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#AsiasFinest #Unfreedom
HK Police asks rally organizer to follow theme park's entrance practice and hand in names of rally participants

The Hong Kong police has recently banned the application made by the Civil Human Rights Front (#CHRF) for a protest on October 1, 2020, a public holiday in Hong Kong for the Lantern Festival as well as PRC's national day.

The CHRF has filed for an appeal, but the appeal board upheld the police's decision to ban what would have been Hong Kong's largest authorised protest in months.

The board said that a rally on National Day could put public health at risk despite social distancing measures proposed by the organizer, such as asking marchers to wear masks and walk in groups of no more than four.

Jimmy Sham Tsz-kit, Convenor of CHRF, further revealed that, during their negotiation with Hong Kong Police, the Force cited Ocean Park’s entrance policy as a reference, requesting rally organizer to collect participants’ names and hand them to the Police to identify the source of potential disturbances.

Sham was concerned that this is another attempt of the government to silence Hong Kong citizens, removing their freedom of speech and freedom of expression.

Source: Apple Daily #Sept29
#WhiteTerror #FreedomofExpression
#ThinlyVeiledThreat #AsiasFinest
Does HK Police want to throw Apple Daily out the window?

On Sept 24, 2020, Hong Kong Police published on Facebook a comic about being precautious of telephone scams. In the graphic, the apple is thrown out the window for giving wrong answer. The shape of the apple bears similarity with Apple Daily' icon, which many believes to be a clear allusion to Apple Daily. Many netizens left a message criticising the police for instigating violence and advocating hatred.

Famous Hong Kong pundit and media personality Stephen Shiu Yeuk Yuen commented on Twitter that the Police should spend more time advancing their knowledge rather than arresting political activists such as Joshua Wong, as they had misinterpreted what the meme is about.

Source: Stand News; Stephen Shiu Yeuk Yuen's Twitter Account #Sept24

Further Reading:
Know Your Meme: Boardroom Suggestion

#AppleDaily #PoliceState #FreedomOfPress #WhiteTerror
#Court #LGBTRights
LGBT+ organizations: Hong Kong Court Only Willing to Consider Same-sex Marriage Rights in Split Scenario and in Judicial Review

Source: MingPao #Sept27

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#Court #LGBTRights
LGBT+ organizations: Hong Kong Court Only Willing to Consider Same-sex Marriage Rights in Split Scenario and in Judicial Review

The High Court in Hong Kong issued a verdict where the denial of inheritance rights of spouses in a homosexual marriage were ruled unconstitutional on Sept 18, 2020.

Judge Anderson Chow Ka-ming stated that the regulations discriminate between heterosexual couples and same-sex couples and lack a reasonable explanation, which constitutes as illegal discrimination.

The Attorney General claimed that local marriage law grants heterosexual couples a special status, and the members of heterosexual couples must bear the legal responsibility to support their spouse, so they cannot be treated the same as same-sex couples.

Judge Chow disagreed with the claim, stating that the original intention of the law is to prevent the deceased from evading the responsibility of supporting others. These include those who the deceased has to take care of in terms of legal responsibilities and moral responsibilities, such as their parents and brothers and sisters.

Chow stated that the Attorney General's view is wrong and reflects that the law treats opposite-sex couples and same-sex couples differently.

However, the judicial review filed by Jimmy Sham, vice convener of the Civil Human Rights Front (#CHRF) was shot down by Judge Chow on the same day.

Sham challenged previous ruling of the court, arguing that the refusal to recognise overseas same-sex marriages is in violation of the Basic Law.

Some LGBT+ organizations believe that Sham's lost case is extremely unfair and ironic, criticising that same-sex couples could only submit judicial review on various marital rights one at a time, that "you could only win if you cut the case." They asked, "Is it impossible to enjoy these rights without judicial reviews?"

Source: MingPao ; MingPao #Sept19

Read Further:

Hong Kong's High Court Upholds Discriminatory Definition Of Marriage, Judge: “I didn’t dare to make the right choice”

#LGBT #SameSexMarriage #JimmySham #InheritanceRight
Concern Group: Hong Kong government probably knows the route of the speedboat in advance

“According to the information provided by Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department, and after reviewing Marine Department’s Vessel Traffic Services System and Marine Police’s Digital Radar Security System, it was suspected that the speedboat departed from Po Toi O at around 7am on August 23, and entered Mainland waters through southeastern side of the boundary of Hong Kong waters at around 7.30am on the same day.

The speedboat in question later passed through the effective detection range of the systems. The latest detectable time of the speedboat by the Marine Police’s Digital Radar Security System was at around 8am on the same day. The speedboat was 10.9NM outside the boundary of Hong Kong waters and was steering towards southeast direction.”

Source of photo: HK Columns (Translated)

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Concern Group: Hong Kong government probably knows the route of the speedboat in advance

12 Hongkongers were captured by the Chinese authorities since August 23, 2020 and have been detained for over a month and barred from seeing their families and the lawyers hired by their families. The HK Government has been accused of neither assisting the families nor seeking the return of the detained Hongkongers.

In the latest Hong Kong government statement released on Sept 26, 2020, it is stated that,

“According to the information provided by Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department, and after reviewing Marine Department’s Vessel Traffic Services System and Marine Police’s Digital Radar Security System, it was suspected that the speedboat departed from Po Toi O at around 7am on August 23, and entered Mainland waters through southeastern side of the boundary of Hong Kong waters at around 7.30am on the same day.

The speedboat in question later passed through the effective detection range of the systems. The latest detectable time of the speedboat by the Marine Police’s Digital Radar Security System was at around 8am on the same day. The speedboat was 10.9NM outside the boundary of Hong Kong waters and was steering towards southeast direction.”

The Save 12 Hong Kong Youths concern group responded that the Hong Kong Marine Department’s Vessel Traffic Services System and Marine Police’s Digital Radar Security System can only recognise vessels with a pre-defined identity code, generally only available for large vessels.

These systems cannot identify a vessel based on a moving light spotted on the radar alone, not to mention to track any vessel's movement beyond the detection range of the Systems.

That is to say, if the Hong Kong government doesn’t know the route of the speedboat boarded by these 12 Hongkongers in advance, it is not feasible for them to extract relevant tracking record of the speedboat from neither the Marine Department’s Vessel Traffic Services System nor Marine Police’s Digital Radar Security System in Hong Kong.

The concern group also pointed out that it would be absolutely impossible for the HK Government to put down the exact location and time as to when the speedboat has departed and from which port, as they claimed firmly in their press statement.

Source: Save 12 HK Youths Concern Group #Sept26
#WhiteTerror #PoliticalOppression
29 RTHK programme advisors warn: authority’s interference brings chilling effect among staff and casts doubts on the station’s credibility

On September 27, Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) Programme Staff Union said the broadcaster has extended Nabela Qoser’s probation period for 120 days and it also re-opened the investigation into the complaint against her. A source also revealed that the incident was owing to the pressure from the Commerce & Economic Development Bureau (CEDB), the broadcaster's overseeing authority, although Secretary for CEDB Edward Yau has denied playing a role in the incident.

29 members of RTHK’s programme advisory panel jointly issued an open letter in the late evening of September 28. In the letter, the advisors raised grave concern on the alleged pressure from CEDB over the handling of staff members’ career move, saying it has been used as a means to penalize journalists who are critical and daring to pose tough questions to government officials, holding authorities accountable for truth and justice.

The advisors also warned that turning a blind eye to the authorities' growing interference in RTHK's programmes will not only bring chilling effect among staff members, but also put the broadcaster's credibility in jeopardy.

Earlier this year, CEDB announced that a taskforce was set up to review RTHK’s governance and management in May. Kirindi Chan Man-kuen, acting deputy director who had worked for RTHK for more than 30 years, submitted her resignation letter 3 days after the taskforce was set up, citing health reasons.

Source: RTHK #Sept29
#RTHK #Censorship #PressFreedom

Related News:
RTHK Probes Reporter Famous for Critical Questions to Authorities and Extends her Probation Period Following Complaints from Beijing Loyalists
China bans Australian academics from entering country

Academics Clive Hamilton, a professor of public ethics at Charles Sturt University in Canberra, and Alex Joske, an analyst with the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (#ASPI) have been critical of China. They worked together on a book about China's political interference in Australia.

While both of them have no plan in visiting China nor applied any visa, China has banned their entry in an apparent tit-for-tat following Australia's decision to cancel the visas of two Chinese academics.

Chinese Government usually doesn't publicise who is on the blacklist. This explicit action aimed to cause a chilling effect on the academicians who need to travel to China for work or research.

#China #Australia #TravelBan #Academic

Source: ABC news #Sep24

380 Detention Camps Newly Built or Expanded in Xinjiang Since 2017, Says Australian Study

Source: Stand News #Sep24

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380 Detention Camps Newly Built or Expanded in Xinjiang Since 2017, Says Australian Study

An investigation by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) has shown that China had built nearly 400 detention camps in Xinjiang since 2017.

The ASPI discovered that since 2017, approximately 380 detention camps believed to be used to imprison Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities had been newly built or expanded in western China. The institute divided them into four categories:

• Tier 1: minimum-security re-education camps (around 108)
• Tier 2: slightly higher-security re-education camps, mostly connected to factory and warehouse (around 94)
• Tier 3: moderate-security detention centres (around 72)
• Tier 4: high-security prisons (around 107)

Investigator Nathan Ruser said while Chinese officials claimed that the detainees would be released from the camps, the authorities were still investing in new detention facilities between 2019 and 2020. The investigation report noted that at least 61 detention camps were newly built or expanded between July 2019 and July 2020. 14 of them are still under construction.

Ruser further pointed out that about half of the expanded or newly built camps are high-security prisons, meaning that the Xinjiang authorities may be transferring detainees in re-education camps to prisons.

Source: Stand News #Sep24

#China #Xinjiang #ASPI #Uyghurs #Muslim #DetentionCamp

India Sets up Expert Committee to Investigate Chinese Firms' Involvement in Personal Data Collection, Demands the Participation of Chinese Ambassador to India.

Source: Apple Daily #Sep17

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India Sets up Expert Committee to Investigate Chinese Firms' Involvement in Personal Data Collection, Demands the Participation of Chinese Ambassador to India.

As tensions continue to mount between China and India, the Indian government set up an expert committee on Wednesday, to investigate the alleged collection of personal data by Chinese firm Zhenhua Data and asked the Chinese ambassador to India to participate.

The Indian Express, a local media outlet, revealed that Shenzhen Zhenhua Data Information Technology Co (ZDIT) had collected the personal data of over ten thousand Indian politicians and celebrities to build a database in preparation for a "hybrid warfare" with India. The newspaper also quoted the External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar as saying in a written response that the government has appointed the Chief Commissioner for Cyber Security, retired Army Lieutenant General Rajesh Pant, to head an expert committee. The committee will investigate and assess whether ZDIT was involved in any illegal activities and the implications thereof. The committee will submit its recommendations and report to the government within 30 days.

ZDIT, the company under investigation, was suspected of links with the Chinese government and the Chinese Communist Party. Jaishankar stressed that the Indian government took the protection of Indian citizens’ privacy and personal data very seriously. He also said that the government was deeply concerned with foreign organisations that access or seek access of citizens’ personal data without their consent.

Source: Apple Daily #Sep17

#ZhenhuaData #ChinaIndiaConflict #India #PersonalData #CyberSecurity #CCP #ZDIT #Jaishankar

Chinese State Media Claims PLA’s Exercises in Taiwan Strait “Drills for Actual Combat”, Warns of Fighters and Missiles over Taiwan If US State Secretary Pays Visit

Source: Stand News #Sep19

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Chinese State Media Claims PLA’s Exercises in Taiwan Strait “Drills for Actual Combat”, Warns of Fighters and Missiles over Taiwan If US State Secretary Pays Visit

As the US undersecretary of state Keith Krach visited Taiwan, China has responded with military actions with the eastern theatre command of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) immediately beginning drills for actual combat near the Taiwan Strait. In an editorial published on 19 September, the Chinese state-run tabloid Global Times said this exercise was “no longer a warning” but “a drill for an actual conquest of Taiwan.” The exercise, it said, showed that the PLA was capable of organizing military actions against Taiwan within a very short period of time. “Though being a drill, it is more like an actual operation,” it said. It continued by saying that the PLA was “gaining experience for the conquest” through multiple exercises and that all it needed was a political reason to turn these exercises into an “actual battle,” “wiping off everything that has to do with the Taiwan independence movement.” The editorial warned Taiwan and the US not to see China as bluffing. If being foolhardy is what Taiwan and the US continue to be indulged in, it said, “war must be at the end of the road.”

The Global Times’s editor-in-chief Hu Xijin also shared his thoughts on China’s “national strategy” in a Weibo post. Being the world second-largest economy and a nuclear power, he said, China was “not an easy one to mess with.” This made China’s peaceful rise possible, he continued, but that did not mean it would shy away from war. Where China was left with no choice but to go to war, he wrote, direct conflict with the US should be avoided as far as possible, though “a particular lapdog that always joins America in provoking China and has crossed the line can use a good round of beating.” And if the US military went too far, said Hu, China “must be willing to fight and be good at it” and "must have the war near the coast of Chinese.”

Source: Stand News #Sep19

#US #Taiwan #China #KeithKrach #HuXijin #GlobalTimes #PLA #Military #Drill

Taiwan’s Representative in America Changes Self-Description in Twitter Bio to “Ambassador to US”, Says It Is Not Official but “What Many Call Me”

Source: Stand News #Sep21

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Taiwan’s Representative in America Changes Self-Description in Twitter Bio to “Ambassador to US”, Says It Is Not Official but “What Many Call Me”

The Taiwanese representative in the US Hsiao Bi-khim has changed her self-description to “Taiwan Ambassador to the US” in her Twitter bio after a number of members of the US Congress called for stronger ties between America and Taiwan. In a tweet posted on 21 September, Hsiao explained “Taiwan Ambassador” is what many call her and describe her job, adding that her title remains “Representative, Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office” when interacting with the US administration.

Having no diplomatic relations with the US, Taiwan does not have an embassy in America. Hsiao, therefore, holds the title of “Representative, Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office”. Commenting on Hsiao’s new bio, Taiwan’s president Tsai Ing-Wen said “Bi-khim has always shown exceptional enthusiasm and industriousness”, adding that no matter what her title is, she will make every effort to engage with different parties in America for the interest of Taiwan.

Before going on to explain that the new description is what many call her and describes her work and that her title has not changed, she apologized for having “disappointed so many supporters” in her tweet. The new description remains in her bio.

Source: Stand News #Sep21

#Taiwan #US #Diplomacy #Twitter #BikhimHsiao #TsaiIngwen

#FirstHand #Sept30
13 Months After: #NeverForget the Police 8.31 Attack of Prince Edward Station

19:14 | Prince Edward Station, Hong Kong

It has been 13 months after the police attack on train passengers at the Prince Edward Station on 31 August 2019.

In face of political oppression and arrests, Hongkongers continued to mourn victims of police brutality.
#Unfreedom #Oppression
Civil servants warned to refrain from partaking in pro-democracy rallies rejected by HK Police

A day ahead of now-banned-rally, Civil Service Secretary Patrick Nip Tak-kuen urged civil servants not to take part in any unauthorised assemblies during the mid-autumn and National Day festivities.

Source: RTHK #Sept30

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#Unfreedom #Oppression
Civil servants warned to refrain from partaking in pro-democracy rallies rejected by HK Police

The Hong Kong police has recently banned the application made by the Civil Human Rights Front (#CHRF) for a protest on October 1, 2020, a public holiday in Hong Kong for the Lantern Festival as well as PRC's national day.

A day ahead of now-banned-rally, Civil Service Secretary Patrick Nip Tak-kuen urged civil servants not to take part in any unauthorised assemblies during the mid-autumn and National Day festivities.

In a letter sent to civil servants on September 30, Nip said that as of the end of September, 46 civil servants have been suspended for either getting arrested for taking part in illegal public activities, or being under police investigation, or being prosecuted.

He said the government attaches great importance to the conduct of civil servants, and have zero tolerance for those who violate the law.

Source: RTHK #Sept30


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Source: Stand News #Sep22

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