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Int'l Scholar Reveals HK Police Illegitimacy

In November 2020, Clifford Stott, a professor of social psychology at Keele University, co-authored an article titled "Patterns of ‘Disorder’ During the 2019 Protests in Hong Kong: Policing, Social Identity, Intergroup Dynamics, and Radicalization" in an academic journal published by Oxford University Press (https://doi.org/10.1093/police/paaa073).

The article examines police illegitimacy in Hong Kong and describes the police reaction to protests as "paramilitary-style police interventions".

Stott was once hired as an international expert at the Hong Kong's Independent Police Complaints Council (#IPCC), which runs a complaint mechanism chaired by former or current police officers.

Stott resigned together with other panel members in December 2019, stating that the IPCC did not have the independent power and investigative capacity to look into police brutality cases and handle police misconduct.

Source: Apple Daily #Nov18
HK Police and Government Officials Photographed Without Masks at Awards Ceremony

Source: Stand News #Nov16

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HK Police and Government Officials Photographed Without Masks at Awards Ceremony

With the on-going coronavirus pandemic, the Hong Kong government has enforced strict gathering ban and set up regulations that require citizens to wear masks indoors and in public places.

However, many guests were seen taking photos with masks removed during the Honours and Awards Presentation Ceremony on Saturday, Nov 14, 2020.

As seen on the photos circulating on the internet, many policemen and government officials were seen without a mask, including Commissioner of Police Chris Tang, Financial Secretary Paul Chan, and Secretary for Education Kevin Yeung.

Secretary for Food and Health Sophia Chan said on the RTHK program “Millennium” (千禧年代), that it should be understood that everyone attending ceremonies are required to wear a mask and avoid removing them. If it is absolutely necessary, to exercise caution while removing the mask.

Dr. Ho Pak-Leung, Director of the Center for Infectious Diseases at the University of Hong Kong, said in a Commercial Radio program that government officials should set a good example in keeping their masks on, otherwise the effectiveness of persuading citizens to cooperate with epidemic prevention measures will be compromised.

Source: Stand News #Nov16

Fish With mercury and arsenic: Russian Federation temporarily limited fish import from China

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Fish With mercury and arsenic: Russian Federation temporarily limited fish import from China

(09 Jan) It became clear why fish and seafood from China were banned. Starting 9 January 2020, there has been a temporary ban of the fish supply to Russia, for example, tilapia, trout, shrimp and the so-called sea cocktails. "This is not a complete list and all of them can be extremely toxic", this conclusion was made by Russian experts as a result of a large-scale inspection. They found cadmium, mercury and arsenic in fish from China.

Tilapia can still be found in the market, but there is no data on its true origin. 

This is the tilapia fillet, labeled with such information: Khimki, such-and-such highway, 21 d ... (when reporter visited the addressed on thr kabel) There is no aqua farm in sight, but a car service is legally located. 

But there is a small print on the tag, stating " Country of origin: Southeast Asia ". This is the most commonly used name for China, says fishing expert Alexander Savelyev. He said, "China, as you know, there is neither a law on aquaculture, nor any effective instruments to control its quality and Rosselkhoznadzor studies confirm this".

In 2019, more than 40 cases identified unsafe fish products coming from China to Russia were found and monitored. Heavy metals were found in the fishstocks, such as mercury, cadmium, arsenic.

"50 million tons (of fishstock) grew in its ponds and left the place that they grow, China needs to do something with it. In Chinese culture there is a saying: If you are tired of your old shoes, throw them in the pond and in a year you will receive an excellent tilapia," said Alexander Saveliev, head of the fishing news agency.

The import ban has affected some types of Chinese shrimp and four types of aquaculture - eel, sturgeon, trout and tilapia, which sulfonamides have also been found. These are antimicrobial agents added when fish grows, along with other growth hormones. And this, doctors say, is just an explosive mixture for our health.  

"It leads to violation of its own microflora under the influence of sulfonamides. These chemicals have a damaging effect on the body, it is toxic. For example, some have such chemicals in their kidneys. Metabolism is changed and distorted. And on some adults it can even lead to obesity ," said MD, Tatiana Bandurina. 

Celestial Empire is one of the main fish suppliers in Russia. The year before last, China imported 36 thousand tons of frozen products. Naturally, the ban will lead to some increase in prices for fish and seafood, economists believe, however, the effect is only temporary. 

"Such drastic measures are justified. They will lead to a slight increase in prices in the short term. Within a few weeks, a couple of months, the imbalance will be eliminated, and prices will return to normal, " said economist Maxim Chirkov.

However, Russian warehouses are still full and filled with stocks of frozen Chinese fish, and the sales of products continues, despite the import ban. And China is still lucky, experts say. Not only the farmed fish, they believe, but also the fish caught in the sea and processed before being sold to Russia, needs to be thoroughly checked. After all, this product does not fall under the ban of the Rosselkhoznadzor, but that is why it does not become less dangerous.  

Ren TV
Pourquoi Taiwan

Translated by: Hong Kong Echo

#ChineseFarmFish #Russia #Ban #ImportFish
Chinese Foreign Ministry says Pompeo has "Sinister Motives" and Will Fight Back Firmly after Pompeo says Taiwan Is Not Part of China,

Source: Stand News #Nov13

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Chinese Foreign Ministry says Pompeo has "Sinister Motives" and Will Fight Back Firmly after Pompeo says Taiwan Is Not Part of China,

In a radio interview yesterday (12th), the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said "Taiwan has never been a part of China" and that the US commitment to Taiwan was already a cross-party consensus. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China spokesman Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference today (13th) that Pompeo had ignored the fundamental interests of the Chinese and American peoples for his political self-interest, confusing right with wrong and fabricating lies in order to mislead public opinion and disrupt the public perceptions, further damage China-US relations and jeopardise peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. He added, "The world has known his sinister intentions". Wang Wenbin told the followers of Pompeo that any act that undermines the core interests of China and interferes in Chinese internal affairs will get a resolute response from China, and will not stop its historical trend of unification.

Taiwan's presidential spokesman, Chang Tun-Han, also responded to the incident this morning (13 November), noting that he had noticed the remarks from Pompeo and that it was an indisputable fact that the Republic of China is a sovereign state. On the cross-strait and region, Taiwan has always advocated that the two sides of the Strait should work together to safeguard the status quo of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, based on the principle of reciprocity and dignity. Taiwan will also continue to fulfil its international obligations and contribute to the peace, stability and prosperity of the Taiwan Strait and the region.

Source: Stand News #Nov13


#US #China #SinoUSrelations #Taiwan #USTaiwanrelations #RepublicOfChina #TaiwanStrait #MikePompeo #WangWenbin #ChangTunHan #TaiwanStraitCrisis

[Chang’s response: Stand News #Nov13
https://bit.ly/2J3fvHS ]
The US Say No Position on Taiwan Sovereignty, but “One-China Policy” is Distinct from “One-China Principle”

Source: Apple Daily #Nov15

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The US Say No Position on Taiwan Sovereignty, but “One-China Policy” is Distinct from “One-China Principle”

In response to press inquiries, the US Department of State spokesperson further elaborates US's stance on Taiwan policy. He pointed out that the US has long followed a “One-China Policy” which is distinct from Beijing's “One-China Principle”. The spokesperson said the China Communist Party (CCP) asserts sovereignty over Taiwan under the “One-China Principle”, but the US takes no position on sovereignty over Taiwan.

The spokesperson added, "the fundamental U.S. interest is that the Taiwan question be resolved peacefully, without coercion, and in a manner acceptable to the people on both sides of the Strait". In his reply, he emphasize the U.S.' One China policy remains guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, the three Joint Communiques between the U.S. and China, and the Six Assurances to Taiwan by Ronald Reagan, as it has been in the past four decades.

The US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in an interview with Hugh Hewitt Show that the US has prescribed that Taiwan has not been part of China, and that was recognized since the Reagan administration, adhered to now for three and a half decades, and done so under both Democratic and the Republican administrations, in fact, a bipartian consensus. Since Pompeo's speech was questioned as a violation of the “one China principle,” it reportedly triggered strong discontent among hardliners in Beijing.

#Taiwan #US #China #USdepartment #USsecretary #Pompeo #OneChinaPolicy #OneChinaPrinciple #TaiwanRelationsAct #SixAssurancesToTaiwan

Source: Apple Daily #Nov15

Yoshihide Suga Showing Grave Concern over Hong Kong, urged Upholding a Free and Open System under the "One Country Two System"

Source from: The Stand News #Nov15

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Yoshihide Suga Showing Grave Concern over Hong Kong, urged Upholding a Free and Open System under the "One Country Two System"

The East Asia Summit, held by leaders of China, the U.S. and Japan, was held by video conference on Saturday (14th November). At the meeting Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said developments contrary to the rule of law have been unfolding in the region, including the South China Sea. He also express grave concerns over the the enactment of the National Security Law in Hong Kong, urged upholding a free and open system under the "One Country Two System" framework.

According to Kyodo News, in the dispute over the sovereignty of Senkaku Islands (a.k.a. Diaoyu Island in China), Yoshihide Suga said China's activities in the East China Sea violate Japan's sovereignty, ballistic missile launches and further militarization in the South China Sea also increase tensions in the region. The U.S. National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien participate on behalf of President Donald Trump. He also criticized China on its actions over the Mekong River basin and the South China Sea for threatening the peace, stability and sovereignty of other countries.

Source from: The Stand News #Nov15

#Japan #China #UnitedStates #NationalSecurityLaw #OneCountryTwoSystems #EastAsiaSummit #YoshihideSuga #RobertOBrien #SouthChinaSea #EastChinaSea #SenkakuIsland #DiaoyuIsland
Nathan Law says the battle is not over in Hong Kong

Source: The Economist #Nov17

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Nathan Law says the battle is not over in Hong Kong

China views civil liberties and human rights as an existential threats. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s actions in Xinjiang and Tibet proof that China will stop at nothing to enforce its coercive control every corner of its territory.

Because of pandemic, China’s grown model and wealth distribution system may fail to generate sufficient economic power to keep the country going on the current path. Internal dissent is increasing.

After the enactment of a new National Security Law (NSL) on 30th June, street demonstration are now unlikely. However, protest is still alive, just in a more subtle and tenacious form. As expected, China continues to grip Hong Kong in its iron fist in the coming year, we will have to come up with new ways to resist.

Source: The Economist #Nov17


#CCP #HongKong #Hongkongers #HKProtest
#HongkongersVoice #NeverGiveUp
From Street Protests to Funding Eyeglasses and Medical Support: Resistance Goes On in Hong Kong

Source: InMedia #Nov22

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#HongkongersVoice #NeverGiveUp
From Street Protests to Funding Eyeglasses and Medical Support: Resistance Goes On in Hong Kong

Part 1/2

Hong Ming Optical wrote its Facebook, “It is free to get the right pair of glasses to see the world clearly. Don’t confound black and white.”

Currently, the “Glasses Fund” has been halted due to the decrease in street demonstrations. Mr Chiu, the owner of Hong Ming Optical, said part of the “Glasses Fund” had been used to support students' medical treatment expenses. Although street demonstrations were not possible at this moment, Mr Chiu believed that the pro-democracy movement would come back again, “We must go further ahead compared to 2019.”

Wearing black thin-frame eyeglasses, Mr Chiu is a 31-year-old registered optometrist. He is tall and skinny wearing white T-shit with the look of a gentleman.

Mr Chiu recounted the reason behind starting the “Glasses Fund”: One day, the son of a customer came to his shop along. The boy was covered with wounds and scars and hoped to get a pair of basic glasses to go to school. After Mr Chiu asked, the boy said the riot police broke his glasses during a protest. However, due to the difference in political stance, his parents refused to pay for his new glasses and told me, “you chose to go out. Now, you pay for your own decision.”

Mr Chiu didn’t charge the boy anything after making him a new pair of glasses. Mr. Chiu just told the boy, “you may go.”

Since the “Glasses Fund” has been established, customers in the neighbourhood and those living further away came to Mr Chiu's shop. After they bought new glasses, they usually told Mr Chiu, “Please keep the change.”

Mr Chiu understood their intention and the change was kept in the fund. The fund has brought new eyeglasses to more than 200 people.

Source: InMedia #Nov22

#YellowStore #HongMingOptical #EyeGlasses #HongKongProtests
#FailedState #PolicyAddress
A Retributive Remark? Carrie Lam: "No universal suffrage until HK gets politics right"

Source: RTHK; Stand News #Nov25

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#FailedState #PolicyAddress
A Retributive Remark? Carrie Lam: "No universal suffrage until HK gets politics right"

On Nov 25, 2020, Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam delivered her delayed Policy Address, after having consulted with Beijing. In her introduction, Lam cited from the Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping.

Lam blatantly told Hongkongers that there would be "no universal suffrage until Hong Kong gets politics right".

Lam also said in the TV forum that the authorities "cannot accommodate" those who "think that Hong Kong can become independent and determine its own future".

The Chief asked Hong Kong youths to work in the Greater Bay Area. Although the government will subsidize part of the salary as an incentive for firms and employees, Hong Kong youths have political concern about going to China.

Meanwhile, Lam called attention to the 300,000 "mainland Hongkongers" who had obtained a residenship in Hong Kong and Macau last year. Lam said these people in Beijing, Chengdu, Shanghai and Guangzhou always asked her why they cannot vote in Hong Kong elections.

Lam also announced co-location arrangements, where Chinese jurisdiction would be applied in designated area within Hong Kong, to be carried out at the new Huanggang control point between Hong Kong and Shenzhen.

This year, the Legislative Council has become different without the pro-democracy camp. During the Policy Address, government officials--including Health Secretary Sophia Chan and Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Erick Tsang--dozed off.

Among the pro-Beijing lawmakers, Tommy Cheung dozed off while Vincent Cheng kept twirling his pen. As former Secretary for Security and now pro-Beijing lawmaker Regina Ip checked out a photo of the sleeping Tsang on her WhatsApp, Christopher Cheung told his driver to collect hair crabs, with a worth of HK$9,600 worth, for him.

Source: RTHK; Stand News #Nov25






#CarrieLam #LegCo
One year after Democrats' Victory in District Council Election: HK Government Reinstalls Beijing Loyalists in Area Committee

Source: Apple Daily #Nov19

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One year after Democrats' Victory in District Council Election: HK Government Reinstalls Beijing Loyalists in Area Committee

In 2019 District Council Election, the pro-democracy camp in Hong Kong won a landslide victory; however, the directly elected district councillors have been facing retributive oppression and disfavor from the HKSAR government, as their discussions of certain issues have been banned and funding has been cut.

On the contrary, the defeated pro-Beijing party has received favorable treatment; the new-term Area Committee is unprecedentedly served by the lost pro-Beijing candidates instead of the incumbent councilors.

Though the Area Committee is not a statutory body, its functions highly overlap with the District Council's: government officials will attend the presentation and collect opinions there, at the same time it will receive funding for organizing local activities which helps nurturing the Committee members' regional connections. However, the Area Committee lacks transparency as the public will not be informed about the dates of meetings unless they check them at their local Committees.

Some District Councils have cancelled their appropriation budgets of the Committees to avoid the government using public money to fund its stalwarts. They also worried that the government's long-term and direct appropriation would pave the way for hollowing out the District Council with the Area Committee.

Source: Apple Daily #Nov19

#ProvisionalCouncil #AreaCommittee #DistrictCouncil
#MassSurveillance #ChineseCharacteristics #CCPControl
Chinese Communist Party leader Urges the World to Implement Controversial #HealthCode

According to China state broadcaster, Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping called on the world during the G20 summit for the implementation of a health code.

In Hong Kong alone, the Health Code proposal has sparked controversy for its potential infringement of privacy and freedom and issues with the collection and the storage of personal data by the authorities.

On November 19, 2020, Xi also said at the Apec CEO Dialogues that China must rely on a growth model driven by innovation while continuing to deepen so-called supply-side reforms.

Xi also said globalisation is "irreversible" and that China will not engage in "de-coupling".

Throughout 2020, China has come under criticism, particularly from the US, for the coronavirus outbreak.

Source: RTHK #Nov19