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HK Government Finally Orders Quarantining People Entering Hong Kong From China

The Hong Kong Government announced new requirement to quarantine any person entering Hong Kong from China for 14 days. The measure will be effective at midnight of Feb 8. The Kai Tak Cruise Terminal and the Harbour City Cruise Terminal will be closed.

Despite that, the government insisted to leave the Hong Kong-China borders open amidst public demand and the strike action by medical workers.

According to Carrie Lam on Feb 4, she personally reviewed every official who was going to meet the media. Masks, even being worn by officials, should be removed, said Carrie Lam; however, at the press conference on Feb 5, more than half of the government officials present, including Secretary for Health and Food Prof. Sophia Chan were seen masked.

Source: Stand News; Now News #Feb5
#FaceMask #Quarantine #Borders

Where are the CSI masks - a classic Rashomon case? https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/16679
People from China rushing through Hong Kong borders by flights during “window period”, suspected to avoid mandatory quarantine

The HKSAR government announced on February 5 that starting from Saturday, February 8 all visitors from China must undergo a mandatory quarantine for 14 days in Hong Kong.

February 6 and 7 hence becomes a “window period" for people to leave China while avoiding mandatory quarantine in Hong Kong.

A source from Hong Kong Airlines revealed that the reservation of flights from China to Hong Kong has risen remarkably to 76-85% on February 6 and was overbooked to 102-105% on February 7.

Comparing HX337 and HX313 both operated by Hong Kong Airlines on February 7, the booking rates of the two flights have a drastic difference between 91% (including business class) and 23% as to their respective arrival time at Hong Kong at 15:55 and 23:35.

The 63 passengers on HX313 would only be able to avoid the mandatory quarantine in Hong Kong, if their plane could arrive on time and they must also complete the immigration process within 25 minutes before the new restriction kicks in at midnight.

Source: Apple Daily

#Feb6 #ChinesePneumonia #GlobalOutbreak #Borders #Quarantine
Director of Infection Control rejected staff’s proposal to force patients to declare travel history and pneumonia-related symptoms

As Wuhan Pneumonia outbreak continued to spread from city to city in China and the Hong Kong government still refused to seal its borders.

Several departments of Princess Margaret Hospital took the initiative to request patients to declare their travel history and pneumonia-related symptoms. However, an email revealed that the Director of Infection Control at Kowloon West Hospital network rejected the initiative, insisting that "only temperature check is required at low-risk area”.

Front-line staff are concerned that carriers of the novel coronavirus may not exhibit fever, checking temperature alone could be putting other patients, including newborn babies and the elderly, at risk of infection.

Source: Factwire News Agency

#Feb7 #ChinesePneumonia #GlobalOutbreak
#Quarantine #ChinesePneumonia
At Least 10 Hongkongers Confirmed With Coronavirus Infection on Diamond Princess,
Families Reprimand HK Government's Failure to Assist

Mr Wong revealed in a phone-in programme on NOW TV on February 13 that his mother, a passenger of the cruise Diamond Princess, was diagnosed with the new coronavirus infection. He was also told that his mother has not been sent to a hospital for more than 24 hours and she is still sharing a room with her husband in the cabin, though they are allowed to go out.

On the same day, Mr Wong immediately contacted the Hong Kong's Immigration Department, only to know that the Department were not even aware of the case. Further to his discussion with the immigration officer, a case file has been opened to follow up with the cruise company. Mr Wong reiterated that he has contacted the cruise company, which replied that the cruise is moored in Yokohama, Japan so nothing can be done from Hong Kong.

Source: NOW news #Feb13
Photo: CNN
#Japan #Cruise
#Newspaper #Feb20
Hong Kong and Macau university students studying in Taiwan must undergo home quarantine upon entering Taiwan

A Macau student studying in Pingtung, Taiwan entered the country on 6 Feb and his home quarantine expired on 20 Feb. However, according to his mobile phone's GPS location, the Public Health Bureau found that he did not stay in his dormitory. He went out eight times in two days. The town chief visited the dormitory to question him but he denied going out. The Public Health Bureau is now investigating the case.

The town chief stated that two local universities were about to start a new semester and that many students would return to school. He indicated that epidemic prevention must stringent. If Public Health Bureau's investigation is confirmed, the college student may be fined up to 150,000 NTD.

Source: PNN

#Taiwan #WuhanPneumonia #Macau #Quarantine #Pingtung
#MTR #ChinesePneumonia
MTR Admits Staff as Suspected Case of Wuhan Pneumonia after Disclosed by "MTR Secrets"; Government: No information on hand

According to a "whistleblower" Facebook page "MTR Secrets" on February 23, a station manager working at Mong Kok East Station showed symptoms like fever and has been on leave since February 21. His father was a confirmed patient of Wuhan pneumonia. This is the reason why Mong Kok East Station was disinfected with bleach earlier.

After the post was released, MTR confirmed in the evening that the family of a staff member of Mong Kok East Station was diagnosed with Wuhan pneumonia, and the staff member was undergoing compulsory quarantine with his family.

Despite this, the Director of the Infectious Diseases of the Hong Kong government's Center for Health Protection, said in a press conference on February 23 that she did not have the information for the time being: "it seems that there is no such case on hand."

Source: Stand News
#Feb23 #Quarantine

A Taiwanese lost contact during Residence isolation of Wuhan Virus Fined NTD1M

Editor’s Note: Compared to Taiwan and Singapore’s quarantine measures and punishment, Hong Kong’s seems so ineffective and hasty, it looks like a mockery, if it’s not a joke.

(3 Mar) A man in Hsinchu of Taiwan, who was in residence isolation period, was unable to be reached and went to Taipei. He therefore was heavily fined NTD 1 million.

The fined man LIN Tungjing, came back to Taiwan from a flight of Xiamen Airline last Tuesday, should be isolated at residence until 10 Mar; but he made numerous changes of his residence address. Officer was unable to contact LIN since last Thursday, while LIN’s family contacted LIN successfully and asked LIN to return to Hsinchu from Taipei for reporting at Police Station.

Latest bill was passed in Taiwan last month that individual who was uncooperative to residence isolation order would be fined NTD0.1-1M. In view of LIN’s financial situation, together with his ignorance of isolation order, lost contact and misrepresentation on his residence address etc, Chief Health Department Officer at Hsinchu determined the highest fine level against LIN.

Source: Now news

Further reading:
Man loses PR status, barred from re-entering Singapore after breaching Stay-Home Notice

#Quarantine #Fine #Taiwan
#WuhanPneumonia #Quarantine #Evacuation
Residents from Tai Po's Tai Heng House to Evacuate; Microbiologist Suspects Sewage as a Source

On March 14, residents of at least a dozen apartments decided to evacuate from Tai Heng House in Taipo, after at least 3 people living in the same building had contracted Wuhan pneumonia.

After inspecting the building, microbiologist Professor Yuen Kwok-yung of the University of Hong Kong said it’s possible that the tiny droplets with the virus were carried by the air from the sewage of the family living on the 32nd floor. It may have gone up through venting pipe to the rooftop and led to the infection of the resident living on the topmost floor of the building.

Source: RTHK; Apple Daily #Mar14