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US Shotput Athlete Voices Out for the Suppressed by Crossing Hands During Medal Ceremony

Gong Lijiao, a Chinese shot-put player, gained a gold medal in shot-put in the Tokyo Olympics. However, the US player Raven Saunders, who gained the silver medal, received more attention from international media.

Saunders raised her arms high with a cross on the podium, voicing out for all people who are fighting for injusticr in the world. The Olympic Committee does not allow athletes to promote political messages on the podium. Raven Saunders was the first athlete to violate the rules in this Olympics. It is unknown what punishment she would face.

Saunders, aged 25, is black, a member of the LGBTQ community and suffers from depression. She said that the intersection on the cross of her arms represented the gathering place of all suppressed people. She also stated that the action was for "all people who are fighting around the world but without a platform to voice out".

#Tokyo2020 #Olympics #OlympicCommittee #Shotput #RavenSaunders #LGBTQ

Source: Stand News #Aug02

Opinion: Canada needs a new engagement strategy that opposes China’s thuggery

//The 11-year prison sentence handed to Michael Spavor is just the latest example of the ruthlessness of China’s efforts to put pressure on the Canadian government, and in turn on the U.S. administration, to return Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou. As The Washington Post’s editorial board wrote on Aug. 13: “China’s kangaroo courts operate in service to the country’s Communist Party and its leader, Xi Jinping, whose contempt for international standards of law and justice is manifest.” As Times Wang outlined in The Globe last week, Canadians should refuse to recognize China’s “justice” system.//

Source: The Globe and Mail #Aug16

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#China #Canada #Huawei #MengWanzhou
China says Microsoft hacking accusations fabricated by US and allies

The US and other Western countries on Monday accused China of hacking Microsoft Exchange - a popular email platform used by companies worldwide.

They said it was part of a broader pattern of "reckless" behaviour that threatened global security.

China says it opposes all forms of cyber-crime, and has called the claims "fabricated".

China's foreign ministry spokesman said the US had got its allies to make "unreasonable criticisms" against China.

The UK, EU, New Zealand, Australia and others joined the US to accuse Chinese state-sponsored hackers.

Source: BBC #Jul20


#China #Microsoft #Hacking #US #UK #EU #NewZealand #Australia
#Court #PoliticalProsecution
Two more pro-democracy activists plead guilty in National Security Case in Hong Kong

Source: Stand News; #Aug19

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#Court #PoliticalProsecution
Two more pro-democracy activists plead guilty in National Security Case in Hong Kong

Pro-democracy activist, #AndyLi Yu-hin, one of the 12 Hongkongers detained in China and a member of “Hong Kong Story”, pleaded guilty on August 19, 2021 to "conspiracy to collude with foreign forces", in a national security case linked to media tycoon and #AppleDaily founder #JimmyLai.

Another Hong Kong activist #ChanTszWah also admitted to "colluding" with Lai and others to "ask foreign forces to impose sanctions on Hong Kong or China" between July 2020 and February 2021.

Prosecutors alleged that Li and Chan were "core members of a political campaign led by Lai" which "called for international sanctions by organising rallies, publishing propaganda, and lobbying overseas politicians".

The prosecution claimed that Li and Chan had meetings with political figures from the US, the UK and Japan, including a senator who would run in the next U.S. presidential election. They were also accused of recommending a list of 144 Chinese and Hong Kong officials for international sanctions; and showing US officials 277 rounds of ammo fired by the Hong Kong police.

Andy Li was among the 12 Hong Kong people intercepted by the #CCP's Guangdong coast guard in August 2020 as they allegedly tried to flee Hong Kong by speedboat.

Source: Stand News; #Aug19


#NationalSecurityLaw #NSL #ForeignForces #US
#TwoYears #HongKongWay
Second Anniversary of Pro-democracy #HumanChain in Hong Kong; Commemorative Exhibitions Open in Estonia and Luthunia

Source: Stand News #Aug23

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#TwoYears #HongKongWay
Second Anniversary of Pro-democracy #HumanChain in Hong Kong; Commemorative Exhibitions Open in Estonia and Luthuania

Two years ago on August 23, 2019, around 210,000 pro-democracy Hongkongers formed a 60km human chain across the city, going through different districts and even up on Lion Rock. In addition to voice pro-democractic demands, the event also commemorated the 30th anniversary of the #BalticWay, where a 675km human chain was formed by over 2 million people across three countries occupied by Russia, namely, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania. One year after the human chain event to raise international concern, Russia acknowledged the independent status of the three countries.

In 2021, a Hongkonger residing in Estonia, Iverson Ng, curated a photo exhibition titled "1989 Baltics - 2019 Hong Kong". The exhibiting partners include the Institute of Historical Memory in Estonis, the Museum of Occupations and Freedom Fights in Lithuania and the Museum of the Occupation (#MOL) in Latvia. The exhibition opened on August 23, 2021, marking the second anniversary of the Hong Kong Way and the 32nd anniversary of the Baltic Way.

However, the Museum of the Occupation (MOL) of Latvia suddenly pulled out just one week prior to the opening. The vice director of the museum, Taiga Kokneviča, wrote to Ng on August 17, 2022, saying that "it is not a moment to discuss other issues in the museum".

Despite this, the museum director Solvita Vība has earlier promoted the exhibition when speaking to the local media LSM. In the interview, Vība praised the perseverance and solidarity of pro-democracy Hongkongers and pointed out the support for Hongkongers from the country's Minister of Foreign Affairrs, Edgars Rinkēvičs.

Since the vice premier Artis Pabriks tweeted the news in his twitter, Ng does not think the government has put any pressure on the museum. The real cause of the withdrawal remains unclear.

In any case, the Estonian section of the exhibition is available online: https://chainsoffreedom.communistcrimes.org/

Source: Stand News #Aug23

#Censorship #Photography #Exhibition #Latvia #Estonia #Lithuania
China’s Communist Party Goes Back to Basics: Less for the Rich, More for the Poor

China gave priority to economic growth for most of the past 40 years. Now, Xi Jinping is signaling plans to more assertively promote social equality, as he tries to solidify popular support for continued Communist Party rule.

The push is captured by a catchphrase, “common prosperity,” now appearing everywhere in China, including in public speeches, state-owned media and schools—and in comments from newly chastened business tycoons like Jack Ma.

Like many Communist party slogans, details remain vague. But officials and analysts who have tracked the phrase’s use say it is meant to convey the idea that leaders are returning to the party’s original ambitions to empower workers and the disadvantaged, and will limit gains of the capitalist class when necessary to address social inequities.

Source: WSJ #Aug18


#China #CCP #Rich #Poor #XiJinping
Britain to permanently deploy two warships in Asian waters

Britain said on Tuesday it would permanently deploy two warships in Asian waters after its Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier and escort ships sail to Japan in September through seas where China is vying for influence with the United States and Japan.

Plans for the high-profile visit by the carrier strike group come as London deepens security ties with Tokyo, which has expressed growing alarm in recent months over China's territorial ambitions in the region, including Taiwan.

"Following on from the strike group's inaugural deployment, the United Kingdom will permanently assign two ships in the region from later this year," Britain's defence minister, Ben Wallace, said in a joint announcement in Tokyo with his Japanese counterpart, Nobuo Kishi.

Source: Reuters #Jul21


#China #Japan #Britain #QueenElizabeth #Taiwan
#Art #Exibition #Court
Hong Kong’s Court of Final Appeal Dissipating in the Water in #HongKongArtists' #Scupture

Source: Stand News; #Aug19

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#Art #Exibition #Court
Hong Kong’s Court of Final Appeal Dissipating in the Water in
#HongKongArtists' #Scupture

Situated in Bilchenton-on-Sea in North-eastern #Kent in England, a place not familiar to many Hong Kong people, an exhibition is taking place in a local museum from Monday, August 23, 2021, onwards.

Exhibits include art pieces from two Hong Kong artists. Among them are #LauYatWai's ceramic sculptures titled “Mute Tumult of Memories”. The scupture portrays the Court of Final Appeal in Hong Kong dissipating in the water.

Graduated from the School of Visual Arts at Hong Kong Baptist University (#HKBU) in 2011, Lau specializes in ceramics.

Lau and his teacher #YiLaiKeung worked in partnership with two #UK artists specialising in sound effect to create their joint artwork during a remote residency hosted by #TheCeramicHouse.

Their work will be shown in the "No Interdependent Origins" exhibition from August to October, 2021 in the Powell-Cotton Museum in the #UnitedKingdom.

Source: Stand News; #Aug19


#ProtestArt #Installation #UK #HongKongCourt #Scupture #NoInterdependentOrigins #PowellCottonMuseum
#AsiasFinest #PoliceState #FailedState
#HongKongPolice Reinstates #NationalSecurity Director Caught in Unlicensed Massage Parlour as Personnel and Training Director

Source: Stand News; #Aug12

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#AsiasFinest #PoliceState #FailedState
#HongKongPolice Reinstates #NationalSecurity Director Caught in Unlicensed Massage Parlour as Personnel and Training Director

Frederic #ChoiChinPang, the National Security director of the Hong Kong Police Force (#HKPF) has been placed on leave after he was caught in a raid on an unlicensed massage parlour in May 2021. It was the first big scandal to hit the National security unit after it was set up to enforce the controversial #NationalSecurityLaw a year ago.

In just 3 months’ time, Choi has resumed duty and will be reinstated as Director of Personnel and Training in mid-August, 2021.

Police chief Raymond Siu Chak-yee quoted the Department of Justice that Choi’s case "does not involve any criminal offense". Siu also confirmed that Choi will resume his duty in the police force and take the post of Director of Personnel and Training.

Source: Stand News; #Aug12


55 people received penalty tickets, for 599G and littering, and 4 people were arrested due to incitement in the remembrance of Leung Kin-Fai, who attacked a police officer on July 1.

#July1 #LeungKinFai #Remembrance #599G #LitteringNotice #GoHKgraphics
Selling Luxury Goods in a More Socialist China Becomes a Problem

Beijing’s crackdown on business that doesn’t support its policy goals suddenly looks like it might extend to luxury brands. Investors are only just waking up to the risks.

On Tuesday, Chinese President Xi Jinping gave a speech about growing wealth inequality and the “promotion of common prosperity.” Luxury investors, who didn’t react to intervention in the Chinese tech and private-education sectors in recent weeks, are belatedly concerned that the country’s super rich could be reined in. A selloff that started on Wednesday and gathered pace on Thursday has wiped 60 billion euros, equivalent to $70.26 billion, from the market value of Europe’s big four names, LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton , Kering, Hermès and Richemont.

Source: WSJ #Aug19


#China #Luxury #Beijing #XiJinping #LVMH #Kering #Hermès #Richemont
Hong Kong crackdown: Thousands flee city amid surge in terrorism charges

Early last week, Michael Mo nervously set off with just two suitcases to Hong Kong’s airport.

Fearing imminent arrest for his pro-democracy political views under Beijing’s sweeping National Security Law, the 35-year-old local politician had taken a snap decision to leave home forever and flee to London.

He had altered his hairstyle and removed his glasses to disguise his regular appearance, but he was still on alert for plainclothes police officers right up until his flight took off.

Source: The Telegraph #Jul21


#HongKong #MichaelMo #Democracy #NationalSecurityLaw
#CCPRules #PoliceState #Sanction
#China delays implementing Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law in Hong Kong

Source: Stand News

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#CCPRules #PoliceState #Sanction
#China delays implementing Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law in Hong Kong

The 4-day meeting of China's CCP Standing Committee of the National People's Congress was ended on August 20, 2021. It was reported earlier that the Committee will deliberate over adding the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law into the Annex III of the Hong Kong Basic Law in the Congress meeting.

The decision, however, has been delayed.

Alibaba-owned South China Morning Post (#SCMP) cited sources who said the sudden decision to postpone the deliberation was that the Committee "could consider more views".

The Pro-Beijing newspaper Sing Tao Daily slso published an "analysis” based on an internal memo of #XinHua news agency, a CCP mouthpiece. It hinted that including the Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law into the Annex III of the Hong Kong Basic Law “may not be among motions to be passed.”

Responding to media inquiry, Hong Kong senior delegate Tam Yiu-chun, a pro-Beijing figure, said that the Stand Committee did review the agenda item, but decided not to take a vote on it.

The Hong Kong SAR Government issued a statement stating that the Central People's Congress is "concerned about the well-being of Hong Kong people". The statement continued saying decisions of the Standing Committee on Hong Kong matters are "based on local interests", and the SAR Government is determined to give its full support.

#CCP #1C1S #AntiSanctionsLaw

Source: Stand News; #Aug20
#Court #PrimaryElection #NeverGiveUp
Former Pro-democracy Councilor #RoyTam Denied Bail Again for Taking Part in Primary Election

Former Hong Kong pro-democracy district councilor Roy Tam Hoi-Pong, was denied bail by the High Court on Monday, 23 August, 2021.

Roy Tam was detained for nearly half a year for taking part in the 2020 legislative primary election in the pro-democracy camp, and his bail application was rejected 3 times already.

The bail application was heard by Justice Esther Toh Lye-ping, one of the judges chosen by the Chief Executive Carrie Lam to handle cases related to the National Security Law. Esther Toh rejected the bail application after the hearing.

Before he left the court, Roy Tam called out to those attending the hearing: "It doesn’t matter! Hold On!" The attendees waved back to him, replying: "Roy, hold on!"


Source: Stand News #Aug23
China vows countermeasures on US arms sales to Taiwan

Source: Now News #Aug05

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China vows countermeasures on US arms sales to Taiwan

The Chinese foreign ministry has called on the US to scrap an arms deal with Taiwan, vowing to take proper and necessary countermeasures. The 5.8 billion Hong Kong dollar sale, which includes self-propelled artillery, has been approved by the US state department.

Citing the Taiwan Relations Act, the US Defence Security Cooperation Agency said the deal is in line with the US’ national economic and security interests by enabling the continuous modernization of Taiwan’s military and ensuring that it has a reliable defence capability. The deal, it said, will help improve Taiwan’s security and maintain political stability, military balance, and economic progress in the region.

Taiwan’s foreign ministry thanked the US government for continuing to uphold the Taiwan Relations Act and its six commitments to the security of Taiwan. It noted that in face of the mainland’s continued military expansion and provocations, the government of Taiwan will remain unwavering in strengthening defence, safeguarding its people’s lives and properties, and their democratic way of life. The ministry added that Taiwan will contribute to the long-term peace, stability and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region by closely cooperating with the US to maintain security in the Taiwan Strait.

Source: Now News #Aug05

#Taiwan #US #China #Diplomacy #Military #Arms #Sales
