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#國安法 #無手令 #黎智英 #魔鬼在細節 #成條都係魔鬼法律

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Forwarded from 民間記者會頻道 Citizens' PC
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🆕️ 📌️ 1. [1h47m, 743, 931] Rick Scott, The Chinese Communist Party and their puppets in Hong Kong continue to silence and intimidate those speaking up for

🆕️ 2. [0h8m, 1, 1] The Sydney Morning Herald, Hong Kong police have arrested billionaire media tycoon Jimmy Lai on national security charges and raided his Apple

🆕️ 3. [0h9m, 4, 2] RNZ News, Hong Kong pro-democracy tycoon Jimmy Lai arrested

🆕️ 4. [0h27m, 17, 26] Bloomberg QuickTake, 🇭🇰 "They know that without the rule of law, there will be no financial center." Hong Kong media tycoon Jimmy Lai h

🆕️ 5. [0h21m, 113, 116] Bangkok Post, HONG KONG - Hong Kong media mogul Jimmy Lai, one of the city's most vocal Beijing critics, was among seven people a

🆕️ 6. [0h32m, 185, 175] AFP news agency, #BREAKING Hong Kong police search Apple newspaper offices: live TV

🆕️ 7. [1h4m, 238, 233] The Globe and Mail, Hong Kong media tycoon and pro-democracy activist Jimmy Lai arrested under national security law: top aide

🆕️ 8. [1h28m, 271, 264] New York Times World, Jimmy Lai, a pro-democracy media tycoon in Hong Kong, became the most high-profile target of the city's new nationa

🆕️ 9. [1h19m, 270, 294] The Guardian, Hong Kong media tycoon Jimmy Lai arrested over alleged foreign collusion

🆕️ 10. [2h3m, 284, 299] The Hill, Hong Kong police arrest pro-democracy media tycoon: aide

🆕️ 11. [2h4m, 290, 298] Twitter Moments, According to a top aide, Hong Kong pro-democracy tycoon Jimmy Lai has been arrested for suspected collusion with fo

🆕️ 12. [1h40m, 288, 307] MSNBC, NEW: Hong Kong media tycoon Jimmy Lai has been arrested over suspected collusion with foreign forces under the new

🆕️ 13. [2h7m, 297, 298] Bloomberg, Hong Kong police arrest media tycoon Jimmy Lai under national security law for allegedly colluding with foreign for

🆕️ 14. [2h3m, 276, 322] The Washington Post, Hong Kong media tycoon and activist Jimmy Lai arrested under national security law

🆕️ 15. [1h53m, 309, 295] DW News, Jimmy Lai is the most high-profile person to have been arrested so far under China's new national security law for

Source: twitter bot 🤖


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多家網媒、包括香港電台、《立場新聞》、《香港獨立媒體》等記者均被拒採訪,而 TVB、商台、有線電視、《NOW》、《香港01》、《東方日報》則可入內。


【本土設計 Vol.1 - 李漢港楷】

九十年代電腦普及之前,香港市面上嘅招牌大部份都係靠「#寫字佬」寫字、「#招牌佬」刻版製作而成。當時「招牌佬」為求一字,甚至會排隊、拍門搵出名嘅「寫字佬」題字。其中 #李漢港楷 就係當期時一款常見嘅字型。

當時製作招牌嘅李威同街頭寫字嘅李漢拍擋合作多年,直到李漢身體欠佳決定退休,留低咗二千多頁嘅字稿俾李威將生意經營落去。後來電腦開始普及,手寫招牌式微。近年 #本土情懷 興盛,繼承父親李威家業嘅李健明唔想嘥咗老前輩嘅一番美意,就決定將李漢港楷修復成電腦字體,俾香港人多個選擇。

雖然李漢港楷「#你看港街」相比 #北魏楷書 無咁緊湊威猛,但字體筆劃嘅平實中庸同熟悉感,亦不失吸引之處。而當然,始終係香港嘅 #手寫字,不論係寫法定係氣質,李漢港楷都會比市面流通嘅台灣繁體字型更加本土。

宜家李漢港楷進行眾籌當中,希望大家支持佢哋嘅製作。振興 #本土設計,就由課金開始!如果眾籌失敗,字體就唔會推出,大家有機會少咗個本土字型架喇~

或追蹤李漢港楷FB:李伯伯街頭書法復修計劃 獲得更多資訊


#李漢港楷 #港式 #手寫招牌 #香港字體 #眾籌
#設計職人 #工會 #HKDIU #設計師 #本土設計

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Forwarded from 香港蘋果日報
【港版國安法】黎智英被捕《蘋果》被搜查 台國民黨主席:毀市民信任與支持