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This week we present you Victoria Park as the travel destination of Hong Kong. Read on to find out more.


#CivilTourismBoard #Travel #VictoriaPark
#CivilTourismBoard #VictoriaPark

The Road to Freedom: First Stop, Victoria Park

Sitting on the northern coast of Hong Kong Island, the 19-hectare Victoria Park is a 2-minute walk to the west from Exit A2 of Tin Hau MTR Station. Besides having a two-hectare lawn at its centre, the park has six seven-a-side football pitches. Since 1990, it has been the venue of the annual June 4 candlelight vigil, held by the Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China. In 2019, the 30th year after the massacre at Tiananmen Square, as many as 180,000 people participated in it.

On February 13, 2019, the Hong Kong government announced the Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Legislation (Amendment) Bill 2019, dubbed locally ‘the law that gets you to zung1’—short for China, ‘zung1’ also means ‘death’. The bill received universal criticism, and thus began the anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill movement. On March 31, the Civil Human Rights Front (CHRF) led a march joined by 12,000 people. On April 28, the CHRF organized another march, involving 130,000 people. On June 9, a third CHRF march was held, starting at none other than Victoria Park. This time, the turnout was a record-breaking 1.03 million.

On June 15, Chief Executive Carrie Lam ‘suspended’ the second reading, but she refused to withdraw the bill. Later that day, protester Marco Leung fell to his death for the movement. Citizens assembled again at Victoria Park the next day, taking part in the CHRF’s fourth march against the bill. There were two million and one Hongkongers in the procession, that one free soul being the martyr himself.

As David stood up to Goliath, the empire that is China tightened its grip. With sheer brutality, the police swept through the land. One of the many low points was August 11, when they shot a female first-aider in the eye. The people were enraged, and another march was planned for August 18 by the CHRF, only to be banned by the police. The authority merely allowed a rally at Victoria Park. That day, however, Hongkongers managed to be water in a remarkable feat: 1.7 million of them poured through the park, where they briefly presented themselves as one of the many against Chinese oppression at what was legally a gathering, as the rain came pouring down itself. That day, the roads of Hong Kong Island were flooded with defiant citizens streaming ceaselessly to and from the park side by side in a most astonishing scene.

But the park was more than just the site of rallies or marches. On September 18, a group of football aficionados gathered around it. Though wearing jerseys to which they had pledged allegiance, they were not rivals that night. Hand in hand they formed the Hong Kong Way, a human chain modelled on the Baltic Way, and sang the protest anthem ‘Glory to Hong Kong’ with an athletic inflection.

Over the next few months, however, the police imposed severe restriction on assemblies in Victoria Park. And when the restriction was finally relaxed and the CHRF’s march on New Year’s Day 2020 was permitted, it was cut short by the authority three hours in. The many citizens who had waited to join the procession for four, five hours at Victoria Park were given a mere 30 minutes to leave. In any case, the organizer estimated the turnout to be around the 1.03 million recorded on June 9, a figure proving that Hongkongers are still standing strong against China.

Photo:Deutsche Welle, Epoch Times, Stand News, Kevin Cheng Photography

On the Road to Freedom: Kowloon Mosque

Kowloon Mosque (short for ‘Kowloon Masjid and Islamic Centre’) is located at the junction of Nathan Road and Haiphong Road, right next to Exit A1 of Tsim Sha Tsui MTR station and Kowloon Park. The mosque is a four-storey building with extensive use of white marble on the façade, featuring an onion-shaped dome in the middle and a piercing tower of thirty-six feet on each of its four corners. Kowloon Mosque is the largest among about fifteen mosques in Hong Kong. It covers an area of over 16,000 sq. ft. and can accommodate 3,500 people.  

In 2019, the Mosque was under attack from the police’s specialised crowd management vehicle, commonly known as the ‘water cannon vehicle’. A water cannon can deliver more than 1,200 litres of water per minute and shoot with a range of over 50 metres. It incurs permanent damage on the human body if fired from a short distance. Blue dye can be added to the water and it is easy for police to mark people with blue dye shot.

On 20 October, not long after the Kowloon demonstration had started, the Police Tactical Unit (PTU) deployed water cannon vehicles to disperse protestors. One of the trucks suddenly stopped by the entrance of the Mosque and fired blue liquid at legislator Jeremy Tam Man-ho and others who were on the site. Mohan Chugani, former president of the Indian Association, was also hit by the water cannon and claimed feeling a burnt, indicating a possible addition of hazardous chemical into the liquid. Another victim, Pakistani businessman, Philip Khan, said: ‘We weren't troublemakers. The police was.’ 

The blue liquid made the entrance of the Mosque a mess. Tens of citizens dashed to the site to clean up after knowing the incident. The government took no action until night. The commander of Yau Tsim Police District led around ten senior officers to wipe the handrail at the entrance for a few minutes. On 21 October, after Chief Executive Carrie Lam had paid a closed visit to the Mosque, Chief-Imam Muhammad Arshad stated that Lam had given apologies. However, other victims of the blue spray did not receive a word of regrets. 

There are around 300,000 Muslims in Hong Kong, most of them are Sunni. The population consists of about 150,000 Indonesians, 30,000 Pakistanis and 50,000 Chinese. The Kowloon Mosque opens on Thursdays and Saturdays, 11am-6pm. Each ticket is $10. Shoe-removal and proper clothing are required upon entrance.

Photo:South China Morning Post, Initium Media, Mad Dog Daily, Travelwire, Stand News, Kevin Cheng Photography







圖:南華早報, 端傳媒, 癲狗日報, Travelwire, 立場新聞, Kevin Cheng Photography

Mishtar Life Style

Photo Album: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/17126

Mishtar Life Style was established in 2010. The idea of its handicraft is mainly inspired by the combination of diverse ethnic designs. American Indians’ culture of blessing is the most profoundly manifested. American Indians would send different blessings to their friends and loved ones. We hope everyone can have a moment of peace and happiness, as well as a dream to embrace freedom amid the storm in Hong Kong, where it is full of social unrest and fear.

“Mishtar” is a Hebrew word which means power and rules. The shop owners, Tam and Mike, hope to create unlimited possibilities on the road of creation, so that people can notice more joy in their lives from the handicrafts they made, and bring out the possibility of touching other people’s lives. From craft-making to chitchat and tea tasting, they are glad to be Hong Kongers’ companions, so people will not have to feel lonely.

Dreamcatchers and various ethnic decorations are the main features in Mishtar Life Style. Dreamcatchers are gifts given by American Indians to their families. They would knit strings into a web by themselves, hoping to dispel the negative influences in their family members’ dreams, and finally make room for sweet dreams.

The owners hope that people will notice more joy in their lives and, as a result, spread and promote American Indians’ culture of blessing. Therefore, their handicrafts are made with materials which are full of ethnic motifs, with many of those made of natural materials such as driftwood, coral stones and branches. They also incorporate interesting stuff collected on their trips into their handicrafts to present a unique and exotic style.


Mishtar Life Style於2010年成立,手作製品主要概念來自民族及多元化的設計融合,其中印第安人的祝福文化最為深刻,他們會為朋友和至親送上不同的祝福,希望大家在現今動盪不安和人心惶惶的香港裡,也能夠有著安穩和幸福的一刻,並有著一個從風雨中懷抱自由的夢。

"Mishtar"一詞來自希伯來文,意思指的是權力及規則,店舖的老闆Tam 和 Mike希望在創作路上做出無限的可能,透過作品令人更多留意到生活中的樂趣,帶出生命影響生命的可能,每位同路人也不需要感到孤單,從手工製作到品茶聊天,他們也樂意與香港人相伴。

Mishtar Life Style主要作品為捕夢網和各種民族飾物,捕夢網是印第安人送給家人的禮物,憑藉親手用線編織的網,驅散睡夢中負面的影響,最終可以發一個好夢。


The Corner

Photo Album:

You’ve been on the streets of Central, tired from roaming the commercial district and in need of a place to take a break. Stop by The Corner Coffee, a thoughtfully decorated coffee shop where you’ll find some peace from the madding crowd.

This oasis at the heart of the metropolis has a white and Tiffany blue interior with walls adorned with protest posters, furnished with wooden tables lit up by tubular fixtures and painted with more images of the movement. While admiring the art that came out of the city’s quest for freedom, take a moment to give the matcha latte here a try. The foam topping the coffee, which the barista magically works into an adorable kitten with just a few twists and swirls, is a piece of art itself. And when you’re finally done instagramming it, be amazed as you take your first sip by the silkiness of the foam and then by the deep flavour of the matcha. It’ll surely put a smile on your face, especially if you have a sweet tooth.

But maybe you’re more of a fan of the good ol’ hot chocolate, in which case you’re in for a treat too. The Corner Coffee’s take on the classic drink comes in a polyphony of mild bitterness and lingering sweetness. It’s foamy in texture and rich in flavour.

It’s fair to say that chocolate is a strong suit of The Corner Coffee, which also offers beautiful pain au chocolat. Encrusted in a delicate pastry pocket and heated gently before serving, the warm chocolate filling is not so much molten as melty with a bit of chew. The taste, too, is on point. Unlike the ones you’d normally come across, the pain au chocolat here has just the right amount of sweetness.

If you’re in the mood for a pleasant surprise, go for the cake of the day. The one we had was a chestnut tart that comes with a little twist. Meticulously covered with little mounds of chestnut cream, the tart is packed with the nuts’ sweetness and aroma. Coming also with a hint of cheese and a buttery crust, the dessert is a trinity of three lovely textures and flavours.


The Corner

當你在中環的街道上走累了,這裡會是一處歇腳的好地方,店主在擺設裝飾上花了一點心思,仿水管造型的射燈,映照在畫上抗爭圖畫的木製小桌,店內以白色和Tiffany Blue為主調,牆身還張貼著不少帶有文宣色彩的海報。

Matcha Latte的拉花是可愛的貓咪,拍了半天的照才捨得小心翼翼地小呷一口,入口會先品嚐到幼滑的奶泡,接下來才會是綠茶的味道,比較適合一些嚐甜的朋友。

Hot chocolate的奶泡下是濃郁的朱古力,細細慢嚐後便會發現,這並不是單一的甜味,在那淡淡苦味之下襯托著的,是一種如同餘韻似的回甘。

店員細心地將朱古力酥稍微加熱,薄脆的酥皮下是微溫的朱古力,尚未溶至流心的狀態,大概是朱古力蓉的質感,坊間的pain au chocolate 多數偏甜,而這個的甜道卻是拿捏得恰到好處。

Cake of the day是脱離了刻板形象的栗子撻,精緻的撻面上是排列著整齊的栗子味忌廉點,咬下去便品嚐到栗子香甜的滋味,伴隨淡淡芝士味道配搭著牛油撻皮,有著三種層次的口感和味道。

崇光百貨 SOGO Department Store

#SOGO #CivilTourismBoard
SOGO Department Store

SOGO Department Store is located in the heart of Causeway Bay. It underwent renovation once since its operation in 1985. SOGO consists of 19 floors from the 2nd basement to the 16th floor, providing everything from clothing to jewels and accessories, books and toys, beauty services, etc. It also has supermarket and specialty stores selling foreign desserts and pasties at basement level. The daily customer flow can reach 90,000 people during peak period.

As SOGO is close to the Victoria Park and is the only way to Admiralty and Central through Hennessy Road, so the crowd basically would pass through the department store every time when there is a demonstration held on the island side. It is especially when the Victoria Park already has too many demonstrators, people would choose to join the demonstration from the middle of the route via Jardine Street and East Point Road. Therefore, the road in front of SOGO’s entrance often becomes congested with people.

When people pour into the street from the Victoria Park, the scene in front of SOGO becomes different, no matter it is a sunny day or a rainy day. Some of them come with friends, some are with their families, and some are silver hairs. They all shout the same slogans and walk in same pace towards Central. You may see various flags flying along the sea of people, but they, the people, all have the same one belief: to support Hongkongers!

Photo album: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/20277

Photo:Bastille Post, Hong Kong Headline Daily, HK01, Kevin Cheng Photography, Stand News, Vision Times, AFP





圖:巴士的報, 頭條日報, 香港01, Kevin Cheng Photography, 立場新聞, 看中國, 法新社

#SOGO #CivilTourismBoard
Wong Tai Sin Temple

Photo album: https://t.me/guardiansofhongkong/20771

Wong Tai Sin Temple, a Grade 1 historic buildings in Hong Kong, has been built for almost 100 years. The temple covers 18000m2 and is managed by the Sik Sik Yuen. It is a shrine serving three Gods of Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism, which is a rare representative of the confluence of three religions. Its architectural style is with Chinese traditional characteristics and features the properties of the five geomantic elements. The horizontal plaque hanging in the Front Hall is the calligraphy written by Master Jao Tsung-i.

In the Movement of Hong Kong, Wong Tai Sin District has a significant role because of its geographical location. Lung Cheung Road outside Wong Tai Sin Temple is the lifeline of traffic in Kowloon East, and thus becomes a major location to have clashes with police. When protesters and police stages standoff, this is where you can see tear gas and rubber bullets flying across.

5th August 2019 is one of the most intense days to have conflicts with police. The police have shot pepper spray and fired multiple tear gas at Lung Cheung Road. The affected area reached as far as the distance to the Temple Mall, even residents living nearby could smell the gas. And even worse was that several tear gas were shot near to the traditional archway of Wong Tai Sin Temple. The temple was momentarily filled with a strong smell of smoke and gas.

Photo:AFP, Initium Media, HK01, Stand News, Sing Tao Daily, Truth Media, Chong Fat





圖:法新社, 端傳媒, 香港01, 立場新聞, 星島日報, 真相傳媒, Chong Fat