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Download Telegram
多謝大家支持🙏 希望大家邀請所有同事加入,或分享你現有行業公海,人數係至為關鍵!另,如有人想做 admin 請自發舉手!



請在各行業 fb, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, 邀請同事,一齊爭取,香港加油!
1.2 #Telegram
Telegram 為開放原始碼嘅通訊程式,通訊原理分為兩種,⚠️Group 及 Direct Message 為非端對端加密,所以通訊記錄將會存儲係 Telegram 伺服器上,並且可以多平台瀏覽,呢種通訊方式並不安全,通訊安全建立係 Telegram係中立立場之上。另一種通訊原理為端對端加密:Secure Chat,通訊之前,需要雙方 Click 對方 Profile 下面嘅 Start Secure Chat 創建會話,每個用家嘅手提電話會生成一對密鑰:Public Key 及 Private Key,雙方交換 Public Key 之後,每條訊息使用該 Key 進行加密,使用邊個 Public Key 加密之後嘅訊息,只能用同一對 Key 裡面嘅 Private Key 去解密,而 Telegram 開放程式原始碼,所以呢種通訊方式可以得到較好嘅安全保證。

使用 Telegram 嘅安全 Tips:
1.2.1 啟動二次認證密碼
打開 Telegarm,Setting>>Privacy and Security>>Two-Step Verification>>Set Additional Password,然後輸入高強度嘅密碼,⚠️唔好同自己其他網站以及 App 嘅密碼相同,有可能存在他人侵入其他目標並得知你嘅密碼,然後使用密碼進行“碰撞”,就可能會登入到你嘅戶口。Add a Hint 嘅環節建議大家唔好填寫真實嘅提示,直接 Skip,等侵入者無法得知密碼意義。Recovery Email 同樣唔建議進行設置,直接 Skip,若電郵戶口安全出現問題,Telegram 將會一齊出事。

1.2.2 關閉電話簿同步
打開 Telegram,Setting>>Privacy and Security>>Data Settings,選擇 Delete Synced Contacts 及關閉 Sync Contacts 選項,當用家開啟電話簿同步,即使冇進行會話及添加,有你手提電話號碼嘅人都會係聯繫人列表睇到你個戶口。

1.2.3 關閉手提電話號碼顯示
打開 Telegram,Setting>>Privacy and Security>>Phone Number,選擇 Nobody。咁樣人哋就冇辦法睇到你嘅手提電話號碼。

1.2.4 使用 Proxy 服務
Telegram 自建有 Proxy 功能,既可使用 Telegram 獨有嘅 MTProto 協議,亦都可使用 Socks5 協議。用家可以選擇購買 NordVPN、ExpressVPN 等匿名 VPN 供應商嘅服務,佢哋都支持 Socks5 協議進行 Proxy,有相關 IT 技能嘅用家,推薦自行 Set up 伺服器架設 Proxy 服務,架設服務呢個會係後面嘅內容當中詳細講解。

1.2.5 設置戶口銷毀時間
打開 Telegram,Setting>>Privacy and Security>>Automatically Delete My Account,If away For 可選擇最短嘅 1 個月,當 1 個月內不再登入,戶口將會被自動銷毀,屬於極端情況下嘅最佳應對方法。⚠️設置咗呢個之後務必要注意定期登入戶口。

1.2.6 檢查會話情況
打開 Telegram,Setting>>Privacy and Security>>Active Sessions,如果發現存在自己未曾登入嘅會話,請立即雙向刪除消息記錄,並且將該會話登出,防止通訊內容被截取。

1.2.7 關閉 Link Previews
打開 Telegram,Setting>>Privacy and Security>>Data Settings,關閉最下面嘅 Link Previews 功能。程式自動預覽 Link 有可能會係無留意嘅情況下,被精心構造嘅 XSS(Cross-site Scripting)跨網站指令碼漏洞追蹤到用家嘅個人資訊。
Recapping ideas so far...Etc.

Industry event:
1) march (like the lawyer's event)
2) after work sit in
3) briefing report
4) 罷工
5) 員工證

Sudden dream event:
1) help with supply (food, water, octopus, protection mask, goggles, first aid)

未加入討論區的同路人,可以加入,要30s 內回答一簡單數學題:


1. 準備公開信,連同大家的職員證作證明,未 send 可 PM @BNLam
2. 連登po
3. 聯絡各大KOL幫忙宣傳
4. 聯絡不同傳媒(包括本地媒體及外媒),進行簡單訪問

請各位同我地一齊繼續努力,香港人,加油。有意協助請聯絡 bbg

BNP Paribus
Credit Agricole
Credit Suisse
Deutsche Bank
Hang Seng Bank
JP Morgan
Julius Baer
Morgan Stanley
Societe Generale
Standard Chartered
Sumitomo Trust
Wells Fargo
Forwarded from GnG
Anonymous Poll
Forwarded from GnG









- 全面撤回修訂《逃犯條例》草案

- 撤回 6.12 暴動定義

- 撤銷所有抗爭者控罪

- 成立獨立調查委員會

- 立即落實雙普選


Dear fellow financial professionals:

As a major International Financial Centre, Hong Kong has an integrated network of institutions and markets, providing a wide range of financial products and services with a high degree of liquidity to local and international investors.

The Basic Law Articles stipulate that the socialist system and policies shall not be practiced in the HKSAR, and furthermore that the previous capitalist system and way of life shall remain unchanged for 50 years. It is these stipulations that have helped preserve Hong Kong’s status as an international finance hub, and indeed allowed it to continue to flourish as such following the transfer of sovereignty in 1997.

In March this year, the government tried to force through a Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation (Amendment) Bill 2019. The bill would allow Hong Kong to detain and transfer people wanted in countries and territories with which it has no formal extradition agreements, including Taiwan and the Chinese mainland. The Chief Executive, Carrie Lam, stated the law was urgently needed to prosecute a Hong Kong citizen who is wanted for a murder investigation.

The bill drew widespread criticism, domestically and internationally, from legal professions, news organizations, business groups, and foreign governments fearing the further erosion of Hong Kong's legal system and its built-in safeguards, as well as the potential damage to Hong Kong's business environment. There are significant concerns that Hong Kong citizens and foreign nationals passing through the city could be sent for trail in mainland China where the legal systems routinely prosecutes dissidents and others for political reasons. 

The Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales, the Law Society of England and Wales, the Human Rights Committee of the Law Society of England and Wales, the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute, the Defense Extradition Lawyer’s Forum, the International Forum of Extradition Specialists, and Fair Trials have co-authored observations on the human rights implications of the Amendment bill. The observations state that the proposed amendments fail to adequately protect human rights and “fundamentally imperil the operation of the rule of law” because “insofar as the proposals would introduce any human rights examination at all, they are vested in Hong Kong’s Chief Executive whom, in view of her function and the nature of her appointment, would lack or appear to lack the necessary impartiality and independence to adjudicate such issues.”

Over the past couple of months, Hong Kong has endured a torrid time with mounting social unrest which has affected the city's economy and businesses. Recently the unrest has continued to escalate culminating in the incident on 21st July where a large gang dressed in white brutally beat dozens of people in the Yuen Long district, with the HK Police Force unable to respond to the situation until 39 minutes after the event.

A shockwave ripped through the city and across the world as chilling scenes from the incident were broadcast, with offenders' freely showing their faces, exhibiting a complete lack of concern about potential prosecution for their actions. Subsequent images showed the police force colluding with the white shirted members and turning a blind eye to their violence.

The Yuen Long incident and other recent events demonstrate that the police are unwilling or unable to deal with the social unrest and are misusing their powers. Furthermore, their apparent complicity and tacit endorsement of the gang’s violence on 21st July has hugely damaged the trust Hong Kong citizenry has in the HK police. 

The Hong Kong government is using the police as a scapegoat whilst maintaining an outward ignorance about these events. This type of behavior epitomizes selfishness and is a stark demonstration to the world over who is really governing Hong Kong.

To avoid any further deterioration of civil society and prevent both short term turmoil in Hong Kong’s financia
l markets and irreparable damage to Hong Kong’s reputation as global financial hub in the long term, we urge the government to stand up and listen to the people’s demands:

- Permanent withdrawal of the extradition bill

- Withdrawal of the characterization of the 12 June protest as a "riot"

- Release of arrested protesters without charges

- Independent investigation into police violence and abuse of power

- lmplement full universal suffrage

From a group of professionals in the financial industry who know the right from wrong.
為表示支持香港人5大訴求,現正收集各銀行金融界嚮應8月5日罷工,請各位影低員工證 staff card 用memo遮住個人資料及寫上支持 《85罷工》字句send作統計,截至7月31日11:30pm,一共有4,000+名同業人加入,並收到76間銀行,800位銀行從業員工證以表支持。

為免重覆,之前未Send而會罷工的,請跟據自己公司去 send
1,HSBC + HSB @anneisn
2,中資, eg, BOC, ICBC, CCB, etc @okmomo
3,其他銀行 @gggcchl
4,保險 @okmomo
5,證券、基金 @anneisn
6,其他 @gggcchl



⚠️請於1/8 6pm前send⚠️
[85大罷工]全人類 send email 問管理層點保障員工罷工當日安全

Please ensure the safety of our staff on 5th August Strike

Dear Management and HR

According to sources as diverse as newspaper headlines (see attached link below) and various discussions on Facebook and web forums, a major strike is expected on 5th May (next Monday), with large scale assembly is also expected in our area. I am worried for both public safety and public transportation logistics for the day. May I seek a clarification on management’s plan?

News- HK protesters call for citywide strike on August 5
香港金融銀行同路人頻道 pinned «為表示支持香港人5大訴求,現正收集各銀行金融界嚮應8月5日罷工,請各位影低員工證 staff card 用memo遮住個人資料及寫上支持 《85罷工》字句send作統計,截至7月31日11:30pm,一共有4,000+名同業人加入,並收到76間銀行,800位銀行從業員工證以表支持。 為免重覆,之前未Send而會罷工的,請跟據自己公司去 send 1,HSBC + HSB @anneisn 2,中資, eg, BOC, ICBC, CCB, etc @okmomo 3,其他銀行 @gggcchl 4,保險…»





ANZ 澳新銀行香港
Bank of America Merrill Lynch 美銀美林集團
Bank of Montreal 滿地可銀行
Barclays 巴克萊
Bank of East Asia 東亞銀行
BNP Paribas 法國巴黎銀行
Bank of China (HK) 中國銀行(香港)
CitiBank HK 花旗銀行(香港)
Commerzbank 德國商業银行
Credit Agricole 法國東方匯理銀行
Credit Suisse 瑞信香港
DBS 星展銀行
Deutsche Bank 德意志銀行
Fubon Bank 富邦銀行
Goldman Sachs 高盛集團公司
Hang Seng Bank 恒生銀行
HSBC 香港上海滙豐銀行
ICBC 工銀亞洲
JP Morgan 摩根大通集團
Julius Baer 瑞士寶盛
Macquarie 麥格理銀行
Mizuho Bank 瑞穗銀行
Morgan Stanley 摩根士丹利
MUFG Bank 三菱日聯銀行
Natixis 法國外貿銀行
Royal Bank of Canada 加拿大皇家銀行
OCBC Wing Hang Bank 華僑永亨銀行
Societe Generale 法國興業銀行
Standard Chartered Bank 渣打銀行
Sumitomo Trust Bank 三井住友信託銀行
UBS 瑞銀
UOB 大華銀行
Wells Fargo 富國銀行
Shanghai Commercial Bank 上海商業銀行
CITIC Bank International 中信銀行國際
China Minsheng Bank 中國民生銀行
Bank of Communications 交通銀行
Yuanta Commercial Bank 元大商業銀行
Nanyang Commercial Bank 南洋商業銀行
Dah Sing Bank 大新銀行
Public Bank (HK) 大眾銀行(香港)
China Construction Bank 中國建設銀行(亞洲)
Wing Lung Bank 招商永隆銀行
Chiyu Banking Corporation 集友銀行
Santander 桑坦德銀行
CTBC Bank 中國信託銀行
Chong Hing Bank 創興銀行
Manulife 宏利
FWD 富衛香港
Prudential 英國保誠
AIA 友邦保險
Convoy 康宏
AXA 安盛
Zurich 蘇黎世保險
Chubb 安達
QBE 昆士蘭保險香港
BOC Group Insurance 中銀集團保險
Kirin Financial Group
Athena Best Financial Group
BNY Mellon
CLSA 里昂證券
KGI 凱基證券
Schroders 施羅德
GF Securities 廣發證券
Chief Group 致富集團
Nomura 野村证券
Alliance Bernstein 聯博
Bao Qiao Capitals
Guotai Junan Securities 國泰君安
CMB International Securities Limited 招銀國際
Fidelity 富達
Haitong Securities 海通國際證券
BOCI Securities Limited 中銀國際
Accenture 埃森哲
American Express 美國運通
HKEX 香港交易所
SFC 證監會
SAFE Investment Company 中國華安投資