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#Photography #NeverGiveUp
Unafraid of Authorites' Oppression: The Faces of the Arrested Pro-Democracy Activists in Hong Kong

On January 6, 2021, 53 pro-democracy activists were accused of violating the #NationalSecurityLaw for participating in pro-democracy camp's primary election. Police made arrested at their homes in the early morning.

In less than two months, the police demanded them to report to the police stations ahead of the scheduled date. On Feb 28, 2021, 47 of them were charged with "conspiracy to subverting state powers".

In these #portraits taken earlier, the facial expression of these pro-democracy Hongkongers were captured in close-ups: Some eyed a sharp warning glance; some looked more determined than ever; some were really calm--none of them would surrender.

During the interview, they were more relaxed and peaceful than others. They tried to enjoy freedom to the most as if it was the last time.

Source: InMedia #Feb28
#PoliticalOppression #Court
4 Pro-democracy activists sent to hospital after 14-hour court mentioning in Hong Kong

On Feb 28, 2021 in Hong Kong, 47 pro-democracy activists, including former Legislative Councilors and current district councilors, were arrested for committing "subversion" under the #NationalSecurityLaw.

They were mentioned in court on Mar 1. At 02:32 on Mar 2, Clarisse Yeung Suet-ying collapsed after 14 hours of court mentioning. Her lawer stated that Yeung was conscious, yet was unable to open her eyes nor stand up.

Apart from Yeung, "Long Hair" Leung Kwok-hung, Mike Lam King-nam and Roy Tam Hoi-pong felt unwell and were sent to hospital.

After long hours of ongoing mentioning, the arrestees were sent back to detention centre at around 5am on the morning of Mar 2. The court will continue at 11am, leaving them without enough rests.

Sources: Apple Daily #Mar2

#HumanitarianCrisis #47Democrats
#Court #PoliticalPersecution
Hong Kong Police Reportedly Arrest Lawyer Defending Pro-democracy Activists

2306 | West Kowloon Magistrates' Court

On March 1, 2021, 47 pro-democracy activists, who were charged with "conspiracy to state subversion", were mentioned in court in Hong Kong.

The trial continued after midnight, and at least 4 defendants collapsed and were sent to the hospital.

At 23:06 on Mar 1, lawyer Yau Lui-pong representing 9 pro-democracy defendents was taken away and reportedly arrested by the police for reason unknown.

Source: Stand News #Mar1
#MadeinChina #WuhanPneumonia
72-year-old man in Hong Kong Suffers hypertension and heart palpitation after China-made #Sinovec Jab

Source: Apple Daily; RTHK #Feb27

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#MadeinChina #WuhanPneumonia
72-year-old man in Hong Kong Suffers hypertension and heart palpitation after China-made #Sinovec Jab

On Feb 27, 2021, a 72-year-old man in Hong Kong was hospitalized after receiving the China-made Sinovec #covid19 vaccinations.

The man suffered hypertension and heart palpitation. It was reported his pulse went up to 100 beats per minute.

He wss among 7,000 people who received Covid-19 vaccinations. The incident happened at a vaccination center operared by #VirtusMedical and the Association of Private Medical Specialists of Hong Kong. The man was sent to Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

According to the government, the China-made Sinovac vaccine is the only vaccine available in Hong Kong at the moment.

Source: Apple Daily; RTHK #Feb27

#Vaccine #Hypertension
How can we Leave Home Safely when the LeaveHomeSafe app asks for 15 permissions and is developed by a Chinese company, especially there is a reference to Singapore's app?

#LeaveHomeSafe #COVID19 #TrackandTrace #GoHKgraphics
Germany's UN envoy urged China to release the 2 captive Canadians, China replied “Good Riddance”

Source: Apple daily #Dec23

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Germany's UN envoy urged China to release the 2 captive Canadians, China replied “Good Riddance”

Christoph Heusgen, UN envoy of Germany, attended his last meeting of the Security Council on Tuesday (Dec 22). At the meeting, he call on China to free the two detained Canadian citizens, but China deputy UN envoy Geng Shuang promptly respond with “good riddance”.

As Germany end its 2-years term as non-permanent member of the UN Security Council this month, and Ambassador Christoph Heusgen's retirement after being a diplomat for over 40 years. He utilises his parting message to call on China, “Let me end my tenure on the Security Council by appealing to my Chinese colleagues to ask Beijing for the release of Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor. Christmas is the right moment for such a gesture,”

However, Geng accused Huesgen of abusing the Security Council to launch “malicious” attack on other members “in an attempt to poison the working atmosphere.” He said, “I wish to say something out of the bottom of my heart: Good riddance, Ambassador Heusgen. I am hoping that the council in your absence in the year 2021 will be in a better position to fulfill the responsibilities...for maintaining international peace and security.”

#GengShuang #ChristophHuesgen #China #Germany #Canada #UN #SecurityCouncil #MichaelKovrig #MichaelSpavor

Source: Apple daily #Dec23

China Faces European Obstacles as Some Countries Heed U.S. Pressure

Source: WSJ #Feb23

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China Faces European Obstacles as Some Countries Heed U.S. Pressure

Some European countries are starting to block Chinese involvement in their economies, drawing closer to positions advocated by the U.S. amid growing anxiety in Europe over China’s increasingly aggressive geopolitical posture.

Romania and Lithuania are taking broad measures to exclude Chinese companies from certain public procurements. Slovenia, Croatia, the Czech Republic and Romania have suspended public tenders involving Chinese companies for work on nuclear-power plants, highways, rail lines, security scanners and a shipping-container terminal. Greece is debating whether to allow a Chinese shipping company to increase its majority stake in the country’s largest port.

The shift is largely taking place in smaller European countries, adding to tensions within the European Union, where big countries still largely favour maintaining business links with China.

Source: WSJ #Feb23


#China #EastEurope #EU #ChineseInvestment #BRI
Chinese state media calls Australia a ‘gangster’ as trade war flares

China has accused Australia of being part of an “axis of white supremacy” because of our intelligence alliance with Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States.

The Global times, state-run media mouthpiece, said Five Eyes was taking coordinated action against China. And description about Five Eyes in the Global times was “Five Eyes alliance members are all English-speaking. The formation of four states, except the UK, is the result of British colonisation.”

They continued to censure that the Five Eyes countries had been bought together by the US to become the “center of the West” and the bloc had become an organization targeting China and Russia.

Source: News.com.au #Feb26


#China #ChineseStateMedia #Australia #FiveEyes
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#FirstHand #Mar2
Hongkongers Waited Outside Court to Show Support for 47 Pro-Democracy Activists

It was 10pm on March 2, 2021. Dozend of Hongkongers waited outside the West Kowloon Magistrates' Court to voice support for the 47 pro-democracy figures who were charged with "conspiracy to state subversion" on Feb 28, 2021 and detained since then apart from appearing in court.

The hearing that took place since March 1 could be the longest in Hong Kong history. It would carry onto the third day, starting again on the afternoon of March 3.

Despite police intimidation, the crowd chanted "release all political prisoners!" and cheered at the remanded pro-democracy activists "we support you, til the end!".

It was reported that the 47 defendents were not allowed to change their clothes nor take a shower for 4 days.

#HumanitarianCrisis #Solidarity #Hongkongers #Court #47Democrats
#MadeinChina #WuhanPneumonia
63-year-old Man Dies After Receiving China-made #Sinovec Jab

Source: InMedia#Mar2 ; Stand News #Mar1

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#MadeinChina #WuhanPneumonia
63-year-old Man Dies After Receiving China-made #Sinovec Jab

On March 2, 2021, media in Hong Kong reported that a 63-year-old died lesd than 2 days after receiving the China-made Sinovec covid-19 vaccine on Feb 26, 2021. The man developed difficulties in breathing on Feb 28. He fell into a coma and passed away on the same day where he admitted himself to the hospital.

The health authorities in Hong Kong did not release any information of the case only two days later. The government issued a press release after receiving plenty of media inquiries. The authorities denied that the death is related to the vaccination and insisted that the China-made vaccine is "safe".

On Feb 26, 2021, the first day of the vaccination scheme, a 72-year-old man in Hong Kong suffered hypertension and heart palpitation after receiving the #Sinovec Jab and is still hospitalised as on Mar 1. An elderly lady also felt unwell for similiar reason.

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On March 1 alone, four people, aged 39, 45, 48 and 69, were reported sick after vaccination. They exhibited symptons such as dizziness, high blood pressure, fatigue and and were all sent to the hospital.

Source: InMedia#Mar2 ; Stand News #Mar1

#Vaccination #Covid19
Three #RTHK Senior Management Refuse to Sign Government's Pledge of Political Allegiance By Quiting

According to sources, three senior management members from the Public and Current Affair Department in the public broadcaster Radio Television Hong Kong (#RTHK) have resigned.

They are Doris Wong Lok-ha, director of the Public and Current Affair Department; the executive producers of the program “Hong Kong Stories” Fong Hiu Shan and of the political satire program “Headliner” Liu Wai-ling.

It was said that Liu and Fong had left last month while Wong resigned on March 2, 2021. The three were employed with a civil servant contract. Their resignation is connected to their refusal to sign the pledge of political allegiance demanded by the Hong Kong government.

The day Wong resigned is also the first day of office of the new Director of Broadcasting Li Pak-chuen who was parachuted to the public broadcaster.

Source: Stand News #Mar2

#Dignity #PoliticalAllegiance
#WhiteTerror #Censorship
#University in Hong Kong Cancels #WorldPressPhoto Exhibition with Protest Photos

Source: RTHK; Stand News; AFP #Feb26

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#WhiteTerror #Censorship
#University in Hong Kong Cancels #WorldPressPhoto Exhibition with Protest Photos

The Hong Kong Baptist University (#HKBU) cancelled an exhibition of World Press Photo winners right before its opening, citing "safety and security" fears as the reason.

The exhibition was set to display prize-winning photos of the 2019 Anti-ELAB protests.

The university, however, did not further explain what their safety "fears" were.

World Press Photo is an annual international competition. In the past, its exhibition has difficulties in taking place inside China.

In October 2020, a similar echibition in Macau, was shut down without explanation by authorities.

Source: RTHK; Stand News; AFP #Feb26


In Hong Kong, 47 out of the 53 democrats from the primary election mass arrest on Jan 6 was sent to court on March 1, 2021 due to Subversion of State Power under the National Security Law.

#NationalSecurityLaw #MassArrest #PrimaryElection #GoHKgraphics