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#Sanction #US
#Trump Signs Executive Order to Ban Investment in 31 #PLA related Companies

Source: Stand New #Nov13

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#Sanction #US
#Trump Signs Executive Order to Ban Investment in 31 #PLA related Companies

The US President Donald Trump has signed an executive order prohibiting Americans from investing in 31 Chinese companies allegedly tied with the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), including China Mobile, China Telecom, and the China Aviation Industry Corporation, covering industries such as telecommunication technology, aerospace, shipbuilding, and construction.

This executive order will take effect on Jan 11, 2021. All companies listed by the U.S. Department of Defense as owned or controlled by the Chinese military, are banned from US corporate, pension and personal investments.

The executive order covers stocks, funds, and derivatives. U.S. investors who hold these securities are required to sell them before November next year. In addition, investors will have 60 days to clear their holdings for any Chinese companies added to the list in the future.

#US #ChineseCompanies #DonaldTrump #InvestmentBan #ExecutiveOrder

Source: Stand New #Nov13

Reuters: US planned to ban technology sales to 89 PLA-related Chinese companies

The Trump administration will announce restriction to 89 Chinese military related entrepreneurs from purchasing U.S. goods and technology, Reuters reported, according to a draft copy of the list it've seen. The list covers areospace and other industries, including Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC), Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) and 10 related entities.

According to Reuters, the relevant list was compiled by the U.S. Department of Commerce, including 89 China and 28 Russia companies recognised by U.S. as a “military end users”. U.S. suppliers must obtain permission to sell commercial products to these companies. The Reuters quoted the draft, that controlling the flow of U.S. technology to the listed companies is “vital for protecting U.S. national security interests”.

Source from: Stand News #Nov23

#Reuters #UnitedStates #China #Russia #USChinaRelation #PLA
US Defense Adds SMIC and CNOOC to Blacklist

The US Department of Defense added four more Chinese companies, including SMIC and CNOOC, with alleged ties to the Chinese military restricting them from receiving certain goods and services from the US.

According to the US Department of Defense, Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp. (SMIC), China National Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC), China International Engineering Consulting Corp., and China Construction Technology Co. are controlled or owned by the Chinese military, bringing the total number of blacklisted Chinese firms to 35.

In September, the US Department of Defense indicated that it was working on a decision on blacklisting SMIC. In the same month, the US Department of Commerce informed some companies that they need to obtain a license before supplying goods and services to SMIC as the products or equipment supplied could be used for military purposes and pose an “unacceptable risk”.

Source: Stand News #Dec04


#US #DepartmentofDefense #Blacklist #PLA #SMIC #CNOOC
#Pentagon blacklists China chipmaker SMIC and oil producer CNOOC

The Department of Defense designated a total of four companies as being either owned or controlled by the People’s Liberation Army, including China’s largest chipmarker, SMIC and national offshore oil and gas producer, CNOOC. The total number of blacklisted firms is 35 after adding these 4 companies.

U.S. officials have long complained that Chinese companies are beholden to the People’s Republic of China and collect sensitive information on behalf of the People’s Liberation Army.

The U.S. Commerce Department informed some firms that a license is needed before supplying goods and services to SMIC which equipment could be used for military purpose. SMIC replies heavily on U.S. suppliers.

Source: CNBC #Dec03


#USSanction #SMIC #CNOOC #China #PLA #CCP
Global Affairs objected to Canadian military decision to cancel training with People's Liberation Army

Classified Canadian government documents released to media outlets, including The Globe and Mail, reveal that the department of Global Affairs disagreed with the Canadian military to cancel the winter military exercises with the People's Liberation Army (PLA) of China in 2019.

In a memo to Ian Shugart, then deputy foreign minister, it was said that the "unilateral decisions" by the military to cancel previously agreed co-operation with the PLA "risk being interpreted by China or others in an unintended (and unhelpful) way" and "could also damage Canada's long-term defence and security relationship with China."

The diplomats feared that any reductions in military ties between the PLA and the Canadian army may be viewed as a "retaliatory move" concerning the cases of Meng Wanzhou and the two Canadians, Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor, detained by China.

The revelations triggered a public outcry among Canadians. Critics said the disagreement indicates that Canada's China policy has been contradictory and incoherent. "It is more urgent than ever, in the context of an increasingly belligerent and assertive China, to present a united political front," said Charles Burton, a China expert. "This is really about the defence of our sovereignty and security on matters over which there is consensus across the political spectrum in Canada."

Sources: The Globe and Mail #Dec09


CBC/Radio-Canada #Dec12


#Canada #China #PLA
#Huawei #MengWanZhou Caught Wearing 'Made in Taiwan' Mask

//Meng Wanzhou, who is the daughter of Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei, appeared in a Canadian court on Dec 21, 2020.

Most notable to Taiwanese observers was the fact that she was wearing a purple surgical face mask with the words "Made in Taiwan" in plain sight on the lower righthand corner of the face covering.

The fact that she was wearing a mask manufactured in Taiwan was extraordinary given that Meng is at the eye of the storm for an intense geopolitical rivalry between China and the U.S. and its ally — Taiwan. Meng's company, which is a national champion for China and has numerous ties to the Chinese Communist Party (#CCP) and People's Liberation Army (#PLA), has become a major target of sanctions and litigation by the Trump administration amid the trade war between the U.S. and China.//

Source: Taiwan News #Dec21

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60 Chinese and Hong Kong Enterprises Including SMIC and DJI Added to US Department of Commerce Entity List

US Department of Commerce added 60 Chinese and Hong Kong companies, including chipmaker SMIC and drone manufacturer DJI, to its Entity List on 18 December for their ties to the Chinese military.

The US Department of Commerce has added 77 companies to the Entity List recently, including 59 Chinese companies and one Hong Kong company. The Department of Commerce stated that these companies have been involved in activities contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests of the United States, include enabling China human right abuse, supporting the militarization and unlawful maritime claims in the South China Sea, acquiring U.S.-origin items in support of the People’s Liberation Army’s programs, and engaging in the theft of U.S. trade secrets.

Among these entities, SMIC has been accused of being involved in China's military-civilian fusion (MCF) program, with evidences of activities tied to the Chinese military industrial complex. The Secretary of Commerce Department Wilbur Ross stated that it is making sure that China is not able to leverage U.S. technologies, through SMIC, to support its military modernization, and emphasized that it is a necessary measure.

Source from: Stand News #Dec19

#UnitedStates #China #CCP #HongKong #SMIC #DJI #NationalSecurity #HumanRights #USChinaRelation #PLA #SouthChinaSea #EntityList