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Statement of Medical Workers on Strike for the 5th day Demanding the Goverment to Close the Borders: "Ruthless Management and their Heartbroken Staff"

//The Hospital Authority Employees Alliance (HAEA) set up a station at the Hospital Authority (HA) Building at 10am today for strike members to sign it. A huge crowd turned out in support. Members were furious at how the HA has yet to respond to our Five Demands, and everyone demanded another public meeting with the senior management. Yet, the HA once again chose to ignore the outcry of their staff. After two hours of waiting, the management continued to hide behind their closed offices, refusing to even talk to their employees.

The HAEA and our members decided to wait outside the office doors instead, yet we were barricaded by human resources and security staff. At one time, one of our colleagues even kneeled to beg for an audience with the management level. It pains us tremendously to witness such a scene. It is beyond outrageous for our management to shut their staff outside of their office doors, while remaining blind and deaf to our beseeching cries. We find it hard to believe that this cruelty is the management initiative of the HA towards their employees.

During the lunch time of our senior management, a colleague fainted after waiting for more than three hours. Multiple members performed first aid on him. When he regained consciousness, the first sentence he uttered was agonizing to hear, “I have been serving the government (HA) for more than a decade, why do they treat me so?” Are our colleagues who exhausted themselves working in hospitals exploding with patients so undeserving, that they are not even worth a meeting with our management? While our senior management enjoyed their lunch, their staff fell down due to low blood sugar. The irony is heart-wrenchingly painful.

The HAEA implores the management of the HA to find the limited capacity in their cold-blooded heart, to reflect whether they are worthy of our colleagues.//


#HKEA #Feb7
Medical Worker Fainted, Hospital Authority Refuses Dialogue

Hospital Authority Employees Alliance (HKEA) hopes to meet the Hospital Authority (HA) managenent to restate their demands to close Hong Kong-China borders; however, the HA responded by shutting down the lift and staircase to prevent medical workers from showing up.

Some frontline medical workers who are on strike kneeled and cried, calling for the management to understand their demands. At some point, a medical staff fainted, but the management still refused to respond.

Source: Flash Media; InMedia #Feb7
Medical Experts Demand Complete Border Shutdown Amidst Influx of Visitors from China Before Compulsory Quarantine

Dr. Gabriel Matthew Leung, the Dean of the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong explained how the novel coronavirus is different from SARS: The infected can spread the virus before exhibiting any obvious symptoms. In order to prevent carriers from entering Hong Kong, a total border shutdown is necessary.

He also said the best option for quarantine is a campsite. If the campsite becomes over-crowded, the next option is an entire hotel building but he reiterates a hotel is not an ideal choice for quarantine.

He also talked about the possibility of existing Super Carrier, which might be for the case for the Diamond Princess Cruise, containing at least 60 infected passengers.

While people travelling from China to Hong Kong will be quarantined for 14 days from Feb 8, 82,000 people entered HK from China on Feb 6, a 40% increase within a day.

Source: InMedia; RTHK #Feb7
#Borders #HealthCrisis
Pneumonia Patient Entered Hong Kong from China before the Compulsory Quarantine Becomes Effective

At 07:46 on Feb 7, a 8-year-old boy crossed the borders from China to Hong Kong. He then fell instantly ill and was rushed to the hospital's isolation ward in an ambulance. It is still unclear whether he is infected with the novel coronavirus.

According to the medical staff in Tuen Mun hospital, the boy’s family told the hospital he was being treated in a Fujian hospital and had to undergo intubation. After hearing about the compulsory quarantine to take place in Hong Kong on Feb 8, they stopped the treatment and rushed him across the border at Shenzhen Bay, one of the three ports that are open.

The X-ray images of the boy’s lungs indicated that he suffered from severe pneumonia. He also has a condition of Congenital heart defect.

Source: Apple Daily #Feb7
Hospital Authority Head Refuses to Meet Medics on Strike; Medics Vote to Resume Duty Next Week As Outbreak Worsens

While the strike organized by the Hospital Authority Employees Alliance (HKEA) goes onto its 5th and last day on Feb 7, the Hospital Authority (HA) has yet made any concrete response to the demands of the medics, which include adequate supply of protective gears and complete border closure.

On Feb 7, the medics on strike gathered at the Hospital Authority Headquarter Office (HAHO), seeking a meeting with HA Chief Executive Dr. Tony Ko. Instead of meeting the medics, HA locked elevators and blocked staircase to stop the medical personnels on strike from accessing.

Medics refused to leave and occupied several areas in HAHO. Disgruntled civilians joined in, urging HA management to understand the work environment of the frontline staff and to handle the risk that frontline medics have been exposed to every day.

Despite this, HA issued a statement, stating that the gathering in HAHO was unauthorized and had been affecting other staff in the building, hence putting their lives in danger. HA asked the medics to leave the building and take note of their own safety when staying in the building. HA also 'reminded' those heading to the gathering to be mindful of potential risks.

Editor’s note:
In the eyes of the Hospital Authority, it is considered “an unauthorized gathering” where the medical staff being HA employees “forced themselves in” while demanding to meet the HA management being the employer.

Some frontline medical staff were on their knees, some even fainted, in order to get an audience with Dr. Ko, the HA Chief Executive. This was, however, considered as “severely affecting their operation”.

Having waited for 5 hours for an honest conversation about masks, hazmat suits and clean uniforms is considered “endangering other staffers” , in the eyes of the HA management.

Source: RTHK #Feb7 #HKEA #HA

Medical Worker Fainted, Hospital Authority Refuses Dialogue
#DailyUpdate #Feb7

2019-nCoV in China Updates (7/2):

⁃ According to Tencent real time data, up to 7 Feb at 22:17, total infected case is 31261 and total deaths is 637 in China.

⁃ Guangzhou is lockdown starting from 7 Feb; Shenzhen will implement restrictions starting from 8 Feb 0:00, vehicles must apply for declaration in advance and pass the "vehicle epidemic checkpoint" for the first time before they can get in or out of Shenzhen; Chengdu is also lockdown. Up to now there are at least 70 cities in China is lockdown.

⁃ Li Wenliang, one of the 8 Wuhan doctors who were targeted by police for trying to sound the alarm in December, died of the coronavirus on Thursday night.

⁃ Public anger in China is rising over hospitals struggling to find enough supplies, despite the Red Cross -- and other organizations -- having received millions of dollars in donations.

⁃ Several Asian countries have seen worrying spikes in cases in recent days, sparking fears of self-sustaining outbreak clusters. Japan has 86 cases, including the cases on a cruise ship docked near Tokyo, the highest number in a country outside China; Singapore has 33; Thailand has 25; South Korea and Hong Kong have 24 each. The death toll is now at 638, 2 being in the Philippines and 1 being in Hong Kong.

⁃ Eleven Americans from the cruise ship Diamond Princess, currently docked and quarantined near Tokyo, have tested positive for the Wuhan coronavirus

⁃ A section of Copenhagen airport was closed on Friday morning after an Asian woman presented flu symptoms upon arrival.

⁃ Australia will use a mining camp to quarantine patients suspected of having the Wuhan coronavirus, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said today.

⁃ Two American flights from Wuhan, China -- the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak -- have landed in the US and Canada, officials have confirmed.

⁃ The world is facing a "chronic shortage" of equipment that could shield individuals from coronavirus, World Health Organization chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a briefing in Geneva on Friday. Ghebreyesus added that he will be speaking to the Pandemic Supply Chain Network to identify the bottlenecks, find solutions and "push with fairness in the distribution of equipment."

Source : CNN, Tencent, Apply Daily TW, FTVNews TW
Hong Kong Medics Decide to Put Strike on Hold to Stand Guard for Enormous Crowds Squeezing Through Borders to Avoid Mandatory Quarantine

Stepping into the 5th also the last day of medics strike initiated by the Hospital Authority Employees Alliance (#HAEA) to put pressure on the Government to lockdown all Hong Kong borders with China, in order to curb the deadly Coronavirus from spreading across the border; otherwise, a community outbreak can crumble the already-overloaded medical facilities in Hong Kong.

HAEA members were asked to cast their votes on February 7 on whether to extend the strike, which requires support from 6,000 members.

More than 7,000 members casted their votes. Winnie Yu Wai-ming, chair of HAEA said in the evening that about 3,000 members supported continuing the strike while 3,600 voted to resume work. She therefore announced to put the strike on hold but stressed the pursuit for five demands would continue.

Turning a deaf ear to many experts’ advice to seal borders with China, Carrie Lam's Administration announced implementation of a mandatory 14-day quarantine period effective on February 8 for Chinese travelers, which created a 2.5-day-window period on February 6 and 7. Crowds of people appeared in airport and land ports attempting to enter Hong Kong before the new restriction takes effect. The chaotic situation at the borders was compared to fleeing soldiers in the movie "Dunkirk".

Watch video: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/16807

During the "window period", several flights of Hong Kong Airlines from Chinese cities to Hong Kong were unusually full of booking up to 105%. Large crowds flowing through Shenzhen Bay border caused serious congestions which could risk triggering wider spread of the epidemic.

Source: Apple Daily
#Feb7 #ChinesePneumonia #GlobalOutbreak #MandatoryQuarantine
Li Wenliang’s death stirred up intense discussions on Weibo, questing for freedom of speech

As the topic on Li Wenliang's death gradually dropped out from "hot search" and confirmation of his death, a wave of discussions calling for "freedom of speech" quickly spread on Weibo and netizens started circulating “Do you hear the people sing”. As at 0112 on February 7, the topic "I Want Freedom of Speech" received 2,025,000 views and 8,000 comments on Weibo, which was quickly deleted.

Many netizens expressed that, “if spreading rumours was his crime, we can only mourn by telling the truth.” Some posted old photos of 1989 movement and added, “Even if you and I understand that it will not make any change, but we should still speak up.” Some mimicked the 5 demands raised in the Anti-extradition movement in Hong Kong and asked the government to “withdraw the admonitions against Li Wenliang, withdraw all orders made to delete posts, withdraw all allegations of conviction for his crimes, establish an independent commission of inquiry to hold accountability of officials involved, and immediately return freedom of speech to people of China.”

Source: Initium Media
#Feb7 #ChinesePneumonia #GlobalOutbreak
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Didn’t the government promise to provide masks to medical staff despite shortage?

Shortage of filter mask is affecting all walks of life in Hong Kong, and Chief Executive, Carrie Lam, urged her Administration to prioritize distribution of government manufactured masks to medical staff. However, this seems to be an empty promise as a video captured a long line of medics, including doctors, nurse and other supporting staff, waited for masks selling at a public hospital.

#Feb7 #ChinesePneumonia #Masks
Director of Infection Control rejected staff’s proposal to force patients to declare travel history and pneumonia-related symptoms

As Wuhan Pneumonia outbreak continued to spread from city to city in China and the Hong Kong government still refused to seal its borders.

Several departments of Princess Margaret Hospital took the initiative to request patients to declare their travel history and pneumonia-related symptoms. However, an email revealed that the Director of Infection Control at Kowloon West Hospital network rejected the initiative, insisting that "only temperature check is required at low-risk area”.

Front-line staff are concerned that carriers of the novel coronavirus may not exhibit fever, checking temperature alone could be putting other patients, including newborn babies and the elderly, at risk of infection.

Source: Factwire News Agency

#Feb7 #ChinesePneumonia #GlobalOutbreak