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According to the organizer, at least 1.7 million people joined the protest, without counting those who did not enter the Victoria Park.

The current tally is calculated onlt by considering Tin Hau, Causeway Bay and Victoria Park. In reality, many people joined in around Wan Chai, Admiralty and other places.

Therefore, the actual turnout of the 8.18 protest is much higher than 1.7 million.

2143 On Tim Wa Avenue at Admiralty, riot police are standing by inside Central Government Offices. A police vehicle enters the offices followed by a private vehicle. At least 8 police vehicles are inside the offices.

2147 On Harcourt Road, the police announces those at the scene are participating an unlawful assembly and must leave immediately.
Source: Apple Daily
21:50 At Des Voeux Road West, volunteer medical personnel were stopped and searched by riot police, and was released about 30 minutes later.
Tony, one of the medical personnel, said the first aid team of about 10 people were leaving the MTR station at 21:15, and was suddenly surrounded by 30 police officers. The Police demanded to see IDs and belongings. Tony said it was very unfortunate that medical personnel, who are in a neutral position, were seen as the enemy by the police. He also questioned why the Police stopped and searched without proper reason.
Source: In-Media HK
11-year-old hero headed to rally alone

Upon attending the rally on Hong Kong Island today, I was on the platform waiting for train heading to Chai Wan at Causeway Bay MTR station.

A boy, about half of my height, came to me and asked, “may I ask… why didn’t the last train stop?”
“Some designated trains do not stop at this station. Where are you going?” I asked as I glanced behind him - he was not accompanied by any adult.
“I need to transfer to the Tseung Kwan O line,” he answered.

I then had a look at what he was wearing and taking with him: a yellow raincoat, a black mask, a pair of goggles and an umbrella – he must have just attended the rally.

As we spoke during the short journey of just 3 stops, I asked,
“How old are you? Does your family know that you’re out here?”
“I’m 11. They don’t know.”
“What did you say to them?”
“I said I was going out to play.”
“Don’t you have any older cousins who would come with you?”
“No, they don’t.”

There came a moment of silence.

“It seems there are more people this time than the 2-million-strong march. Why isn’t there any road closure?” he continued.
“Because the police wants more people to be stuck on the streets… [further elaboration omitted here]” I tried to answer.

As we arrived at the third stop, I asked,
“So have you finished your summer homework?”
“Still 2 more pages to go.”
“Ok, let’s finish it soon! Take care, kid. Get home safe!”

I then patted him on the head, which felt like just about the size of my palm, and said goodbye.

I have no idea how this society has become so absurd, when an 11-year-old child has to travel all the way across the harbour, in some simple gears, to attend a rally alone. He hasn’t even finished his primary education and yet he has to come out to protest? To face tear gas any time?

When even an 11-year-old child knows well that it was the bean bag bullet (which injured the female protestor the other day), and that the bill has not been withdrawn, how could you people in your 50s insist that it was marble, and that we should put up with “the bill is dead”?

I know you all “blue ribbons” would accuse people of not teaching properly, or say that the young people are setting a bad example. Well, if you do think so, come forward to the frontline and show me. If you could face the riot police and the special tactical squad with only raincoats, surgical masks and goggles, I would have no hesitation in supporting you with all my savings!

Today, the kid is a hero in my eyes. He’s like a powerful giant, more noble than anyone.

Protecting our children, the future of society, is our responsibility as a human by instinct. I may not be able to offer any actual help to our kids at this moment, but I believe, we must do so by winning this battle.

Source: Wu Joechan’s Facebook Post on 18 August 2019
Probably the sweetest moment of 818 rally.
Source: Campus TV HKUSU.
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Whilst the Hong Kong Police Headquarters were still guarded with access limited, a group of police officers suspected to be undercover as protesters walk back into Hong Kong Police Headquarters after today's demonstration.
Hong Kong is once again the headline of CNN Live Update: "The Revolution of Our Times: Hong Kong protesters defy rain downpours, police and Beijing in the 11th consecutive weekend of mass demonstrations."

Source: CNN Live Update: https://edition.cnn.com/asia/live-news/hong-kong-protest-aug-18-intl-hnk/index.html
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[Stand with Hongkongers]
During the 8.18 march, a small boy in blue raincoat kept calling out "Heung gong yan (Hongkongers)!", while people under the footbridge for each time responded by cheering "Ga Yau (add oil/fight on)!"

#818 #hongkongers #democracyfrontline #waiyuen #YNWA
[Stand with Hong Kong. Stand by each other]

No more divide between people with different tactics.
Hongkongers stand as one for the same cause.

#818protest #demoncracyfrontlint #YNWA
The first aider who was shot by the police in the eye was mentioned in the list of special mentions compiled for the World Humanitarian Day.

Trump wishes the issue of Hong Kong can be resolved in a humanitarian way, which will benefit the trade agreement.

The President of United States Donald Trump has spoken once again on Hong Kong's current situation. He wishes it will be resolved in a humanitarian way; if Chinese government uses its way of suppression in Tiananmen Square on Hong Kong's protests, the US-China trade agreement will be harmed.

Source: RTHK
North Territories Parallel Trading Concern Group spokesperson Kam-shing Leung was attacked in Shatin, after participating in the 8.18 protest. At around 12.20am this morning by Shing Mun River, 4 to 5 men suddenly threw an unknown white powder onto Leung’s face and assaulted him. Leung called emergancy services after the assaulted and was then sent to the ICU in Prince of Wales Hospital.
Leung states, he could not clearly see the faces of the attackers due to the blurry vision caused by the unknown powder in his eyes and also because he was using his arms to protect his head during the assault. He said, “Everything just happened in a flash. The powder was all over my face and my body. It was also in my eyes so I couldn’t have a clear vision. I could vaguely see that it was a group of 4 to 5 men. They kept telling me stop meddling with things.” Leung said, the men had Mandarin accent in their Cantonese; and his injuries are believed to be caused by rattan sticks.

During the interview, reporters asked if Leung knows what they meant by “meddling with things”, but he has to idea. Leung does not think he has any enemies. The only enemy he can think of is whoever that are against his ideology of supporting the anti-extradition bill protests. He has never thought he would be a target himself because there are protesters that are way more active and radical.

Leung also thinks this attack is a warning for him to be silent. “Attacking just a nobody like me is a warning for others to shut up!” Leung said, he is not going to keep quiet because of this assault. He also wants to tell others not to back down. If everyone continues fighting, someday we will be able to free Hong Kong.

0415 Update: Applicant of the Revive Yuen Long Protest, Kin-ping Chung spoke to reporters about Leung’s situation outside of Prince of Wales Hospital. Chung told reporters about the details of the attack and also added at least two press members received a call by a man notifying them about Leung’s attack. Chung criticized the use of violence as a way of suppression; and told Hong Kongers to say no to intimidations like this. Leung has not yet contacted the police about the assault because he thinks the police are untrustworthy.

Source: Truth Media Hong Kong
Several second generation Chinese rich kids responded to a call from their mainland counterparts and drove their motorcade of supercars around in Australia and Canada yesterday as a sign of protest against Hongkongers.

Each driver waved a mainland Chinese flag and shouted ‘Peasants! We want to keep the island and kick out the inhabitants!’ as a stern warning to Hong Kong student protesters. They reiterated that they are the future successors of the country.

Source: https://www.dimsumdaily.hk/second-generation-rich-kids-drive-their-motorcade-of-supercars-in-australia-and-canada-to-protest-against-the-poor-hong-kong-students/
Despite China's warning to foerign governments and protesters to be silent about the current issue in Hong Kong, about 600 participated in a rally in support of Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters at Sydney’s Belmore Park on Sunday afternoon; while on the same day hundreds of thousands gathered in Victoria Park in Hong Kong for another pro-democracy demonstration.

Many in the rally emphasised the police’s alleged use of excessive force during the protests in the past two months, especially in an incident which a volunteer first-aider was shot in the right eye by police’s rbber bullet. They also emphasised the five demands listed by the protesters: Total withdrawal of the extradition bill, total recall of claims that protesters engage in “riots”, withdraw criminal charges against arrested protesters, independent inquiry into alleged police brutality, and implementation of universal suffrage for the chief executive and legislature in Hong Kong. One participant moved to Australia with his family from Hong Kong when he was 12, he joined the rally to show support and solidarity towards the protesters in Hong Kong. During a speech at the rally, some Beijing supporters showed up raising the China flag and some argued the five demands with a participant.

At the rally, many wore masks in concern with alleged surveillance by China. The Chinese ambassador to Australia, Cheng Jingye, criticized the protests in Hong Kong as violent, radical and show no consideration of the rule of law. He also stressed the issues in Hong Kong are internal affairs of China and others should stay out of them. Australian prime minister said the situation in Hong Kong is “concerning”, and encouraged de-escalation of the situation, and peaceful protests. Throughout the past few days, numbers of rallies in support of both sides happened in different cities of Australia. There were some violent incidents including one that an ABC crew was attacked by Beijing supporter(s). Pro-Hong Kong participants have also received threat by Beijing supporters.
