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VIIV Archive video: Chinese troops open fire on protesters at Tiananmen Square

Watch the video at https://youtu.be/kMKvxJ-Js3A

You might have heard of what happened in Beijing on 4th June 1989. The People's Liberation Army troops opened fire at peaceful prostesters. The injured and dead were sent to hospitals by every means possible. Not many journalists were in the country at that time. 'Tell the world', the protestors told the journalist in desperation.

4th June 1989 is the time where #democracy in China died. Have you watched any videos of it?

After what happened in Hong Kong, this video may help you draw some parallels.

#6431Truth #CCP
June Fourth Vigil in Taipei

Taipei netizens organized a candlelight vigil in Liberty Square.

Source: USP
#4June #6431Truth
Blossoms Everywhere: June 4 Vigil Held Across Hong Kong While Abiding Social Distancing

Sources: Stand News; Editorial Board, CityU SU; Inmedia; USP United Social Press; New York Times
#June4 #6431Truth
Blossoms Everywhere: June 4 Vigil Held Across Hong Kong While Abiding Social Distancing

On 2 June, the HK Government, for the first-time in 31 years, banned the Victoria Park 64 vigil held annually in remembrance of the victims of the Tiananmen Square Massacre that happened in 1989, under the pretext of the “social distance and gathering ban”.

Though disappointed, Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China called on the public to continue the “candle-lit” tradition, letting the flame of remembrance blossom everywhere across Hong Kong, so that the next generation may carry on seeking vindication and justice.

The Hong Kong Catholic Community Federation of Support for the Patriotic and Democratic Movement of China (HKPF) also decided, for the first time, to hold Masses in 7 churches in Hong Kong to pay tribute to the victims of June 4 Massacre, and to pray for the people fighting for democracy.

Disregarding the ban, tens of thousands of citizens continued to mourn in Victoria Park this evening, and for the first time, more than 30 small gatherings were actually held in Hong Kong, including one on an outlying island, Lantau Island.

An interesting sight was also witnessed at the Victoria Park vigil. Participants of the vigil took the initiative to maintain social distancing. This further supports the fact that the social distancing and gathering ban is just one of the many tools that the government is using to quash protests and gatherings such as tonight's. Hong Kong's success in dealing with the Wuhan coronavirus was largely due to its responsible and thoughtful citizens, not due to the actions taken by the government.

Sources: Stand News; Editorial Board, CityU SU; Inmedia; USP United Social Press; New York Times
#June4 #6431Truth
Police officer chokeholds civilian amidst peaceful vigil in Kowloon

At around 9pm, a peaceful gathering held in Mong Kok was disrupted as riot police and plain-clothed officer suddenly charged into the crowd for no apparent reason and pepper sprayed civilians and press on the scene. A civilian was pinned to the ground, with his neck being held in a chokehold, which could cause suffocation.

Sources: SUCK channel; Local Press; First Hand
#June4 #6431Truth #PoliceState
June Forth Incident victim Li Lanju encouraged Hong Kong protesters

Today marks the 31st anniversary of the June Forth Incident. US Secretary of State Pompeo met with several activists.

One of the witnesses and activists Li Lanju was interviewed by Apple Daily. She said that she had been spreading the truth about the incident despite of the persecution of the Chinese government. Li stated that Tiananmen 2.0 is happening in Hong Kong. She also thanked the US for welcoming Hong Kong citizens and enterprises.

Li pointed out that there were 589 suspicious suicide cases in Hong Kong, yet Hong Kong protesters never gave up. She praised Hong Kong youngsters for being “bright and good”, and they “deserve real democracy”.

Source: Apple Daily
Tweet by Secretary Pompeo

#Jun4 #LiLanju #Pompeo #June4Vigil #6431Truth
"Pass On the Spirit of June 4": Ms. Wong Attends Taikoo Vigil with Young Daughter

: ⬆️

A young girl attended the vigil in Taikoo with her mothe with a June 4 remembrance candle in hand. When being asked, she said she didn't know the details of what happened on that night in 1989. Ms. Wong, her mother, said her daughter only remembered the scene of tanks rolling into the city. They both attended the June 4 vigil in Victoria park last year.

Ms. Wong believes that the spirit of June 4 must be passed down to the next generation, just as it had been passed down to her from her father, who brought her to the annual vigils when she was young. She is quite disappointed that the police had denied the vigil this year; she said that it makes for a more impactful image when a large number of people gather to in remembrance.

Remembering June 4 is about justice and staying true to your beliefs, she continued. When she brought her daughter into this world, she had never imagined Hong Kong would turn out like this. She is concerned that, in the future, schools in Hong Kong might no longer teach the facts of June 4 truthfully; however, she stressed that she would teach her daughter, so that she would know right from wrong. Even if the National Security Law comes into force in Hong Kong, she insists she would commemorate the date in other ways.

Source: Stand News #Jun4
#6431Truth #TiananmenMassacre #HKProtests
【Length, Width and Height】

At this moment, there are still countless people around the world who are struggling against oppression, paying for their political beliefs with their lives. I think this is why such days must be remembered.

Source: 電子妹疙瘩海參抓
#Jun4 #June4Vigil #6431Truth
You can ban gatherings, but you can't resist people's hearts:
Mourning June 4th on Animal Crossing

The Hong Kong government has banned the Tiananmen massacre commemoration in Victoria Park for the first time in 30 years, on the pretext of epidemic prevention.

However, the public's heart for mourning did not give up. In addition to the mourning activities in various districts, players of the popular game "Animal Crossing" also took advantage of its high degree of freedom to arrange their own islands and organize alternative mourning activities to express their feelings for the massacre.

"Animal Crossing" was previously taken off shelves in China due to its high degree of freedom.

Source: PSHK
#Jun4 #AnimalCrossing #6431Truth
How China's youths today are learning about June 4, as observed by a Japanese netizen

"Young people in China don’t know why they couldn’t leave a message on any streaming website on June 4th.

In the course of investigating this strange phenomenon, they learned about June 4, and I just want to say that the CCP’s behavior had quite the opposite effect."

Source: Twitter
#Jun4 #ReverseEffect #6431Truth