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Sapientia - Exhibition of the protests (Part 2)

Letter by a jailed protester

This is a letter written by Chan Yi-Chun, a 19-year-old student imprisoned for attacking a police officer with a selfie stick to help trapped protesters escape from the police. Chan was seen wearing a shirt printed with Chinese character “岳” (Cantonese: ngok6; Mandarin: Yue). Thus, some protest supporters compared his acts with the ancient folk hero Yue Fei, who was known to be brave, loyal and fearless. In the letter to Chan’s girlfriend, Chan expresses his desire to be free again and encourages HongKongers not to give up amidst the enforcement of the National Security Law. One can be forced to keep silent, but one's mind cannot be changed.

“If you could contribute to the world in future, maybe you will die for your country and sacrifice for justice?”
— Anonymous, “Yue Fei’s Boyhood”

#HongKongProtest #Exhibition #HKUSU #AntiELAB #HongKongers #HongKongProtestor #Sapientia

Sapientia - Exhibition of the protests (Part 2)

Censored graduation photo


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Sapientia - Exhibition of the protests (Part 2)

Censored graduation photo

The hand gesture with an open palm and one finger raised is often used amongst protesters, symbolizing the slogan “five demand, not one less”. In this photo, a group of secondary students showed the “five-one gesture” while taking their graduation photos to commemorate the year where two events affecting their future occur together: their graduation and their city’s pro-democracy movement. The group photo turned out to be edited' with the “five-one gestures” artificially replaced by a “four-two gesture”. The photography company claimed the censorship was instructed by the school, which was previously said to be more tolerant in allowing students’ expression of political views.

“Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed forever. You might dodge successfully for a while, even for years, but sooner or later they were bound to get you.”
— George Orwell, “1984”

#HongKongProtest #Exhibition #HKUSU #AntiELAB #Censorship #NationalSecurityLaw #Sapientia

Sapientia - Exhibition of the protests (Part 2)

Apple Daily's front page story and a letter to Christy and Alex

This copy of Apple Daily along with a handwritten letter was found at “Yin Tsz Road” in Tseung Kwan O, a memorial dedicated to two deceased student protesters, Christy Chan and Alex Chow. The items were brought by a local resident to the memorial, tried to tell the two deceased about the sanctions of the US against 11 top officials of China and Hong Kong, who have been associated with the implementation of the National Security Law and oppressing the protest movement. The writer also told Christy and Alex that they will always be remembered.

“No mattet how much suffering you went through, you never wanted to let go of those memories.”
— Haruki Murakami

#HongKongProtest #Exhibition #HKUSU #AntiELAB #AppleDaily #Media #Sapientia

Sapientia - Exhibition of the protests (Part 2)

Record of Bail proceedings

This extract of the Record of Bail Proceedings was given to a protester who was arrested and charged. According to official police figure, as of 6 September 2020, more than 10,000 people have been arrested from the ongoing social movement since 9 June 2019. 2,210 people have been prosecuted and they need to appear in court. A court may admit an accused person to be on bail under certain conditions which may include curfew and surrendering all travel documents. Those on bail would need to report to specified police station at a stated time with their extract of a Record of Bail Proceedings, as shown here.

“A riot is the language of the unheard.”
— Martin Luther King Jr.

#HongKongProtest #Exhibition #HKUSU #AntiELAB #HongKongProtestor #HongKongers #Sapientia

Statement : Condemn on Unreasonable Arrest of Choy Yuk-ling; No Political Suppression in Civilised Society


#ChoyYukLing #RTHK #Journalists #PressFreedom #PoliticalIntimidation
#PoliceState #RuleofLaw
NWFB driver accused of negligent driving will not receive legal support from NWFB if refused to plead guilty; NWFB: It is recommended that another lawyer be appointed as soon as possible

: Apple Daily, Stand News; #Nov3

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#PoliceState #RuleofLaw
NWFB driver accused of negligent driving will not receive legal support from NWFB if refused to plead guilty; NWFB: It is recommended that another lawyer be appointed as soon as possible

During the Tsim Sha Tsui march on 6 September, a driver from #NWFB 970 line was arrested by the police while driving. He was once accused of driving fast for no reason, and was involved in dangerous driving. He was also alleged to have carried a spanner to work, which was labelled as an offensive weapons. He was eventually charged with careless driving. The case will be heard again on the 17th of this month.

Lam Kam-biu, chairman of the NWFB Workers Union, said when receiving an inquiry from Apple Daily that he had received the arrested driver’s request for help, saying that the driver had been informed by NWFB that if he pleaded not guilty, the company would not continue to provide him with legal assistance. Lam frankly said that he was dissatisfied with the decision of NWFB and had no choice but to assist the captain in finding legal support. When NWFB responded to the inquiry, it acknowledged the matter and stated that the law firm it commissioned made the relevant decision after reviewing the evidence and confession. If the driver chooses to defend, it is recommended that he appoint another lawyer to handle it as soon as possible.

Source: Apple Daily, Stand News; #Nov3
#HKLivesMatter #BringThemBack
Detainee's Sister Shoots Video, Calling International Community to #Save12HKYouths

Beatrice Li, the sister of Andy Li, one of the Hongkongers detained in China, went public demanding the release of all 12 Hongkongers.

Activists in exile Sunny Cheung and Ray Wong Toi-yeung and Benedict Rogers of Hong Kong Watch spoke in the video, condemning China for the humanitarian crisis and reiterating the demands of the detainees' families:


Cartoonist Badiucao, Australian lawmakers Tim Wilson and Andrew Hastie, UK's Arise Foundation director Luke de Pulford, Radicali Italiani's member Patrizia de Grazia were also present in the video. They all said together: "Save the 12 Hong Kong Youths, and bring them home".

They also want to send a clear message to countries around the world that how China is treating Hongkongers right now can also happen to anyone living in other parts of the world.

Source: Stand News #Nov1
Mocking Xi Jinping with Winnie the Pooh Costume on #Halloween;
Hongkongers in
#US: We Shall Stand up to China Despite Fear for National Security Law

Source: Apple Daily #Nov1

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Mocking Xi Jinping with Winnie the Pooh Costume on #Halloween;
Hongkongers in
#US: We Shall Stand up to China Despite Fear for National Security Law

'Project Black Mask HK', an organization of American Hongkongers, donned #WinniethePooh costumes for Halloween to mock Chinese communist leader Xi Jinping.

About a dozen people assembled and dressed up as Winnie the Pooh to raise awareness for China's racial oppression, as well as to express support for Hongkongers, Kazakhs, and Uyghurs.

The participants waved flags that read 'Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times' and 'Glory to Hong Kong', and chanted slogans such as 'Stand with Hong Kong'. Representatives of minority groups gave speeches describing the oppression they faced in China.

A Hongkonger who attended the assembly admitted that Hong Kong's National Security Law still worried him even he was now in the US. Despite the chilling effect of the law, he felt obliged to stand up to the oppression, saying, 'Liking posts behind the keyboard is not enough.'

Source: Apple Daily #Nov1
#GlobalSupport #WorldAgainstCCP #NationalSecurityLaw #Xi #ProjectBlackMask
#Reprisal #Strike
90% of pro-democracy respondents consider HA’s demand for staff’s explanation for absent of work during a strike is politically motivated

The #HospitalAuthority (HA) recently sent a letter to employees took part in the strike early this year and asked for their explanation for absent of work.

A survey conducted by the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (PORI) showed that 60% of the respondents believed HA’s demand was politically motivated, while around 30% considered otherwise. Among those claiming a pro-democracy stance, an overwhelming 90% believed that there is political agenda behind HA’s action.

Source: Apple Daily #Oct30

Related article:

Hospital Authority demands explanation from those went on strike; Union defends it a legitimate industrial action
#BaoChoy #PressFreedom
US calls on China to stop crushing press freedom in Hong Kong following arrest of a RTHK investigative journalist

Source: StandNews, RTHK #Nov5

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US calls on China to stop crushing press freedom in Hong Kong following arrest of a RTHK investigative journalist

In the statement, deputy spokesman of the Department of State Cale Brown said "the US is deeply concerned about the arrest”. "The Chinese Communist Party and their Hong Kong proxies must cease their efforts to crush press freedom,”

Journalist #BaoChoy had worked on RTHK documentaries on the Yuen Long mob attack last year, which revealed how police officers were present at the scene well ahead of the violence but did not intervene. She was arrested and charged on Tuesday in relation to searches carried out on owners of vehicles that appeared to have transported some of the attackers to the town on the night in question.

On her social media account, Choy wrote that she is grateful to everyone who supports press freedom. “Words can't express my gratitude for the help and blessing from my friends, fellows, and everyone who supports #PressFreedom,” she wrote.

Source: Stand News, RTHK #Nov5 https://www.thestandnews.com/politics/%E6%B8%AF%E5%8F%B0%E7%B7%A8%E5%B0%8E%E8%A2%AB%E6%8D%95-%E7%BE%8E%E5%9C%8B%E5%8B%99%E9%99%A2-%E6%B7%B1%E5%88%87%E9%97%9C%E6%B3%A8-%E4%BF%83%E4%B8%AD%E5%85%B1%E5%81%9C%E6%AD%A2%E8%A1%9D%E6%93%8A%E6%96%B0%E8%81%9E%E8%87%AA%E7%94%B1/
HK Chief Justice Geoffrey Ma: Judicial Independence Must Be Separated from Politics, No One is Above the Law

Source: Stand News #Nov2

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#JudicialIndependence #SeparationofPowers
HK Chief Justice Geoffrey Ma: Judicial Independence Must Be Separated from Politics, No One is Above the Law

The issue of separation of powers has sparked intense debate in Hong Kong as the authorities and Beijing loyalists refused to acknowledge its practice in Hong Kong.

In his speech at the ceremonial opening of Hong Kong Legal Week 2020, Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal Geoffrey Ma reiterated the importance of not politicizing the independent judiciary and court. As clearly stated in the Basic Law, Hong Kong enjoys independent judicial power, including that of final adjudication. This means no one is above the law, nor can one interfere with court decision. All adjudications must comply strictly with the law, and uphold the principles of equality, equity and fairness.

Geoffrey Ma also pointed out that the rule of law had always been an important core value of Hong Kong, which warranted careful protection, and society could not bear the risk of losing it.

He asked the public to dismiss misconceptions and misunderstanding about rule of law in order to protect it. He believed that law should be predictable, stable and clear, and judicial decision should be open to the public.

Ma stated that according to the Basic Law, the non-permanent judges of the Court of Final Appeal and lawyers from other common law jurisdictions could practice in Hong Kong.

Source: Stand News #Nov2

#RuleofLaw #GeoffreyMa #LegalWeek #Speech
Sapientia - Exhibition of the protests (Part 2)

A Mask of Xi Jinping

This cut out mask was used at a human chain demonstration against the amendments to the Extradition Bill and the Anti-mask Law. Wearing the mask is one of the creative responses to protest against the Anti-mask Law. While protesters urged for the “five demands”, Chief Executive Carrie Lam invoked the colonial-era Emergency Regulations Ordinance in October 2019 to ban the wearing of masks at assemblies. It is common amongst protesters to wear face coverings as it helps protesters to filter out tear gas shot by the police and to remain anonymous in this leaderless, faceless movement.
The Anti-mask Law, created to stop the protests, resulted in more intense social unrest afterwards.

“I wasn’t going to eat it, I was just going to taste it.”
— Winnie the Pooh

#AntiMask #HongKongProtest #AntiELAB #Exhibition #HKUSU #Sapientia #Xi #WinniethePooh

Sapientia - Exhibition of the protests (Part 3)

Last day of exhibition 'Sapientia'

Today is the last day of the Sapentia exhibition. Many visitors, from teens, young couples to elderly, came and experienced the selected fifteen showcases associated with the anti-ELAB movement. Besides that, a vintage typewriter was placed at the exhibition for visitors to record their feelings about the protests, the social movement, and the exhibition.

#HongKongProtest #HKUSU #HongKongProtester #Exhibition #antiELAB #Sapientia
