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#USConsulate in Hong Kong Turns Down Asylum Seeking Students

Former convenor of the pro-democracy group #StudentLocalism Tony Chun Hon-Lam was arrested for "violating national security" on Oct 27, 2020, while going to the Consulate General of the U.S. in Hong Kong to seek for help.

According to the Voice of America, four students went to the Consulate General to seek for political asylum that afternoon, but were told that they would not be offered any aid.

A consulate officer said they could not offer any protection, one of the students, with the alias "Wong", recalled after discussing with the staff. The Consulate General noted the contact method of the students and asked the four to leave.

Under U.S. law, the U.S. only considers asylum for aliens who are physically present in the country. Acording to their website, the U.S. does not grant asylum in its diplomatic premises abroad. However, among the four students, Wong is a U.S. born U.S. citizen. Wong said his travel document has been confiscated by the Hong Kong authorities as he is currently on bail. Wong does not wish to disclose too many details of his case, as he is afraid the his family would be harrassed by the police and the national security bureau: All he wants is the U.S. government can help a U.S. citizen to return to the U.S..

Source: Stand News #Oct29
#Asylum #NationalSecurityLaw #PoliticalOppression #Arrest
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#FirstHand #Oct31
Young Hongkonger Grieves Loss of Freedom of Expression

After being detained and searched by police behind cordon lines, this young protester showed up at Prince Edward MTR station in remembrance of the victims of the 8.31 police attack last year.

The youngster told reporters that he felt that he was being deprived of freedom of expression. He reiterated that Hong Kong used to be one of the world’s freest city. Citizens’ freedom and rights, however, are being eroded, as they are no longer allowed to express their views and stance freely, even when they were not disturbing anyone else.

#HongKongYouth #Future #PoliticalOppression #PrinceEdward831
Hongkonger Cosplays #CarrieLam on #Halloween

On this year's Halloween, Jimmy, a freelancer, dressed up as Hong Kong's chief executive (#CE) Carrie Lam and appeared in Lan Kwai Fong.

Jimmy carried a pile of paper mimicking the "Policy Address", which Lam as the CE was supposed to announce every year; however, Lam postponed the government's policy directives for next year just two weeks ago, citing the need to seeking for China's opinion as a reason.

Source: InMedia #Nov1

#Halloween #LanKwaiFong #LFK
Sapientia - Exhibition of the protests (Part 1)

#HongKongProtest #Exhibition #HKUSU #AntiELAB #Oct31

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Sapientia - Exhibition of the protests (Part 1)

Objorurnalist cooperated with the Hong Kong University of Students’ Unions (HKUSU) to present the exhibition of “Sapientia”, which is on the view of from 19-31 October 2020 at the HKUSU building. The exhibition showcases collected objects associated with the Anti-ELAB Movement in Hong Kong.

The title of “Sapientia” (格物 in Chinese) is part of the school motto of the University of Hong Kong, “Sapientia at Virtus”. “Sapientia” means wisdom in Latin. It echos with its Chinese equivalent originated from ancient Confucian teaching which refers to investigating things to acquire knowledge.

Objects are vessels of information. Every object is made, used and discarded with a purpose. Their forms, functions, locations and time found speak to the culture and ideology behind their creators, owners and users. Since the beginning of the Anti-ELAB Movement in June 2019, people have been increasingly innovative to support the movement in new actions. Objects are being invented or repurposed, meanwhile shaping the Anti-ELAB Movement and inspiring further civil movements locally and abroad.

#HongKongProtest #Exhibition #HKUSU #AntiELAB #Oct31

#Breaking #Arrest #WhiteTerror
Police Arrests Journalist of News Programme Addressing Police-Triad Alleged Collusion during Yuen Long 7.21 Triad Attack

Source: Stand News #Nov3

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#Breaking #Arrest #WhiteTerror
Police Arrests Journalist of News Programme Addressing Police-Triad Alleged Collusion during Yuen Long 7.21 Triad Attack

On the afternoon of Nov 3, 2020, police arrested RTHK's "Hong Kong Connection" journalist Bao Choy Yuk-ling, who had produced special issues addressing police brutality and misconduct.

According to iCable News, Choy was arrested for violating the Road Traffic Ordinance. According to Now News, police claimed that Choi looked up car ownership from car plate number on the suspicion of falsifying statement.

"Hong Kong Connection" is a popular news documentary produced by RTHK, a public broadcaster which has been under the attack of the authorities and Beijing loyalists.

In 2019 and 2020, the programme featured two episodes on the 7.21 Yuen Long Triad attack on civilians. This incident that happened on July 21, 2019 was referred by many to as a police-Triad collusion, for that the police had allegedly turned a blind eye to the white-clad gangsters' brutal attack on civilians.

In the episode "7.21 Yuen Long Nightmare" aired in July 2019, the programme collected a large amount of surveillance TV footage, pointing out that the police had patrolled around the areas where the white-clad gangsters gathered that afternoon.

In the episode "Who Controls the Truth" aired in July 2020, the programme displayed that CID police did not intervene at all while walking among the white-clad gangsters armed with weapons.

Choy, who was arrested by the police this afternoon, took part in the production of both episodes. The police also searched Choy's residence.

Source: Stand News #Nov3

#ChoyYukLing #BaoChoy #RTHK #PoliticalPersecution #Whitewash #YuenLong721 #PressFreedom
Sapientia - Exhibition of the protests (Part 2)

Yellow Umbrella

The second-hand yellow umbrella was held in YOHOMall during the first anniversary of the 6.12 protest, a key event that stalled the second reading of the controversial amendments to the Extradition Law. The owner believes the wave of protests since 2019 inherits the spirt of the Umbrella Movement, in which the yellow umbrella became an ionic symbol of resistance. The canopy of this umbrella has been painted with a popular slogan which is not claimed to be illegal under the National Security Law.

“Why? Because this is my duty.” - Student on a bicycle toward Tiananmen Square

#HongKongProtest #UmbrellaMovement #AntiELAB #Exhibition #HKUSU #Sapientia

Sapientia - Exhibition of the protests (Part 2)

Memorial Lightbox

The lightbox was part of a series that resembles glowing gravestones. Some of the lightboxes commemorate the lives that were sacrificed in the movement, showing their last words and death date while other lightboxes act as a symbolic cemetery for the core values of Hong Kong that have eroded since the National Security Law was enacted. These lightboxes were seen at the vigil on the first anniversary of Marco Leung’s death. Leung fell from a metal scaffolding outside Pacific Place on 15 June 2019 when he was protesting in his yellow raincoat and displaying a banner with five demands.

“We have to continually be jumped off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down.”
— Kurt Vonnegut

#HongKongProtest #Exhibition #HKUSU #AntiELAB #NationalSecurityLaw #Sapientia

Sapientia - Exhibition of the protests (Part 2)

Receipt from a Yellow Shop

People find many ways to disseminate political messages. One of the creative means was found in these receipts where protest slogans were printed by shops that sympathise with protesters. Thsee receipts displayed were found at a bubble tea shop where customers wrote down messages on the back of their receipts and put them up the shop’s Lennon Wall. The difference between earlier and newer receipts reveals how the slogans and emotions of citizens evolved in the movement, from “Hongkongers, go for it” to “Hongkongers, resist” and “HongKongers, fight back".

“We become what we behold. We shape our tools, and thereafter our tools shape us.”
— Marshall McLuhan

#HongKongProtest #Exhibition #HKUSU #AntiELAB #NationalSecurityLaw
#YellowCircleEconomy #YellowShop #Sapientia

#PressFreedom #RTHK
Arrested News Docu Producer Reminds Journalists: Carry on what we ought to do

Source: Stand News; RTHK #Nov3

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#PressFreedom #RTHK
Arrested News Docu Producer Reminds Journalists: Carry on what we ought to do

On Nov 3, 2020, the Hong Kong police arrested Bao Choy, a RTHK producer who took part in investigative reports about police brutality and misconduct.

The police accused Choy of making a false declaration while conducting licence plate searches of vehicles allegedly connected to the white-clad gangsters involved in the mob attack in Yuen Long on July 21, 219.

The Hong Kong Journalists Association (#HKJA) comdemned the authorities for "exhausting every possible way to suppress" media workers who try to uncover the truth.

RTHK's director of broadcast Leung Ka-shu, who has been attacked by Beijing loyalists, expressed concern over the grave impact on RTHK staff and its consequence.

The chairman of HKJA, Chris Yeung, also pointed out that “the immediate question is whether reporters will still be comfortable to do regular vehicle licence checks, as they have been for years, because there is now a risk they may face charges”.

On the evening of Nov 3, 2020, Choy on bail met with the press outside Taipo Police Station. She thanked fellow media workers for their concern and hopes journalists in Hong Kong could stay unswayed and uphold professionalism. "Carry on what we ought to do," said Choy.

Source: Apple Daily; InMedia; RTHK #Nov3

#Arrest #WhiteTerror #BaoChoy #Journalism #HongKongConnection

Police Arrests Journalist of News Programme Addressing Police-Triad Alleged Collusion during Yuen Long 7.21 Triad Attack

#NeverForget #LastYearToday
One-year after the Death of Alex Chow Tse-lok: HKUST Students' Union Sets Up Vigil on 11.8;
University Only Agrees to Provide Room for Mere 75 People

The 22-years-old student Alex Chow Tse-lok died on November 8 last year, after falling from a car park in Tseung Kwan O on November 4 during the police's dispersal operation with rounds of tear gas fired.

The Students' Union of #HKUST announced on Oct 30, 2020 that a memorial service opened to only students and teachers of HKUST would be held at the campus on November 8, which marks one year after Chow's death.

According to #HKUSTSU, the school has only agreed to provide an indoor room accommodating up to 75 people for the memorial. The students' union has asked the school to reconsider its venue decision, in the light that the room would not be able to take in all attendees.

Source: Apple Daily #Oct30 #ChowTszLok #Remembrance
#CathayPacific Staff Rally Against Sacking and Unfair Treatment Objected by Hong Kong Police

Source: Stand News #Nov2

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#CathayPacific Staff Rally Against Sacking and Unfair Treatment Objected by Hong Kong Police

After sacking 5,300 Hong Kong-based staff members, Cathay Pacific demands its remaining employees to change to a new contract or face sacking.

Earlier, Cathay Pacific flight attendants' union has informed the police and applied for a rally permission at Cathay City on November 4. Two days before the rally, the police rejected the request.

The union criticized Cathay Pacific for mistreating their staff by firing them and cutting their salary. Communication with the management has been problematic and there are a lot of unsolved issues with the new contract. Many employees regretted signing it.

Although the rally has been rejected by the police, the union will find alternative ways to voice their opinion.

Since several pro-democracy rallies took place at the airport in August and September 2019, the Hong Kong Airport Authority has obtained an injunction order from the court, barring anyone who are not staff, nor passengers with a boarding pass from entering the Hong Kong airport.

Source: Stand News #Nov2

#CathayDragon #HongKongAirport #Rally #FlightAttendantsUnion #FlywithYou
#HongKongWatch #HumanitarianCrisis
Benedict Rogers calls for urgent internationally coordinated rescue programme for HK pro-democracy protesters

Source: Stand News; Apple Daily #Oct29

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#HongKongWatch #HumanitarianCrisis
Benedict Rogers calls for urgent internationally coordinated rescue programme for HK pro-democracy protesters

On his way to seek asylum at the United States Consulate in Hong Kong, former Convener of Student Localism Tony Chung Hon-lam, aged 19, was arrested by Hong Kong Police on October 27, 2020. He was charged with one count of secession, two counts of dealing with money laundering and one count of conspiracy to publish inflammatory publications.

The incident came just two days after a global movement of solidarity calling on China to release the 12 pro-democracy Hongkongers who have been jailed in China since August without any trial and without being represented by lawyers appointed by their family.

Benedict Rogers, a human rights activist from Hong Kong Watch, wrote in an opinion article:

“As I said in my speech last Saturday, we must keep campaigning for the release of the 12 – and at least, in the meantime, for them to have access to lawyers of their choice, medical care and family contact. It is outrageous that the lawyers chosen by the families of the 12 were earlier this week ordered by the Chinese authorities to drop the case. That brought home once again to us all what we of course have always known: in mainland China there’s no rule of law whatsoever – it’s rule by law, and the law can mean whatever the Chinese Communist Party regime wants it to mean.

The plight of the 12 – and now of Tony Chung and his colleagues – is not only about them. It is about all of us. If they are left to their fate and the world moves on, if they are allowed to languish in jail unheard and unknown, then no one – absolutely no one – is safe.

If the 12 are forgotten, if Tony Chung is allowed to disappear, the CCP won’t stop there. Our own freedoms around the world will increasingly be in the firing line. So it’s not only morally right, it’s not only compassionate, but it is in the interests of every freedom-loving person everywhere in the world to defend the 12, to speak up for Tony and his friends, to ensure they’re not forgotten. Don’t let Tony, his friends or any of us become the 13th.

That’s why an international lifeboat rescue programme is so urgently needed. Instead of activists risking their lives fleeing on speedboats or rushing into the consulates, let the free world open its doors in a clear, co-ordinated way."

Source: Stand News; Apple Daily #Oct29

#NationalSecurityLaw #TonyChung #StudentLocalism #Save12HKYouths #HKLivesMatter
#Education #CCPControl
Newly appointed HKU Vice-president vowed to defend PRC's national diginity following Chairman Xi's doctrine

On October 27, 2020, the University of Hong Kong (#HKU) appointed two Chinese cholars, Max Shen and Peng Gong as Vice Presidents.

According to Hong Kong Citizens News, Peng Gong is currently Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Science at Tsinghua University in China.

Peng said in a seminar organised by the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party (#CCP) and Zhongyangshe Huizhuyi College that, “as a new generation of scholars, we have to defend national dignity, not only in words but action.”

Source: Stand News #Oct29