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Trudeau Slams China for “Coercive Diplomacy” and Raises Concern for Human Rights in HK and Xinjiang, Vowing Canada Will Be Vocal

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Canada and China. At a press conference on 14 October, Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau criticized China for its “coercive diplomacy,” citing China’s arbitrary arrest of two Canadians and other foreign citizens. Trudeau said this kind of diplomacy is bound to fail and that China’s oppression of Hongkongers and detainment of the Uyghurs will only backfire.

Being the world’s second-largest economy, Trudeau noted, China has a significant economic impact on other countries. He said while Canada wishes to continue trading with China, Canadians will not stay silent on its human rights issues and will make every effort to work with their allies. Trudeau stated that Canada is attentive to human rights conditions in Hong Kong and Xinjiang and will cooperate with countries sharing its values. He further reminded China that it is not on a productive path domestically and internationally.

Source: Stand News #Oct14

#Canada #China #Xinjiang #HongKong #HumanRights #Diplomacy

Block China’s seat on human rights council over Uighurs, urges Lisa Nandy

Source: the Guardian #Oct10

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Block China’s seat on human rights council over Uighurs, urges Lisa Nandy

With the government facing accusations of confusion over its relationship with Beijing, Nandy wrote a letter to foreign secretary Dominic Raab citing UN guidance that the UK should consider contribution of candidates to the promotion and protection of human rights” when voting for membership of the human rights council.

It comes after Raab last week suggested that Britain could boycott the Beijing Winter Olympics in 2022 if evidence mounts over the abuse of Uighur Muslims.

The above gestures were inadequate in the face of the “disturbing evidence of mass detention, forced sterilisation and slave labour” emerging from the region. “The UK government must step up and lead international action to provide the UN with immediate, unfettered access to Xinjiang,” Nancy told the Observer.

Source: the Guardian #Oct10


#UK #UN #HumanRights #Uighurs #Xinjiang
Canada finally intends to stand up to China’s ‘coercive diplomacy’

Source: the Globe and Mail #Oct13

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Canada finally intends to stand up to China’s ‘coercive diplomacy’

According to Trudeau, Canada intends to work with allies to challenge the Chinese government’s “coercive diplomacy."
The Prime Minster, who has been hesitant to publicly criticize China, called attention to the arrests of the two Canadians Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor, the crackdown on civil rights and the rule of law in Hong Kong, and the treatment of Muslim Uyghurs in Xinjiang province.

While the federal government wants trade with Beijing to continue, Ottawa will not be silent on human-rights issues involving the Communist superpower.

The prime said Canada built a new framework for relations with China and worked with partners to hold the Chinese government accountable to its international obligations.

In recent days, senior Canadian government officials have taken a much stronger public stand in criticizing China’s actions.

Source: the Globe and Mail #Oct13


#Canada #China
Global Call for #Save12HKYouths Detained by China for over 60 days

Over the weekend of Oct 23, 2020, citizens in Sweden, South Korea, Italy, India, the US, Canada, Australia and the UK among others initiated actions demanding China to return 12 pro-democracy Hongkongers to Hong Kong.

In London, near Tower Bridge Hongkongers waved "liberate Hong Kong" and "Hong Kong Independence" flags. Nathan Law, former chair of Demonsisto, apeared and spoke in the public for the first time since he was exiled to the UK.

An online assembly to support the 12 Hongkongers detained in China will be held on Sunday, Oct 25, 2020 at 8pm HKT:


Source: Stand News #Oct24
#Authoritarianism #PressFreedom
Public Opinion showed record low media credibility in Hong Kong since the city's handover to Chinese rule in 1997

Source: Apple Daily #Oct22

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#Authoritarianism #PressFreedom
Public Opinion showed record low media credibility in Hong Kong since the city's handover to Chinese rule in 1997

A study of the Hong Kong Public Opinion Research Institute (#PORI) showed rapid decline in media credibility to its lowest at 5.14.

Citizens’ satisfaction with press freedom also plunged as a negative 25 percentage point was scored which is again the lowest since 1997. Only 19% of the respondents considered news reporting in Hong Kong responsible, another record low marked since 2007.

Expressing his disappointment, Chairman of Hong Kong Journalist Association, Chris Yeung said the decline in public satisfaction with press freedom matched well with the city’s battered political environment. Yeung also denounced restrictions imposed by the Government and Police Force on journalists that has rapidly eroded press freedom in Hong Kong.

Through random sampling, PORI interviewed 1,006 Hong Kong citizens in late September to gauge their views on press freedom. The study revealed that while internet and TV remained citizens’ most preferred news sources, accounting 70% and 66% respectively, their reliance on newspaper and radio has dropped to a record low since 2000 to 37% and 12%.

Source: Apple Daily #Oct22
New #HKU Pro-Vice-Chancellor Candidate is Reportedly a Chinese Communist Party Member, Lawmaker Challenges Hiring of Mainland Chinese Scholars a Practice of Cronyism

Source: Citizens News #Oct24

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#FailedState #Education
New #HKU Pro-Vice-Chancellor Candidate is Reportedly a Chinese Communist Party Member, Lawmaker Challenges Hiring of Mainland Chinese Scholars a Practice of Cronyism

On Oct 22, 2020, it was reported that the Selection Committee led by the University of Hong Kong president Zhang Xiang recommended 2 candidates from Tsinghua University to be the pro-vice-chancellors (university deputy heads) for this oldest university in Hong Kong: Shen Zuojun (申作軍) was nominated to head research while Gong Peng (宮鵬) for academic development.

This will be the first time a Mainland Chinese scholar will become a pro-vice-chancellor at the University of Hong Kong.

Shen specializes in Logistics and Supply Chain Management. He was also the chief scientist of the intelligent supply chain of JD.com, China's online shopping platform. According to the website of Tsinghua University's Department of Industrial Engineering, Shen is a Committee member of the Chinese Communist Party (#CCP) representing the Engineering Department. Following a media inquiry, Shen’s name as a CCP committee member was removed.

In Hong Kong, Yip Kin-yuen, a lawmaker representing the Education sector told reporter that the appointment, once confirmed, means that three of the top management team of HKU have all worked in the University of California, Berkeley before. Yip described it an “extremely rare situation” and casted doubt that “could it be a practice of cronyism?”

Source: HK Citizens News #Oct23
#CulturalRevolution #CCPControl
Foul-mouthed pro-CCP lawyer could be “kicked-out” from UK lawyers’ register for suggesting “killing” HK independence advocates “without mercy”

CCP-loyal lawmaker and lawyer #JuniusHo is facing a hearing by the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal in London in December this year, over remarks he made in 2017 about killing Hong Kong independence advocates 'without mercy'.

The UK's Solicitors Regulation Authority said Ho remarks at the rally and subsequently on his Facebook could be perceived as inciting violence against opponents and could cause offense. The Tribunal will decide whether to remove Ho from the UK register after the hearing.

At a pro-establishment rally in September 2017, Chairman of the Ping Shan Rural Committee, Tsang Shu-wo said on stage that Hong Kong independence advocates should be killed. Ho went along supporting him and shouted “without mercy” into his microphone.

Source: Stand News #Oct22
HK Gov't blasts Germany for offering asylum to pro-democracy protester

The Hong Kong government condemned #Germany for “harbouring criminals” after Germany had granted #asylum to a Hong Kong student activist facing a riot charge.

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The 22-year-old student of Chinese University of Hong Kong skipped bail and fled to Germany last November after being arrested during the citywide pro-democracy protests, according to Haven Assistance, a group that offers immigration and asylum advice to Hongkongers.

Chief Secretary Matthew Cheung and Secretary for Security John Lee met with the German Consul-General Dieter Lamlé on October 21, 2020, expressing their stern opposition. The HK government representatives told Lamlé that Germany should “stop interfering with Hong Kong affairs, which are internal matters within the People’s Republic of China.”

Source: Apple Daily #Oct22
#Throwback #Nov2019 #CUHK #PoliceState

Looking back at the Chinese University Siege

This is an essay written about a year ago, at the height of the Anti-ELAB movement. Simon Lau reflected upon the violent clash between Hong Kong Police and students on the No.2 bridge at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). A CUHK alumni himself, Lau discussed the university’s history and the politics behind it as they relate to the ongoing social movement in Hong Kong.

Caption: Granny Wong's experience in the Shenzhen detention centre where she was detained without a clear charge or trial. #Injustice

#GoHKGraphics #politicaloppresion #chinesedetentioncentre

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Mocking Trump's Medical Privilege, Chinese Officials Humiliated Themselves when their Superior Privilege Exposed

Source: Radio Free Asia #Oct05

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Mocking Trump's Medical Privilege, Chinese Officials Humiliated Themselves when their Superior Privilege Exposed

U.S. President Trump was hospitalized for the treatment of COVID-19 infection, and the Chinese officials took advantage of the opportunity, viciously attacking Trump. A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Hua Chunying, said that Trump received medical treatment with privilege. The Chinese netizens, however, mocked that the Official-privilege feature is the most common in China, in which senior officials seized 80% of the medical resources in the country when the citizens could only fend for themselves.

After President Trump was admitted to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for treatment, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying posted on Twitter on Sunday (October 4) that "Yesterday, the U.S. reported 47,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 with 600 deaths. The suffering faced by these patients is heartbreaking. I sincerely hope that all American patients will receive 'first-class' treatment, like the president."

But the post immediately caused bombardment by Chinese netizens. They satirized Chinese officials for occupying medical resources.

Mr. Zhou, a legal profession, said Hua's remarks triggered a backlash from netizens, who were the most upset about the privileges of the Communist Party's bureaucracy. Mr. Zhou pointed out that the privileges of Communist Party officials actually covered all areas, including birth, old age, sickness, and death. Each province had jails just for the officials at the bureau level, and their treatment was far beyond the ordinary jails. Senior officials could even enjoy special care in prison. Including the privilege of medical resources, the feature of privilege began early since CCP's Yan'an times, and the state apparatus maintained the unjust system. The authority could suppress any criticism of this privilege.

Source: Radio Free Asia #Oct05

#China #CCP #Privilage #COVID19 #DonaldTrump #HuaChunying #ChineseNetizens #MedicalTreatment

UAE Donates COVID-19 Test Kits from BGI to Nevada, U.S. Government Warns Against Using it for Fear of Leakage of Patient Privacy

Source: Apple Daily #Oct16

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UAE Donates COVID-19 Test Kits from BGI to Nevada, U.S. Government Warns Against Using it for Fear of Leakage of Patient Privacy

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) donated 250,000 doses of Chinese-made COVID-19 test kits to the State of Nevada. However, the officials from the U.S. Department of Foreign Affairs and Homeland Security privately warned the State of Nevada not to use this batch of test kits due to concerns over patient privacy, the accuracy of the kits, and the involvement of the Chinese government.

U.S. intelligence agencies have been warning that China and other countries may use test samples to learn about the medical history of the tester, illnesses, or genetic characteristics of the test subjects, but they have not provided evidence. According to an internal email obtained by the Associated Press under the Public Records Act, the office of the Governor of Nevada shows that the U.S. authorities are most concerned about the test kits produced by BGI Group from China, the largest gene-sequencing company in the world.

William Puff, a Homeland Security regional attaché at the U.S. Embassy in Abu Dhabi, sent an email to Nevada officials, “I hope that the leadership of the Nevada COVID-19 Task Force is aware of this. As a result, they can make an informed decision and know some concerns of the U.S. government."

Source: Apple Daily #Oct16


#UAE #COVID19testkits #US #Nevada #USDeptofHomelandSecurity #USDeptofForeignAffairs #BGIgroup #Chinatestkits #AbuDhabi #COVID19 #WuhanCoronavirus #WilliamPuff
Dissertation from New Zealand Scholar, Revealing the Access of China to Sensitive Technology, Suppressed by Institution Along with an Investigation

Source: Apple Daily #Oct19

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Dissertation from New Zealand Scholar, Revealing the Access of China to Sensitive Technology, Suppressed by Institution Along with an Investigation

A New Zealand academic, who studies China issues, published a paper earlier, exposing China's infiltration and the use of New Zealand academic institutions to gain access to sensitive military technology. However, she is suppressed by the university where she teaches, prompting concern in Australia that China is threatening international academic freedom.

Anne-Marie Brady, a professor in the Department of Political Science and International Relations at the University of Canterbury, and a researcher at the Wilson Center, a think tank in Washington, first published in July this year in the academic journal Australian Foreign Affairs entitled, "What the Party Believes - Chinese Spy Tactics, and How to Resist". Then, she published another joint research report entitled "Holding a Pen in One Hand, Gripping a Gun in the Other".

Both papers mentioned, some Chinese companies and universities used their relationships with New Zealand academic institutions to steal sensitive technology that could use in the development of military technology. Both papers pointed out that the Chinese Communist Party used the merging of military and private institutions to expand the defense industry sector and enable technological advances.

Nevertheless, after the publication of the article, she was under suppression with a university internal investigation. Ian Wright, the vice-chancellor of the University of Canterbury, said the papers contained "wrong factual information and misleading inferences", and that the Wilson Centre had submitted the articles to the New Zealand parliament.

The attorney of Brady, Stephen Franks, bluntly dismissed the incident as absurd, and the university had even decided to refer Brady for disciplinary investigation because they did not like the results of her research. He added, “We are concerned that Brady may lose his teaching position.” Richard McGregor, a senior fellow at the Lowy Institute, also supported her, believing Brady "is a fearless and independent scholar on Chinese-related topics", resulting in "inevitably expose some unpalatable truths".

Source: Apple Daily #Oct19

#NewZealand #China #Australia #CanterburyUni #AnneMarieBrady #AcademicFreedom #CCP #SensativeTechnology #ChinaPoliticalInfluence