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【721三周年|多地周末提早舉行集會 在英港人冒酷暑出席:我哋呢場運動一定會贏】


修咸頓地方報章《南方每日迴聲報》(Southern Daily Echo)派員採訪集會,更附上文字直播。報道形容集會和平,但指參加者都憂慮受中國政府報復,不願具名受訪。另外亦有參加者呼籲集會人士向所在地區的國會議員寫信,促議員支持香港的言論自由和民主。


#721 #唔見人 #三周年 #元朗襲擊 #元朗黑夜 #七二一 #英國 #Exeter #Birmingham #Southampton #BirminghamHongkongers #ExeterHongkongers #SouthamptonHongkongers #HongKong #YuenLongAttack #July21st
// 英國倫敦周五(21日)有港人團體舉行7.21四周年集會,記者直擊期間,最大感受是不願出鏡以至戴口罩的集會人士明顯比以往多,部分人甚至連以背影或側面留下記錄也不願意,或許反映香港政府通緝施壓、牽連家人的舉動,以至海外「小粉紅」連番滋擾港人集會的行為可能構成寒蟬效應。有戴口罩的出席者向《追新聞》記者直言,戴口罩是為免招惹麻煩,擔心身在香港的家人受影響,且認為英國政府對中國共產黨過於軟弱,因此不敢以真身示人。

還記得前立法會議員羅冠聰在6.12四周年集會上,提到出席集會的人數有所減少,或是因為部分港人顧慮回港風險而噤聲。在專制政權恫嚇甚至伸出境外之手的情況下,海外港人感受到的壓力可能也越來越大,未來的路該怎麼走?呼籲眾人不要害怕、繼續發聲固然容易,但人們感受到的心理甚至實質威脅卻是實實在在。 //



#721元朗 #721四周年 #移英港人 #通緝 #境外之手 #小粉紅 #HongKong #YuenLongAttack

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Forwarded from Hong Kong Democracy Movement (HKDM2)
Hong Kong's Justice Department seeks to overturn former lawmaker Lam Cheuk-ting's acquittal for disclosing an antigraft probe into a police officer involved in the Yuen Long mob attack. Critics argue DOJ's actions raise concerns about protecting the police and preventing public scrutiny. Lam's defense maintains he revealed misconduct, but prosecutors claim disclosure undermines investigations. Lam also faces national security charges. Protests erupted in 2019 over police conduct, demanding accountability and an end to characterizing protests as 'riots.'

#HongKongJustice #YuenLongAttack #PoliceAccountability

Source: HKFP
Forwarded from Hong Kong Democracy Movement (HKDM2)
Hong Kong's Justice Department seeks to overturn former lawmaker Lam Cheuk-ting's acquittal for disclosing an antigraft probe into a police officer involved in the Yuen Long mob attack. Critics argue DOJ's actions raise concerns about protecting the police and preventing public scrutiny. Lam's defense maintains he revealed misconduct, but prosecutors claim disclosure undermines investigations. Lam also faces national security charges. Protests erupted in 2019 over police conduct, demanding accountability and an end to characterizing protests as 'riots.'

#HongKongJustice #YuenLongAttack #PoliceAccountability

Source: HKFP