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Wear Mask Properly for Desired Protection

For those putting on a mask with an aim to prevent the spreading of pathogens, use the 3-layer surgical mask. Other masks with tiny air holes for enhanced breathability, claiming suitable for reuse and for dust prevention (e.g. Pitta Mask), cannot prevent the spread of droplet-transmissible diseases.

Most 3-layer surgical masks include an outer fluid-repelling layer, a middle layer serves as a barrier to germs, and an inner moisture-absorbing layer. In general, the coloured side or the side with folds facing downwards of the surgical mask should face outwards with the metallic strip facing up.

Surgical masks are designed to reduce the spread of droplet-transmissible diseases, such as seasonal influenza and measles virus, etc, only when it is used properly.

When wearing a mask, make sure its size fits you, extend it to fully cover the mouth, nose and chin. Mould the metallic strip over nose bridge and the surgical mask should fit snugly over your face.

After taking off the surgical mask, discard it in a lidded rubbish bin and perform hand hygiene immediately. Surgical mask should not be reused and replace the mask immediately if it is damaged or soiled.

Source: Facebook: @medstudenthk; Centre for Health Protection

Further Reading:
What Mask to Wear during Pneumonia outbreak? Surgical Mask or N95 Mask?:

Emergency Notice from BWHK & GOHK:

Useful information on masks: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/14997?single

#7Jan #Health #Protection
Government Convenes Steering Committee Meeting to Prevent Novel Infectious Disease

A steering committee meeting was convened by the Food and Health Bureau yesterday (January 6) to discuss the cluster of viral pneumonia cases with unknown cause detected in Wuhan. Among preventive and control measures, amendment to the Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance (Cap. 599) was said in full swing to include severe respiratory disease associated with a novel infectious agent as a statutorily notifiable infectious disease, which, was expected to be gazetted within this week.

Chairing the meeting, Professor Chan said, "Currently, no serious pneumonia case related to Wuhan has been detected in Hong Kong, but the cluster of viral pneumonia cases in Wuhan can be regarded as a 'Novel Infectious Disease of Public Health Significance'.

Chan also said, “the Government will keep in view the risk assessment and recommendations made by the World Health Organization, and continue to maintain close liaison with the National Health Commission. The Government will also closely monitor the latest situation of the cluster of pneumonia cases in Wuhan and update the surveillance criteria and testing strategies accordingly."

Source: Government Information Services

Further Reading:
Severe Respiratory Disease associated with a Novel Infectious Agent

Emergency Notice from BWHK & GOHK:

Wear Mask Properly for Desired Protection:

6 More Patients with Pneumonia Symptoms Admitted to Hospitals in Hong Kong after Travelling to China:

#7Jan #Health #Wuhan #HongKong
HA Reported 9 New Cases Today, With Youngest at 6 Years Old

In the past 24 hours, 9 new patients who have visited Wuhan in the past 14 days showed signs of fever, respiratory infection or pneumonia. They were admitted to public hospitals, including 4 females and 5 males, aged between 6 to 49.

Dr Raymond Lai, the Chief Infection Control Officer of the Hospital Authority (HA) reported that the patients are currently in stable condition and are being treated in an isolation ward.

Including the above cases, 30 new cases of respiratory infection have been reported to HA from public hospitals since December 31, 2019. 13 patients have been discharged.

Source : Government Information Services

Further Reading:
Severe Respiratory Disease associated with a Novel Infectious Agent

Emergency Notice from BWHK & GOHK:

Wear Mask Properly for Desired Protection:

Useful Information on Masks

#7Jan #Wuhan #Health #HongKong
A Standard is Needed for the Revision, HK Government Should Get More Information From Wuhan, Says Kwok Ka-ki

Hong Kong government announced that the Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance will be revised as soon as possible to include the "Severe Respiratory Disease associated with a Novel Infectious Agent" as a notifiable infectious disease. This update will be published in the gazette in this week (7 Jan). Civic Party lawmaker Kwok Ka-ki suggested that, revising the ordinance because identifying the pathogen would cause execution difficulties without a clear standard on whether a patient and his family should be isolated or not.

Kwok stated in RTHK radio programme "Talkabout" that, he, as a doctor, wished the government will revise the ordinance, but a standard must be set. He hoped that the Hong Kong can gather more information from Wu Hang authorities.

Concerning a 45-year-old female patient wanting to be discharged from hospital to take care of her daughter, Kwok criticized this was not favourable when dealing with a contagious disease. He suggested the Department of Health to take care of her daughter, or arrange an isolation ward for her as well. He thought that this issue was not handled humanely. He also stated that, other governments had already conducted tests and required health declaration forms targeting flights from Wuhan, yet the Hong Kong government did not follow up on this.

Source: RTHK
#Jan7 #Health #Plague
Is HKSAR Government Watering Down Severity of the Issue – Sufficient Mask? Sufficient Isolation Beds? Sufficient Protection Against Unknown Pneumonia?

Responding to the outbreak of unknown pneumonia-like disease in Wuhan, Health Secretary Sophia Chan announced today (January 7) in a media briefing of additional control and preventive measures, including an amendment to the Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance (Cap. 599) which requires severe respiratory disease associated with a novel infectious agent as a statutorily notifiable infectious disease. Regarding the shortage of surgical masks in the market, Chan said that the stock in public hospital is sufficient for 3 months and the government would be in close communication with manufacturers to ensure supple of masks in marketplace.

The amendment, which gives the authorities the rights to quarantine and isolate suspected patients, would be gazetted tomorrow (January 8), according to the Food & Health Bureau, which came after 8 days, and as many as 30 of reported suspected cases since New Year’s Eve. Chan denied being slow on the uptake in responses and reiterated that the Bureau has been stepping up control measures in “full swing”.

Chung Kin-lai, Director of the Quality and Safety Division of the Hospital Authority (HA) revealed that there are about 480 conventional isolation beds in public hospital and the utilization rate is around 60% to 70%. He described the overall resource status as “tight”, however, he also mentioned that if necessary, the number of isolated beds can be increased to 1,400 in 72 hours.

Based on the Public Hospitals Key Statistics during Service Demand Surge, the medical inpatient bed occupancy rate at midnight of January 6 has gone well beyond 100%, with the highest standing at 133%. Among 16 public hospitals, inpatient bed occupancy rate of only 2 were below 100%, at 87% and 96%. Is the government watering down severity of the issue again?

Source: Stand News; Hospital Authority
#7Jan #Health #HongKong
Here's a joke for you: Serious Response Level had been activated in public hospitals by The Hospital Authority against the Wuhan Pneumonia

I have a question for Chan Siu-chee and the management of the Hospital Authority. There are currently over 60 people stuck at the A&E overnight, waiting to be treated. This sight looks as pathetic as a refugee camp. Do you think such an environment will be able to meet the standards of public health and infection control?

If you claim that there is sufficient manpower, then please come down and explain to the patient and their relatives why there are only 1.5 nurses to take care 60 patients. Furthermore, there is a 20-hour waiting time. Some of them had to sleep under the television while waiting!

You have created 1400 beds out of nothing, but who is going to handle the nursing of the patients and the doing of ward rounds? The management?

The people are not as ignorant as you think. Fabricating lies and 'moving the goalposts' has become second nature to you, and you're at a point whereby you're fooling yourselves.

Source: @ERcrazydoctor

Further Reading:
Is HKSAR Government Watering Down Severity of the Issue – Sufficient Mask? Sufficient Isolation Beds? Sufficient Protection Against Unknown Pneumonia?

Severe Respiratory Disease associated with a Novel Infectious Agent

Emergency Notice from BWHK & GOHK

Wear Mask Properly for Desired Protection

#7Jan #Health #Hospitals #GovernmentLies
Admission of Space Constraints in Public Hospitals, Food and Health Bureau Seeked Support from Private Hospitals

Due to outbreak of Wuhan pneumonia, citizens raise concern on personal hygiene. Legislative Councillor pointed out the prices of face masks had increased 10 times then the original price. Secretary for Food and Health Professor, Sophia Chan, noted the tensed supply of face masks and had contacted with HK General Chamber of Pharmacy Limited to ensure stable supply in the next two weeks.

She also admitted that there had been in lack of beds and manpower to handle the influx of patients in public hospitals. The Bureau requested Hospital Authority to relieve the pressure of frontline medical staff by transferring stable patients to private hospitals.

She mentioned that there was still no information on whether there was an outbreak of pneumonia in other provinces in China, but will communicate with China Health Department. No further information was mentioned on setting up an expedition team to Wahan.

Source: Now #Jan8

Further Reading:
Here's a joke for you: Serious Response Level had been activated in public hospitals by The Hospital Authority against the Wuhan Pneumonia

Is HKSAR Government Watering Down Severity of the Issue – Sufficient Mask? Sufficient Isolation Beds? Sufficient Protection Against Unknown Pneumonia?

Severe Respiratory Disease associated with a Novel Infectious Agent

Emergency Notice from BWHK & GOHK

Wear Mask Properly for Desired Protection

Secretary for Food and Health Sophia Chan refuses to issue travel warning for Wuhan

In response to enquiries from three Legco members, Chan responded that Mainland China is not part of the SAR Government’s travel warnings. She pointed out that the World Health Organization did not recommend enacting any travel or commerce restrictions against China.

Source: Apple Daily
#8Jan #Health #Wuhan
8 More Patients Suspected to be Infected with the Wuhan Pneumonia Virus

According to Hospital Authority's announcement, 8 more patients with respiratory conditions who have been to Wuhan in the past 14 days have been admitted to public hospitals in the past 24 hours, as of noon today (Jan 8). The new patients have reportedly not visited any wet markets in Wuhan. It is not yet known whether the cases involve the new Wuhan pneumonia virus; the Authority is awaiting test results.

This brings the number of suspected cases in Hong Kong to 38, since December 31.

Source: Government Information Services

Further Reading:
Severe Respiratory Disease associated with a Novel Infectious Agent

Emergency Notice from BWHK & GOHK:

Wear Mask Properly for Desired Protection:

Useful Information on Masks

#8Jan #Wuhan #Health #HongKong
Average Medical Inpatient Bed Occupancy Rate of Public Hospital at Midnight Was at 112%

Many public hospitals had been overloaded with medical inpatient bed. The average occupancy rate at midnight was 112%, with the Caritas Medical Centre reaching an average occupancy 132%, Pok Oi Hospital reaching 126%, and Queen Elizabeth Hospital reaching 122%.

Yesterday, the number of first-time attendance to the Accident and Emergency room of hospitals was 5,794, which was slightly lower than the previous day's 6,319. The "Surge in Brief" published by the Hospital Authority online showed that from 31 December 2019 to 6 January 2020, the average daily number of attendance of the main emergency rooms was 5840, which was 225 more than the previous week.

Source: RTHK

Further Reading:
Key statistics on service demand of A&E Departments and occupancy rates in public hospitals

#9Jan #Health #Hospitals
Local Microbiology Experts Call for Hong Kong to Stay Vigilant; Chinese Experts Stress No Person-to-person Transmission Found in Wuhan Pneumonia

State broadcaster CCTV reported today (January 9) that the Chinese expert panel has preliminarily concluded a new type of coronavirus as the pathogen causing the outbreak of mysterious pneumonia in Wuhan.

Prof. Yuen Kwok-yung of HKU Department of Microbiology commented that coronavirus found in the past could all be transmitted from person-to-person, however, the properties of the virus remained unknown for this new type at this stage. Prof. Yuen asserted that it was necessary to treat the new coronavirus as contagious, so that stringent infection control measures would be stepped up in hospital, and a high awareness could be maintained in the public. He elaborated that the public hospital has been seriously overcrowded, if the first concerning case was not put under isolation, it would heighten the risk a great of an outbreak in Hong Kong.

Sharing the same view, Dr Ho Pak-leun, Director of HKU Center for Infection also said that it was not appropriate to conclude on the pathogenicity and severity of the virus so as not to risk providing misleading information to the public.

Based on epidemiological analysis, Dr Ho opined that the virus could possibly be transmitted to humans from game animals sold in Wuhan seafoof market through their urine or during slaughter, and then transmitted from person-to-person.

Dr Ho pointed out that there was a need to find out game animals sold in the seafood market, and trace along the supply chain to identify its source. The control and defense line could go beyond Wuhan to other provinces and cities.

Source: RTHK

#9Jan #Health #HongKong #Wuhan
6 More Patients Suspected to be Infected with the Wuhan Pneumonia Virus

As of noon today (January 10), there has been an additional of six patients in the past 24 hours who have been to Wuhan in the past 14 days and presented with fever, respiratory infection or pneumonia symptoms, including 3 children aged from 3YO - 4YO. The total number of cases accumulated in Hong Kong has increased to 54.

Source: Ming Pao
#10Jan #Health #HongKong #Wuhan
1 Death Associated With Infection of Mysterious Pneumonia; No Health Professionals Infected

The local health commission of Wuhan announced that the cause of pneumonia is due to a new coronavirus and 41 were infected. Among the cases, one is reported dead, seven in critical condition and two discharged on Saturday amid the pneumonia outbreak.

There were a total of 739 people with close contact with the patients, 419 of them being medical professionals.

No new case has been detected since 03 January, with no cases of medical personnel being infected nor evidence of human-to-human transmission found.

The Commission said, the preliminary investigation showed the majority of patients were workers in the Wuhan Seafood Market, which had already been closed since 01-January. Disease control and environmental hygiene management policies would be tightened in other agricultural products markets in the city.

Source: RTHK

Further Reading:
6 More Patients Suspected to be Infected with the Wuhan Pneumonia Virus

Severe Respiratory Disease associated with a Novel Infectious Agent

Emergency Notice from BWHK & GOHK:

Wear Mask Properly for Desired Protection:

#11Jan #WuhanPneumonia #Wuhan #ChinaCrisis
#Alert #ChinaPneumonia
73% of the gene sequencing of the new coronavirus matched with SARS-CoV.

The HKSARG will hold a press conference at 2pm on January 11.

#Health #ChinaCrisis #HongKong #WuhanPneumonia
First Wuhan Pneumonia Death Comes from Regular Buyer of Wuhan Seafood Market in China

The Wuhan Commission of Health announced that the 61 Year-old Man died from New Coronavirus Pneumonia in Wuhan was a regular buyer frequently visited the Wuhan Seafood Market.

The man who died was a regular buyer at the seafood market, who had been previously diagnosed with respiratory failure, abdominal tumors and chronic liver disease. His condition did not improved after various medical treatment in hospital, and he died on the evening of 09-Jan with heart failure. The analysis of the virus tested positive for the new coronavirus.

The Commission of Health said most of the patients suffer from symptoms of fever, fatigue and non-productive cough; where the in-patients experienced difficulties in breathing. There conditions were stable when they were admitted into hospitals.

Source: RTHK
#11Jan #WuhanPneumonia #ChinaCrisis #Health
World map showing popular travel destinations from Wuhan airport. Singapore, Bangkok and Tokyo top the list.
#WuhanPneumonia #Health #Coronavirus
#EditorialColumn #Sept26 #MassSurveillance
Does Health Have a Price? Consequences of China's Paternalism

From the recent Universal Testing Scheme to the impending plan for Heath Code, the Hong Kong Government has been assisting the Chinese Central Government to impose mass surveillance and collect private data of the Hong Kong population in the name of pandemic controls.

For almost one year, the coronavirus pandemic, spreading from Wuhan, China to countries around the world, has revealed China's network of influence. Hong Kong is certainly not the only place where China exports, while naturalizing, its paternalistic control.

Can you see how China jails the Uyghurs in Concentration Camps?

Can you see the surveillance cameras owned by the CCP-controlled HIKvision around the world?

Can you see the backdoors that China-owned Huawei, WeChat and Tiktok open?

Can you see that the made-in-China facemasks you pay to wear came from forced labour at the Concentration camps and sweatshop factories?

Now you can see the penetration of China's sharp power in the 21st century.

If you found it disturbing that your internet activities might be overseen by the PRISM program and your messages seen by Facebook, the black mirror is brought to you by TikTok, WeChat and mass surveillance methods that track your health, contacts, whereabouts and activities.

Welcome to a made-in-China 2020: with surveillance technology, anti-pandemic control and monitoring system.

Welcome to utopia.

Image courtesy: The Economist

New York Times, Wearing a Mask? It May Come From China’s Controversial Labor Program, 19 July 2020


Further Reading:

#FaceMasks #LabourCamp #CoronavirusPandemic #Uyghurs #ChinesePaternalism #Health