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Local artists "draw apples" and salute
#AppleDaily amidst #WhiteTerror in the city

Source: Stand News #Jun23

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Local artists "draw apples" and salute
#AppleDaily amidst #WhiteTerror in the city

Apple Daily is about to cease operation as its assets has been frozen by the Hong Kong Security Bureau. Being a part of lots of Hong Kong people’s lives, its sudden shutdown has widely affected people among different social classes. To salute Apple Daily, local artists use their talents to ‘draw apples’.

Earlier on last Thursday (17/6), when the National Security Police searched the Next Digital building, political cartoonist #JustinWong posted a ‘heart-shaped apple’ picture with a smiley face on the bite-mark to encourage citizens to stay ‘faithful, hopeful and loving’. On the same day, #AhTo also posted a four-panel comic titled ‘May those who speak the truth be safe.’, illustrating how Apple Daily was annihilated for spreading the truth. #HongKongWorker even changed the green apple from a well-known artwork, ‘Le fils de l'homme’ by surrealist painter René Magritte, into red to show his support towards Apple Daily.

On Friday (18/6), Apple Daily printed 500,000 copies in response to citizens’ call for support. #TonyElectronic posted a picture of people dressed in black holding hand-in-hand, surrounding an apple, with caption ‘We will see the lovely HongKongers tomorrow’.

This week, Apple Daily acknowledged the possibility of shutting down, which once again initiated a new round of artwork-responses. Artist #CentralSaintStudent changed Apple Daily’s logo into a ‘bleeding apple’. On 22/6, #AverageGuy posted a 8-picture comic about an apple being stabbed by a knife; artist #TseSaiPei posted a drawing of a fruit stall without apples; #VAWongSir, a former teacher, even portraited a person stepping into deeper waters, starting from the amendment of the extradition law, to the legislation of the Hong Kong Basic Law Article 23.

In the midst of frustration, some artists remained positive. Tony Electronic posted a new picture in which a boy bowed down 90 degrees, saluting to Apple Daily; #Showroom posted a 7-picture comic illustrating the process of throwing an apple onto the ground, to the thrive of an apple tree, implying the hope of rebirth; #Cuson self portraited as a guy holding a ‘disappearing apple’, saluting, with the caption ’things disappeared now have a chance of rebirth in the future’.

Source: Stand News #Jun23
#PoliticalCartoon #HongKongArtist #Art
It takes only 1 second to surrender but forever to persevere: When “backend supporters” become “frontline fighters”

As this article was written, the former president of Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions (#HKCTU), Carol NG, was charged with “conspiracy to subvert state power” along with other 46 persons due to their participation in the 2020 HK pro-democracy primaries (“2020 Primaries”) and all were put in custody and remanded. 

When the 47 defendants reported to the Police in February 2021, they initially thought they could be put on bail and be “free” at least until April.

Shockingly the regime pushed and pushed the prosecution a lot earlier to 1 March 2021.

Continue reading our fully translated article here:


Source: Stand News #Mar23

#CarolNg #Surrender #Persevere #Backend #Frontline #PoliticalProsecution #LegCo #Primaries
How China broke the Asian model
“What do you think is unique about the China model?” That was the question posed to me by a television reporter, last time I was in Beijing. My answer was that I don’t think there was a specific Chinese economic model. 

 There is an east Asian development model of rapid, export-driven industrialisation that was pioneered by Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. What China did was to pursue the same model — at scale. I added that China’s one real innovation was that the country had not liberalised politically as it had grown richer. This sets China apart from the South Koreans and Taiwanese.

Source: Financial Times #Jun21


#China #Asian #SouthKorea #Taiwan
Covid: Wuhan lab leak is ‘feasible’, say British spies

British intelligence agencies now believe it is “feasible” that the global pandemic began with a coronavirus leak from a Chinese research laboratory.

In a significant sharpening of tension with Beijing, they are investigating a possible leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which Beijing angrily insists was not the source of the virus that has caused more than 3.5 million deaths and is still raging globally.

Source: The Sunday Times #May30


#Covid19 #Wuhan #Lab #British
#FirstHand #Jun24
In a quiet night outside the empty #AppleDaily building lie Hongkongers' words of encouragement

Hong Kong's pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily closed down owing to the authorities pressure and the threat of the #NationalSecutityLaw. The last edition of the 26-year-old top-selling newspaper was released on June 24, 2021.

In the evening, outside the now-empty Apple Daily headquarters in Tseung Kwan O, supporting citizens continued to pay tribute to the truth-seeking newspaper, its founder #JimmyLai and its staff.

Letters, memos and drawings composed under the name of #Hongkongers thanked the newspaper for its courage and commitment to uphold journalistic beliefs and diversity in pursuit of the truth.

Citizens also left messages, promising the Apple Daily owner and staff that their effort would not be gone, as the spirit of the pro-democracy newspaper has been seeded in Hongkongers.

Others also wrote that this is not an end and Hongkongers will fight on.

#SelfCensorship #Water
Supermarket in HK Suspected of Self-censorship After Removing Products Praising “Hong Kong is So Beautiful”

Source: Apple News #Jun19

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#SelfCensorship #Water
Supermarket in HK Suspected of Self-censorship After Removing Products Praising “Hong Kong is Beautiful”

Photo: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/30257

Watsons water has rolled out a series of new designs at the beginning of June 2021. The new designs are bases on Hong Kong scenaries including photos of the well-known Lion Rock and the night view of Pearl Harbour that were taken by international award-winning photographer.

The taglines on this design include “Hong Kong is so beautiful”, “This is our root no matter where we are”, “There is something called perseverance”.

Hpwever, on June 18, 2021, #PARKnSHOP, a supermarket chain in Hong Kong, has reportedly removed all products containing the new design from all stores all of a sudden.

It was not clear whether they were removed because of a product recall or due to self-censorship as those slogans were sometimes used during pro-democracy activities.

According to the spokesperson of Watsons, the new designs were one of the themes in the company’s eco-friendly promotion this year to encourage the love of the earth and natural environment. No explanation was provided as to the reason and the exact quantity of the products being removed.

Source: Apple News #Jun19

#LoveHongKong #LionRock #WatsonWater #Photography #Design
#HumanitarianCrisis #Genocide
#AmnestyInternational: #China has "created a dystopian hellscape on a staggering scale" in #Xinjiang

Source: Amnesty International #Jun10

Image by Molly Crabapple

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#HumanitarianCrisis #Genocide
#AmnestyInternational: #China has "created a dystopian hellscape on a staggering scale" in #Xinjiang

//“The Chinese authorities have created a dystopian hellscape on a staggering scale in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region,” said Agnès Callamard, Amnesty International’s Secretary General.

“Uyghurs, Kazakhs and other Muslim minorities face crimes against humanity and other serious human rights violations that threaten to erase their religious and cultural identities."

“It should shock the conscience of humanity that massive numbers of people have been subjected to brainwashing, torture and other degrading treatment in internment camps, while millions more live in fear amid a vast surveillance apparatus.”

From the moment they entered the prison-like internment camps, detainees’ lives were extraordinarily regimented. They had no privacy or autonomy, and they faced harsh punishments – sometimes collectively with their cellmates – for trivial disobedience. Internees were forbidden to speak freely to each other, and they were severely punished when they responded to prison guards or other officials in their native tongues instead of Mandarin. Every activity in the detainees’ daily routine was pre-ordained and their behaviour was constantly monitored and evaluated....

Every former detainee Amnesty International interviewed suffered torture or other ill-treatment.

This included the cumulative psychological effect of their daily dehumanization, as well as physical torture in the form of beatings, electric shocks, solitary confinement, deprivation of food, water and sleep, exposure to extreme cold, and the abusive use of restraints, including torture tools like tiger chairs. Some reported being restrained in a tiger chair for 24 hours or more...

The Chinese government has gone to extraordinary lengths to cover up its violations of international human rights law in Xinjiang. Authorities threaten, detain and mistreat anyone who speaks out...//

Read full article:

Source: Amnesty International #Jun10

Image by Molly Crabapple

#Uyghurs #ConcentrationCamp #CCP #AgainstHumanity #Torture #Rape #MassSurveillance