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Pompeo Accused China Eradicating All Faith that Do Not Conform to the Communist Regime on International Religious Freedom Day

On the International Religious Freedom Day on Tuesday, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo criticised China, Iran, and North Korea as the most seriously prosecuted countries in the world for religious freedom. He added that the three countries increased the restriction upon its people, especially for Beijing trying to eradicate all faith that violates the communist regime.

Pompeo in a statement mentioned the International Religious Freedom Act taking into effect 22 years ago on October 27, reiterating the promise on the promotion and the defence on the religious rights of everyone in the world. Pompeo stated that the US government has long been respectful the freedom of lifestyle regardless of their religion, dating back to the visions of the founding fathers of the US. He emphasised, religious and human dignity issues are of the core of US diplomatic relations, for now, and in the future.

Pompeo named China, Iran, and North Korea as three of the worst countries in the world, in terms of religious rights. “These countries are tightening their restriction to suppress their people. Worse still, China is trying to erase every religion not compatible with the communist regime.” He said.

#ReligiousFreedom #CCP #Pompeo #China #HumanRight #NorthKorea #Iran #ReligionEradication

Source: Apple Daily #Oct28

Taiwan Not Being Invited to Participate in the WHO Meeting, Taipei expressed Regret and Dissatisfaction with Obstruction from Mainland

Source from: RTHK #Nov09

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Taiwan Not Being Invited to Participate in the WHO Meeting, Taipei expressed Regret and Dissatisfaction with Obstruction from Mainland

World Health Assembly resumed today by video meeting; Taiwan still has not been invited to participate. The Taipei authority expressed high regret and strong dissatisfaction about obstructions from China and the continuous disregards from WHO on the health and human rights of Taiwanese.

The Department of Foreign Affairs in Taiwan said, during the process of Taiwan’s participation in the conference, international solidarity has grown stronger. Among them, the US once again urged WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus to invite Taiwan to attend the convention. Countries in Europe, Africa, Latin America, and other regions also show their supports to Taiwan publicly. However, the WHO still refused to invite Taiwan to participate in the meeting due to political considerations.

The authority said that during the resumption of the meeting, it would plan for an online conference about cancer, inviting the officials and experts from America, Europe, and other countries to have the conversations, Taiwan will also continue to strive for the participation in WHO meeting, systems and activities.

Source from: RTHK #Nov09


#WHO #Taiwan #China #UnitedStates
Being tough on China is what unifies a polarised U.S. former trade negotiator says

A former negotiator Willems explain that if Biden wins, he would be constrained by the political environment and will unlikely be able to go back to some of the China position he’s held in the past that were seen as relatively weak.

Trump and his administration have blamed China for its unfair trade practices, intellectual property theft, and the Coronavirus pandemics recently.

When asked if there was a chance that the U.S., under a Biden administration, may rejoin the massive Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement, Willems pointed out the deal faced bipartisan opposition in Congress. While Biden may potentially look at the agreement again, there would need to be renegotiation of some of the provisions before the U.S. consider repointing the impact.

Source: CNBC #Nov05


#US #China
Cast Your #Vote Now: TIME's Person of the Year

The TIME magazine is hosting its annual Person of the Year poll.

Among the individuals selected, Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Nathan Law, who is currently in exile, is enlisted in the poll.

The poll is open for readers from all around the world to vote:

Source: TIME #Nov15

#PolyU University Managememt Suppresses Students' Union's Commemorative Events, Bans Screenings and Newspaper Advertisement, Threatens Students with Penalties

Source: Stand News #Nov12

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#PolyU University Managememt Suppresses Students' Union's Commemorative Events, Bans
Screenings and Newspaper Advertisement, Threatens Students with Penalties

On the eve of the one-year mark of the siege of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University Students (PolyU), the Students' Union (#PUSU) planned to hold the screenings of two documentaries, 'Save PolyU ' and 'Inside the Red Brick Wall' on November 17 and 18, 2020, in addition to publishing a statement on the front page of Apple Daily.

However, the university management stated in an email sent to the Students' Union on Nov 11, 2020 that the screenings and the newspaper advertisement were banned. If the students do not comply, the university authorities will impose a series of punishments including terminating their use and management rights of the students' union venues; the university will also stop collecting the students union's fee for them, among other disciplinary penalties.

The Students Union condemned the university's intervention, describing it as an act intending to 'wipe out the bloody scenes in our campus'. Regarding the use of venues and operation in the future, the Union will rearrange the screenings and post the statement via their social media instead.

Source: Stand News #Nov12
#PoliticalSuppression #Censorship #University #NeverForget #NeverForgive
#CoronersInquest #ChowTszLok
The Last Conversation: Alex Chow Reminds His Father to Close the Windows After Police Fires Tear Gas

Source: Stand News #Nov16

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#CoronersInquest #ChowTszLok #AlexChow
The Last Conversation: Alex Chow Reminds His Father to Close the Windows After Police Fires Tear Gas

The coroner's court inquiring the death of 22-year-old university student Alex Chow began on November 16, 2020.

On the early morning of November 4, 2019, Chow fell from Sheung Tak carpark for a reason unknown, during police operation nearby. Chow passed away at 08:09 on November 8, 2019.

Chow's father gave his testimony on the first day of the hearing. The 1997-born Alex Chow was the only child in the family. He was studying computer science at the Hong Kong University Science and Technology (#UST).

To his father's knowing, Chow "jparticipated in protests". At the night before the incident, he saw Chow carrying a backpack and filling his water bottle before leaving home. At around 00:46, Chow's father told him via Whatsapp that the police had fired tear gas. Chow replied 1 to 2 minutes later, reminding his father to close the windows. It was the last conversation between the father and the son.

When Chow's father was sleeping, Chow's secondary school friend knocked on their door, telling the family that Chow had fallen off from a building.

Source: Stand News #Nov16
#Aegis #YellowShop #Attack
Chinese Man Pays Vandals to Attack Pro-Hong Kong Restaurant in Taiwan

On October 16, 2020, Aegis, a restaurant in Taiwan which has been providing work for pro-democracy Hongkongers in exile, was vandalized by four men with feces.

The suspects were arrested the following day by the Taiwanese police. The four men admitted they were paid 15,000TWD to carry out the vandalization.

Taiwanese authorities are tracking down a mainland Chinese man who instigated the four to carry out the attack.

According to Taiwan news outlets, the Taipei District Prosecutors Office has closed their investigation on the case in October 2020. The suspects were charged for public insult, and causing harms and damages.

The police pointed out that a man surnamed Chen funded the vandalization, and is currently in China. They are still investigating the identity of the man behind the scene and his motive.

Source: Stand News #Nov9
#WhiteTerror #Intimidation
#CUHKSiege #HongKongChronicles
University Students: "President, you have to save us…I trust the humanistic spirit of CUHK!”

Source: Leung Kai Chi's Facebook #Nov12

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#CUHKSiege #HongKongChronicles
University Students: "President, you have to save us…I trust the humanistic spirit of CUHK!”

Dr. Leung Kai-chi is a columnist, commentator and guest lecturer at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He wrote the following comtemplation on the one-year mark of the siege of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK):

"I don’t think I posted this photo before.

Rushing around during those two days, I didn’t have time to take any pictures. But somehow, I subconsciously felt that I must record this scene: this was the moment when the [University] President walked into student dormintory in the afternoon.

On that day, several teaching staff reached the President's Residence and asked him to come down. Originally they hoped that the President would meet with the students, rather than asking him to go to the No. 2 Bridge.

After entering the dormintory and still arranging the venue, a student suddenly rushed over in the corridor, holding the President's legs and broke down entirely with a wailing cry.

“President, you have to save us…”

“President, you have to save us…”

“My family wants me to study abroad, but I didn’t want to. I have to study at CUHK! I trust the teachers in CUHK! I trust the humanistic spirit of CUHK!”

“Principal, you have to save us…”

Later, more students rushed over and helped that student up.

Afterwards, the President walked to the lawn behind the dormintory and had a short-talk with some seniors.

I never knew what they were talking about, for I was in the process of setting up the venue. Soon, the senior came over and said: “no need to prepare, the President is ready to go to the No. 2 Bridge.”

In the 56 years that the school was founded, how much has to be accumulated to have such a moment.

Running around in these two days, I was trying to cool down the situation all the way, but in vain. But looking back on this scene, the essence of the matter was not President Rocky Tuan or anybody else saving the students, but the spirit and value for one and all to protect the university together."

Source: Leung Kai Chi's Facebook #Nov12

#HongKongProtests #Students #Youths
#LegCo #FailedState
After The Democrats' Mass Resignation: Beijing Loyalists Suddenly Turn LegCo Meeting into a Presser, But Without Inviting the Media

Source: Stand News #Nov13

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#LegCo #FailedState
After The Democrats' Mass Resignation: Beijing Loyalists Suddenly Turn LegCo Meeting into a Presser, But Without Inviting the Media

On November 11, 2020, the PRC's Standing Committee of the National People's Congress ordered the Hong Kong government to "disqualify" by removing four LegCo Councilors in the pro-democracy camp. As a response, other 15 democrats declared their entire resignation.

November 13, 2020 was the first day of the #LegCo meeting after the mass resignation took place.

During the meeting, the Chairman of the Finance Committee Chan Kin-por, a pro-Beijing lawmaker, suddenly suspended the meeting in the afternoon. All the pro-Beijing councilors moved to the Press Room and hosted a press conference, they one by one bombarded the democrats.

The Stand News said they did not receive any interview notice for the press conference. Many reporters from other medis also expressed that they had not been notified.

According to the usual practice in the past, if LegCo councilors are ready to use the LegCo Building Press Room to host a press conference, they would inform reporters in advance or ask their assistants to notify the reporters, so that admission pass could be issued.

Source: The Stand News #Nov13

#CCPControl #FailedState
The #Mainlandization of Hong Kong Legislature: First Bill After Pan-Democrats' Resignation Passed Near-Unanimously

After the whole pan-Democratic camp resigned in solidarity following the removal of 4 elected lawmakers by Beijing, the Legislature in Hong Kong has passed its first bill on Nov 13, 2020 with a near-unanimous vote, on an amendment concerning parking meters.

Such results have been common at the Chinese National People's Congress, famous for its one-party rule, and Hong Kong's Legislature has finally begun to resemble it.

The single opposition vote is also highly reminiscent of the recent Chinese Congress vote on Hong Kong's National Security Law, in which one single "no" vote stood against thousands of "yes" votes. Less than 5 months after the law has gone into effect, Hong Kong's lawmaking body seems to have already been transformed into the likeness of its single-party counterpart in China.

Image: RTHK; Arm Channel #Nov13
#FailedState #LegCo
Beijing Loyalist 'Teaches' Disqualified Lawmakers How to 'Whitewash' Themselves

Source: Stand News #Nov13

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#FailedState #LegCo
Beijing Loyalist 'Teaches' Disqualified Lawmakers How to 'Whitewash' Themselves

On November 13, 2020, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (#CPPCC) Hong Kong members formed "Friends of Hong Kong Association" and held a press conference, with a claim to support the National People’s Congress (#NPC) as well as the Hong Kong government to disqualify the 4 LegCo councilors.

The Chairman of the Association, also a Standing Committee Member of the CPPCC National Committee, Henry Tang Ying-yen criticized the four disqualified as openly promoting “Hong Kong Independence” and demanding the U.S. to put sanctions on China and Hong Kong.

However, Tang also suggested that the disqualified persons could send letters to the U.S., including publicly declaring regret for the past actions, withdrawing their speeches and asking the U.S. government to withdraw sanctions, may able to be “whitewashed” and become a candidate in future election.

Source: Stand News #Nov13


#UnitedFront #CoOpt #CCPControl #HenryTang
It's hard to understand the Hong Kong Government's logic...The risk of gathering outdoor must be so much higher than indoor.

#HKgovernment #illogical #GoHKGraphics
The U.S. is Entering a Very Unusual Transition Period, said China state-owned media editor

Source: RTHK #Nov08

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The U.S. is Entering a Very Unusual Transition Period, said China state-owned media editor

The editor-in-chief of the China state-owned media Global Times, Hu Xijin, believes that the United States will enter a very unusual transition period and that China needs to develop ties with Biden's team, while not provoking Trump.

Hu said in a social media post that the U.S. is going into the most turbulent and uncertain transition period, and China must have bottom-line thinking, preparing for uncertainties. He added that China must develop contacts with Biden's team to explore the possibility of getting rid of the U.S.-China relation of extreme turmoil.

He further said that since Trump does not accept the election results, it is easier for him to vent all of the anger outside the U.S. than internally. The Chinese government should be conscious to avoid directing resentments over the defeat of the election in the Sino-U.S. relation. He suggested Chinese people should respect Trump himself, and there is no need to step on him or mock him.

Source: RTHK #Nov08


#USPresidentialElection #Trump #Biden #HuXijin #USChinaRelation #US #China #SinoUSrelation #GlobalTimes