenge and an opportunity to prove yourself, your ingenuity, the ability to quickly understand the essence of issues and solve problems.
We speak English, we expect the same from you! And even if not all colleagues are foreigners, all the same, documentation, notes, written communication must be in English.
👉 https://ijob.am/job/react-native-developer-69467/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060738
Bookedby/ Salon Ultimate
🗺 Yerevan, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-23
🗂 #Information_Technology #Full_Time
📢 Bookedby is looking for a React Native developer who wants to participate in the creation of software solutions for checkout equipment, booking systems and analytical systems. Our goal is to continue to delight users of our systems and improve UX, usability and stability. You will be working on a platform that is used by 40 million users. You will work remotely along with other team members, monitoring the quality of the products being released, which is a very important role in the team. Teleworking allows you to be flexible and spend more time with your family. Working on Scrum, you will have to regularly communicate with developers and testers, participate in planning and evaluation, retrospectives and demos, be proactive and involved in the development process.
In order to succeed in this role, you will have to quickly get up to speed, learn all the extensive functionality of existing software systems and solutions, as well as get used to the rapid pace of development of new functionality and products. You will have to deal with a lot of problems on your own or with the support of colleagues. We expect you to perceive this as a challenge and an opportunity to prove yourself, your ingenuity, the ability to quickly understand the essence of issues and solve problems.
We speak English, we expect the same from you! And even if not all colleagues are foreigners, all the same, documentation, notes, written communication must be in English.
👉 https://ijob.am/job/react-native-developer-69467/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060738
React Native Developer Job at Bookedby/ Salon Ultimate | iJob.am
React Native Developer job/vacancy is available at Bookedby/ Salon Ultimate company in Armenia. I am an intelligent job portal, my job search engine finds and posts job/vacancy on the web & social network.
Junior Project Manager
🗺 Yerevan, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-23
🗂 #Information_Technology #Full_Time
📢 Working at ItHire means being a part of a big team that strives for success together. Here, we help each other get the most out of work and achieve new heights.
Besides working on our own product, you’ll also have a lot of fun because you’ll have various projects from abroad. It will keep you switching from one exciting project to another, constantly learning new stuff and developing your skills.
Now, we are looking for an Junior Project Manager to provide support for projects. In this role, you will be responsible for daily communication with the clients, maintaining project documents and reports.
👉 https://ijob.am/job/junior-project-manager-69466/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060739
🗺 Yerevan, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-23
🗂 #Information_Technology #Full_Time
📢 Working at ItHire means being a part of a big team that strives for success together. Here, we help each other get the most out of work and achieve new heights.
Besides working on our own product, you’ll also have a lot of fun because you’ll have various projects from abroad. It will keep you switching from one exciting project to another, constantly learning new stuff and developing your skills.
Now, we are looking for an Junior Project Manager to provide support for projects. In this role, you will be responsible for daily communication with the clients, maintaining project documents and reports.
👉 https://ijob.am/job/junior-project-manager-69466/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060739
Junior Project Manager Job at Ithire | iJob.am
Junior Project Manager job/vacancy is available at Ithire company in Armenia. I am an intelligent job portal, my job search engine finds and posts job/vacancy on the web & social network.
Principal Engineer in FPGA Placement and Route Software
Instigate Semiconductor CJSC
🗺 Yerevan, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-23
🗂 #Information_Technology #Full_Time
📢 Our Software Engineering team delivers a comprehensive software suite for designing FPGAs and managing the entire design flow from entry, to synthesis, through place-and-route, timing, power analysis, and simulation. Within the Software organization, the Physical and Logical Design group is responsible for developing high-performance place, route, and synthesis software. Our placement and routing tools are distributed commercially to a wide range of customers and are used internally for the exploration of new FPGA architectures.
We research and implement sophisticated approaches for solving gigantic problems — like finding high-quality placements for millions of movable modules, or routing circuits whose graph representations contain hundreds of millions of edges. To do this, we draw from a variety of computer science domains, including: numerical optimization, linear programming, Boolean satisfiability, stochastic search, graph theory, traffic routing, and computational geometry.
We have a position in the Physical and Logical Design group. As a key member of this R&D team, you will leverage your solid foundation in computer science to develop new placement, routing, and/or synthesis algorithms. You will be an important contributor to our team and to our company — your work will become a vital component of our flow, and your discoveries will enrich the state of cutting-edge CAD research.
👉 https://ijob.am/job/principal-engineer-in-fpga-placement-and-rout/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060740
Instigate Semiconductor CJSC
🗺 Yerevan, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-23
🗂 #Information_Technology #Full_Time
📢 Our Software Engineering team delivers a comprehensive software suite for designing FPGAs and managing the entire design flow from entry, to synthesis, through place-and-route, timing, power analysis, and simulation. Within the Software organization, the Physical and Logical Design group is responsible for developing high-performance place, route, and synthesis software. Our placement and routing tools are distributed commercially to a wide range of customers and are used internally for the exploration of new FPGA architectures.
We research and implement sophisticated approaches for solving gigantic problems — like finding high-quality placements for millions of movable modules, or routing circuits whose graph representations contain hundreds of millions of edges. To do this, we draw from a variety of computer science domains, including: numerical optimization, linear programming, Boolean satisfiability, stochastic search, graph theory, traffic routing, and computational geometry.
We have a position in the Physical and Logical Design group. As a key member of this R&D team, you will leverage your solid foundation in computer science to develop new placement, routing, and/or synthesis algorithms. You will be an important contributor to our team and to our company — your work will become a vital component of our flow, and your discoveries will enrich the state of cutting-edge CAD research.
👉 https://ijob.am/job/principal-engineer-in-fpga-placement-and-rout/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060740
Principal Engineer in FPGA Placement and Route Software Job at Instigate Semiconductor CJSC | iJob.am
Principal Engineer in FPGA Placement and Route Software job/vacancy is available at Instigate Semiconductor CJSC company in Armenia. I am an intelligent job portal, my job search engine finds and posts job/vacancy on the web & social network.
Software Development Engineer (iOS)
Adobe (Workfront)
🗺 Yerevan, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-23
🗂 #Information_Technology #Full_Time
📢 Changing the world through digital experiences is what Adobe’s all about. We give everyone—from emerging artists to global brands—everything they need to design and deliver exceptional digital experiences. We’re passionate about empowering people to craft beautiful and powerful images, videos, and apps, and transform how companies interact with customers across every screen.We’re on a mission to hire the very best and are committed to building exceptional employee experiences where everyone is respected and has access to equal opportunity. We realize that new ideas can come from everywhere in the organization, and we know the next big idea could be yours!
👉 https://ijob.am/job/software-development-engineer-ios-68800-2/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060741
Adobe (Workfront)
🗺 Yerevan, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-23
🗂 #Information_Technology #Full_Time
📢 Changing the world through digital experiences is what Adobe’s all about. We give everyone—from emerging artists to global brands—everything they need to design and deliver exceptional digital experiences. We’re passionate about empowering people to craft beautiful and powerful images, videos, and apps, and transform how companies interact with customers across every screen.We’re on a mission to hire the very best and are committed to building exceptional employee experiences where everyone is respected and has access to equal opportunity. We realize that new ideas can come from everywhere in the organization, and we know the next big idea could be yours!
👉 https://ijob.am/job/software-development-engineer-ios-68800-2/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060741
Software Development Engineer (iOS) Job at Adobe (Workfront) | iJob.am
Software Development Engineer (iOS) job/vacancy is available at Adobe (Workfront) company in Armenia. I am an intelligent job portal, my job search engine finds and posts job/vacancy on the web & social network.
Senior Automation QA Engineer
Intelligent Digital Technologies LLC
🗺 Yerevan, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-23
🗂 #Information_Technology #Full_Time
📢 IDT is an IT consulting and software development startup in the field of financial services. We focus on business automatization and digitization processes of banking, payments, asset & wealth management, risk & compliance. Profound knowledge of signal processing, image recognition, and artificial intelligence is the key to help improve enterprise performance and simplify administrative processes in the financial cycles of our clients.
As we have already built a team of 25+ talented people, we are now seeking a for an Automation QA Engineer to join us․ If you hold an IT background, have 3+ years of experience and just enjoy providing end-to-end solutions to software quality problems, we’d like to meet you.
👉 https://ijob.am/job/senior-automation-qa-engineer-46412/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060742
Intelligent Digital Technologies LLC
🗺 Yerevan, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-23
🗂 #Information_Technology #Full_Time
📢 IDT is an IT consulting and software development startup in the field of financial services. We focus on business automatization and digitization processes of banking, payments, asset & wealth management, risk & compliance. Profound knowledge of signal processing, image recognition, and artificial intelligence is the key to help improve enterprise performance and simplify administrative processes in the financial cycles of our clients.
As we have already built a team of 25+ talented people, we are now seeking a for an Automation QA Engineer to join us․ If you hold an IT background, have 3+ years of experience and just enjoy providing end-to-end solutions to software quality problems, we’d like to meet you.
👉 https://ijob.am/job/senior-automation-qa-engineer-46412/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060742
Senior Automation QA Engineer Job at Intelligent Digital Technologies LLC | iJob.am
Senior Automation QA Engineer job/vacancy is available at Intelligent Digital Technologies LLC company in Armenia. I am an intelligent job portal, my job search engine finds and posts job/vacancy on the web & social network.
Senior Data Engineer
SADA Global Delivery Center
🗺 Yerevan, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-23
🗂 #Information_Technology #Full_Time
📢 Your Mission
As a Sr. Data Engineer at SADA, you will work collaboratively with architects and other engineers to recommend, prototype, build and debug data infrastructures on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). You will have an opportunity to work on real-world data problems facing our customers today. Engagements vary from being purely consultative to requiring heavy hands-on work, and cover a diverse array of domain areas, such as data migrations, data archival and disaster recovery, and big data analytics solutions requiring batch or streaming data pipelines, data lakes and data warehouses.
You will be expected to run point on whole projects, end-to-end, and to mentor less experienced Data Engineers. You will be recognized as an expert within the team and will build a reputation with Google and our customers. You will demonstrate repeated delivery of project architectures and critical components that other engineers demur to you for lack of expertise. You will also participate in early-stage opportunity qualification calls, as well as lead client-facing technical discussions for established projects.
👉 https://ijob.am/job/senior-data-engineer-68003/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060743
SADA Global Delivery Center
🗺 Yerevan, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-23
🗂 #Information_Technology #Full_Time
📢 Your Mission
As a Sr. Data Engineer at SADA, you will work collaboratively with architects and other engineers to recommend, prototype, build and debug data infrastructures on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). You will have an opportunity to work on real-world data problems facing our customers today. Engagements vary from being purely consultative to requiring heavy hands-on work, and cover a diverse array of domain areas, such as data migrations, data archival and disaster recovery, and big data analytics solutions requiring batch or streaming data pipelines, data lakes and data warehouses.
You will be expected to run point on whole projects, end-to-end, and to mentor less experienced Data Engineers. You will be recognized as an expert within the team and will build a reputation with Google and our customers. You will demonstrate repeated delivery of project architectures and critical components that other engineers demur to you for lack of expertise. You will also participate in early-stage opportunity qualification calls, as well as lead client-facing technical discussions for established projects.
👉 https://ijob.am/job/senior-data-engineer-68003/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060743
Senior Data Engineer Job at SADA Global Delivery Center | iJob.am
Senior Data Engineer job/vacancy is available at SADA Global Delivery Center company in Armenia. I am an intelligent job portal, my job search engine finds and posts job/vacancy on the web & social network.
Chief Technology Director
SADA Global Delivery Center
🗺 Yerevan, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-23
🗂 #Information_Technology #Full_Time
📢 Your Mission
As a Cloud Infrastructure Engineer at SADA, you will work collaboratively to deliver high-quality infrastructure projects on Google Cloud Platform for our cloud and hybrid-cloud customers. You will have an opportunity to work on real-world problems facing our customers in the field. Engagements vary from being purely consultative to requiring heavy hands-on work, and cover a range of domain areas, such as workload migrations from on-prem or other clouds to GCP, standing up experimental infrastructures on GCP, building hybrid-cloud solutions on top of Kubernetes and Anthos, implementing Infrastructure-as-code environment automation, and developing fully automated CI/CD pipelines. Moreover, you will have the opportunity to provide thought leadership, delivering best practice recommendations internally and externally.
You possess a diverse background in areas such as architecture design, distributed systems, infrastructure migration, and deployment strategies. To be successful, one must know how to navigate ambiguity, have extensive experience working with cloud technologies, have technical depth, and enjoy working with customers.
You will be recognized as an established contributor by your team. You will contribute design and implementation components for multiple projects. You will work mostly independently with limited oversight. You will also participate in client-facing discussions in areas of expertise.
👉 https://ijob.am/job/chief-technology-director-68002/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060744
SADA Global Delivery Center
🗺 Yerevan, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-23
🗂 #Information_Technology #Full_Time
📢 Your Mission
As a Cloud Infrastructure Engineer at SADA, you will work collaboratively to deliver high-quality infrastructure projects on Google Cloud Platform for our cloud and hybrid-cloud customers. You will have an opportunity to work on real-world problems facing our customers in the field. Engagements vary from being purely consultative to requiring heavy hands-on work, and cover a range of domain areas, such as workload migrations from on-prem or other clouds to GCP, standing up experimental infrastructures on GCP, building hybrid-cloud solutions on top of Kubernetes and Anthos, implementing Infrastructure-as-code environment automation, and developing fully automated CI/CD pipelines. Moreover, you will have the opportunity to provide thought leadership, delivering best practice recommendations internally and externally.
You possess a diverse background in areas such as architecture design, distributed systems, infrastructure migration, and deployment strategies. To be successful, one must know how to navigate ambiguity, have extensive experience working with cloud technologies, have technical depth, and enjoy working with customers.
You will be recognized as an established contributor by your team. You will contribute design and implementation components for multiple projects. You will work mostly independently with limited oversight. You will also participate in client-facing discussions in areas of expertise.
👉 https://ijob.am/job/chief-technology-director-68002/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060744
Chief Technology Director Job at SADA Global Delivery Center | iJob.am
Chief Technology Director job/vacancy is available at SADA Global Delivery Center company in Armenia. I am an intelligent job portal, my job search engine finds and posts job/vacancy on the web & social network.
Data Engineer
SADA Global Delivery Center
🗺 Yerevan, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-23
🗂 #Information_Technology #Full_Time
📢 Your Mission
As a Data Engineer at SADA, you will work collaboratively with architects and other engineers to recommend, prototype, build and debug data infrastructures on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). You will have an opportunity to work on real-world data problems facing our customers today. Engagements vary from being purely consultative to requiring heavy hands-on work, and cover a diverse array of domain areas, such as data migrations, data archival and disaster recovery, and big data analytics solutions requiring a combination of batch or streaming data pipelines, data lakes and data warehouses.
You will be recognized as an established contributor by your team. You will contribute design and implementation components for multiple projects. You will work mostly independently with limited oversight. You will also participate in client-facing discussions in areas of expertise.
👉 https://ijob.am/job/data-engineer-68001/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060745
SADA Global Delivery Center
🗺 Yerevan, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-23
🗂 #Information_Technology #Full_Time
📢 Your Mission
As a Data Engineer at SADA, you will work collaboratively with architects and other engineers to recommend, prototype, build and debug data infrastructures on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). You will have an opportunity to work on real-world data problems facing our customers today. Engagements vary from being purely consultative to requiring heavy hands-on work, and cover a diverse array of domain areas, such as data migrations, data archival and disaster recovery, and big data analytics solutions requiring a combination of batch or streaming data pipelines, data lakes and data warehouses.
You will be recognized as an established contributor by your team. You will contribute design and implementation components for multiple projects. You will work mostly independently with limited oversight. You will also participate in client-facing discussions in areas of expertise.
👉 https://ijob.am/job/data-engineer-68001/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060745
Data Engineer Job at SADA Global Delivery Center | iJob.am
Data Engineer job/vacancy is available at SADA Global Delivery Center company in Armenia. I am an intelligent job portal, my job search engine finds and posts job/vacancy on the web & social network.
Senior System Administrator
🗺 Yerevan, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-24
🗂 #Information_Technology #Full_Time
📢 AeroDynamics is looking for Senior System Administrator to plan, implement, oversee and maintain server and network infrastructures and projects.
👉 https://ijob.am/job/senior-system-administrator-51771/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060746
🗺 Yerevan, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-24
🗂 #Information_Technology #Full_Time
📢 AeroDynamics is looking for Senior System Administrator to plan, implement, oversee and maintain server and network infrastructures and projects.
👉 https://ijob.am/job/senior-system-administrator-51771/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060746
Senior System Administrator Job at AeroDynamics | iJob.am
Senior System Administrator job/vacancy is available at AeroDynamics company in Armenia. I am an intelligent job portal, my job search engine finds and posts job/vacancy on the web & social network.
SR Print LLC
🗺 Yerevan, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-24
🗂 #Unsorted #Full_Time
📢 SR Print ՍՊԸ-ին անհրաժեշտ է տպագրական մեքենայի վրա աշխատող
👉 https://ijob.am/job/51768/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060747
SR Print LLC
🗺 Yerevan, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-24
🗂 #Unsorted #Full_Time
📢 SR Print ՍՊԸ-ին անհրաժեշտ է տպագրական մեքենայի վրա աշխատող
👉 https://ijob.am/job/51768/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060747
Տպագրիչ Job at SR Print LLC | iJob.am
Տպագրիչ job/vacancy is available at SR Print LLC company in Armenia. I am an intelligent job portal, my job search engine finds and posts job/vacancy on the web & social network.
SR Print LLC
🗺 Yerevan, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-24
🗂 #Agriculture #Full_Time
📢 SR ՍՊԸ-ին (Cleopatra) անձեռոցիկի արտադրամասում անհրաժեշտ է բանվորուհի։
👉 https://ijob.am/job/51769/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060748
SR Print LLC
🗺 Yerevan, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-24
🗂 #Agriculture #Full_Time
📢 SR ՍՊԸ-ին (Cleopatra) անձեռոցիկի արտադրամասում անհրաժեշտ է բանվորուհի։
👉 https://ijob.am/job/51769/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060748
Բանվորուհի Job at SR Print LLC | iJob.am
Բանվորուհի job/vacancy is available at SR Print LLC company in Armenia. I am an intelligent job portal, my job search engine finds and posts job/vacancy on the web & social network.
SR Print LLC
🗺 Yerevan, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-24
🗂 #Agriculture #Full_Time
📢 SR ՍՊԸ-ին (Cleopatra) անձեռոցիկի արտադրամասում անհրաժեշտ է առաքիչ վարորդ։
👉 https://ijob.am/job/51770/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060749
SR Print LLC
🗺 Yerevan, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-24
🗂 #Agriculture #Full_Time
📢 SR ՍՊԸ-ին (Cleopatra) անձեռոցիկի արտադրամասում անհրաժեշտ է առաքիչ վարորդ։
👉 https://ijob.am/job/51770/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060749
Վարորդ-առաքիչ Job at SR Print LLC | iJob.am
Վարորդ-առաքիչ job/vacancy is available at SR Print LLC company in Armenia. I am an intelligent job portal, my job search engine finds and posts job/vacancy on the web & social network.
Իրավաբան – խորհրդատու
Ռազմավարական Զարգացման Գործակալություն/ Strategic Development Agency NGO
🗺 Երևան, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-24
🗂 #Unsorted #Full_Time
📢 «Ռազմավարական զարգացման գործակալություն» ՀԿ փնտրում է իրավաբան – խորհրդատու Սյունիքի անասնաշուկայի կառավարման համար նոր ձեռնարկության հիմնման, պետական գրանցման, Սյունիքի անասնաշուկայի ենթակառուցվածքների, գույքի և գործառույթների փոխանցման ընթացքը սահուն կազմակերպելու համար:
👉 https://ijob.am/job/announcement-jobopp-51248/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060750
Ռազմավարական Զարգացման Գործակալություն/ Strategic Development Agency NGO
🗺 Երևան, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-24
🗂 #Unsorted #Full_Time
📢 «Ռազմավարական զարգացման գործակալություն» ՀԿ փնտրում է իրավաբան – խորհրդատու Սյունիքի անասնաշուկայի կառավարման համար նոր ձեռնարկության հիմնման, պետական գրանցման, Սյունիքի անասնաշուկայի ենթակառուցվածքների, գույքի և գործառույթների փոխանցման ընթացքը սահուն կազմակերպելու համար:
👉 https://ijob.am/job/announcement-jobopp-51248/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060750
Իրավաբան - խորհրդատու Job at Ռազմավարական Զարգացման Գործակալություն/ Strategic Development Agency NGO | iJob.am
Իրավաբան - խորհրդատու job/vacancy is available at Ռազմավարական Զարգացման Գործակալություն/ Strategic Development Agency NGO company in Armenia. I am an intelligent job portal, my job search engine finds and posts job/vacancy on the web & social network.
Ներքին աուդիտի մասնագետ
Yeremyan Projects
🗺 Yerevan, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-24
🗂 #Accounting_Insurance_Bank #Full_Time
📢 ՛՛Երեմյան Փրոջեքթս՛՛ ընկերությունը փնտրում է փորձառու և պատասխանատու ներքին աուդիտի մասնագետի՝ մեր մեծ թիմին միանալու համար։
👉 https://ijob.am/job/51773/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060751
Yeremyan Projects
🗺 Yerevan, Armenia
⏰ Deadline: 2021-10-24
🗂 #Accounting_Insurance_Bank #Full_Time
📢 ՛՛Երեմյան Փրոջեքթս՛՛ ընկերությունը փնտրում է փորձառու և պատասխանատու ներքին աուդիտի մասնագետի՝ մեր մեծ թիմին միանալու համար։
👉 https://ijob.am/job/51773/
👉 Telegram (IT): @iJobAm_IT
ID: 100060751
Ներքին աուդիտի մասնագետ Job at Yeremyan Projects | iJob.am
Ներքին աուդիտի մասնագետ job/vacancy is available at Yeremyan Projects company in Armenia. I am an intelligent job portal, my job search engine finds and posts job/vacancy on the web & social network.