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對海外手足的遊行示威的一點看法(ai 重寫版)




- 以市民身份向駐港的海外法官施壓,要求他們辭職。
- 向在港設有分部的國際公司施壓,要求取消其在香港的業務。
- 向當地政府施壓,要求關閉香港的經貿辦事處。
- 向當地立法議員施壓,要求制裁香港的官員、法官和議員。




Thoughts on Protests and Demonstrations by Overseas Hongkongers(ai 重寫版)

I would like to share some thoughts on protests and demonstrations by our fellow Hongkongers overseas. These might seem irrelevant since I am not abroad and may not fully understand the actual situation. If my suggestions don't resonate, feel free to disregard them.

Currently, all actions should not be aimed directly at the Hong Kong or Chinese governments because authoritarian regimes never care about the people's opinions. They ignored us even when millions marched. Instead, our targets should be the local governments, institutions, and individuals in the countries where we reside. Foreign governments are accountable to their citizens, which includes our fellow Hongkongers abroad.

For example, as citizens, we can:

- Pressure overseas judges stationed in Hong Kong to resign.
- Urge international companies with branches in Hong Kong to withdraw their business.
- Lobby local governments to close their economic and trade offices in Hong Kong.
- Pressure local legislators to sanction Hong Kong officials, judges, and lawmakers.

There are hundreds of ways to apply pressure. The Hong Kong government still cares about international opinion because international trade is crucial to Hong Kong. We need to find ways to communicate the true situation in Hong Kong to the world, letting everyone know that Hong Kong is under an authoritarian regime and encouraging corresponding boycotts.

Just like Ukraine pressures international companies to exit the Russian market, we must make it known globally that doing business with Hong Kong Government is tantamount to supporting an authoritarian regime. Many pressure tactics can be executed online at a low cost, such as petitions, which Hongkongers can participate in anonymously.

I hope our fellow Hongkongers overseas can help organize these efforts.
(萬首禁歌反極權,迫港共趕走YouTube或者放棄打壓禁歌)港共可以叫YouTube 禁制一首[願榮光歸香港]但係佢可唔可以叫YouTube 禁第二首?禁第三首? 禁第一百首?如果YouTube 有成千上萬首禁歌(民主、自由、人權、法治、批判香港黑警、批判中國共產黨),YouTube 就無可能全部應港共要求下架,Google 必須考慮放棄香港市場,咁樣香港既國際地位就正式寫上句號。我地可以利用ai寫歌詞,然後用suno ai 制作反極權歌曲放上YouTube(必須海外Google戶口和海外上傳,避免被極權起底拘捕),歌曲語言最好是英語和普通話,因為傳播和影響力較大。我宜家都計劃緊制作大量令港共尷尬既反極權歌曲,適當時候買張機票暫時出國,在海外開個新Google account 上傳發佈。
(手足記住唔可以用香港Google account upload 歌曲,要在海外用海外account上載)
利用 AI 音樂充斥 YouTube 以反制審查:一種對抗極權的策略(ai 重寫版)

港共政府或許能夠施壓 YouTube 下架歌曲《願榮光歸香港》,但他們能否針對第二首、第三首,甚至第一百首歌曲做同樣的事情呢?如果 YouTube 上充斥著數以千計的歌曲,這些歌曲宣揚民主、自由、人權和法治,或批評香港黑警和中國共產黨,那麼 YouTube 將無法完全滿足港共的下架要求。在這種情況下,Google 可能會考慮退出香港市場,這將標誌著香港國際地位的終結。

我們可以利用 AI 來創作歌詞,並使用 Suno AI 來製作反極權歌曲並上傳到 YouTube。這些歌曲應該通過海外的 Google 帳戶在海外上傳,以避免遭受極權的追蹤和逮捕。歌曲的語言最好是英文和普通話,因為這樣更容易傳播並產生更大的影響力。

我目前正在計劃創作大量令港共政府尷尬的反極權歌曲,並在適當的時候購買機票暫時出國,創建一個新的 Google 帳戶來上傳這些歌曲。
(手足記住唔可以用香港Google account upload 歌曲,要在海外用海外account上載)

Using AI to Flood YouTube with Anti-Authoritarian Songs: A Strategy Against Censorship(ai 重寫版)
The Hong Kong government might be able to pressure YouTube into removing the song "Glory to Hong Kong," but can they do the same for a second song? A third? The hundredth? If YouTube is inundated with thousands of songs advocating democracy, freedom, human rights, and the rule of law, or criticizing Hong Kong's police and the Chinese Communist Party, it would be impossible for YouTube to comply with all of Hong Kong's demands to remove them. In such a scenario, Google might have to consider withdrawing from the Hong Kong market entirely, marking the end of Hong Kong's international status.

We can leverage AI to write lyrics and use Suno AI to produce anti-authoritarian songs to upload on YouTube. These should be uploaded in overseas via overseas Google accounts to avoid being traced and arrested by the authorities. The songs should ideally be in English and Mandarin to ensure wider dissemination and impact.

I am currently planning to create a large number of anti-authoritarian songs to embarrass the Hong Kong government. When the time is right, I will buy a ticket to travel abroad temporarily, create a new Google account, and upload these songs.
(手足記住唔可以用香港Google account upload 歌曲,要在海外用海外account上載)




宜家ai 科技先進,我地輕易就可以制造大量令港共受到恥辱既內容。極權如果持續受到大量嘲笑批評,就會失去獨栽者既威嚴。我地要強迫港共做選擇,一係要受到嚴重恥辱失去權威,一係迫國際科企Google離開香港。
大家想像一下Google 唔提供服務比香港,造成既負面震撼效果一定大過制裁官員、法官不知幾多萬倍,到時香港極權走狗仲夠唔夠膽話香港係自由係國際商業城市?
手足我地真係要做野,冇可能比港共假仁假義咁玩殘香港人。認同既手足唔該開始學下用ai制做大量令極權不安既內容,然後youtube發佈,務必令到港共一係持續受辱,一係就同Google講bye bye.
將香港政府逼入兩難境地:忍受嚴重屈辱或趕走谷歌(ai 重寫版)







Forcing the Hong Kong Government into a Dilemma: Endure Severe Humiliation or Drive Google Out(ai 重寫版)

Hong Kong residents are subject to constant surveillance, even when watching sports events, where numerous police officers use cameras to record them. They can be arrested under the National Anthem Law at any moment. Our situation is worse than in mainland China, where even the Public Security Bureau does not go to the extremes that Hong Kong police do. We have lost our basic human dignity, being harassed and manipulated by the police at will.

We cannot allow the authoritarian Hong Kong government to continue oppressing us with despotic measures while simultaneously deceiving the international community by claiming that Hong Kong is a free, human rights-respecting financial and commercial city.

Google is a global tech giant, and it cannot continuously assist the Hong Kong government in censoring content. If the Hong Kong government persistently demands content takedowns, Google will eventually withdraw. As a company under international scrutiny, Google cannot keep bowing to the political demands of the Hong Kong government.

With advanced AI technology today, we can easily create vast amounts of content that humiliates the Hong Kong government. If the authoritarian regime is continuously ridiculed and criticized, it will lose its authority. We must force the Hong Kong government to choose: either endure severe humiliation and lose its authority or drive Google out of Hong Kong.

Imagine the negative impact if Google ceases to provide services in Hong Kong. The shock would be far greater than sanctioning officials and judges. Would the lackeys of the Hong Kong authoritarian regime still dare to claim that Hong Kong is a free, international commercial city?

We must take action; we cannot let the Hong Kong government continue to oppress us. Those who agree should start learning how to use AI to create content that unsettles the authoritarian regime. Publish this content on YouTube, ensuring that the Hong Kong government either endures continuous humiliation or bids farewell to Google.