【建制建制團體赴尖沙嘴 H&M 抗議 部分人穿 Adidas、Puma】
瑞典時裝集團 H&M 日前被中國官媒央視翻舊帳,炮轟其棄用新疆棉花。建制團體香港同心會今午(28日)到 H&M 尖沙嘴分店門外抗議,指控美國及西方國家干預中國內政、企業傷害中國消費者感情。一行十多人在 H&M 門外,高呼「香港支持新疆棉花,新疆棉花頂呱呱」、「新疆棉花品質優良,潔淨純白」等口號,展示「抹黑中國,立心不良」等標語。
部分抗議人士穿上 Puma、Adidas 等表態棄用新疆棉品牌的產品,亦有人疑用「同心會」的貼紙遮蓋身上 Adidas 的商標。其中一名男子的運動鞋,疑為國產、仿國際運動品牌「New Balance」的「新百倫 New bailunlp」出品。
瑞典時裝集團 H&M 日前被中國官媒央視翻舊帳,炮轟其棄用新疆棉花。建制團體香港同心會今午(28日)到 H&M 尖沙嘴分店門外抗議,指控美國及西方國家干預中國內政、企業傷害中國消費者感情。一行十多人在 H&M 門外,高呼「香港支持新疆棉花,新疆棉花頂呱呱」、「新疆棉花品質優良,潔淨純白」等口號,展示「抹黑中國,立心不良」等標語。
部分抗議人士穿上 Puma、Adidas 等表態棄用新疆棉品牌的產品,亦有人疑用「同心會」的貼紙遮蓋身上 Adidas 的商標。其中一名男子的運動鞋,疑為國產、仿國際運動品牌「New Balance」的「新百倫 New bailunlp」出品。
緬甸軍方昨日(27日)繼續血腥鎮壓反政變示威,造成過百死亡。選美大賽「國際萬國小姐」(Miss Grand International)同日在泰國曼谷舉行決賽,期間播出緬甸抗爭片段。代表緬甸的佳麗 Han Lay 應主辦方邀請上台發言,指當地人民是為民主上街,懇求國際關注當地局勢,「讓我們創造更好的世界…但願緬甸、世界與和平同在。」
面對較早前有部分媒體報稱張先生因為違紀而被停職,張先生表示或許在當權者眼中,的確有違綱紀,但堅守信念又是否一定是錯呢?當政府將自身的思維及價值強加於我們身上時,我們應該挺身而出抵抗。甚至乎,檄文申斥政府強逼公務員宣誓事宜一事無法無天、於理不合、不近人情、勞民傷財、忘恩負義,違的只是政府眼中的忠誠勇毅,但卻無負自己心中所信仰的道德觀及價值觀。最後他亦澄清並非被當局以違紀理由停職。#海關哥哥 #公務員宣誓 #聲明 #申述 #申斥 (inbox)
面對較早前有部分媒體報稱張先生因為違紀而被停職,張先生表示或許在當權者眼中,的確有違綱紀,但堅守信念又是否一定是錯呢?當政府將自身的思維及價值強加於我們身上時,我們應該挺身而出抵抗。甚至乎,檄文申斥政府強逼公務員宣誓事宜一事無法無天、於理不合、不近人情、勞民傷財、忘恩負義,違的只是政府眼中的忠誠勇毅,但卻無負自己心中所信仰的道德觀及價值觀。最後他亦澄清並非被當局以違紀理由停職。#海關哥哥 #公務員宣誓 #聲明 #申述 #申斥 (inbox)
蘋果日報 —— 李宇軒還押小欖精神病治療中心 懲教「神秘組」看管
// 「12港人案」的8名被送中港人上周一(22日)在內地完成服刑後被移交香港,但事隔1星期,有家屬控訴「香港故事」成員李宇軒仍然下落不明,連日來向懲教署總部、警方等多個部門查詢都不得要領。據了解,李宇軒正被還柙在小欖精神病治療中心,屬高度設防院所,由院所內俗稱「神秘組」的懲教人員負責,現正被單獨囚禁。
據悉,被神秘組看管的還柙人士理應享有探訪、吃私飯和取物資等權利,在囚人士可向福利官提出,但特別之處是,探訪名單需要事先取得警方同意,包括約見律師和其家屬。 //
Apple Daily - Hong Kong activist Andy Li held at psychiatric hospital in secret after return from mainland
// Hong Kong activist Andy Li has been held in solitary confinement at a psychiatric hospital after being charged under the national security law, according to sources.
Hong Kong authorities have refused to disclose Li’s whereabouts since last Monday, when he was transferred back to the city after completing a prison sentence in mainland China. Li spent seven months behind bars for illegally crossing the Chinese border in an attempt to flee to Taiwan by sea last year.
On his return to Hong Kong, Li faced fresh charges under the city’s national security law — a draconian legislation brought in just weeks before Li and 11 others made their unsuccessful escape bid. He was immediately taken into custody. Li’s family has been unable to find his whereabouts, despite making urgent inquiries at various government departments.
Li is being held in solitary confinement at Siu Lam Psychiatric Centre, sources told Apple Daily. The maximum-security institution has a history of alleged abuses against its inmates.
Li’s case was handled by a special unit in the Correctional Services Department, colloquially known as the “secret unit,” the sources told Apple Daily.
Li received special attention because authorities wanted to prevent him from “speaking out of turn” and revealing details about his treatment in mainland China, one of the sources said.
Authorities had cleared out the detention room at the psychiatric hospital before Li’s arrival last week — a sign of the high level of secrecy surrounding his case, the source added.
The special unit, reportedly comprising senior corrections officers, manages detainees who need to be kept separately to avoid harassment or disputes. The detainees are usually involved in corruption cases or witness protection programs, or are celebrities.
Another source said that Li was in good physical condition and appeared to be of sound mind. He said he did not need legal representation, though it was unclear whether he voluntarily renounced the right for his family to be notified of his whereabouts.
The Correctional Services Department said in a statement that it would not comment on individual cases. Upon being taken into custody, detainees are asked whether they want to notify family about their location, the department said.
“If a detainee declines to disclose his whereabouts to others, the [department] will handle the case in accordance with his wishes. The detainee can later request such an arrangement again or send letters to his family by himself,” a spokesperson said.
Li’s case will be heard in court on March 31, but Li will not be present as he will remain in quarantine until April 4.
Detainees managed by the “secret unit” can receive visitors and supplies, but unlike regular detainees, their list of visitors must be approved by the police in advance. //
🔗 報導
#HongKongWatch #香港監察
// 「12港人案」的8名被送中港人上周一(22日)在內地完成服刑後被移交香港,但事隔1星期,有家屬控訴「香港故事」成員李宇軒仍然下落不明,連日來向懲教署總部、警方等多個部門查詢都不得要領。據了解,李宇軒正被還柙在小欖精神病治療中心,屬高度設防院所,由院所內俗稱「神秘組」的懲教人員負責,現正被單獨囚禁。
據悉,被神秘組看管的還柙人士理應享有探訪、吃私飯和取物資等權利,在囚人士可向福利官提出,但特別之處是,探訪名單需要事先取得警方同意,包括約見律師和其家屬。 //
Apple Daily - Hong Kong activist Andy Li held at psychiatric hospital in secret after return from mainland
// Hong Kong activist Andy Li has been held in solitary confinement at a psychiatric hospital after being charged under the national security law, according to sources.
Hong Kong authorities have refused to disclose Li’s whereabouts since last Monday, when he was transferred back to the city after completing a prison sentence in mainland China. Li spent seven months behind bars for illegally crossing the Chinese border in an attempt to flee to Taiwan by sea last year.
On his return to Hong Kong, Li faced fresh charges under the city’s national security law — a draconian legislation brought in just weeks before Li and 11 others made their unsuccessful escape bid. He was immediately taken into custody. Li’s family has been unable to find his whereabouts, despite making urgent inquiries at various government departments.
Li is being held in solitary confinement at Siu Lam Psychiatric Centre, sources told Apple Daily. The maximum-security institution has a history of alleged abuses against its inmates.
Li’s case was handled by a special unit in the Correctional Services Department, colloquially known as the “secret unit,” the sources told Apple Daily.
Li received special attention because authorities wanted to prevent him from “speaking out of turn” and revealing details about his treatment in mainland China, one of the sources said.
Authorities had cleared out the detention room at the psychiatric hospital before Li’s arrival last week — a sign of the high level of secrecy surrounding his case, the source added.
The special unit, reportedly comprising senior corrections officers, manages detainees who need to be kept separately to avoid harassment or disputes. The detainees are usually involved in corruption cases or witness protection programs, or are celebrities.
Another source said that Li was in good physical condition and appeared to be of sound mind. He said he did not need legal representation, though it was unclear whether he voluntarily renounced the right for his family to be notified of his whereabouts.
The Correctional Services Department said in a statement that it would not comment on individual cases. Upon being taken into custody, detainees are asked whether they want to notify family about their location, the department said.
“If a detainee declines to disclose his whereabouts to others, the [department] will handle the case in accordance with his wishes. The detainee can later request such an arrangement again or send letters to his family by himself,” a spokesperson said.
Li’s case will be heard in court on March 31, but Li will not be present as he will remain in quarantine until April 4.
Detainees managed by the “secret unit” can receive visitors and supplies, but unlike regular detainees, their list of visitors must be approved by the police in advance. //
🔗 報導
#HongKongWatch #香港監察
Petitions - UK Government and Parliament
Petition: Impose sanctions on Myanmar due to the military coup.
The British goverment should impose strict sanctions against Myanmar until the democratic goverment that has been elected by the people is released from prison and put back into office.
Democracy should always be defended from any type of oppression.
Democracy should always be defended from any type of oppression.