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Hundreds of Hongkongers in UK protest against clampdown of press freedom in Hong Kong

Sources: Apple Daily HK, Whats News Media; Harbour of freedom, and Free HK; #Jan9

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Hundreds of Hongkongers in UK protest against clampdown of press freedom in Hong Kong

On January 8 and January 9, 2022 Hongkongers in the United Kingdom assembled in 7 cities to protest against Hong Kong authorities' crackdown on press freedom.

Clad in black, many Hongkongers were seen holding homemade handbills and banners calling for international community's attention over the deterioration of freedom in Hong Kong.

Holding hands and singing the protest song, "Glory to Hong Kong", long human chains were seen in Newcastle, Birmingham, Kingston, Liverpool, Manchester, Edinburgh and Aberdeen to show solidarity and support for journalists arrested by national security police in Hong Kong.

Sources: Apple Daily HK, Whats News Media; Harbour of freedom, and Free HK; #Jan9

#PressFreedom #StandNews #CitizenNews #AppleDaily #UK
#FailedState #Covid19
Hong Kong Government Officials and Politicians Breach Gathering Ban, Carrie Lam dodges responsibility

Source: Cable News, #Jan6

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#FailedState #Covid19
Hong Kong Government Officials and Politicians Reportedly Breach Gathering Ban, Carrie Lam dodges responsibility

#CasparTsui, the Hong Kong SAR Government's Secretary for Home Affairs, was found attending a birthday party with over 100 guests organized by a Hong Kong delegate to PRC’s top legislature. Photos were leaked out showing the attendees without wearing any mask and violating the gathering ban. It was reported that Tsui did not record his whereabouts in the compulsory government-made #LeaveHomeSafe App.

Less than a week ago, following reports of a #CathayPacific aircrew staffer violating quarantine restrictions and prompting a cluster outbreak in the city, Hong Kong's Chief Executive #CarrieLam summoned the chairman and the CEO of the airline to “express strong discontent.”

On January 4, 2022, Lam was recorded saying saying that although senior management may not be aware of their staff member’s actions, it should not be exploited as a “disclaimer” to shirk responsibility.

Sternly Lam told Cathay Pacific,
"you, being the head of an organization, are in similar capacity as me, being the Chief Executive of Hong Kong. I am accountable for every happenings in the city.”

However, Lam changed the saying after the scandal of the government officials broke out on January 2, 2022 Since a guest had contracted COVID, Caspar Tsui and other guests were sent to compulsory Covid-19 quarantine at Penny’s Bay.

This time. when asked if the Chief Executive should take similar responsibility over the case involving the banquet, Carrie Lam apparently bent "accountability" to her own interests, saying that being accountable was not equal to “taking personal responsibility for the personal decision and actions of every colleague.”

Source: Cable News, #Jan6
Another organisation asks the International Tribunal in The Hague to investigate China: Chinese personnel coerce overseas to arrest Uyghurs

Source: Stand News #Nov12
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Another organisation asks the International Tribunal in The Hague to investigate China: Chinese personnel coerce overseas to arrest Uyghurs

Another organisation filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hauge, accusing Chinese officials of conducting operations in foreign countries to force Uyghurs to return to China. Methods include creating visa problems and forcing Uyghurs to become informants.

This was the third complaint to ICC from Uyghur representatives for investigating China. The charges include crimes against humanity, genocide, and the use of force to coerce Uyghurs to return to China. In the past, ICC refused to handle as China is not a member of ICC, which is not within the jurisdiction.

However, according to the cases of Rohingya being targeted and mutilated in Bangladesh and Myanmar in 2018 and 2019, ICC still has jurisdiction since part of the criminal acts occurred in member states. Myanmar is not a member, but Bangladesh is. Although ICC did not accept China’s allegations of genocide against Uyghurs in 2020, they indicated that the case was not a closed file but required more evidence.

The indictment is from the government-in-exile of the Republic of East Turkistan and the East Turkic Awakening Movement. The Guardian quoted relevant court documents that the “internal witness testimony” from Uyghurs has matched the threshold of ICC. It said that the case involved the deportation of Uyghurs from Tajikistan, which is a member of ICC.

Source: Stand News #Nov12

#Uyghurs #Genocide #CCP #ICC
#FailedState #COVID19
Dozens of Hong Kong top officials and legislators attended birthday party of a CCP representative violated pandemic restriction

Source: inmediahk; #Jan9
Image: WhatsNew Media

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#FailedState #COVID19
Dozens of Hong Kong top officials and legislators attended birthday party of a CCP representative violated pandemic restriction

13 senior government officials and 19 legislators in Hong Kong were among the 170 attendees sent into a 21 days quarantine in Penny’s Bay after they attended a birthday party of a CCP representative on January 3, 2022 despite the government’s own pandemic warning.

They included police chief Raymond Siu, immigration chief Au Ka-wang, Home Affairs Secretary Caspar Tsui and Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Christopher Hui.

In nearly identical wording, senior officials sent out their statements of apologies in past couple of days. However, only 3 among the 13 officials mentioned that they used the mandatory “Leave Home Safe” tracing App when arriving the premise.

Lawyers who examined photographs of the event said the signs indicating criminal offences included guests chatting unmasked, the failure to use the “Leave Home Safe” exposure alert application and the large crowd that was present.

The party, held on January 3, 2022, was to celebrate the 53rd birthday of Witman Hung Wai-man, a delegate to China’s top national legislature. The well-connected politician invited a long list of the city’s political establishment, ranging from the home affairs secretary to the security chief.

The embarrassing incident came as concerns had been raised in recent weeks after a number of Omicron cases were identified in Hong Kong. Health officials openly asked citizens to avoid large gatherings in the middle of an Omicron outbreak.

Days before the incident, Lam summoned top officials from Cathay Pacific airlines and said they must take responsibility for their aircrew breaching self-isolation rules even if “they may not know their employees’ every act”.

Source: inmediahk; #Jan9
Image: WhatsNew Media

#Covid19 #Pandemic #GatheringBan
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Hong Kong Government Officials and Politicians Breach Gathering Ban, Carrie Lam dodges responsibility
World Muslim Leaders Boycott Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics

On December 30, 2021, The Global Imams Council (#GIC) made a decision to boycott the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.

The Council is, according to its website, the "largest transnational non-governmental body of Muslim religious leaders from all Islamic Denominations and Schools of thought."

In a statement, the Council described China as a "tyrannical and oppressive regime that is responsible for the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Uyghurs".

Source: The Global Imams Council #Dec30

#WinterOlympics #Boycott #CCP #Genocide #Uyghurs
China owed $385bn – including ‘hidden debt’ from poorer nations, says report
Researchers have identified debts of at least $385bn (£286bn) owed by 165 countries to China for “Belt and road initiative” (BRI) projects, with loans systematically underreported to international bodies such as the World Bank.

The four-year study by US-based research lab AidData said the debt burdens were kept off the public balance sheets through the use of special purpose and semi-private loans, and were “substantially larger than research institutions, credit rating agencies, or intergovernmental organisations with surveillance responsibilities previously understood”.

It found 42 low-to-middle income countries (LMICs) had debt exposure to China exceeding 10% of their GDP, including Laos, Papua New Guinea, the Maldives, Brunei, Cambodia and Myanmar.

Source: the Guardian #Sep30


#China #Debt #BRI #LMICs
#Censorship #RulebyLaw
Hong Kong’s top court applies stringent #NationalSecurityLaw bail requirement to general Crimes Ordinance

Source: inmediahk; #Dec14

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#Censorship #RulebyLaw
Hong Kong’s top court applies stringent #NationalSecurityLaw bail requirement to general Crimes Ordinance

Hong Kong’s Court of Final Appeal has rejected an application to challenge a lower court’s bail refusal to a speech therapist, who was accused of publishing "seditious" children’s books about sheep and wolves.

Speech therapists Lai Man-ling, Melody Yeung Yat-yee, Sidney Ng Hau-yi, Samuel Chan Yuen-sum and Marco Fong Tsz-ho were arrested by Hong Kong national security police in July, 2021. They are accused of conspiring with Wong Hoi-ching, another member of the General Union of Hong Kong Speech Therapists, in printing, publishing, and distributing three children’s books, Guardians of the Sheep Village, 12 Warriors of the Sheep Village, and Dustman of the Sheep Village.

The were accused of intending to “bring into hatred of contempt or to excite disaffection” against the Hong Kong government and “the administration of justice in Hong Kong.”

They were charged with two counts of conspiring to publish, distribute, display or reproduce seditious publications, a breach of a colonial-era law under the Crimes Ordinance, and were denied bail.

Ng, one of the five defendants, took the case up to the Court of Final Appeal seeking leave to challenge the lower courts’ decisions.

Defence counsel Hectar Pun argued that the five defendants are facing charges under Section 10 of the Crimes Ordinance and not the National Security Law, and therefore the stricter threshold for granting bail should not apply.

Prosecutors argued that the Court of Final Appeal had ruled that sedition is considered an act that endangers national security. Violations of the Crimes Ordinance with relevance to the national security law may also endanger national security.

#FreedomOfSpeech #SheepVillage #RedLine #NationalSecurityLaw #ThoughtPolice #Children #sedition

Source: inmediahk; #Dec14

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HK National Security Police cracks down even Speech Therapists over children’s books

#Black: Hongkongers' Favourite Color in 2021

The year 2021 is a year of censorship, and silencing in Hong Kong. If one can longer use language to express, what color will one use to describe the impression of 2021?

As of 5pm on December 25, 2021, the poll held by Stand News received 25,205 responses. 54.6% of the respondents (13,788) chose the color Black.

Source: Stand News #Dec25

#NationalSecurityLaw #PoliceState #PoliticalProsecution #Arrest
International public opinion denounces Africa to fall into a debt trap; China’s financial commitments to Africa have fallen for the first time in 12 years 

Source: Stand News #Dec02 

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