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#Solidarity #GlobalSupport
Commemorating #June4 #TiananmenMassacre in #Japan: “As Candlelight Vigils are banned in HK, we shall pass on the light”

At 7pm oustide Shinjuku City station in Tokyo on June 4, 2021, over 50 people wore black clothes, holding candles and sporting the flag “liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our times” in the heavy rain.

They explained to passersby about the rationale behind their action. Some said as candlelight vigils are banned in Hong Kong, they shall pass on the light.

Source: United Social Press #Jun4

#WolfWarrior #Disinformation
Chinese #ForeignMinister tells Germans ‘you know what #genocide looks like’

Source: Sydney Morning Herald #May27

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#WolfWarrior #Disinformation
Chinese #ForeignMinister tells Germans ‘you know what #genocide looks like’

//It is estimated that 1 million Uighurs have been detained in so-called re-education camps in Xinjiang.

China’s Foreign Minister #WangYi rejected academic research detailing the abuses, including forced labour and forced sterilisations of women.

#Uighur women who have been detained in the camps have detailed systemic rape, abuse and torture. China has refused to allow independent investigators into the camps and denies any abuses are taking place.

“There is no forced labour in China,” Wang said. “There’s no such thing [as] concentration camps in #Xinjiang.”

“And there’s no such thing as genocide - our European friends know what is genocide,” he said, referring to the Holocaust when Nazi Germany murdered 6 million Jews during World War II.

#Buetikofer, who leads the European Parliament’s China delegation, was one of the politicians sanctioned.

Buetikofer described as reckless Wang’s attempts to use the Holocaust to dismiss claims of crimes against humanity in Xinjiang.

“Wang Yi basically tells us ‘shut up, you shouldn’t talk’.

“The Holocaust should not be used as a diplomatic football for rhetorical gains,” he told The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

“The fact of the matter is that it has been precisely because of our wretched history that we have built our democracies and European Union on the basis of adherence to human rights and the rule of law. For us it is an historic obligation.

“If this People’s Republic of China had nothing to hide, they would open up and allow a full independent investigation; no amount of aggressive wolf-warrior diplomacy will obscure the fact that they still have not done so,” he said.//

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Source: Sydney Morning Herald #May27
Taiwan is not invited to WHA and sternly protest, urges WHO to adhere to professional neutrality and “eliminate Chinese political interference”  
Source: Apple Daily #May24

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Taiwan is not invited to WHA and sternly protest, urges WHO to adhere to professional neutrality and “eliminate Chinese political interference”  
WHA had a video meeting today (24May). Taiwan is not invited in five consecutive years, however the proposals from 13 diplomatic countries which about inviting Taiwan to participate will be the main focus of the meeting. It was predicted that the diplomatic countries will have “two versus two debating” with China, emphasized the necessity of Taiwan being part of the WHO. Department of Foreign Affairs in Taiwan announced a press release today and indicated, Foreign Minister Wu Zhaoxie and Minister of Health Chen Shizhong jointly expressed the government’s serious dissatisfaction in protest, urged the WHO adheres professional neutrality, eliminate Chinese political interference, and let Taiwan join the meetings, systems and activities of WHO based on protecting all human’s well-being and fighting epidemic together.  
Chen indicated on press release, this year WHA is still focusing on epidemic situation to build a healthier, safer and fairer world. Taiwan’s epidemic is warming up recently, which showing the virus is regardless of borders, even Taiwan cannot stay out. There should be no gap in global epidemic prevention, it needs to share globally all the information and professionally cooperation to fight the epidemic. Chen emphasized, Taiwan has not been invited to participate WHA is not the loss of Taiwan, but also the loss of the whole world. Health is the basic human right and universal value, and WHO as a professional international medical organisation, they should serve the health and well-being of all mankind and should not succumb to the political interests of specific member.  
Source: Apple Daily #May24

#WHA #WHO #China #Taiwan #Politics #Diplomatic #Intervention #HumanRight #Health #Pandemic #WuhanVirus #Globalisation  
The $3bn bargain: how China dominates Pacific mining, logging and fishing
Guardian analysis of trade data has revealed that China received more than half the total tonnes of seafood, wood and minerals exported from the region in 2019, a haul worth $3.3bn that has been described by experts as “staggering in magnitude”.

The country’s mass extraction of resources comes as China has deepened its connections with governments across the region, amid a soft power push that sees it rivalling the influence of the US and Australia in the Pacific.

China took more by weight of these resources from the Pacific than the next 10 countries combined, with experts saying China “would easily outstrip” other countries, including Australia, when it comes to “gross environmental impact of its extractive industries”.

Source: The Guardian #May30


#China #Pacific #Mining #Logging #Fishing
New Zealand’s Ardern says differences with China becoming harder to reconcile

Differences between New Zealand and its top trading partner China are becoming harder to reconcile as Beijing’s role in the world grows and changes, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said on Monday.

The comments come as New Zealand faces pressure from some elements among Western allies over its reluctance to use the Five Eyes intelligence and security alliance to criticise Beijing.

In a speech at the China Business Summit in Auckland, Ardern said there are things on which China and New Zealand "do not, cannot, and will not agree", but added these differences need not define their relationship.

Source: Reuters #May03


#NewZealand #China #Trading #Beijing
#Education #AcademicFreedom
University of Chicago received complaint for inviting #NathanLaw to participate in school event and "hurting its Chinese students"

Source: Stand News #May24

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#Education #AcademicFreedom
University of Chicago received complaint for inviting Nathan Law to participate in school event and "hurting its Chinese students"

Exiled former Hong Kong lawmaker Nathan Law was invited to participate as a guest in an event held at the Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago for 4 weeks.

After the event, Law revealed on social media that the University actually received a letter of objection from the Chinese Students and Scholars Association.

According to the letter, the invitation has "hurt the feelings of Chinese students of the school" and a lot of them regret their college choice. The letter also discouraged new students to choose the University of Chicago, and urged the University to face up to their demand.

Source: Stand News #May24

#UniversityofChicago #ChineseStudents

#Education #Poll
Drop-out Rate Surges in Schools as Parents lose confidence in Hong Kong's Education System

Source: Stand News #May26

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#Education #Poll
Drop-out Rate Surges in Schools as Parents lose confidence in Hong Kong's Education System

On May 26, 2021, Hong Kong's Professional Teachers' Union (#PTU) published a recent poll result, revealing that both primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong are losing their students.

Out of 130 primary and 53 secondary schools that joined the survey, all of them recorded the departure of students in the school year 2021/2022.

70% of these schools have lost 1 to 20 students, while 30% have lost 21 or more. Among them, three schools saw more than 50 students leaving. Nearly one-fifth of the primary schools have to shrink the class of Primary One in the 2022/2023 school year.

More than 30% of the primary schools and more than 40% of the secondary schools stated the majority of the reasons for dropping out are emigration and pursuing education overseas.

The chairperson of the Professional Teachers' Union, Fung Wai-wah, said many parents in Hong Kong are very concerned about the political pressure, the introduction of national education and the government's changing education policy among others. Under the circumstances, more and more parents lost confidence in Hong Kong's education system, and chose to move out of Hong Kong with their children.

Source: Stand News #May26


#School #Confidence #BrainDrain #MigrationWave #NextGeneration #HongKongStudents #Parenting
#NeverForget #Creativity
Hong Kong Artists Use Creative Means to Remember June 4 Tiananmen Massacre

Part 1:

Although the Hong Kong Police banned the annual candlelight vigil on the 32nd anniversary of #TiananmenMassacre on June 4, 2021, the cordons cannot put out the flames of remembrance.

Many artists and performers in Hong Kong held memorials in their own ways, keeping the memories of the truth alive.

Political cartoonist #ZunZi continued his 32-year tradition of drawing a June 4-themed cartoon, despite the threat of #NationalSecurityLaw.

"Considering the situation this year, it doesn't matter if anyone else is speaking up about [June 4]," he says, referring to how much satire he intended to put into this year's comic. "I need to draw more!"

Source: Stand News #Jun4
Images: Works by Zun Zi

#Arts #PoliticalCartoon #HongKongArtist