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#PoliceState #NationalSecurityLaw
Ex-Convener and Two Other Members of Studentlocalism Arrested When Reporting to Police Today

Studentlocalism ex-convener Tony Chung (19 years old) was arrested in July for violating the national security law. Chung was scheduled to report to police this morning; however, according to members of Studentlocalism, they have been unable to contact Chung since 8am. Multiple sources indicated that Chung was arrested by officers of the police's National Security Department. Moreover, two other members of Studentlocalism, Yanni Ho (17 years old) and William Chan (16 years old), who were previously arrested under the National Security Law, were also arrested again today when they reported to the police.

Another ex-convener of the group, Nuk-hang Ho (21 years old), who was also arrested in July, reported to the police this morning, but was not arrested. According to Ho, no charges have yet been laid against the four since their earlier arrest in July.

Source: Stand News, RTHK News

See also
Former Leader of Student Group Arrested near US Consulate by National Security Officers

Student Organisations Targeted, At Least 3 Former Members Arrested in Raids
Taiwan Said it is Disgraceful to Frame-up its Citizen after its Businessman Morrison Lee Admitting Wrongdoing in a CCTV Program.

Source: The Stand News #Oct11

#China #Taiwan #CCTV #MorrisonLee #ArcherChen #NationalSecurity #AntiExtraditionBill #NationalSecurityAgency #MainlandAffarisCouncil #AntiELAB

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Taiwan Said it is Disgraceful to Frame-up its Citizen after its Businessman Morrison Lee Admitting Wrongdoing in a CCTV Program.

The state media China Central Television (CCTV) reported tonight that hundreds of Taiwanese spies have been uncovered in China and showed a video clip of a Taiwanese, Morrison Lee. He was arrested in China for supporting the Anti-Extradition Amendment Bill (Anti-ELAB) last year, confessing his wrongdoings in front of the camera. The Department of State Security in Shenzhen accused him of involving in "Anti-China and disrupting Hong Kong" activities in Victoria Park and attempting to bring a leaflet, signed by "Black thug", to Taiwan as a "political gift" to government officials.

According to Taiwan media reports, the Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) responded to the incident in the evening. They refuted the report as malicious political speculation from the Taiwan Strait, falsely accusing Taiwan citizens of engaging in espionage activities and damaging the cross-Strait relations with questionable and disgraceful motives.

The Guangdong Provincial Department of State Security said that the case of Morrison Lee reflected the interference of Taiwan independence forces in Hong Kong affairs.

The CCTV program "Focus Interview" said Morrison Lee was a committee of the Taiwan United Nations Alliance, a "Taiwan Independence" organization. He actively participated in the Anti-ELAB campaign in Hong Kong last year, such as producing "Hong Kong Add Oil" (Keep it up, Hong Kong) leaflets and participating in "Anti-China and Disrupting Hong Kong" activities. The Guangdong Provincial National Security Agency said the case of Morrison Lee was a typical example of "Taiwan independence forces interfering Hong Kong affairs".

In the program, apart from the clips of Lee admitting his wrongdoing and an agent of the State Security Department describing the case, there was also a transcript of a chat between Morrison Lee and Archer Chen, an alternate committee of the Taiwan United Nations Alliance, about "going Hong Kong to fight against the bill". Lee also proposed making cards to encourage Hongkongers, and said if he was deported from Hong Kong, he would run for the legislative council election".

The Guangdong Province Department of State Security described that the leaflet, produced by Morrison Lee, was "painstaking and elaborate". Adding that referring to him, the background image of the leaflet was the same as one posted by Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen on Facebook on 12 June 2019, symbolizing "a free Taiwan supports the Hong Kong's freedom". In the leaflet, Taiwan and Hong Kong were in yellow to distinguish them from the mainland, while the black bauhinia symbol representing Hong Kong was in a dark time. The Taiwan flag was printed with a bauhinia symbol (called "Blue Sky, White Sun, and a Wholly Red Earth" flags) in the top right corner, signifying that Taiwan is a strong backer of Hong Kong.

Besides, the State Security Department in Shenzhen said that Lee visited the Victoria Park in Hong Kong in August last year, participating in an "anti-China and disrupting Hong Kong" activity, and specifically learned the Cantonese phrase "Add-oil" (Keep it up). The "Focus Interview" reported that Lee handed out leaflets and took photos with the Lady Liberty Hong Kong status at the event site. The program continues that Lee had a "Black thug" signature on the leaflets and brought them back to Taiwan as a "political gift" for Taiwan officials.

Lee said in the program that he did it because he "believed that the Taiwan government supported this matter". When asked the benefit of doing this, he said he "may gain some social status". The program then aired a criticism from the State Security Department in Shenzhen, saying that Lee's participation was not really about the safety and democracy of Hong Kong people, but about gaining attention and popularity in Taiwan to gain political capital.

Source: The Stand News #Oct11

Arrested after taking photos of Shenzhen Armed Police force

In the second half of "Focus interview", the program said Lee went to Shenzhen to film military vehicles and people armed police (PAP) training, then sent the videos back to Taiwan. He was arrested at a ferry terminal while preparing to leave the country. The program said that the state security authorities arrested Lee, and the 16 videos and 48 photos taken were a Chinese state secret. If a professional intelligence agency analyzed the data, they would be able to reveal the number of personnel, the main combat equipment, as well as the intention and the scale of operations of the entire army. Therefore, this action endangered China's national security.

It's breaching due process of law and violating of judicial human rights, said Mainland Affairs Council of Taiwan

According to the Taiwan media ETtoday and SET News, the MAC said that the Chinese government required the involving persons to interview at the official media, admitting their crime, and repent in front of the camera, which does not comply with due process of law. The international community has unanimously condemned this kind of inappropriate accusation of violating judicial human rights. The council also expressed their opposition, calling on the mainland authorities to stop practicing these as soon as possible.

The Mainland Affairs Council emphasizes that it has been in contact with Lee's family since the incident to keep abreast of the case and to provide the necessary assistance.

#China #Taiwan #CCTV #MorrisonLee #ArcherChen #NationalSecurity #AntiExtraditionBill #NationalSecurityAgency #MainlandAffarisCouncil #AntiELAB

Source: The Stand News #Oct11
#FailedState #Education
"National Security Law Guru" Becomes Dean of Law Faculty at Hong Kong’s oldest University

Source: Apple Daily

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#FailedState #Education
"National Security Law Guru" Becomes Dean of Law Faculty at Hong Kong’s oldest University

In late evening of October 27, the university Council of HKU approved appointment of the Acting Dean of the Faculty of Law Fu Hualing, to be the faculty’s dean.

It was reportedly that Fu took part in a dean-elect forum and met with students last week. The Chairman of Law Association, Oscar Wong refused to confirm the appointment, citing confidentiality as a reason. He only said that Fu listened to students’ needs and was willing to discuss with students about setting up a Lennon Wall on the ground floor of the Faculty of Law during his term as the Acting Dean.

Fu Hualing comes from mainland China and is specialised in human rights law.

He has been teaching at the University of Hong Kong for over 20 years. When the National Security Law (#NSL) for Hong Kong was implemented on 1 July 2020, Fu received several press interviews making him gained the nickname, “NSL guru”.

Fu graduated from the Southwest University of Political Science and Law in 1983 and continued his studies in Canada. In 1993, he obtained a Doctor of Laws degree at the Osgoode Hall Law School of York University. He took office as Acting Dean of HKU’s Faculty of Law in 2019.

Source: Apple Daily

#University #Academia

Also see

New #HKU Pro-Vice-Chancellor Candidate is Reportedly a Chinese Communist Party Member, Lawmaker Challenges Hiring of Mainland Chinese Scholars a Practice of Cronyism
500 Days of Fight and Ongoing

It has been more than a year since the Anti-Extradition Law Movement btoke out in Hong Kong in 2019.

The Stand News has hosted 2,787 live broadcasts during countless protests, capturing the moments when its reporter was assaulted by the white-clad mobsters at Yuen Long 7.21 triad attack; when the seize of Chinese University of Hong Kong (#CUHK) and Hong Kong Polytechnic University (#PolyU) traumatuzed many; and when Hongkongers were in solidarity chanting and singing protest slogans and songs at playgrounds, shopping malls and on the streets.

The Stand News created a digital archive of all the live broadcasts which covered these 500 days of protests, all starting with 1.03 million Hongkongers took it to the street on June 9, 2019.

As the exiled Czech writer Milan Kundera once said, "The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting."

Source: Stand News #Oct22

#NeverForget #NeverForgive #StandwithHongkong #FightForFreedom
#Censorship #University #Academia
Now TV News Segment Removed Because News Chief “Personally Thinks it was Inappropriate”

Source: Stand News #Oct26

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#Censorship #University #Academia
Now TV News Segment Removed Because News Chief “Personally Thinks it was Inappropriate”

A Now TV news segment was ordered to be removed by News Chief Bill Chan, claiming that he “personally thinks it was inappropriate”. The now-removed clip showed Ip Kin-yuen, a legislative councilor of the education sector expressing concerns about Max Shen, allegedly a Communist Party member, being nominated to be the vice-chancellor at the University of Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA) issued a statement saying that the removal of news segments is rare, and it is concerning whether the NowTV is self-censoring since the news report touched upon the topic of Max Shen’s status as a Communist Party member.

HKJA urged NowTV Chan to further explain and clarify his measures on handling this news segment in order to allay any public concern.

Source: Stand News #Oct26

Also see

New #HKU Pro-Vice-Chancellor Candidate is Reportedly a Chinese Communist Party Member, Lawmaker Challenges Hiring of Mainland Chinese Scholars a Practice of Cronyism
Now TV News segment removal “was an editorial change”, Employee slams as criteria for removal remains unclear

Now TV has issued a statement explaining that the decision to remove a news segment was “an editorial change made adhering prudent principles”. The now-removed clip showed Ip Kin-yuen, a legislative councilor of the education sector expressing concerns about Max Shen, allegedly a Communist Party member, being nominated to be the vice-chancellor at the University of Hong Kong.

A Now TV employee pointed out that the statement still could not explain the criteria of removal. The employee further mentioned that the news department “has had several incidents” after chief Bill Chan took over the office and that he should be held accountable.

Source: Stand News #Oct26

Majority of tomato production around the world uses tomatoes from China

A recent investigation into tomato production chain revealed, with reference to the book <L’Empire de l’or rouge: Enquête mondiale sur la tomate d’industrie> written by Jean-Baptiste Malet, a French reporter, and a documentary <The Empire of Red Gold> from the story of the book, that many famous European tomato sauce brands are made with ingredients from China. Wuhan Pneumonia has engulfed the world. Prior to the pandemic, the effect of “One Belt One Road” had been surfaced with many ingredients and goods productions driven by Red (China), including tomato. Through the “One Belt One Road” exporting unfair and disqualified products, China is trying to control and swallow up human health and labor rights, leading the human kind to the hell.

2011, book author Malet discovered a tomato sauce manufacturer Le Cabanon in Provence, his hometown, was processing tomato paste in buckets marked with “Tomato Paste, by Xinjiang Chalkis Company, made in China”. This shocked Malet much because he had never imagined the tomato sauce made in a small town in south France, which he previously believed being made in France entirely, was manufactured by such semi-products from another corner of the world – China, a regime distancing far from tomato culture. Malet then visited America, France, Ghana and Italy for information re other brands.

Given the above, all ketchup used by McDonald should be from Xinjiang Chalkis Company, surely including the McDonald Hong Kong which is still owned by McDonald US for 20%, with the rest 80% held by CCP State-owned Enterprise.

#China #Tomato #Italy #TomatoProduction #McDonalds #Ketchup

Source: OKKPY Report

Translated by: Hong Kong Echo
Reports allege Chinese express companies has ban the import of BTS products. Korea JTBC reportly contacted the Chinese department to confirm the allegations.
Source: Standnews #Oct21

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Reports allege Chinese express companies has banned the import of BTS products. Korea JTBC reportly contacted the Chinese department to confirm the allegations.
Disputes between BTS and Chinese netizens last week, which aroused from Korean War remarks, was not settled by the clarification of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 
There have been recent reports on Chinese social media platform, Weibo, that Chinese express companies have refused to transport BTS products to China. As statements emerged from the Weibo account of Chinese Yunda Express Company. On Monday afternoon the company posted that “packages related to BTS will not be mailed temporarily”, and the reason for the refusal was that “it is something everyone understands”.  
Later, there were rumours on the internet that two other Chinese express companies, YTO and Zhongtong, also imposed similar new regulations to not ship BTS products to China. However, according to South Korea’s Yonhap News Agency yesterday, the relevant news was untrue.  
But on the same day, later in a JTBC evening news broadcast, a report suggested that reporters from the press department were talking directly with personnel from relevant departments of China Communications Corporation. It was confirmed that the company was not shipping BTS products to China. 
Source: Standnews #Oct21
#China #BTS #Korea #JTBC #CCP #KoreanWar #YTO #YonhapNews
Top US universities massively under-report funding from China and Russia

Source: AppleDaily #Oct21

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Top US universities massively under-report funding from China and Russia

A recent report from the United States Department of Education (USDE) have brought to light top US universities that have massively under-reported funding they have received from China, Russia and other nations described as “foreign adversaries”. Out of the 12 universities under the investigations, Harvard, Yale, Stanford and Georgetown: all had financial dealings with Huawei, the Chinese tech giant that many US officials believe is a national security threat.

It is a legal requirement within the United States, that universities must disclose gifts or contracts from foreign sources that are US$250,000 (about HK$1.95 million) or above. However, this legislation, which was was established in 1986, has come under little federal oversight over decades. The USDE began investigating the universities, amid suspicion that they had failed to report millions of dollars from foreign sources such as China, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. A scathing report was released on Tuesday, which further provided relevant information on issue.

The content of the report revealed that most of the universities that were investigated had financial dealings with Huawei, with at least one of them having ties directly linked to the Chinese Community Party. Others had deals with the Russian government and institutions in Saudi Arabia and Qatar. The report did not identify which universities were connected to those entities. Since coming under federal scrutiny, the 12 universities disclosed a combined US$6.5 billion (about HK$50.7 billion) in unreported foreign funding.

#Huawei #NationalSecurity #Education #CCP #UnitedStates #USUniversity

Source: AppleDaily #Oct21

More questions on human rights for Beijing Winter Olympics

A spokeswoman for the World Uyghur Congress Zumretay Arkin was born in Xinjiang, immigrated to Canada and still has family in northwestern China. She described Xinjiang as a human-right issue, not simply a political issue.

She was disappointed with the respond of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). IOC repeated its stance that it’s not a political body and doesn’t take a position on human-rights issues. It simply organizes sports events. And it said, “Awardingntje Olympic Games to a national Olympic Committee does not mean that IOC agrees with the political structure, social circumstances or human rights in its country.”

Source: The Association Press #Oct16


#BeijingWinterOlympics #Xinjing #Ugyhur #IOC
China becomes an issue in B.C. election as anti-Beijing activists challenge candidates

Source: National Post #Oct16

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China becomes an issue in B.C. election as anti-Beijing activists challenge candidates

The “No BC for Xi” campaign lists Candidates from all parties and labels them as to whether or not they are “CCP leaning” or “against CCP interference”.

The group including the Canada Tibet Committee, Canada Friends of Hong Kong, Alliance Canada Hong Kong imitated this campaign and said in its website, “join us in demanding BC’s candidates to take a stand against CCP’s human rights violations and foreign infiltration into our institutions.”

A volunteer of the group said, “The Chinese Communist Party is not just a threat to people within China.”

As of Thursday afternoon, 11 candidates are marked as “CCP leaning,” while 44 are marked “against CCP interference”. The remaining candidates (~300) have either declined to respond or the campaign is awaiting a response from them.

Source: National Post #Oct16


#Canada #BCelection #CCP #China
Demonstration in Tokyo in Solidarity with the 12 Hong Kong Youths

In response to the global solidarity campaign in supporting the 12 Hong Kong youths detained in China, participants of the rally in Tokyo, Japan were seen holding slogans that read “SAVE12”.

The names of the 12 Hong Kong people and words of support were also projected on the Lady Liberty statue in Shibuya’s “We Really Freakin’ Love ___! Exhibition”.

On top of the global events that were held over 30 cities around the world over the weekend, the “Save 12 HK Youth activist group” also held an online gathering at 8pm Hong Kong time on Oct 25.

Source: United Social Press; #Oct25