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#CCPControl #CulturalRevolution #NationalSecurityLaw
HK Police National Security unit is set to open multi-platform snitching hotline for “intelligence”

HK police was said to be planning to launch a multi-platform hotline as early as November this year to gather intelligence for enforcement of the National Security Law.

According to government source, informants’ identities will be kept secret and, information will be shared only among national security unit personnel.

Lawmakers reprimanded the hotline arrangement, feared that it could encourage Cultural-Revolution-like purges, turning the city into a silent and lifeless place. The arrangement was compared to an act of ethnic cleansing aimed to silence dissidents, detrimental to economic development in Hong Kong.

Source: Apple Daily #Oct29


Taobao online store reply: Taiwan is an independent country; a shop staff was laid off to learn the CCP’s online marketplace’s responsibility, following by online troll complaint

A China netizen, was shopping at Taobao online store and asked “is Taiwan belonged to China?” to a shopkeeper who responded “no, Taiwan is an independent country”. After many Chinese Internet Troll (aka Little Pinks, pro-CCP youths who use to spread CCP’s stances and messages attacking anti-China expression) crazily criticized Taobao and the shopkeeper, a shop staff was laid off to accept the responsibility. As usual, the shop was make to reply “China Taiwan is an inalienable part of CCP China”.

According to the Guancha (a CCP online media), when a China netizen shopped at the Rivsea online shop under Taobao, he asked the shopkeeper such question. He then got a response from the shopkeeper in a negative attitude saying, “Taiwan is an independent country, all along and forever, there is never CCP Taiwan”.

The netizen was then indignant, calling group of Little Pinks to attack Taobao and the e-shop. Shortly after, the e-shop announced that it laid off the replying staff, and supported “China Taiwan is an inalienable part of CCP China” and “One China (CCP) Policy”.

#China #Taiwan #NotPartOfChina #LittlePink #Taobao

Source: Apple Daily Taiwan

Translated by: Hong Kong Echo
Chinese Ambassador “Threatening” Canada Not to Shelter Hongkongers

Source: Apple Daily #Oct20

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Chinese Ambassador “Threatening” Canada Not to Shelter Hongkongers

The Chinese Ambassador to Canada, Cong Peiwu, warned Canada not to give political asylum to Hongkongers, which triggered an increasingly fierce political argument between Canada and China, worsening bilateral relations.

The Canadian government recently offered asylum to a Hong Kong young couple who actively participated in the protests. Cong then requested the Canadian government to stop offering "political asylum" to Hongkongers who evade the Hong Kong National Security Law. He labelled those Hongkongers as “violent criminals” and warned the relevant actions of authorities in Ottawa were equivalent to interfering in China's internal affairs, effectively encouraging violent criminals. He added that if Canada cares about the stability and prosperity of Hong Kong, as well as the health and safety of the 300,000 Canadian citizens and companies in Hong Kong, Canada should support the Chinese authorities in combating the violent criminal behaviour.

Toronto Sun published an editorial a few days later requesting Cong to apologise or to leave Canada. The editorial asserts that “It is not enough for the Trudeau government to publicly scold Cong. If he won’t apologise and retract his threats, boot him back to Beijing.”

Source: Apple Daily #Oct20

#Canada #CongPeiwu #PoliticalAsylum

US State Department approves US$1.8bn weapons sale to Taiwan amid tension with China

Source: Stand news #Oct22

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US State Department approves US$1.8bn weapons sale to Taiwan amid tension with China

The State Department of the United State formally notified Congress the approval of US$1.8 billion (around NTD 13.95 billion) sales of weapons to Taiwan on Oct 21 (Wednesday), including missiles and rocket systems.

The formal notifications to Congress covered 11 truck-based rocket launchers made by Lockheed Martin Corp, 135 Standoff Land Attack Missile Expanded Response (SLAM-ER) Missiles and related equipment made by Boeing Co, and six new external sensor pods for F16 fighters made by Collins Aerospace, for enhanced intelligence gathering ability of F16 fighters.

Further congressional notifications are expected to follow, including drones and land-based Harpoon anti-ship missiles to serve as coastal defense cruise missiles. Sources told Reuters news agency the weapons would cost about US$2 billion.

The formal notification gave Congress 30 days to object to the eighth sales of weapons to Taiwan during Donald Trump’s presidency, but there is broad bipartisan support for the defense of Taiwan.

Source: Stand news #Oct22

#US #Taiwan #WeaponSales #Defense
US election analysis - China wants Biden to soften stance on China; Scholar: whoever is the president should not go soft

Source: Apple Daily #Oct23

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US election analysis - China wants Biden to soften stance on China; Scholar: whoever is the president should not go soft

The relationship between China and the United States is at its worst in decades. It is widely believed that the Beijing government would prefer to see Democratic presidential candidate Biden defeat Trump in the White House, where conflicts over trade, technology and security are expected to ease. But many scholars believe that even if Biden were to take the stage, it is unlikely that he would go easy on Beijing because American politics across the spectrum are now disappointed with Beijing. No matter who ends up as president, his stance will not soften by much.

There is a long list of issues currently in dispute between China and the United States, including the COVID-19 epidemic, technology, trade, security, and spies; as well as matters involving Hong Kong, Taiwan, and human rights issues in Tibet and Xinjiang. Trump's trade war, which imposes punitive tariffs on Chinese goods, and his blocking of leading Chinese technology and Internet companies such as Huawei, TikTok, and WeChat, as well as his allies' efforts to blockade China, have put Beijing on a collision course. A Pew Research Center survey in March found that two-thirds of the U.S. public has a negative view of China, the highest since the survey began in 2005.

Source: Apple Daily #Oct23

#US #China #USelections #Biden2020 #Trump2020 #Covid #TradeWar #TikTok

Thousands of pounds from Britain’s coronavirus bailout pot for the cultural sector goes to music festival promoting “world control” by China

Art Council England awarded £78K to Belt and Road China-UK music festival. Supported by China’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism, it promotes the country’s Belt and Road Initiative, which has been accused of ensnaring poorer countries in debt traps by funding infrastructure projects.

The chairman of the Commons’ Foreign Affairs Committee, condemned the grant and said, “it’s one thing to tolerate Chinese propaganda, it’s quite another to pay for it.”

Source: Daily Mail #Oct25


#British #UK #BRI #BeltandRoadInitiative #China #MusicFestival
#Coronavirus #Border
Mainland Chinese Woman Awaiting Deportation in Hong Kong is Found Postive for Covid After Contacting 23 Officers

According to the Health authorities in Hong Kong, on November 1, they found 7 imported cases of Covid19 in the city.

Among them, a 42-year-old mainland woman awaiting deportation was found positive with Covid-19. The woman was arrested on October 28 during an anti-prostitution operation.

The police said 23 officers were in contact with her and four officers need to be quarantined, due to close contact.

Source: RTHK #Nov1
Image: Cupid News

#Deportation #quarantine
#FailedState #RuleofLaw
The High Court issues order sought by Secretary of Justice to protect pro-government judicial officials

Following a similar injunction protecting police officer, the High Court granted an interim injunction to restrain members of the public from unlawfully doxxing judicial officers as well as their families. The order will remain in effect until November 13. Those in breach may subject to investigation for civil contempt of court, which could result in imprisonment.

Lawyers have broadly welcomed the injunction, Civic Party member and lawmaker of legal sector, Dennis Kwok Wing-hang, however, expressed concern over its scope. Kwok worried that citizens, when disapproving a ruling or criticizing a judge might unintentionally break the law.

Source: Apple Daily #Oct30
#CCPControl #Education
HKU appoints mainland scholars to top posts; former University Council member challenges it a regression in pursuing global development

Source: Apple Daily, #Oct27

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#CCPControl #Education
HKU appoints mainland scholars to top posts; former University Council member challenges it a regression in pursuing global development

Following appointment of two mainland scholars as the University of Hong Kong's vice-presidents on October 27, former Council member of the university and professor of Politics and Public Administration Joseph Chan Cho-wai shared a comment on his Facebook, saying that 5 members of HKU leadership team have a Mainland background.

Among the 7-strong President and vice-President team, not only that there were also no female representatives, Chan also suspected that President Zhang Xiang has been deliberately inviting people with similar background to HKU leadership team. Chan criticized that such arrangement means a regression in the University’s long-standing effort pursuing a global development.

Source: Apple Daily, RTHK; #Oct27
#CCPControl #Infiltration
Pro-democracy dissident #NathanLaw calls for US authorities’ validation over new #HKU Vice-President’s claimed nationality

Former chairman of Demosisto and now a dissident in exile in the UK, Nathan Law Kwun-chung wrote on his Facebook page, urging the U.S. Immigration, Department of Homeland Security and State Department to validate whether the incoming vice-president to University of Hong Kong (HKU) Max Shen Zuojun is a US citizen as he claimed.

Shen was one of two newly appointed vice-presidents by HKU University Council by a majority vote. Shen later issued a press statement through the University, denying that he was a member of the Communist Party of China (#CCP), claiming himself a "Chinese-American".

Source: Stand News #Oct29

#MaxShen #USCitizenship #GreenCard
Over 33 U.K. Lawmakers Write to Chinese Embassy, Demanding the Release of 12 Pro-democracy Hongkongers Jailed by China

In a letter addressing the Chinese Ambassador in the U.K. Liu Xiao-ming, over 33 British lawmakers express their concern at China's treatment of the 12 pro-democracy Hongkongers who were arrested by the Chinese authorities in August and since then detained in China.

The co-signed letter condemned the Chinese government for barring the detainees from family visits and meeting the lawyers appointed by their family. Among the 12, Andy Li is a BNO passport holder.

Source: Stand News #Nov1
Image: Nathan Law

#HongKong12 #UK
#StandNews #PressFreedom

The Stand News - A Call for Glory

On the anniversary of Hong Kong's Handover this year, and in reaction to the implementation of the national security law just one day prior, Stand News pledged to maintain journalistic ethics and standards in the face of diminishing freedom of the press. The letter calls for its readers to continue upholding their values and safeguard their freedom in spite of increasing dangers.

This is how HK treats their medical staff after everything they've done to fight COVID. The HK government is trying to induce fear in every possible way to silent our voices.

#HAEA #politicaloppression #GoHKGraphics
Canadian Public Schools Refuse to Cut Ties as Media Exposes Funding for Computers from Confucius Institute

Source: Apple Daily #Oct23

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Canadian Public Schools Refuse to Cut Ties as Media Exposes Funding for Computers from Confucius Institute

The Confucius Institute in Canada has been revealed to have provided local public schools with undisclosed funding for laptops and other resources. Upon enquiry, a number of higher institutions and school districts in Canada said they were not intending to make any change to their partnership with the institute for the time being. They stressed that the institute’s activities were limited to promoting traditional Chinese culture and language education and that they had not received any benefits from the institute.

According to a report by Canada’s Global and Mail, a number of primary and secondary schools in the Coquitlam School District in Vancouver were offered funding by the Confucius Institute for such resources as laptops on the condition that they provide Mandarin courses. The institute would have to submit evaluations of its reception in the local community to its headquarters in China. The report raised questions as to whether this is still an academic activity.

Source: Apple Daily #Oct23

#Canada #China #ConfuciusInstitute #CI #Education #Culture #Infiltration

Europe and the US establish dialogue channels to discuss Chinese affairs

U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, and High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of European Union, Josep Borrell, agreed in a joint statement after a conference call on Friday (October 23) to establish a dialogue channel to discuss China issues, using the U.S. State Department and the EU's External Action Service as counterparts.

In the statement, Pompeo and Borrell said both parties welcomed the arrangement to establish a channel for experts from Europe and the United States to discuss China comprehensively. Moreover, the two parties will send their deputies to hold a high-level meeting in mid-November to discuss issues involving human rights, security and transnational relations.

Source: Apple Daily #Oct24

#US #EU #USSecretaryOfState #MikePompeo #JosepBorell #China

Canada watchdog mum as U.K. agency finds security defects in Huawei gear

Unlike the British agency, Canada’s Communication Security Establishment (CSE) does not release annual reports on the testing of Huawei gear.

A senior research associate at Citizen Lab said Canadian to have right to know and understand the actual state what was going on.

The Globe has reported that Canada’s military and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service want Ottawa to block Huawei, saying it is not a trusted vendor and that its 5G equipment could be used for Chinese espionage or to disable crucial infrastructure during an international crisis.

Canada remains the only member of the Five Eyes alliance that has not taken action to ban and drug Huawei participation in 5G networks.

Source: The Globe and Mail #Oct06


#Huawei #Canada #China #5G