Daniel Haqiqatjou Official
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It's true. I don't know any dictatorship in history that told people you have to inject a deadly experimental substance into your body and the bodies of your children otherwise you can't work, buy groceries, travel, or send your kids to school. The aussie government is doing that, so maybe the word "dictatorship" is understating what is happening.
They are trying to make Muslims look like sexual deviants to detract from the fact that the Superior West is the hub of pedophilia, homosexuality, transgenderism, necrophilia, and every other deviance known to man.

But read the fine print. Consanguinity in the Muslim world means cousin marriage and not necessarily first cousins. Marrying second, third, fourth cousins is common in all traditional cultures.

Christianity is the exception because in the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church banned ALL cousin marriage all the way up to fourth cousins (as well as polygyny). It is not clear why they did this and historians are not settled on an answer. But the point being, after centuries, cousin marriage became a taboo everywhere the Church had had influence. Nowhere else does this taboo exist. In contrast, the taboos against homosexuality or incest with immediate family members are universal and have a natural basis. Cousin marriage is not like this.
When the guy who has a history of using the most crude, vulgar, filthy words in his "dawah" starts lecturing others about inappropriate language.
The Black Eye Club. A lot of people have noticed that the most powerful celebrities and politicians somehow mysteriously get these black eyes. Just Google it to see a long list of people all get these black eyes. How are they getting them? Is it some kind of masonic illuminati type ritual? What's the deal?

What people don't realize is that the answer may lie in Islam.

You see, in Islam, the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ has many statements describing for us who the Anti-Christ is in detail. What does he look like? What is he going to do? How can you save yourself from him?

Here is one such statement from the Prophet:

"God is not one-eyed, yet the Anti Christ is blind in his right eye and his eye is floating like a grape [meaning, some kind of deformity]."

The one eye is very significant and meaningful in Islam because it is the defining feature of the Anti Christ. Non Muslim "conspiracy theorists" know about the one eye symbol. What they don't know...
Daniel Haqiqatjou Official
The Black Eye Club. A lot of people have noticed that the most powerful celebrities and politicians somehow mysteriously get these black eyes. Just Google it to see a long list of people all get these black eyes. How are they getting them? Is it some kind…
...is that the one eye is the mark of the Anti Christ.

Do these mysterious black eyes from politicians and celebrities signal their loyalty to a satanic master, the Anti Christ himself, the one-eyed imposter who we know will come in the End of Times? Or are these powerful figures just very clumsy and fall on their faces more than us regular people? 🤔
Muftī Taqi ‘Uthmānī: Passionate Speech on the Deception of Qadiyanis

Much needed reminder about this group.

He had been double jabbed. That's probably what ultimately killed him alhamdulillah. I am 100% pro-vaxx for all the enemies of Islam.
Forwarded from The Muslim
From the Aware Muslims Task Force (AMTF) below, kindly forward to all your respective Muslim networks:
-Have you or your loved one been injured due to receiving the Covid-19 vaccine?
-Are you a Muslim doctor or a nurse who has concerns with the way this crisis is being dealt
-Are you an Imaam, Mufti or part of a Masjid committee and are worried about speaking out
about what you have witnessed?

Please read the flyer and get in touch with us.
Only through awareness can we all come together to challenge this harm inflicted upon the Ummah and the world.

Don't suffer in silence.
Email us and let's start a discussion:

Time to cyberbully some folks.
Israel’s Stake in China’s “Belt and Road”: Does it Weaken Muslim Unity?

In-depth analysis of the emerging economic ties between China and Israel and what it means for Muslim oppression.

10 causes that remove punishment for a sin by Imām Ibn Taymiyyah

Shaykh ul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, (rahimahullah) said:

The punishment for a sin committed by a believer is removed in ten ways:

1. He repents to Allah (taubah), so Allah accepts his repentance, for the one who repents from sin is like the one who has no sin.

2. He seeks forgiveness from Allah (istighfar), so Allah forgives him.

3. He does good deeds that erase his sin for good deeds erase bad ones.

4. His believing brethren pray for him or seek forgiveness for his sins during his life or death.

5. Or they [ask Allah] to bestow on him as gift from the reward for their deeds, with which Allah benefits him.

6. His Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, intercedes for him.

7. Allah tests him with trials in this world which expiate his sin.

8. Allah tests him in al-Barzakh (the intermediate life in the grave, between the death and the Day of Judgment) which expiates his sin.

9. Allah tests him in the various stages of the Day of Judgment which expiates his sins.

10. Or the Most Merciful of those who have mercy has mercy on him.

Whoever, then, is missed by these ten cannot blame anyone but himself.

Majmoo al-Fatawa 1:45, 7:487