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Immanuel Ness i la migració com a imperialisme econòmic: com la mobilitat laboral internacional soscava el desenvolupament econòmic als països pobres

Immanuel Ness ens va aportar noves investigacions sobre la migració i què significa per al capitalisme global. “La migració com a imperialisme econòmic: com la mobilitat laboral internacional soscava el desenvolupament econòmic als països pobres”, publicat per Polity, explora la migració utilitzant el marc de la teoria de l’intercanvi desigual d’Arghiri Emmanuel. El professor Ness va tenir l’amabilitat de concedir-nos una entrevista i de facilitar-nos detalls i conclusions de la seva recerca. Considerem que aquest treball és important perquè els activistes entenguin com encaixa el treball migrant en l’estratègia i la tàctica de la lluita antiimperialista. En el teu darrer […]
The post Immanuel Ness i la migració com a imperialisme econòmic: com la mobilitat laboral internacional soscava el desenvolupament econòmic als països pobres (https://anti-imperialist.net/2023/07/17/immanuel-ness-i-la-migracio-com-a-imperialisme-economic-com-la-mobilitat-laboral-internacional-soscava-el-desenvolupament-economic-als-paisos-pobres/) appeared first on Anti-Imperialist Network (https://anti-imperialist.net/).
Ukraine war takes its toll on UK politics

Volodymyr Zelenskiy, Rishi Sunak and Joe Biden at the Nato summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, on 12 July, 2023 The NATO Summit in Vilnius on June 11-12 turned out to be an anti-climax with the fractured relationship between the regime in Kiev and the Western powers surging. What is happening is more of an implosion than …
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Politics of hedging in the Indo-Pacific

Indonesia’s Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi (C) with Director of Foreign Affairs Commission of Communist Party of China Central Committee Wang Yi (L) and Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov (R) at trilateral meeting, Jakarta, July 12, 2023 On Monday, while delivering the keynote address at the annual China Business Summit held in Auckland, New Zealand Prime …
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Storm clouds gathering in the Black Sea

Turkish President Recep Erdogan (L) and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (R) with President Biden & NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg (C), NATO Summit, Vilnius,July 11, 2023 The NATO Summit in Vilnius (July 11-12) signalled that there is absolutely no possibility of talks to settle the Ukraine war in a foreseeable future. The war will only intensify, …
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What is Going on?

Announcements and updates
Glimpses of an endgame in Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) met Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko, St. Petersburg, July 23, 2023 The problem with the war in Ukraine is that it has been all smoke and mirrors. The Russian objectives of “demilitarisation” and “de-Nazification” of Ukraine wore a surreal look. The western narrative that the war is between Russia and Ukraine, …
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Russia, China have a shared vision for North Korea

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un (R) and Russian Defence Minister Sergey Shoigu at a pavilion displaying North Korea’s newest 3-stage solid-fuelled ICBM Hwasong-18, Pyongyang, July 26, 2023  The three-day state visit on July 25-27 by Russian Defence Minister Sergey Shoigu, accompanied by a military delegation, to Pyongyang is the first-ever such high-level visit from Moscow …
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Lessons from the Korean War

The Los Angeles-class fast-attack submarine USS Springfield in Busan for a port visit, South Korea, July 22, 2023 The psychology of forgetting and why memory fails is a tantalising topic in the life of individuals or nations. Cognitive psychology spawned many theories about it. The main theory, the motivated forgetting theory, is the most charming …
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Wheel has come full circle in Myanmar

Guerrilla fighters, trained, equipped and financed by Western intelligence to overthrow military rule in Myanmar (File photo) Aung San Suu Kyi, the iconic figure of Myanmarese politics, has been moved from prison to house arrest in the capital Nay Pyi Taw. This may seem a baby step, but the journey of a thousand steps begins with …
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Niger rejects rules-based order

The coup in the West African state of Niger on July 26 and the Russia-Africa Summit the next day in St. Petersburg are playing out in the backdrop of multipolarity in the world order. Seemingly independent events, they capture nonetheless the zeitgeist of our transformative era. First, the big picture — the Africa summit hosted …
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Quiz: Which Indian State was Esha Born in?
Anonymous Poll
Tamil Nadu
Andhra Pradesh
Absolutely the proper answer for this question!
West is paranoid about BRICS Summit

Reuters carried a speculative report last week that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi might not attend the BRICS summit in Johannesburg in person and, furthermore, that India disfavoured an expansion of the grouping. Reuters’ long history of cold war skulduggery notwithstanding, the gullible Indian media fell for the rumour mongering.  And it created some confusion, …
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AUKUS, QUAD transforming alliance-like

US President Joe Biden, Australian PM Anthony Albanese, Japanese PM Fumio Kishida and Indian PM Narendra Modi held a QUAD meeting in Hiroshima, Japan, 20 May 2023 This week augurs an acceleration of strategic realignments among regional powers amidst the growing signs of a new cold war globally with particular focus on the United States’ …
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France’s colonial legacy, US’ security concerns intersect in Niger; Russians at the gates look for new hunting grounds

Supporters of the M62 movement in Niger in a demonstration to demand the departure of foreign forces [File photo] The military coup in Niger is already three weeks old. The putschists are cementing their rule, having gained the upper hand in the shadow play with the Economic Community of West African States [ECOWAS] backed by …
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"Better World Is Possible & We Can Help Create It" with Esha Krishnaswamy of Historic.ly | Dialogues on Business Games S03

Talking to Esha of Historic.ly about imperialism, communism, Bernie Sanders, Republicans vs Democrats, AOC, and her first days in & impressions of Russia...LinksEsha Substack: Historic.ly | Esha | Substack (historicly.net) (https://www.historicly.net/)Esha YouTube: Historic_ly - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/@Historicly)My joint episode with Esha on H YT channel many months later: TAKEDOWN: Kyiv Independent pro-b&ndera Video with AI - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdFUSDqTkxE&t=6s)What Do the World Bank and IMF Have to Do with the Ukraine Conflict? (https://ourworld.unu.edu/en/what-do-the-world-bank-and-imf-have-to-do-with-the-ukraine-conflict)History of Ukrainian Land from 1000 to 2016 (https://youtu.be/rcOfbm5PlWk) on YouTube
India doesn’t want BRICS to dismantle the world order built by the West

If the BRICS group of rising powers tries to usurp global governance, it will collapse under its own weight…  A famous incident narrated by Bob Woodward in his book Obama’s Wars comes to mind: President Barack Obama, disregarding the protestations of Chinese protocol officials, burst into a closed-door meeting of Chinese, Indian and Brazilian leaders …
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Niger revolution takes Bonapartist turn

General Abdouramane Tchiani who assumed power in Niger on August 26, 2023, previously headed the elite Presidential Guards The 4-week old turmoil in the West African state of Niger is taking a curious turn that no longer allows a binary vision of “neo-colonialism and imperialism” versus “national liberation”. Niger’s coup leaders are making overtures to …
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Who’s afraid of Prigozhin and Wagner?

Yevgeny Prigozhin speaks to camera in an image taken from video released on Wagner-linked Telegram channels on Aug. 21, 2023 There has been an avalanche of western media reports within minutes or hours of the ghastly death on Wednesday of the head of the Wagner organisation of Russian military contractors, Yevgeny Prigozhin, which pointed the …
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India, the reluctant BRICS traveller

( L to R) Chinese President Xi Jinping, Brazil President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at BRICS Summit, Johannesburg, Aug 23, 2023 India became a beacon of hope for the Western media for a short while in the run-up to the BRICS Summit in Johannesburg — a …
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Russia inherits Prigozhin’s African odyssey

Russia’s Deputy Defence Minister Colonel-General Yunus-bek Yevkurov (L) presents a pistol as gift to Libyan military commander Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar (C), Benghazi, Libya, August 24, 2023 Africa, especially west Africa, has a strong sense of collective identity. Trends in one country have a way of spreading across the continent. Therefore, It might or might not be …
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