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#FirstHand #Feb24
"The Government Does Not Even Know There Are Cats in the Market": District Councillors Speak Up For Civilians in Lockdown Area

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#FirstHand #Feb24
"The Government Does Not Even Know There Are Cats in the Market": District Councillors Speak Up For Civilians in Lockdown Area

Directly elected district councillors working for the lockdown district talked to the press on the afternoon of Jan 24, 2021, responding to the authorities' intention to step up the lockdown measures in other areas, after the last-minute announcement of a compulsory lockdown at 4am on Jan 23, 2021.

The district councillors demanded the Hong Kong government to consider the obstruction and the loss caused to the affected residents and business operators, despite the authorities' denial.

The district councillors shared their concerns and the difficulties faced by the residents, workers and business owners in the restricted area.

For instance, in addition to many residents' complaints about the quality and the quantity of food provided by the government, some residents living at No. 40 Reclamation Street did not receive any food supply at all. To make it worse. the government's Home Affairs Department did not provide adequate support.

In another incident, a street stall operator asked the district council for help, as her two cats were locked up in the stall located in the restricted area. In the end, the firemen broke the padlock and released her two cats. Otherwise, her two cats, aged 10 and 25, could have starved to death after the two-day lockdown.

These incidents revealed the government's failure to understand the need of the civilians and the everyday operation of the community on the district level.

On behalf of the affected community, the district councillors demand the government to apologize and make corresponding compensation.

HK Government Finds Only 13 Cases After Testing 7,000 Civilians in Lockdown Area


Civilians in Lockdown Area to Brace Themselves for the Next 48 Hours

#DistrictCouncillor #FailedState
#FailedState #JordanLockdown
Residents desperate for decent food after lockdown

Source: RTHK #Jan24
Photo: #FirstHand

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#FailedState #JordanLockdown
Residents desperate for decent food after lockdown

//A resident surnamed Cheng said he had been eating instant noodles for two days. He said he was going to leave immediately and have dinner at his mother's home. Another resident said she had also been living off instant noodles as she didn't have a stove. She said she would go and buy some warm food.

Meanwhile a man, surnamed Tsang, said he was relieved that he could finally get out of his home.

“I was so bored as I live alone. I had run out of everything. I need to buy a pack of cigarettes,” he said.

One man, a Muslim, said the government had failed to provide Halal food. Luncheon meat, containing pork which is forbidden to Muslims, had been included in government food packages, though other items, such as pasta and tinned tuna, were also provided.

“We don't have anything to eat because we are Muslims and we eat Halal food,” he said.//

Source: RTHK #Jan24
Photo: #FirstHand


Civilians in Lockdown Area to Brace Themselves for the Next 48 Hours
Vocal journalist in HK faces dismissal by government-funded broadcaster before probe result

Source: Apple Daily, #Jan22

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Vocal journalist in HK faces dismissal by government-funded broadcaster before probe result

#NabelaQoser, a journalist of #RTHK, who confronted Chief Executive of Hong Kong, Carrie Lam over her handling of the 2019 protests for multiple times, is facing dismissal after the public broadcaster ended her three-year-odd probation for a civil service post and offered her a contract for just 120 days.

Qoser’s probation was extended by 120 days in late September 2020, shortly before she was due to complete the three-year probation under civil servant employment terms in October.

The broadcaster launched a probe into her work, citing complaints received against her since July 2020. The results of the probe, originally due in January 2021, would determine if Qoser was to gain a coveted contract as a permanent civil servant.

Source: Apple Daily, #Jan22

#RTHK #CivilServant #Journalism #Professionalism #PressFreedom #Reprisal
#Justice #InternationalCommunity
International Bar Association Questions the Legality of HK Police Force in Crackdown on the City’s Democratic Voices

Source: Apple Daily, #Jan21

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#Justice #InternationalCommunity
International Bar Association Questions the Legality of HK Police Force in Crackdown on the City’s Democratic Voices

International Bar Association (#IBA) issued a statement on January 21, 2021, reprimanding the Hong Kong Police Force for cracking down the city’s democrats.

The Force arrested over 50 pro-democracy activists in early January, 2021 on suspicion of National Security breach. The Association questioned legality for the force to arrest and detain them.

The Chinese Communist Party government’s willful imposition of the #NationalSecurityLaw in Hong Kong in July 2020 has sparked questions and challenges among International legal professionals.

Mark Ellis, Executive Director of the IBA told Apple Daily that the National Security Law has shown Beijing’s attempt to hasten its malicious influence over Hong Kong.

Ellis expressed that the so-called “one country two systems” framework is in a “precarious state”. He carried on saying that the National Security Law has undermined the rule of law in Hong Kong, and it would also jeopardize the city’s position as an international investment and financial centre.

He believed that unless the Chinese government overhauls the National Security Law, the international community should consider taking collective countermeasures against the Chinese government.

Source: Apple Daily, #Jan21

#Barrister #MarkEllis #RuleofLaw #CCP
#Newspaper #Covid19

Many Doubts on million negatives results on COVID-19 Testing Campaign in Qingdao China

Source: The Epoch Times

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#Newspaper #Covid19

Many Doubts on million negatives results on COVID-19 Testing Campaign in Qingdao China

//Recently, Qingdao Government in China announced the completion of 5 days COVID-19 Testing campaign in the community. The result showed that there is no positive case in more than 10 million citizens tests; however, people including Qingdao citizens, are doubting the result.

//The Epoch Times found that no creditable or trustable institution on controlling COVID-19 in China participates in this Testing Campaign in Qingdao.

//Website of the National Health Committee in Qingdao published on 30 Sep the “List of Venues on Testing/Sample Collection of COVID-19 Test in Qingdao City”, showed 74 institutions, but only 37 of which are qualified to conduct COVID-19 Testing.

//Because all the hospitals have daily routine duties, their equipment and staff are relatively stable, which is difficult to spare resources for this large scale testing in the community.

//Virology expert Dr. DONG Yu Hong explained in an interview with the Epoch Times, “if Qingdao could complete 10 million testings within 5 days, 10 health workers work as a group to collect samples, it implies that there are 200 laboratories to complete the testing of 1,000 samples daily.”

//SARS-COVID-2 is an RNA virus that can be very easy to be dissolved, collected samples needed to be kept in a professional liquid for storing the virus, which has to be sent for testing as soon as possible.

//the laboratory would not have sufficient fridges to store bundle samples from the community, and the huge numbers of test boxes and its supplies are also questionable.

//All citizens were tested and results are completed in 5 days but many not yet received the result.

//A woman in Qingdao expressed to our reporters that the government promised the result would be released within 2-3days, but we still did not know the result on the 5th day (now). “This is impossible for the public to know how to test, what method to test, and what is the result.”

//Netizens doubted the government’s result, “when the World is being annoyed by the serious epidemic, there is no local case in the origin of the epidemic, all positive cases are shifted to the responsibility of overseas imported travelers”.

//you all, outside the jurisdiction, should understand what is going on in our country, China. The public is unable to grasp any information, from our government.

//A man in Qingdao expressed to our reporters, “the collected samples number are high and the government is forced to do it. But it claimed that the sample would be sent to third-party institutions for test won’t, its quality is unknown.”

//He strengthened, “this government does not have any creditability, we don’t believe the government. This is an Authoritarianism, we can do nothing.”

Full Translation Here: Hong Kong Echo

Source: The Epoch Times

#China #Creditability #Qingdao #NegativeResults #Millions #False
Hong Kong government requires all civil servants to do an oath for complying with the National Security Law. How strong is it?

#NationalSecurityLaw #CivilServants #Oath #GoHKgraphics
WHO Experts Went to Wuhan to Investigate the Origin of COVID but were Refused for Entry. Tedros: Very disappointed

Source from: The Stand News #Jan06

WHO Experts Went to Wuhan to Investigate the Origin of COVID but were Refused for Entry. Tedros: Very disappointed

WHO stated on 5th January that China had not approved the entry of the expert group for the investigation on the origin of Wuhan Virus. WHO Director-General Tedros rarely indicated that he was very disappointed with China and stated that two experts have already set off to Wuhan but reported that Chinese officials did not approve their entry permit. He emphasised that China and the WHO had a joint agreement in December last year on this investigation arrangement.

Tedros said at a press conference in Geneva, “I was very disappointed with this news. I have contacted senior Chinese officials, and have also indicated again that this mission was prioritised in the WHO and the international team.” He clearly stated that WHO is “eager to complete the task as soon as possible”, and China has even assured him that Beijing will speed up internal procedures and let the expert team make an arrangement as soon as possible.

#China #WHO #WuhanVirus #TedrosAdhanomGhebreyesus #Tedros #COVID19

Source from: The Stand News #Jan06

Political pressure weighs on HSBC over Hong Kong activists

Carrie Lam revealed in late 2020 that she received cash for her salary after being targeted by US sanction. That not only presented a problem for Ms Lam, but also a compliance nightmare for international banks in Hong Kong.

HSBC freezing of a bank account of Ted Hui, former pro-democracy lawmaker, over the new year has shown more fraught for the banks on the compliance problems.

Lawyers say banks are increasingly incentivised to avoid offering services to any Hong Konger who could get them into hot water.

One compliance officer at an international bank in Hong Kong said employees were worried and tried to avoid having their name attached to decisions on individual accounts considered political, even attempting to get closure decisions signed off offshore. “We are all on edge,” the officer said.

Source: FT #Jan05


#HSBC #TedHui #HKActivist #HongKong
Pompeo: US to lift restrictions on contacts with Taiwan

In a statement on Jan 10, Mr Pompeo said the US state department had introduced complicated “self-imposed restrictions” limiting the communication between American and their Taiwanese officials. He added that Taiwan was a vibrant democracy and a reliable US partner. These rules are now "null and void".

Following the announcement, Taiwan Foreign Minister Joseph Wu thanked Mr Pompeo, saying he was "grateful". "The closer partnership between Taiwan and the US is firmly based on our shared values, common interests and unshakeable belief in freedom and democracy," he wrote in a tweet.

Source: BBC #Jan10


#USTWRestrictions #Taiwan
#Breaking #PoliceState
HK Police raid university twice in a fortnight and arrest Chairman of Student Association

On January 11, 2021, several civilians wearing black reportedly charged the security barrier at the guard post of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK), calling on students entering the campus not to show their student ID cards. One of them threw unknown white powder over a guard before fleeing the scene. After a brief chase, one was arrested.

On the evening of January 25, 2021, police officers raided three student dormitories at the university. Sources revealed that police arrested three more students in connection with the case. The arrestees include the Chairman of the Interim Administrative Committee of the Chinese University Students' Association, Au Cheuk-hei, who is then detained in Shatin Police Station for investigation.

Source: Apple Daily, #Jan25

#Arrest #University
#interview #HongkongersVoice
Arrested Pro-democracy Uni Student is Not Pessimistic: "The Movement is About Seeking an Ideal, Which Can Only Come True through Practice"

Source: Stand News #Jan21

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#Interview #HongkongersVoice
Arrested Pro-democracy Uni Student is Not Pessimistic: "The Movement is About Seeking an Ideal, Which Can Only Come True through Practice"

Part 1:

Ah Ling (pseudonym), is a MPhil postgraduate student in Philosophy at Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK). He is also one of 1.03 million citizens who took to the street on 9 June, 2019 to protest against the government’s willful introduction of extradition to China.

At the end of the rally, he headed to the Legislative Council (#LegCo) building to offer help, knowing his fellow protesters needed assistance. Shortly after he arrived at the LegCo building, a large team of police broke into protesters’ defense and arrested Ah Ling and six others.

The seven of them were dragged into the Legco building and forced down on their knees in front of a wall. They knelt there for for five hours. In November 2020, Ah Ling was charged with illegal assembly for piling up mills barriers.

On January 13, 2021, Ah Ling decided to plead guilty. In court, his lawyer stated that Ah Ling was graduated with first class honors and received 18 scholarships in three years. It is likely that he will lose the opportunity to study a Ph.D at Yale University.

Ah Ling was at last sentenced to 16 weeks of imprisonment.

“Actually, many Philosophy students at the Chinese University of Hong Kong have been arrested, accounting for quite a large faction of the total arrestees. For God knows why, we kept being arrested.” Ah Ling said it lightly.

“In times like this, many of us felt being summoned and urged to do something following our [philosophical] training."

Ah Ling said Hongkongers' involvement in the pro-democracy movement came from the “sense of justice”. “We genuinely see the importance in seeking justice in Hong Kong. So willingly, we put in our time and efforts.”

Commenting on the arrests of Jimmy Lai and 12 Youths, Ah Ling expressed, “the authorities will not let go any slightest chance to scourge us.”

The current silence at the street is built up at the expense of disquiet minds and raging hearts. At the end of the Umbrella Movement in 2014, a regression took place. As of this moment, social activism in Hong Kong has seemingly slumped into another state of speechlessness and helplessness. Many people asked how could they carry on?

With reference to history, Ah Ling acknowledged a long and tough journey ahead, “there are too many races going extinct in history. Nobody is giving shit to the so-called resistance and sacrifice. All those brave deeds have been deeply buried in our history.”

But he is not pessimistic.

Ah Ling said, “it doesn’t matter … do not presume that you are going to see any achievement in your lifetime, or like some commentators claimed - the coming two weeks are the most critical. It’s better to drop this mentality altogether.”

“The entire movement is about seeking an ideal, which can only come true through our practice.”

Source: Stand News #Jan21

#ProtestersStory #AhLing #Arrest #PhilosophyStudent #University #Youth #Future #Justice
#PoliceState #PressFreedom #Court
Alleged police officers threatened to “arrest whoever films” when escorting witness officers out of court

Source: Stand News #Jan19

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