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#PoliticalPersecution #PoliceState
HK Pro-democracy Activist punished in solitary confinement for arbitrary offences

Source: InMedia #Jul24

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#PoliticalPersecution #PoliceState
HK Pro-democracy Activist punished in solitary confinement for arbitrary offences

On July 20, 2021, Former Councilor of Southern District, #TiffanyYuen Ka-wai, had finished serving her 4-month jail term after taking part in the June 4 vigil at Victoria Park in 2020, which was banned by the police for the first time in 30 years.

At the end of her prison term, she was sent to the Lo Wu Correctional Facility to continue to be detained for charges linked to the pro-democracy camp primaries of Legislative Council election in 2020.

At the detention cell, she hugged several other pro-democracy activists also being detained.

Soon afterwards, Yuen was penalized by the authorities for “making physical contact with other prisoners” and placed in solitary confinement for 10 days.

Yuen’s friend Wong Li-li told reporters that there was no enforcement guidelines in the Correctional Services Department decision. Wong explained that “physical contacts” occur naturally in prison routines, condemning that the Department’s decision is arbitrary and targeting unfairly at Yuen.

Look into the Prison Rules in Hong Kong for offences against prison discipline, it certainly didn’t consist of making “physical contact with other prisoners," Wong said.

#HKProtest #NationalSecurityLaw #WhiteTerror #FailedState

Source: InMedia; #Jul24


#PoliticalSuppression #PoliticalActivists #Prison
#PoliceState #PoliticalSupression
Hong Kong student activist traumatised by national security probe

Source: Daily Record; #Jul31

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#PoliceState #PoliticalSupression
Hong Kong student activist traumatised by national security probe

On July 29, 2020, the National Security Department of the Hong Kong Police Force arrested several members of #StudentLocalism, a pro-democracy student organization in Hong Kong, including the group’s convenor #TonyChung Hon-lam and spokersperson, #YanniHo Yan-nok on suspicion of "inciting secession".

A year later, Chung was still in custody, although Ho was released unconditionally in early 2021 and her passport was returned to her.

Ho left Hong Kong subsequently for the US and expressed her thoughts on social media.

Ho wrote that although a year has passed, she could still recall clearly the moment when she was arrested by the National Security Police. The shock and fear lingered in her mind.

She was only 17 year old and was stunned by the arrest. It has never come across to her that she could be among the first arrestees by National Security Police and she was not mentally prepared. 

Ho said that she is now residing in US, a land of freedom. Despite that, she could not distance herself from the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong, especially when knowing that her friends are facing national security charges and unpredictable sentences.

Ho wrote, “I’ve lost too much last year. Many of my friends have been detained, imprisoned and in exile. I, indeed, regret for not spending more time with them when we were still free.”

#HKProtest  #NationalSecurityLaw  #WhiteTerror #Youth

Source: Daily Record; #Jul31
The HKSAR government reshuffle the current major senior officials. 3 police officers get promoted.

#CarrieLam #HKSARgovernment #HKPF #GoHKgraphics
As threats of ‘new Cold War’ between U.S. and China intensify, Canada needs firm strategy to adapt

Back in April, prominent U.S. senator Chuck Schumer tabled a sweeping 1,445-page bill that would lay the groundwork for America’s broad strategy to blunt China’s global rise.

The legislation, called the Innovation and Competition Act, identifies strategic industries like quantum computing, advanced semiconductors and pharmaceuticals, where it recommends the U.S. should ramp up public support. It proposes deeper protections for critical minerals, expands research spending, and aims to strengthen cyber defence capabilities, among other things.

Source: National Post #Jul31


#China #US #Canada #ColdWar
The foreigners in China’s disinformation drive

In recent years, the "vloggers" have been increasingly presenting themselves as China-lovers, spreading Communist Party disinformation.

YouTube labels Chinese state media like broadcaster CGTN as government-funded. But there is little policing when it comes to individuals promoting similar narratives.

Some vloggers are suspected of co-operating with state-owned outlets to spread China's rhetoric to the world. But it's far from clear what really motivates them, or how effective this strategy is.

Source: BBC #Jul11


#China #Vlogger #CCP #CGTN
#Censorship #PoliceState
HK National Security Police cracks down even Speech Therapists over children’s books

Source: InMedia; #Jul22

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#Censorship #PoliceState
HK National Security Police cracks down even Speech Therapists over children’s books

On July 22, 2021, the Hong Kong Police’s National Security Department arrested 5 committee members of the General Union of Hong Kong Speech Therapists (#GUST) on "seditious publications", accusing them of "violating the Criminal Offences Ordinance".

Li Kwai-wah, a senior superintendent in the Police’s National Security Department, said in a news briefing that the book and others published by the Union are "instilling hatred among children".

He claimed that the book titled “The Guardians of Sheep Village” is taking the background of Anti-extradition Law Amendment Bill (Anti-ELAB) Movement in Hong Kong.

Li said the story of the wolves invading the village and devouring the sheeps is referring to the conflicts between mainland Chinese (the wolves) and HongKonger (the sheeps). He explained the Force's interpretation based on the book's depiction of wolves entering the village in sheep’s clothing as an allegory of local people’s livelihood being messed up.

Li also condemned that the book for depicting the sheeps retaliating the wolves’ attack with their horns.

According to Li. it is provoking violence and criminal behavior, “sheep, although mild and timid, is portrayed as ferocious and capable of inflicting violence.”

Some reporters pointed out that another book “The Cleaner of Sheep Village”, which describes the COVID-19 pandemic, is not from the same series.

Li, however, insisted that all the Union’s storybooks are connected and "part of a series”.

“Once you have read the first book and the second book, you’ll come to know who the sheeps and the wolves are alleging to. Readers will naturally follow the same logic when they read the third book.”

Li taunted the reporters in the briefing, “Is it necessary to portray wolves in such a vulgar manner that they are filthy and spit everywhere? Are these facts?”

#FreedomOfSpeech #SheepVillage #RedLine #NationalSecurityLaw #ThoughtPolice #Children #sedition

Source: InMedia; #Jul22
#IOC asks Chinese team for report on cyclists' #MaoZedong badges

The International Olympic Committee on August 3, 2021 asked the Chinese team for a report on why two of its medallists appeared on the podium wearing badges featuring the head of the country's former leader Mao Zedong.

Gold medal cyclists Bao Shanju and Zhong Tianshi wore the badges during a medal ceremony on Monday, August 2, 2021 in a potential breach of Olympic rules on the display of political paraphernalia.

"We contacted the Chinese Olympic Committee and asked them for a report on the situation," IOC spokesperson Mark Adams said. "We are looking into the matter."

Source: Reuters #Aug3

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Japan Defense White Paper first indicates the importance of stability of Taiwan situation

Source: I-Cable #Jul13

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Japan Defense White Paper first indicates the importance of stability of Taiwan situation

Japan published a new defense white paper, first indicates the importance of stability of Taiwan. They concern the Taiwan issues will intensify the opposition between China and USA, China resolutely oppose and emphasizes that they will not allow any country to involve into Taiwan issues.

The white paper first adds in the chapter of analyzing the relationship between China and USA, indicates that the competition on political, economic and military between China and USA becomes obvious, both countries take the attitude of checking each other. Japan concerns the change of the military balance of the two countries will influence the peace and stability of Indo-Asia region.

And in the China-USA chapter, there is an item named “Taiwan”, first mentions the Taiwan situation has stability to security of Japan, and it’s important to international social stability as well. Japan must keep alert and concern Taiwan situation.

Source: I-Cable #Jul13


#Taiwan #Japan #China #USA #stability
Lawyers say China using Interpol to seek dissident’s return

Attorneys are asking the Biden administration to release from immigration custody a Chinese democracy advocate who could be deported to his homeland to face what they say are false charges — despite the lack of an extradition treaty between the United States and China.

Human rights advocates say this is one of a handful of cases in which China has used the Interpol “red notice” system to try to force the return of dissidents from the United States. Under the red notice system, a member country of the international police consortium can ask other countries to arrest and return fugitives living abroad. It’s not clear how often, if ever, this tactic has resulted in the U.S. turning over detainees to Chinese authorities.

Source: AP News #Jul30


#UnitedStates #China #Biden #RedNotice
Australia increasingly reliant on China’s demand for iron ore

Escalating political tensions between Canberra and Beijing have done little to dampen the value of exports, with China accounting for more than 40 per cent of goods shipped in May, on the back of record demand for iron ore.

The latest economic chart pack from the Reserve Bank shows a striking lack of diversity in Australia’s trade ties and highlights an increasing dependence on iron ore sales to China.

China made up about 10 per cent of goods and services exports in 2005, well behind Japan, before spiking to 25 per cent at the height of the last mining boom and continuing to climb above 35 per cent this year.

Source: Australian Financial Review #Jul11


#China #Australia #Iron #Ore #Export
#WhiteTerror #Education
The University of Hong Kong Expel Students from Campus

The council of the University of Hong Kong (#HKU) announced on August 4, 2021 that all students who attended the July 7 meeting of the students' union council would be banned from the campus.

On that da, the students’ union council passed a motion expressing condolenced over a 50-year-old man called #LeungKinFai who passed away after stabbing himself and knifing a police officer on July 1, 2021, the 24th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong SAR.

Following the attack of the pro-China camp and the governmemt, the students' union has withdrawn the motion and made an official apology.

The latest decision of the University has been perceived as a crackdown on its pro-democracy students.

Source: InMedia #Aug4

#Solidarity #HongKongProtest
Detained Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Activist Receives a Marriage Proposal from Activist Boyfriend

Source: Stand News #Jul25

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#Solidarity #HongKongProtest
Detained Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Activist Receives a Marriage Proposal from Activist Boyfriend

The vice-chairwoman of the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China, Tonyee Chow Hang-tung, who is a barrister, was refused bail and was remanded.

She was accused of "inciting others to participate in an unapproved assembly" for promoting the June 4th Tiananmen Massacre commemorative event in 2021.

Chow's partner Ye Du, a Chinese human rights activist and writer, sent his marriage proposal in a letter.

He expressed his feelings of longing. He saying the darkest time before the dawn can be more remarkable in their hearts. Hw also mentioned that this big wave of time disrupted their original imagination to the future, bringing an expected development.

The proposal letter by Ye Du was published in MingPao today.

The letter was written on July 13th, the anniversary of the death of Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo. Ye Du proposed marriage by letter to Tonyee, mentioning, "You said you want to have a romantic proposal. There always has a strange way to propose. But what is compatible with you being in a small jail and me being in a large jail... What is compatible with having a mutual memory on a special date, the anniversary of the death of Liu Xiaobo? What is compatible and more remarkable to the romantic moment under this darkness before the dawn? Tung, would you marry me?"

Ye Du indicated, "For my soul singing songs as a testimony, for those friends sending you this letter as a testimony, for the prison censors of this letter as a testimony, for whoever reading this letter and caring your situation as a testimony", proposing marriage to Tonyee. "Since now, you are the wind and snow, Spring and Summer. You are the world. Only hope to hold your hands for a lifetime".

Source: Stand News #Jul25

#TonyeeChow #ChowHangTung #YeDu #MarriageProposal #LiuXiaobo #June4th
China-funded Media Journalist Caught Photographing #InMedia Journalist's Computer in Court, Claims She Was Not Aware It's Prohibited

Source: InMedia #Jul27

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China-funded Media Caught Photographing #InMedia Journalist's Computer in Court: "Not Aware It's Prohibited"

The ruling of the first case under Hong Kong's #NationalSecurityLaw was handed down on the 27th of July, 2021 at the High Court. Over 80 journalists were in attendance to hear the verdict.

Afterwards, an In-Media HK reporter was told by another attendee that a woman in a blue shirt sitting in the row behind them was photographing their computer screen during the hearing. The woman also opened her #WeChat application at one point, and it was unclear whether she had sent out the photo.

The In-Media reporter immediately confronted the woman and informed the security guard about her actions. The woman was asked to show her cell phone photos, and it appeared that she had taken two photos in court, one of which had captured the In-Media reporter’s conversation with a colleague.

The woman claimed that it was her first time in court, and was not aware that photography was prohibited. She insisted that she had not sent out the photos through WeChat, and had deleted the photos on the spot.

Security later told the In-Media reporter that the woman in question is a "reporter" from Dot Dot News, and she claimed that she took the photo to confirm whether the In-Media reporter was her colleague from #WenWeiPo, a China-funded media, who was also in attendance.

According to available information, Dot Dot News is a subsidiary of China-funded Wen Wei Po, and was granted interviewing privileges by the government in July 2019 as an online news media. However, there had been allegations that they had spread false rumors and fake news; Facebook had shut down Dot Dot News' page after investigations.

As for photography in court, the judiciary stated in a media response that photography by anyone, journalists included, is prohibited by law inside the court and attached facilities. There are also multiple signs in the court building stating so.

Source: In-Media HK #Jul27

#Doxxing #Court #CCP
A research found out that 1 dose of BioNTech vaccine has already had a higher antibodies level than 2 doses of Sinovac.

#COVID19 #BioNTech #Sinovac #GoHKgraphics